T ry fAa Hom e P rin t Shop F i n i 1rH[E SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWKNTY-HEVHNTH YKAK. MANY HAVE NAMES ¡1 Moro Than Throe Hundred- Fifty Name« on Liats for First Period; Monties Fail to Re­ duce Attendance Records at Grade Schools in City. Thar« are more than 350 names on It»« honor roll* of th« three schools of thl* city for the first six weeks period which ended last week. Thl* I* a ■ very largo percentage of the entire student body and the principal* at the three school* are very well pleased with the work of their pupil* The number of nuiue* on the perfect attendance list* la surprising In view of the fact that the tnnaale* scare which ha* been preying on thu school children here has prevented several from turning In a record of perfect attendance. The schools have adopted a new grading system this year They are following the system being used by the state which I* divided Into five unit* as follows: I #4 100, 11 86 93. Ill 78-86, IV 7077. and V below 70 The students on the honor rolls ure a* follows: B R A T T A IN Sixth A Scholarship: Roscoe Cole, Elisa­ beth Johnson, Evelyn Macklin, Mar- guret Meek, Htephen Klee. Vila Weight. Is,Is Wilson, ()«neva Wycoff, Clarence Clark. Perfect Attendance: Bernice lia r nos, Elmer Chase. Koscoe Cole, Gor­ don Gillett, Floyd Green. Evelyn Mac­ klin. Margaret Meek, Htephen Klee, Vila Weight. Geneva Wycoff. Clar­ ence Clark. Sixth B Scholarship: Dale Robertson. Jun lor Htelnbauer, txiulua Cowden. Ixiulse Coglll, Juno Berg, Jeanntne Wither*. Attendance. Alice Bates, Jean Lloyd, Mary Fritts, Jeannlne Withers, June Berg, Louise Coglll, Ila Butman, Juan Htratton. Ralph Wills, Harley Craft, Richard Robertson, Robert Richardson, Aldon Hmyth, Junior Htelnhauer, Dale Robertson. S ixth B Scholarship: Irene Hmyth Bernice Smith, Until Keeler, Ethel Gott, Sadie Gott. Clara Brooks, Clifford Horn- berger. Roy Steele. Attendance: Clara Brooks, Bessie Cox, Hadle Gott, Ethel Gott, Ruth Keeler, Irene Hmyth. Hattie Clark. Jean Daniels, Earl House Cllfforu Hornberger, Neal Pederson, Raymond Vaughn. Fifth B Scholarship: Henry Chace, Leland Nehor. Edgar Trotter. Attendance: Francis Cornell, Mar­ jorie Inman, Isyl Kellor, Valeria Koch, Wanetta Neet, Jane Phalr, Maxine Valller, Frank Bllck, Henry Chase, Floyd Cornell James Hebert, Wilbur McPherson, Inland Neher. Jimmie Orr. Wesley Robertson, Edgar Trot­ ter, Emil Vchytll, Tommy Uchytll. Roy Pearson. Fouith B Scholarship—Peter Chace, Wayne Woolley, Ella Brooks. Attendance— Frank Bennett, Louts Blery, Carl Blck, Ella Brooks, Petor Chace, Alice Clark, Claren-e Clark. Betty Currie, Marlin Darr. Junior Ixixtnn, Billy Nesbitt, Paul Nott, Roberta Putman, Harold Trotter. Third Qrads Scholarship—('heater Hchlewe, Ar­ thur I*rochnow, Eugene Fulop, Mae Etta Moon. Dallas Knight. Attendance—Billy Dow, Bonney Fin­ dley, Holland Mattison, Milo Sever­ son, Jerald Siemsen, Irene Gerber, Hazel Keyes, Mae Etta Moon, Arda Robertson, Emma Lou 8tratton. Second Grade Scholarship— Dorothy Flanery, Bil­ lie, Hack, Ethel Ruth Fulop, Juae Mulholland, Bob Adams. Attendance—Bob Adams, Raymond Bainbridge, Harrison {killings, Mar­ garet Bird, Bobby Bennett, John Car­ rels, Albert Clark, Dorothy Flanery, Billie Haek, Oeorge Horton, Isabel Meats, John Meek, Louisa Stlckel. First Grade Scholarship—June Tennant, Alberta Williams, Howard Carrels, Richard Gott. Attendance— Peggy Anderson, How­ ard Carrels. L IN C O L N SCHOOL First Grade Scholarship—Fern Hldwoll, Jimmie Smith, John Ogilvie, Nova Jean Hei­ ser, Joan Thompson. Attendance—Harold Becker, Donald Hughes, Ayres McElfresh, Harold Nealon, John Ogilvie, Maxwoll Pohl, Robert Smith, Jimmie Smith, Fern Hldwoll, Wayne Seamans, Gerald Vchytll, Imogene Sweeney, Leota Bertsch, Jule Heiser, Nova Jean Hei­ ser, Roberta Rebhan, Elaine 8ehaf- C 'oatl: ued oa Pa a «1 SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY. ORHGON, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 6. 