PAGE SIX THE SPKINGFIKIJ) NEWS T H E S P R IN G F IE L D N E W S Published Ever; Thursday at Springfield, Ixuiv County, Oreg«w, by T H I WILLAMETTE PRESS H. E MAXEY, Editor Entered as seeond class matter, February 34, 1903. at the postoKIce. Springfield, Oregon. PROSPERITY VS. DEPRESSION HEALTH U N IT M EETING PROSPERITY Is up for election, running to overthrow DEPRESSION. DRAMATICS SCHOOL TO POSTPONED THREE WEEKS I ------- The meeting of the Springfield mill the l.anv County Health asaorte i t s for the people to decide which Will b e M chosen. Every m an and every wom an is p rlv i-' ” o“ whuh Monday at leged to ballot—every day, « THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1980 •“ h»»« >"■»'» llie hum,, uf Mia. C. t). W l‘" ? "" TEACH PLAY DIRECTING | ____ . p i-,.« ma„ ,., vember s. ______ formulated For Congress .......... . (W NoJ 4 6 and « are n«« being at the office of Misa tier trude L. Rkow. home demon.tratton DM RKhblON has no rightful place with a November r„r u „,„ v wh(, work hundred and tw enty million people, exchanging 17 ,he ,h,rd Monday in November, wllh Arnold n ,-olller. county in e Year in Advance ____ 31.76 Three Months ____76c goods and services- -capable- accustom ed and The meeting will be bold In the club leader In organising the train S:x Mouths — ....... ......... 31 #0 Single Copy ............. 6c willing to work m ore highly skilled than other afte rn o .« nt a .to with Mina Beth Hng school which 1« the firm of it» peoples- leaders In efficiency and progresslv- Konkel. executive secretary for the kind ever to be attempted In the THURSDAY, OCTOBER SO. 1930 encss backed by the vast n atu ral resources of county organisation, attending county. , he I nited States. W hen we m ake it possible Officers and committee chairman The nch„,»l in being sponsored by KEEP OUT RUSSIAN LUMBER. ¡»’ r. t ’ >l H 1" ’» * V’l WO.rkS, tO h-ttV® ", k ’ b, ,W e n ,a k e ,,f • " * Mr». <•’• O. W b the ext,......on division of the Oregon Congressm an W. C. Hawley told the sawmill it possible for him to buy food for his family n o il, prosldrnt; Mm. C. K. Wheaton, tttate College The work will be ear workers in Springfield Saturday th at not a foot ant! so help all business, including th at of the »w retary and treasurer; Mr«. I. K rled on under the directloe of Mr. Page, educntonal chairman: Mr» W ll- Knapp, who haa been wllh the Na of R ussian lum ber should come into this country a r n , e r - b w a u se it was all being produced by penal w ork­ The rest of the world is Of sm all Im portance nn“ 'u ” -halrma«»; Honal Playground and Recreation an ers. W ithout stum page or wages R ussian com ­ com pared with that free m arket of 120.000.000 , „ i e ? v*.i..h T u h n T T ’' ’*"*•?*“"" Am**r,<* f,,r " m,( petition would be ruinous to the industry iu the people homogeneous- of like tastes, habits ami W airr Hmu T upp M« V T Pacific northw est. a s rira t’on« living under the sam e l a w s - f r e o of P " __ h “d’ r" ,or d,r*‘“ n* The entire enrollment for the achonl Mr. Hawley told the lum ber w orkers th a t the rad e barriers. Foreign trad e m ay be troubled _ 1» limited to 40. and the enrollment by tariffs and revolutions, but at their peak our D r J C B o o t h S t a n d s $1 tarrlf on lum ber m ight be increased to >1.60 W. C. HAWLEY ’ 000111 for each community will be limited Io a thousand feet, under the flexible provisions of exports represented only five and a half billions Repuhllcnn Nominee for Ite elecllon repreaentatlvoN B v C oU IltV A g r e e m e n t . ... The training hor „( (he T a riff A d of 193U the new tariff law. While this was not sufficient pf dollars of gross business In a year out of „ J 7 ^ 5 " c c m c iit K,¥„n w,„ lw> ¥Bhuh,. F(„irll ,.luh which glvy» to ugrlcullure In all 11» lie said that he believed th a t lum ber would come i total Am erican income of ninetv billions. It 1« I .Inn county a time to elect work, community club». and farmer branche» the highest rate» of protec­ into its own again when once world conditions tion ever given. Stagnation of circulation Is w hat's the m a tte r «,-, „¡.'haï* "» ‘ ni. ^ .- m b - m a n ^ ’ »g*"^ returned to norm al. Lumber was on the free ll»t lit with ag riculture and with Business. Everyone meut" between the two counties of ,,|'‘ y directing will be the feature 1913 bul wa» relum ed Io (be dutiable All the country east of the Rocky m ountains, an help to get that circulation m oving again. ,h,k 'iietrict i»r j c. Booth, of ,,f ,he roura.