— . I .. . t. INTERIOR REDECORATED SMALL CHILDREN HAVE KENSINGTON CLUB AT NEW HOME BAKERY PARTY ON SATURDAY ENTERTAINS WITH The salesroom of the New Home The Mother's Jewels, a group of PARTY LAST NIGHT I ANE I. O. O. F. MEET HERE today ; PUBLIC PROGRAM IS TONIGHT Several hundred niemberc of the I. O. O. F. lodge are vialtlng here today aa delegates to the convention of the Lane County Council of the 1. O. O. P. and Rebekahs which are holding sessions at the I. O. O. F. hall and the Community hall this morning and afternoon. A large group of Rebekahs from Oakridge are here to put on the de gree work at the Rebekah meeting to be held this afternoon. A program of talks and music to­ gether with stunts by all of the vislt- !ng lodges will be given at the high sehool gymuasium this evening Many local people will have a part In the program and the general public Is Invited to attend. THUR8DAY. OCTOBER 80. l»80 THE SPRINGFIKIJ) NEWS PAGE EIGHT W a rn e r Baneter, M y rn a Loy and N oah Beery at the M cD onald. ’47 Candidates * (he younger children of (he Methodist — One of the hlghllghta of the Hal church will be entertained at a Hal luwe'e* season In Springfield was the loween party at the Methodist church ; masquerade party given last night at on Saturday afternoon. They will tile Community hall by the members plnv Halloween games and will have of the Kensington club for (be mem i fro ihments. Each child will bring hers of the Needlecruft, Priscilla, and iheir 'mite* box offering which they | Aeneas groups Everyone came dress­ have been nccumulnllng for several ed In costume and the evening was weeks The contents of these boxes spent with Hallowe'en games und will be turned over to a home for refreshments orphaned liable«. The children'« group 1« conducted Mrs. lx>vl Neet was In charge of 1 the parlv and was assisted by Mrs. under the direction of the Women'« W. C. Wright. Mrs W C. Kebhan. Mission society of (he Methodist Mrs John llonderer, Mrs C. E. Ken church. - I '"T- von. Mrs L. May, Miss Ends Swart«, ! L I . 1» Mrs Alfred Morgan. Mrs. Clarence I j Chase, Mrs L. E Basford. and Mrs | j Harry Whitney. Colonial “ The Golden Calf” 6 A t'arlm id of bone dry mill Blabwood from old Krowth fir tlmln«r will l>«> unloaded near the Springfield Creamery during the next week. TI i I h wood will bo nold cheap for n u ll. Call Phone 7 Or leave order» at Springfield Creamery Your money hack If not aatlafltni. MANY VISITORS TO COME Cent nued from Page 1 held for the benefit of the city FOR M. E. LADIES' AID Liquor laws, problems. vtolsiflous; ’ library wi re formulated at the regu RALLY NEXT WEDNESDAY man; E. P. Thurman. Judge; Welby and enforcements were the highlights : ’.ar meeting of the Civic club here Stevens, 1st clerk; Ida C. Adams, 2nd Tuesday evening. Mrs. David Salts- of the uddress which Rev John Knox cleric; Hattie Myers. 3rd clerk. man was named general chairman of j of tin» Knox tabernacle In Eugene Number 3—Hattie B. Drury, chair (he committee. Books, canned fruit, delivered at the Methodist church man; Lillian Black, Judge; James B. clothing, vegetables or any other here Monday evening under the au Young. 1st clerk; Mrs. E. E May, •hing are welcome and any persons spleen of the local unit of the \V 2nd Clerk; Alice L. Thompson. 3rd having such things which they care C T C The speaker cited Instances through clerk. to contribute to the sale are asked Number 4— Mrs. Abbie Wheaton, to notify Mrs. Salesman The sale all recorded history which showed chairman; H. F. Gordon, judge; Elma will be held on November 8, The that the over Indulgence In liquor F. Halsey, 1st clerk; Ida P. Swarte, place has not been decided upon as and the accompanying lawlessness has nlways resulted In the disruption 2nd clerk; Elizabeth Olson, 3rd clerk. yet. Mrs. C. E Wheaton. Mre. A. B. Van of the strongest empires and clvtlln Precinct Four Is the only one In (Ions. this city to have both a day board Valzah. and Mrs. Carl Olson were A large audience heard the speaker. and a counting board. The members elected delegates to attend the annual of the counting board are: Katherine convention of the second district of Basford. chairman; Ada B. Van Val- the state federation of clubs which MANY LOCAL PEOPLE zah. Judge; Leota Rodenbough. 