1930 RUMMAGE SALE FOR BENEFIT OF LIBRARY TO BE HELD SATURDAY “The People's Paper" A L IV E NEW SPA PER IN A L IV E TO W N N oó 43 SEASONED PILOT IS THRILLED WITH FIRST FLIGHT IN GLIDER Alumni Will Play City Votes Down H. S. Grid Team Eleven Measures Jim MacMnnnlman, Instruction pi­ lot at the municipal airport, took off the ground Iasi Sunday for his first flight In a glider, lie made ssveral flights with the glider belonging to the Western Gilder club at their hangars on Emerald Heights and was very enthusiastic over the experience A large amount of clothing and Many Former Star# to Show Power Bill Income Tax Carrie«; other useful articles are being gath­ Roguo River Measure Stuff to Regulars at Brat- ered at the city library this week Still Doubtful tain Field Friday preparatory to the holding of the Springfield Voter« Retain All Civic Club benefit rummage sale on City Officals and Add Frese The Grunge bill, providing for the The Springfield high school football Saturday. All proceeds from the sale to Council; Bailey Carries team will play Its last hopio game right to urganlze water and power will be turned over to the library for district*, waa approved by a large City; Dr. Booth Gets Senator- of the season here Friday afternoon use In main tai nig what books are majority of the voters Tuesday. The ship Post from L. L. Ray. at Brattaln field at 2:30 when the there and for use In purchasing more high school and another team com state income lax bill seems to have posed of the alumni dash In what carried and one the Rogue River fish­ Is expected to be one of the most ing bill seems to he doubtful. Op­ Interesting games of the current sea­ ponents to ’ the closing of the rivet son. This will be a real teat for to commercial fishing are still leading May's men as they will huve to face by a tew hundred votes and may suc- such opposition as will bo given them veed In defeating the measure. Voters ot Oregoon approved the by the two Squires brothers, Gerald measure rpeallng the state payment Morrison, the Thursman brothers, Coy LANSBERRY FUNERAL IS Leathers, Cox, Thaye McMurray and of drainage and irrigation district in­ HELD HERE TUESDAY a hoat o t others, moat of whom have terest. The state cabinet form of been out of school only one or two government was defeated as was the Mrs. Mury M tamsberry, 74, dlea years and who have not forgot their bonus loan bill and the legislators' at her home here Monday morning. football tactics. The alumni group compensation act. The two additional She was born In Clearfield, Pennsyl has a total of twenty names on their circuit judges bill was snowed under vunla on December 17, 1X65 and was list of possible material for the game. by the heaviest 'no' vote of the entire married to William lanisberry on May election. The cigarette amendment A n other Game Cancelled 11, 1X81. She was a lifelong member More hard luck struck Springfield went down as did the two motor of the Muthodlat church and has high grid schedule this week, l^aat vehicle acts. been a resident of Springfield for week the Eugene high school an­ Springfield voters approved of only IX years prior to her death. nounced that they could notp lay ^two of the many measures on the Jim has been teaching others how to fly tho powered hips for several years, and has always been quite purtl- culur about leaving the ground with a smooth running motor until he was persuaded to 'take-off without oue Sunday, their game here on November 14. ballot They were the repeal of the Now the Cntversity high team which drainage Interest which drew 229 yes was to have been hero tomorrow bos votes and 200 no votes; and the lieu­ asked to cancel this game as they tenant governorship amendment which were badly npset in their game with was given 243 yes votes and 226 no. Corvallis last week-end and they want The vote on the other measures In to devote the next two weeks to the city of Springfield was Cabinet the rebuilding of another team to face Government, yes 110, no 391; Bonus the locals on Thanksgiving day in loaD, yes 237, no 294; Motor Vehicle Eugene. This gain» on Thanksgiving act, yes 171, uo 328; Motor Vehicle day has not been cancelled and now act, 153 yes, no 317; constitutional looms as the m ist Interesting of the amendment for filling vacancies, yes three noutslde games left on the 1X2, no 269; Additional Judges, yes The funeral service» were held from schedule. 85, uo 388; Income tax, yes 228, no (he Methodist church on Tuesday at> W ill Play A lb an y 316; Antt-Clgarette amendment, yes ernoon with llev. C. J. Pike, paator, A week from Friday, November 14, 204, no 343; Rogue River fishing, yes conducting the aervlcea. Interment the local team will journey to Albany 206, no 278; Utility Districts, yes 205, was made In the Mount Vernon ceme­ 10 take on the team there instead no 313 tery. The Walker-I’oole funeral home of Eugene. There Is not a great had cuarge of the funeral arrange deal of Information available about METHODISTS ATTEND menta. the strength of the Albany team al­ FINAL SUTCLIFFE MEET­ though they ought to put up a strong ING HERE ON SUNDAY MANY VISITORS COME battle. The following week the Springfield FOR I. O. O. F. SESSIONS No evening