- s m b thing» na make ll»t In the Hawley Hinoot T a riff Art Lebanon, republic candidate for Joint up, coatumlng. lighting scenery and of 1930 and kept there by Congree« with a few exceptions, is against a tariff on G overnm ent c a n ’t m ake P rosperity—alone, —n»t.»r. was a Visitor In Springfield the preparation of a dramatic»’ nm mnn Hawley lum ber and this is the first tim e in 17 years He Introduced and had paiiKed the * * ” * .? ha* O'1» r r am w ill b«> take,, up there has been any duty on lumber. A fter the Bankers and other business leaders c a n ’t m ake Ilia real reason V for being u candidate law providing 32.000.000 for mr Hoi united In a N.-at v »'X( tltn . -m. defeat of the lum ber tariff in the sen ate only Prosperity- alone. It’s the people, r 1 . o it it will w ill K m ia*nv county’i county*« Thu temporary hour« for the meet dler»' Home. . , time be lame the fact th a t Congressm an Hawley was chair­ opinion and purpose and courage, who d e te rm in e 1 turn n e t then w« win aupport a lug have been aet for 10 00 a. m to A Native Hon of Oregon who ha» .and date for «1.1» county, he .«Id, „ „0 noon, and from 1 30 to 3 30 ’’No Intereet» to Herve but the Public m an of the conference com m ittee m ade it pos Prosperity. They can elect It—none other. Interest»" uud who 1» sible for any tariff to be included on lum ber Ballots that Will be validly counted for PROS- , f i'rm. 1X7». and .duca/ed a t" H a w i h “ f , * r’,OOB Definite Information CLEAN a t all. PERITY are of m any kinds. Som e one of them Dell Acodemy and low« state college. “M to ,h " pl‘“ '" " n eent either Ml»» Bolting the Republican ticket was the greatest Ire In the Voter»' Pamphlet. job. Skow or Mr. Collier m istake in his public career and one he m uch Piild adv by Ronald C. tllo ve ri regretted Theodore Roosevelt told friends before Spend wisely and not to timidly, and a n ­ he died. He repudiated the Republican party ticipate scheduled expenditures so far as Is which had bestowed honors upon him and ran practicable. for president as an independent. L ater he deeply regretted i t T urn the deaf e ar to false, m ichievous If you are a republican and are thinking of rum ors; and don’t rep eat them , if you do voting for an independent candidate ask your hear them . C hocolates, bonbons, tim i self wnen you get in the election booth November glace fruits fur the hostess. Be willing to pay a fair price. Don't take 4, "Isn ’t this Independent candidate m aking the advantage of the o th er m an's necessity. sam e m istake of Theodore R oosevelt?” Table candies for your Recognize th a t he has as good claim to a fair profit as you. guests. GRANGE BILL UNSOUND When a vam pire th a t fatten s on the m is­ Sm all candies und candy We have the word of Judge Law rence T. H arris eries of o th ers shows up, help to m ake him th a t the G range power bill will allow taxation prizes for th e children. unpopular. of people w ithout their consent, and th a t it may D iscourage calam ity howlers. pledge their property for the paym ent of bonds w ithout their c o n s e n t And finally th at the Keep business m oving evenly and re m e m b e r¡.„ y tw((.p ,f)i hag >|n<.e G range bill is n ot necessary to secure rights for th a t, to the average m an. his job is his jiartic- I tirin g niudlclnc a t Ix-banon for prac- 30 a country district to go into the power business ular business. When possible, reassure him year». He nerved with the famouH 'Where the Servira la Dlffarent" b ut th a t it can be done by the passage of a law 2nd Oregon vclunt, er regiment In against fear of losing i t the I ’hllllpin»-» and In the 27th coast creating a pow er district as has been done for artillery In the W orld W ar as captain Save, but save wisely, not in fright. Invest road, and school districts. We have faith in the Since me war he ha» organized for the profit that sound enterprise pays and ability of th e form er suprem e judge to interpret a hospital company with rank of for the added profit th a t will come a fte r the this bill. His analysis convinces ub th at the pro­ major He Is a member of the Meth hysteria of pessimism has passed. posed bill is dangerous legislation. It the country odist church, American leg io n . Vet' • • • I erans of Foreign Wars, I. O. O. F„ people w ant to go into the power business we K of I’.. Moose. M W of A. favor giving them the rig h t th rough the passage It Is a wise policy of the highw ay com m ission thl >rT(^ tkf of the proper law by the legislature. and