1st was h«1«! lr, Eugene yesterday Mrs ATTEND STAR MEETING clerk; Mary Doane, 2nd clerk; L. E. Van Valzah was unable to attend as she Is serving on the Jury this Basford. 3rd clerk. i Twenty-four local membera of Cas wei k. The second district Is com- < ado chapter of the Eastern Star nosed of six counties and Includes attended the meeting of the Cottage Glove circle as guests on Friday ♦ UPPER WILLAMETTE ♦ 13 member organizations. The next regular meeting of the evening. A program of music and Civic club should be held on No short talks was held following the LEGION MAKES PLANS Mr. Higgins, who lives alone at vember 11. but will not be held as regular meeting of the lodge and FOR BENEFIT CARD PARTY Pleasant Hill south of the Woodman that Is Armistice day. •his was followed by refreshment«. hall, had both bones broken in his The members of the club are plan­ Several members from the Creswell Plans for a benefit card party to left leg below the knee last week ning another travel trip for their circle also attended the meeting. be sponsored by the American Legion while plowing. The horses ran Into meeting on November 25. They will for the purpose of raising funds with a hornets* nest and swung back visit the Hawaiian Islands. which to furnish a room In the Com­ catching Mr. Higgins In such a way munity hell were formulated at the that his leg was broken. The horses CUBIT REMAINS SHIPPED meeting of the Springfield American ran away, circling the house twice TO SISTER IN KANSAS Legion post which was held last and then going up the lane toward FRIDAY A SATURDAY Thursday evening. The card party the highway. Nelgbors saw the team The remains of John Wesley Cubit will be held at the Community hall running with the plows behind them who passed away at the Pacific on Thursday. November 20. and knowing Mr. Higgins was alone, The next meeting of the Legion went to his ranch to see what had Christian hospital last Saturday eve will be held at Walterville. Many j happened. They found him at the nlng were shipped to Garnett. Kansas, members of the local post live be barn gate. Realizing the neighbors this week by the Walker-Poole chapel tween Walterville and Thurston and would not know of his plight Mr. of Eugene. Mr. Cubit died following an operation for acute appendicitis. bv meeting there it makes long trips Higgins had crawled from the field unnecessary for a few each time. New In which he was plowing to the gate. He was 64 years old. He has a members may Join from those regions He was taken to the Pacific Christian sister, Elizabeth Cubit, at Garnett, if the meetings are held there part hospital where an x-ray revealed that and several brothers, whose addresses of the time thinks Jack Larson, one bone was broken In one place, are not known. finance officer. the other In two places. It will be six months before Mr. Higgins will LARGE CROWD GREETS RELIGIOUS LEADER MANY WOMEN TO ATTEND be able to get around again the Large crowds are greeting Dr. B. DAVIS SHOWER TODAY doctors say. Mr. Higgins' neighbors are to meet at h's home on Friday B. Sutcliffe, noted Bible lecturer, each leadin g among the social attrac with horses and finish planting his evening at the Baptist church this lions of the city this afternoon Is the field«. His chores are being done week. His appearance here is being large shower being given at the home by his neighbors. sponsored Jointly by the local Prot­ of Mrs. W ills Bertsch for Mrs. Archie About twenty-five young folks en­ estant churches. Dr. Sutclllffe will Davis. A large number of Eugene joyed the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. preach at the Bapttst church Sunday and Springfield women have been In-1 J. A. Phelps last Thursday when they on the "Sufficiency of Christ." Ills vlted ’o attend the gathering which entertained for their two children, evening subject will the "The Spirit­ starts at 2:30. Robert and Evelyn. The Hallowe'en ual Warrior.” idea was carried out In house decora­ Among those who have been Invited tions, games and prizes. Those who are Mrs. F. B. Flanery, Mrs. W. R. were present at the party were Verna Dawson, Mrs. W. C. McLagan, Mrs , Wiley, Veda Dalely, Felma and Al­ Noah Helterband, Mrs. George Proch-1 now, Mrs. Wanda Barnes, Mrs. Rust, j berta Circle, Florence and Lncllle Jordan, ancy Barnum. Mildred Swift, Mrs. O. P. Nordllng, Mrs. Halt, Edna 1 Bonnie Jeanne Tinker, Helen Settle, Yarnell, Willa Edmlnston, Mrs. C. P. Lucetta Baughman, Emma Olson, Clover, Mrs. Chester Aldrich, Mrs. Elva Brabham, Evelyn Phelpe, Paul W. K. Barnell, Mrs. A. R. Sneed, Mrs. THUR. - FRI. , Brabham, Jack Doane, Dick Noble, C. A. Swarts, Mrs. E. E. Morrison, Bill Copeland, Robert Phelps, Alvin Mrs. R. P Mortensen, Mrs. Ida Gantz, El Brendel ¿ and Henry Olson, George Jameson, Mrs. D. B. Murphy, Mrs. Roland Dwight Brown and Harry Barnum. ...In... 