THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW E N TY HE\ K N T II YEAR S I’RINGMELD IANK COUNTY OREGON "Serve Yourself and Save" Women’s Sample SHOES and Oxfords Black» only. Heavy q uality tola. Lined uppers. Sixes ft to 2. Thia la Real value for School wear. P a ir— $2.98 $1.19 ‘Lest You Forget’ Business Cards Office Korins L ette r Heads H tatem ents L ig h t or D a rk Colors. years. Special— p air Heavy quality m a te ria l. B lotters 8'xaa 7 to 1ft T ickets Menus, etc. 98c William’s Self Service Store 77 EAST BROADWAY EUGENE W hen u cry In the night tells th at som ething’s wrong with the baby; when sudden Illness startles the hojishold where do the thoughts go for those things needed to allay p ain 7 T o the Com m unity Drug Store! P atronize your druggist for m aintaining a conven­ ience In the neighborhood. No. 42 S t a r t in g T h u i s d a y Profit Sharing Sale Ketels’ Drug Store In N e w Store M ain, n ear F ifth Hand 1*111» Envelopes Boy’s Cord Pants X .t 30. 1930 Your Friend ii+ .eed Children’s Shoes F o rm e r V a lu e * up Io 10 50. H I H e e l*, Cuban heals, L adle* com fort ahoea Aleo a apeclal lot (J régulât 45 00 Arch Sup port Shoe*. O THURSDAY, O Springfield Electric Supply M. A. Puhi— C. J. Cooley, Prop*. At T he CONTRACTING All Kinds Electrical Repairs Willamette Press' WESTINGHOUSE RADIOS P rom pt Service Agents for Lamp* and Appliance* Bargains in Every Department Westinghouse E le c trific a tio n rificatioi Apptui«*« ApiMr^m* ' W iring {• T h e Golden Rule Rulers of Low Prices 10th & Willamette— EUGENE— New Schaefers Bldg. We give 8. & H. Green Stamp« 134 6th 8t. Phone 157 . m im h MMI M