the bureau of public roads to push road ments at the coming election and re­ m aintenance and new construction w herever knrd It as a mandat for his guidance C ottage Grove is working for a better road practicable this winter. It provides em ploym ent He believes in education, municipal down the Umpqua via Drain and the fu rth e r im ­ for otherw ise idle labor and also will m ean th a t 2*'';'rHit,1,lp,’h„li?7i f",r 1 e"ith,, bet,te? provem ent of the R eedsport harbor. This is a highw ays will be In b e tte r condition during th e f!r taWH and law en'orcement. — P a id A d v . b m c o u n ty R e p u b lic splendid undertaking. We can not have too m any traffic season next sum m er. More em ploym ent, an Central Committee. good roads and deep w ater harbors. They are less detours and bad road will surely result. not in com petition with each o th er but an aid in the successful use of each other, for they stim ulate tran sp o rtatio n , trade and industry. The independent candidate would like to a s ­ “ Nouf i u no tim e to m a k e a C ottage Grove is only 50 miles from deep w ater sum e the responsibility for getting a tariff on c h a n g e ” »aye C a lv in C o o lid fe . on the Umpqua. lumber. T here is but one m an responsible for • • • a tariff on lum ber a fte r th e schedule had failed I f G e t tin g U p N ig h t« , B ackach e, I fr e q u e n t d a y ca ll». L e g P alna, N e r v - Vote “No” except ttvo is our advice on the •in the senate and th a t was Congressm an W. C. ouaneaa, o r B u rn in g , du e to fu n c tio n ­ Here are the Republican candidates for National and thirteen m easures. Repeal of th e Irrigation dis­ Ilaw lev, chairm an of th e conference com m ittee. a l B la d d e r I r r it a t io n , In ac id c o n d i­ tio n » , m ak e » yo u fe e l tire d , depreaaed State offices. Take this list with you trict bond interest and the extension of the sol­ On him should be bestowed w hatever praise there en d disco uraged, t r y th e C yatex T e a t. W o r k » ------ fa » t- ----------------------- » ta rt» c ir c u la la t tin th r u ln g g th diers’ bonus loan are the only two w orthy of is for th e actual passage of the bill with a $1 when you go to the polls. th e »y»tem m It In I t m in u te s . P ra ised by a “Yes” vote in ou r opinion. th o u san d » fo r ra p id an d poall per thousand on lumber. r altlve ae- M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N RATE N o v e lty C a n d ies for H a llo w e'en RGGIMANN’S PLA Y SAFE VOTE THE STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN TICKET Bladder • Weakness 7?ie Day He Runs the Show- Hy ^beit T. Rniri 1 tlo n . D o n ’t g iv e up. T r y (V » te ■tex (pro- S ls -------------------- a -te x ) to d a . y . , u uni * nounced - ----- n d e r th a Ir o n -C la d G u a ra n te e . M u s t q u ic k ly a lla y th e»« co nd ition s. Im p ro v e i f il l sleep an d a n e rg y , o r m o o s y T O n ly <0o a t K E T E L 8 DRUG STORE 5th & Main Springfield, Ore. CHARLES L. McNARY . . For United States Senator One o f the State's most valuable aeeeta. PHIL M E T S C H A N .................... For Governor of Oregon A splendid a d m in is tra to r— p atie n t, to le ra n t. Just M odern E quipm ent fo r B rake T es t­ ing. W h eel end Axle A lign ing TESTS FREE W. C. HAWLEY R. R. BUTLER Minton’s Brake Service All Work Guaranteed Phone 271 • 10th and Olive Eugene Oregen . . . For First Congressional District In valu ab le to Oregon because of hie senority In Congress . , . For Second Congressional District U n tirin g In hla e ffo rts fo r the advancem ent of O regon FRANKLIN F. KORELL . For Third Congressional District Q uick to w in recognition In the N a tio n al C apito l HARRY BELT , For Justice of the Supreme Court An able Jurist PERCY R. KELLY . . For Justice of the Supreme Court Deserving of hla promotion J. U. CAMPBELL . . For Justice of the Supreme Court A keen, analytic mind C. A. HOWARD . For Superintendent of Public Instruction A capable educator CHARLES H. CRAM For Commissioner of Bureau of Labor Ha has the welfare of labor at heart All »chool children need an eye examina­ tio n - Even with twen­ ty-twentieth v is io n there may be e y e »train. O R .E C . M E A D E o r TO E T R IZ T 14 W£ FT e T-' AVfc The above candidates, with the other regular Republican nominees, command your respect and deserve your vote. Vote the Straight Republican Ticket (Paid adv., Republican State Central Committee, Ellaha A. Baker, Secretary, Morgan Bldg., Portland)