'V Mrshler, Mrs. Vaughn, Pearne Crowe, The young folks of the Intermediate Mrs. W A. Taylor, Mrs. H O. Dlb- w ith blee, Mrs. Wm. Rodenbough, Mrs. Endeavor had a social at the home Ernest Bertsch and several others. of Mrs. C. E. Jordan Friday night t of last week. WARNER BAXTER Mr. and Mrs. Worth Wiley and In­ CHICKEN THIEVES PAY Fox Picture VISIT HERE LAST NIGHT fant son of Salem visited at the home _____ of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Kilpatrick Between 40 and 50 chickens were Monday. Laughs Galore rtolen late last night from Effie Pur-i The Woman’s club of Pleasant Hill will meet at the home of Mrs. Andy cell on North Fifth street according to Lum Anderson, chief of police. A Olson Wednesday of this week. Mrs. SATURDAY ONLY check has been made of all produce Olson will be assisted by Mrs. George WHEELER Kelsey and Miss Ann Parks. houses In this vicinity and no de­ WOOLSEY liveries have been made this morning. J A masquerade Hallowe'en party will P h Mr Anderson and county offl- he given at the Goshen Orange hall cals, who are working on the case, I Thursday evening, October 30, for say they have strong clues as to Grange members only. Ixiwell, Cres­ v ho did the stealing. No arrests well and Irving Granges have been h ive been made. Invited. Refreshments of cider and doughnuts will be served. THREE ARRESTED HERE Paul Harden, who was recently dis­ ON LIQUOR CHARGES missed from the hospital at Klamath Falls after a siege of typhoid fever, / ntltony Pulicella of Albany was Is at the home of his father at Pleas­ fined »50 for being intoxicated and ant Hill. far disorderly conduct on the streets A miscellaneous shower was given < t K ' g f b - l d Monday by Harold J. for Mrs. Fllnyd Farrier, a fall bride, We! Justice of the peace, following last Wednesday afternoon at the home lie eriest here Saturday night by of Mrs. Jack Sheasley at Lowell. The I roliibltlon officers. house was decorated with autumn col Wf ne Hawke, who was arrested limn«, of Jack O’ Lanterns. Mrs. i.ltb l ulicells. was charged with pos- Farrier received many useful house­ • ; sioi and resisting arrest. He plead hold articles among them a complete ■ ot guilty and 1« out on <1,000 ball. set of dishes. j;< i Tojnseth, peald not guilty to Mrs. Mary Herbert, mother of Mrs, I >»»< end was released on <500 Maggie Stewart, passed away at her ball. home In Eugene Sunday. October 19. In the work room the walle and all woodwork and caeca have been painted a light cream color. The floor will be painted there within a few days according Io Carl McKes. proprietor. DRY WOOD CIVIC CLUB TO HAVE RUMMAGE SALE SOON W. C T. U. SPEAKER TELLS HISTORY OF LIQUOR Plans (or a rummage sale to be A large number of women are ex­ pected to come to Springfield on next Wednesday to attend the Salem sub­ district Methodist 1-adies Aid rally which la to be held at the local Methodist church on that date. The sessions will open at 11:00 a. m. with assembly, introduction of visitors and devotional with Dr. M A. Marcy of Salem presiding. A cov­ ered dish luncheon will be served at roon in the dining room of the ch irch, and the afternoon session, which will be held in the main au ditorium. will start at 1:15 p. m. This will be devoted to musical num­ bers, recitations and reports from various individuals. Mrs. M M. Male has general charge ol the arrangements for the rally. She 1» being assisted by several com­ mittees. Bakery has been completely reflnlabed during the l>«el week and now pre sents a very attractive appearance The walls have been painted a light cream color and the wiatdwork and show cases have been painted a light green which has been stippled The floor has been painted a slate gray ! ! i ’ City Fuel Company ' N o tic e o f S c h o o l M e e tin g I > NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voter« of School Dlatrlct No. , 18. of Lane County. Slate of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING of said i district will be held at the High School Auditorium, on Ihn 241H day of Novnm I her, 1830. at 7:30 o'clock In the afternoon for the purpose of discussing the budget hereinafter set out with the levying board. und to vote on the proposition of levying a spin-la 1 district tax The total amount of money needed by the said school district during the fiscal year beginning on June 30, 1830, and ending June 30. 