THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1830 T H E SP R IN G F IE L D N E W S PAGE SEVEN WIDE CHOICE OF TRUCKS HIGH SCHOOL GROUPS ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ a —To Move to Corvallis— Willis Abrams to Corvallis this week. They "THE CUCKOOS" ARE OFFERED BY FORD DEALER HOLD FALL PARTIES ♦ THURSTON ♦ Bertsch will move the household are spending the winter there while FEATURED AT COLONIAL Ford (rucks and commercial cars Mambvra of the Junior class of thn Filled with mail waggery, riotous urn available Io meet almost any Hprlugflnld high school bald u hard Frank R.-nnle has been very 111 for fun and delirious nonsense, "The several weeks with flu followed by transportation need from the delivery (Inina party at the gymnasium on of small parcels to the hauling of Thursday avanlng of last weak. All Cuckoos,•’ all-talklug musical playing yellow Jaundice but Is Improving now. ull but the he.ivlust loads, according of Iha innnibnr» of tbn class cam« ut the Colonial theatre on Saturday, His mother. Mrs William Rennie, has lo John Anderson, local Ford dealer. itrnssad In old clotbas and decorations la an Innovation In sound pictures. also been confined to her ted with The new Ford line of commercial and gumaa warn all appropriate to Itadlo ITcture» has stepped out Into flu for several days. the lead among producers by Intro­ Mrs. Margaret Lien was taken to vehicles Includes Mnd«l A earn with tho occasion. ducing an all comedy entertainment at the hospital In Eugene last Thurs- 10314 Inch when) base and Model AA Kunlc« McFarland and Junta May the time audiences are sated with day where she underwent an opera­ •rucks with either 131 Vfc or 137 Inc* dramas, back-stage tion last Baturday morning and Is wheel has« The trucks may be had wnra In charg« of tbn ganarwl ar drawing room The chairman of the stories and underworld melodramas. getting along nicely. In either of two gear ratios. There rangnmnnts "The Cuckoos" la not a musical The small son of Mr. and Mrs. Is a wide choice of body types with various committals wern Irene Jntnr games; Kunlra McFarland, refresh revue. It Is a full-length production Shield has been very 111 with an either open or closed cabs, Included among the Model AA mnnts; Hnaal Wilson, decorations and based on a well developed plot, with abscess In his throat. He had to trucks are stake bodies, platform Eldon Ellison, dean up Miss Lacllla |h e comedy sequences holding full have It lanced three times. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Shough and tMxIles and five types of dump trucks, Holman and Miss Clara Wagner are sway. Gorgeously produced, with hun drede of scenes In Technicolor, “The daughter, Pa„y, motored to Portland all of which are standard In Ihe lAird Ihe Junior rluss advisors. Cuckoos" stands alone as a brand-new 1 Wednesday. They expect to return line Among the Model A commer­ Members of the sophomore class cial cars are pick and de I use delivery held thnlr party at thn gymnasium type of screen entertainment. It la the latter part of this week. an extravaganza of delirious non­ Mr and Mrs. Herbert W eiss have types on Saturday evening • sense, starring the mad wags of "Rio moved Into the Ira Nice house which "The adaptability of the Ford to Itlta" fame. Bert Wheeler and Robert was vacated when Mr Nice moved practically every business Is one of Woolsey, and boasting a notable cast to Springfield. the reasons why the new Ford Is COMMERCIAL HEAT RATE Mr and Mrs. Ray Baugh and family now accounting for nearly half of REDUCED BY POWER CO. of featured players. Wheeler and Woolsey, who scored and Mr and Mrs. John Edmiston and all the truck and commiWclal car The commercial rate uffe-tlng elec sensationally In their first picture, »on. James, attended the fifty-fifth sales In the United States," Mr. An­ derson said Fords with either stand trlcal power for stores for heating "Rio Rita," carry practically all the anniversary wedding of their parents, nrd bodies or special bodies are serv­ purposes or refrigeration and farms action of "The Cuckoos." They frolic Mr. and Mrs. James Calvert at Junc­ ing as grocery trucks, with shelving f r Incubators, etc , has been reduced madly through the broudest of comedy tion City last Sunday. There were throughout, refrigerator trurks. coat by the Mountain States Power com­ which is said to be the most amusing over forty guests present. of its kind ever brought to pictures trucks, dump trucks, furniture vans, pany. effective at once. They are assisted materially by Dor­ SUPREME COURT JUDGE hearses, ambulances, busses for school The new commercial heat rate la and public transportation, street a reduction over the former rate. It othy Lee, also a featured player In VISITS HERE FRIDAY sweepers, milk delivery trucks, all provides as follows; First #0 kilo­ "Rio Rita," and Jobyna Howland, a sorts of agricultural trurks. and. In watts. 4c; neg, « 0 is 2c and 600 new find for pictures. Oliver P. Coahow, chief Justice of short, for prartlcally every sort of or over lttc . the supreme court of Oregon, was a truck use egeept those mqolrlng the SiX FRIENDS INVITED visitor In Springfield Friday after­ heavies, of hauling BROKEN LIGHT POST FOR SIXTH BIRTHDAY noon. Judge E. O. Potter of Eugene “For many purposes, Ford trucks brought the chief Jurist over to this sre used In combination with trail REPLACED THIS WEEK Six little friends of Leota Bertsch, city from Eugene and renewed sev­ era and semi trailers Thus Fords are 1 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wlllta eral of his acquaintances. He is a In use with tank trailers for hauling i Tb" U*ht p