services were held at team will meet the Junctloon City the Methodist church last Sunday. Walter Holland of Crow waa elected boys at Junction City In a return The entire crngregatlon went to the game there. This will also be an president of the I^ane County I. O. Baptist church to take part In a Joint O F. association at tbs bualnsaa meet­ Interesting game. When theae two service with t iem to heaT the closing team* clashed here Junction City lead ing of the odd Fellows association 1 address of a series which Dr. B. B. which was held here last Thursday the locals until the last part of the I Sutcliffe presented here last week. afternoon. Mr. Lane, also of Crow, fourth quarter when they opened up Dr. Sutcliffe's sermon topic Sunday wue chosen secretary for the associa­ and swept the visitors off their feet. evening was "The Spiritual Warrior." The second string players had but tion. Crow was named an the place The Sutcliffe lectures were sponsored for the next meeting to be held a little trouble last Thursday In defeat jointly by the churches and wete Ing the Roosevelt junior high (earn. year from now. Inter denominational Large audiences The score waa 28-0. greeted the famous speaker at each Two hundred visiting Odd Fellows of his appearances during the week. and Rebekahs were In Springfield for NEW EQUIPMENT ADDED the meetings Thursday, and a crowd BY LOCAL BAKERY MAN LEGION HOLDS DANCE estimated at X00 persons attended the open program which was held In the AT THURSTON SATURDAY Two new machines have been added high nchonl gymnasium In the evening. A dance at Thurston hall will b\ to the equipment at the New Home A program of local talent, an address Bakery during the past week. They held Saturday night under the aut by Past Grand Master Henry S W est­ are an electric doughnut cooker and pices of Springfield post, Americas brook of Portland, and stunts by most an electric bread wrapper. "The in­ Legion. The legion held a dance twe of the visiting lodges was presented. creased volume of business which we weeks ago at the Thurston hall with have been getting made it necessary a good crowd present. The dance is GERBBER HOME SCENE OF for us to add the equipment to opened to the general public and it LARGE HALLOWE EN PARTY handle the orders," explains Carl is hoped that many from Springfield will attenu. McKee, proprietor. One of the largest Hallowe’en par ties held In Springfield this year for tho younger folk was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Gerber VI Total III U 1 Precincts on Thursday evening of last week United States Senator— 34 10 • Misses Olive and Eunice Gerber en 9 9 413 121 121 68 103 tertalned a largo number of their 16 1 2 7 H. H. Stallard ............................ friends with games and refreshments, 1 9 4 4 0 O. D. Teel . ........................... all appropriate to the occasion. 228 37 27 27 37 Those attending the party were Nel Representative In Congress-— 176 52 39 45 40 William A Dvlzell lie 8luurt, Maxine Snodgrass. Esther 384 103 116 63 W. C. Hawley ........................................... 102 McPherson, William Sward, Chester Gerber, Roy Oeorge, Velma Moscop, Governor— 319 88 89 67 85 Edward F. Bailey ............................... 165 60 t'harleton Richardson, Eldred L. Glas- 37 25 33 157 40 41 33 pey. Dorothy Fisher, Loretta Franz, Phil Metschan ................... .................... — 43 9 4 2 3 0 Eunice McFarland, Faye Fisher. Doris Justice ot the Supreme Court, No. One— Gerber, A1 Smith, Majorle Prochnow, 500 171 123 91 115 Joe Gerber, Gordon Louk, Alfred Justice of the Supreme Court, No. Five— 231 33 81 67 Frese, I«eo Richard, and Mr. and Mrs. 60 236 83 52 42 59 N. W. Squires and Roland Tawlerton Justice of the Supreme Court, No. Six— of Monroe. 431 129 114 76 112 63 16 16 17 • SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS Superintendent o f Public Instruction— 477 144 138 91 C. A. Howard ................... - ....................— 112 HAS PARTY ON FRIDAY Commlssloer of Labor— 98 27 23 30 18 452 116 166 72 Mrs. A. B. Van Valzah entertained 9» with a social gathering at her home Senator. Lane County— 461 131 129 88 H C Wheeler ........................... 113 on Friday evening for the members Senator, Lane and Linn Counties— of her Sunday school class of the 326 97 93 60 76 226 68 Methodist church. Au Informal eve­ 62 46 49 L. L. Ray .................... .............■■............... ning was spent playing games and Representative, Third Representative District, I*ane County. 