1811, Is estimated In the following budget and Includes the amounts Io be received from the county school fund, state school fund, elementary school fund, speclnl district tux. uud all other moueya of the dlstrlcL 6 U n til th s ballots are counted at Issst one hour a fte r the tim e set for the m eeting In d is tric ts of the aeoond and th ird claeeee, any legal voter of the d is tric t shall be e n title d to vote upon any m atters before the meeting. BUDGET Estimated Receipts From From From From From Other Total county school fund state school fund elementary school fund tuition for pupils below high school high school tuition Aourc»'« ■ . • nue receipts <6.860 00 1 JOO 00 4.K00 00 60 00 M 00 00 100 00 ------------------ ---...... - - «0.000 Ilo Estim ated Expenditures Kiemen- High ta ry • Compulsory education and i-rn m S u p p lies____________________ ____ _________ • Elections and publicity • Logal service (clerk's bond, audit, et< i T o ta l Expense of G eneral Control II. IN S T R U C T IO N — Supervision P rincipals < 180 00 < 3500 35 00 40 00 30 00 School T o ta l 110.60 16 00 30 00 10 00 10 00 635 00 4 Stenographers and other office assistants < 2,760 00 f 3,100 00 700 00 Total Expanse, Supervision ____ < 6.560' I I I . IN S T R U C T IO N — T each ing • Teachers _____..... ............... ...... • Supplies (chalk, paper, etc.) • Textbooks (desk copies and Indigent) Other expense of teaching <17.685 00 <11.460.00 460 00 700.00 60 00 180 00 185.00 of Teaching IV. OPERATION OF PLANT • Janitors and other employees • Janitors’ supplies • Fuel Light and power Water Telephone Other Expense of operation T o ta l Expense «0,110.00 2.080 00 < 1,046 00 186 00 216.00 37000 330.00 120 00 206 00 145 00 136.90 86 00 80 00 26 00 26 00 T o ta l Expense o f O peration V. M A IN T E N A N C E A REPAIRS < 6,046 • Repair and replacement of furniture and equipment • Repair and maintenance of buildings and grounds < 116 00 I 186 00 400 00 300 00 T o ta l Expense of M aintenance and Repaire V I. A U X IL IA R Y A G E N C IE 8 Personal service (librarian, etc.) . < 1.00 < Total Expense ef Auxiliary Agendas VII. F IX E D C H A R G E S • Insurance 120 00 6 60 00 < 300.00 6 100 00 T o ta l Fixed Charges V I I I . C A P IT A L O U T L A Y S /Iteration of buildings (not repairs) New furniture and equipment 100 00 300 00 < 40000 < 60000 100 00 T o ta l C ap ital O utlays IX . 8 18000 D E B T 8 E R V IC E ITIncIpal on bonds ... ....................... Principal on warrants Interest on bonds Interest on warrants 1,000.00 2.000 00 3,800.00 600.00 T o ta l Debt Service X. E M E R G E N C Y T o ta l Em ergency T O T A L E S T IM A T E D E X P E N D IT U R E S (sum of Items 16. II 6, H l 6 IV -8 V-4 < 7,30< < 1.000 00 < l,00( VI-5, VI! 6. V1II-7, 1X9, X 3 ' ._ •Item» maked with an asterisk (•, are those most commonly used by ----— „ sschool districts , of the third class. 8 U M M A R Y O F E S T IM A T E D E X P E N D IT U R E S Fo,r «chool year from June 10, 1930 to June 30 1031 I ersonal service, sum of (M , (H-l) (III-l) IVI-1) (VI, 1-1, 21, 3-1, 4-1) ’ Supplies, sum of (1-2) (l| 2 (1112) (IV 2) ................. «VI 1 3. 2-2, 2-2, 4-2) (VIII 4) Maintenance and repairs, hiiiii of (V-l 2 3 ) ........ Debt service, sum of (IX-1, 2, 3. 4 6 'e ' l 8 l ...... MIsceRaneou.sum of (13, 4, 5i (113, 4, 6', ,',H;3 4 R. (IV-3, 4, 6, 6, 7) (V1I-1, 2. 3, 4) (VIII-6, 6.) Construction, sura of (VIII-1, 2. 3.) Emergency (X 1,2) V <38.260.00 1,615 00 1,000.00 7,300.00 2.866.00 100.00 1,000.00 T o ta l 262.140 00 T-lUI .-■eil.i.l.-d 152.140.00 .......___________________________________________________________ 20,000 00 <32.14 S"“ . '■¡. ä ' " ï ï â x '"“ ""*“ „ 'Æ â i - K r 1- ..... - Total Indebtedness (sum of Items 1, 2, 3.) ..................... 2,422.80 Dmed this 27th day of October, 1930. W' H' Chalr"‘“n. Hoard of Din 1 “ t: C. F. BARBER, Dill 8