386 121 95 72 98 Earl H Hill refreshments were served. The class 422 130 117 73 102 Emmett Howard ....................... — consists of the young people of uni. 369 116 87 70 96 Elwlu A. McCornack ............................... verslly age and above. County Commissioner— 368 91 109 67 O E Crowe ....................... 101 269 60 36 38 135 MAN BREAKS SHOULDER County Treasurer— 465 127 127 89 112 IN FALL ON SATURDAY Justice of the Peace, Springfield District— 451 121 91 126 Wm P Walker ................... 113 J. R. Clark of Signal sustained a Mayor— 390 109 124 71 86 W. P. Tyson ............................................... broken shoulder Saturday when he 66 214 35 55 69 W P Walker ........................... fell from a truck striking his shoulder Councilman, Four Year Term— ngalnst a railroad tie. He was loath­ 396 100 80 98 117 112 419 74 ing cordwood onto a railroad car 121 112 74 268 49 82 63 when a piece caught on his overall Recorder, Two Year Term— and the sudden jerk which he gave 262 76 42 63 81 Grace Kirkland May ......................... the atlck caused him to loose his 344 90 68 91 95 footing. A Springfield physician set Treasurer— 139 604 95 134 the Injured bone. Wm. G. H u g h e s ------------------------------- 136 Surviving her la her husband; eight sona, Claude, Ward, Lynn, Bruce, Mark, Paul, Coy and Hugh, three daughters, Mrs. Kate Hlrchy of Elory, Wisconsin, Mrs Bruce Morse of Ixis Angele*, and May Landsborry of Springfield; three brother*, Burton Sankey of Springfield, Samuel San- key and Clarence Sankey, both of Clearfield; two slaters, Mrs. Htella Little of Eureka, California, and Mrs. Jenny Ireland of Clearfield H ow Springfield Voted « MEIER LANDSLIDES material. Any person who has any Julius Meier, running as an Indepen­ clothes, fruit or other saleable articles dent candidate on the Joseph plat­ are requested to get In touch with form, was elected governor of this Mrs. David Saltsman who Is chair­ state Tuesday by one of the largest man of the rummage sale committee. majorities ever given a candidate tor that office by the voters of Oregon. G. A. R. CIRCLE TO BE Edward F. Bailey of Junction City, REORGANIZED HERE drew second place In the election and ON FRIDAY EVENING Phil Metachan was low man. Meier has carried twenty-five counties, Bai­ Iuka circle number 28 of the Ladles ley seven, and Metschan tour. Auxiliary of the O. A. R. will be for­ Lane county voted heavily for Ed mally reorganized Friday night at a Bailey and Springfield gave the demo­ meeting to be held at the Community cratic candidate almost as many hall according to Mrs. C. F. Egglman, votes as his two competitors together state president who is backing the polled. reorganization movement. All eligi­ Democrat In Congress ble persons are urged to attend the Senator McNary was re-elected to meeting as officers will be elected the United States senate, defeating and formally installed by Mrs. Freida Llewellyn Bunks, independent, and Peterson, state inspector, of Dallas Elton Watkins, democratic by very and Mr*. Egtmann Immediately after Urge majorities. W. C. Hawley was the reorganization. Springfield women re-elected congressman from the first will serve refreshments following the district and K. R. Butler will again meeting. represent the second district. Chas. F. Martin, democratic, will represent LINCOLN TEACHERS m e third district, having defeated ENTERTAIN FOR MOFFITT Franklin F. Korrel. Percy R. Kelly, James U. Campbell Teachers at the Lincoln school gath­ and Harry R. Belt were winners for ered at the home of Miss Edna Platt the three supreme court positions. Saturday evening for a social gather­ C. A. Howad waa elected superin ing honoring Lawrence Moffitt, former tendent of public instruction again principal, who concluded his work without opposition. C. H. Gram de­ there Friday and who became as­ feated his socialist opponent, James sistant county school superintendent Alley, for Ubor commissioner. on Saturday. The evening was spent The race for the joint senatorshlp playing games and refreshments were from Linn and Lane counties was served at a late hour. very close In Lane county, but Dr. Those attending were Mr. Mofflt, Joel Booth of Lebanon came through Mrs. Opal Roberts, Miss Wilma Scott, in his home county with a large ma­ Miss Crystal Bryan, Miss Crystal jority and easily defeated L. L. Ray, Male, Mrs. Ella Lombard, Mrs. Eliza his democratic opponent. H. C. Wheel­ beth Page, Roy P. Quiney and Charles er of Pleasant Hill was elected with­ Platt. out opposition to the senate from Lane county, as were Earl Hill. Em­ FRIENDS GATHER FOR met Howard, and Elwtn McCornack to BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY to the legisUture. O. E. Crowe won the county com­ A large number of friends and rela­ missioner post over Rose Huston, tives of W. A. Lambert gathered at democratic, by a good majority, and his home at 706 C street on Saturday Grace Schlska was re-elected without evening to surprise him on his birth­ opposition. day anniversary. The evening was City Retains O fficials spent with conversation and enter­ All Springfield city officials who tainm ent Refreshments were served sought re-election In the general elec­ by the visitors. tion on Tuesday were returned to Those present Included Mr. and Mrs. their posts with safe margins. They Dick Ross and daughter, Lilly May, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Hurley and son. are W. P. Tyson, mayor; W. C. Mc- Junior, Mrs. Lillie Lyons and son, Lagan, city councilman; 1. M. Peter­ Jay, all of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. son, recorder; Wm. G. Hughes, city Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Quy Casteil and treasurer; and W. F. Walker, Justice son, Bobbie, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Cole ot the peace for the Springfield dis­ and son, Charles. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. trict The latter two had no opposi­ Martin and daghter, Patricia, and son tion. Fred Frese, local baker, won Billie, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Potter and over CUrk Wheaton for the council daughter. Dorothy May, and eon, Paul, poet to succeed M. J. McKlln who de­ Mrs. Ella Coie, H. E. Pitts, Mr. and clined to run for re-election. Tyson Thanks Voters Mrs. E. W. Baldwin, and sons, Gordon Mayor Tyson stated this morning and Donald, Kathryn Bishop and BiUie that he desired to thank the voters H1U. of Springfield for their loyal support and confidence. He stated that he HENRY GRESSMAN DIES; felt certain that a clean, efficient FUNERAL TO BE FRIDAY administration will be possible with Henry Gressman died Tuesday the backing of the councilman and morning, November 4, at the home other city officials who were elected of his daughter, Mrs. Tom McKlnnis, Tuesday. Tyson was elected for a two-year near Ashland at the age of 72 years. He has lived In Springfield for many term to serve out the balance of the years and had gone to Ashland only term of the late C. O. Wilson. The two councilman were elected for four- a few days before his death. He ts survived by his daughter and year terms, and the recorder and several other relatives. His wife died treasurer will serve for two years. The division of the votes cast in here several years ago. The body Is being brought to Spring- Springfield for the various state and field and the funeral will be held city officers Is as follows by pre­ Friday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock at cincts: the Walker-Pool chapel In Springfield. Harry Benton will have charge of EASTERN STAR WILL the services. Mr. Benton baptized Mr. ENTERTAIN VISITORS Cressman several years ago and has been a cloee friend ot his for a Members of the Cascade chapter long time. O. E. S„ Springfield will entertain the members of the chapters at Cot­ tage Grove, Creswell, and two Eugene SPECIAL MEETINGS HELD BY BAPTISTS TH IS WEEK chapters at a social meeting to be held here on Tuesday evening, No­ Special inspirational meetings are vember 18, It was decided at the meet­ being conducted at the Baptist church ing held here Tuesday evening. The each evening this week excepting local group will put on degree work Monday and Saturday. Rev. Ralph and will provide a musical program. R. Mulholland, pastor, is the speaker Rereshents will also be served ac­ at all of the meetings except on cording to Mrs. W. C. Wright, worthy Wednesday when Rev. Bryant Wilson matron of the local organization. of the First Baptist church of Eugene delivered the address. COMMITTEE NAMED FOR The subjects for the sermons are REBEKAHS SOCIAL MEET Tuesday, ‘‘A New Cart of The Right Thing in the Wrong Way” ; Thurs Mrs. O. F. Kiser was named chair­ day, “A Poem of the Infinite’’; Fri­ man of the social committee for the day, "God's Symbol for a Lop-Sided next social meeting of the Rebekah Man.” lodge to be held November 17 at The Sunday morning subject will the meeting here Monday. He as be "What Good Shall My Life do Me?” sistants wll be Mrs. Ada Love and In the evening the pastor will speak Mrs. Sara Johns. Only routine busi­ on the topic, “A World Outlook and ness was transacted at the meeting a Heart Respnse.” of the lodge on Monday evening.