THÜHHDAY, OCTOBRE 30, ¡»SO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE FIVE SEVEN LOCAL WOMEN Cards of Thanks SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS Quest at Springfield— E. Servant of Married Woman Fears Gas Entertains with Dinner — Eats Only Baby Food Toledo was a guest at the Spring- A TTEND CONFERENCE HOLDS LARGE PARTY We wish to express our sincere Mrs. A. J. Schnetxky entertained "For 3 years 1 ate only baby food,, field hotel during the week-end. OF P.-T. A. SATURDAY FOR NEWER MEMBERS thanks to our friends for their kind­ with a delightful dinner at her home ness during our rocent bereavement everything else formed gas. Now, NOTICE Seven Hprlngfleld women attended the first meeting of the County Coun­ cil of the Parent Teacher aaaoclatlon for the present school year which was held at Klmlra on Saturday. They were Mrs. D. ('. Ogilvie, president of the Springfield P.-T A group. Mrs It P. Mortensen, chairman of the program committee for the County Council. Mrs W. W Walker, see re tary of the County organisation, Mrs Lee Putman, Mrs C. Griffith, Mrs. Pmtt llolverson, and Mrs. George Prochnow. Forty young people, members of Mr* It I* Mortenson's Sunday school class of the Methodist church and their friends, were entertained at a large party honoring the new mem here of the class which win held In the church parlors on Friday evening The rooms were beautifully decorated with Halloween designs and all of the entrtalnment centered about the Halloween Idea. Dorothea Mae Potter, president of the class, was general chairman of the evenlug Her assistants were Doris Gerber, chairman of the refreshments committee; Joel Cowden, chairman of the decorations, and Eva lxiuk, chair­ man of entertainment. The class Is composed of high school students. The Vnafflllated Group«, the Child Training were the principal subjects on which Mrs Inex, Miller, head of the dramatics department at the Mon mouth normal school, and also chair man of the Itural Life committee of 'he stale association, addressed the gathering She pointed out the bane- BEACON PAINTED W ITH fits which can be derived when a OFFICIAL COLOR STRIPES group affiliates Itself with Hie state organisation mid works together with The federal airplane beacon on a large number of other units on Emerald heights has been recently the same or similar projects. painted In black and chrome yellow The Council voted to send Mrs according to the official regulations Karl Johnson of Klmlra to Portland for all aviation markers The beacon has been divided Into five units from to attend the regional conference. A unique feature of the meeting the ground Io the top and each unit was that every offflcer and every painted an alternating color the same committee chairman was present for as the power poles along the airport which were painted recently by the the sessions. The negt meeting will be h«ld In Mountain States l*ower company. mlllde of the winter at Vaughn GOOD CROWD ATTENDS TRUSTON LEGION DANCE SPRINGFIELD HAS NINE FRESHMEN ENROLLED IN A fine crowd turned out Saturday CLASSES AT UNIVERSITY night for the first of a aeries of U N IVE R SITY OF OHKGON, Ru gene, Oct. SO— Nearly 7B students are registered at the University of Ore­ gon from louie county, not Including Eugene. according to a check with the registrar's office, which reports that enrollment at the university thia term has reached a new record of 3.063 students. dances which the Springfield post of the American Legion will sponsor at the Thurston community hall Another dance will be sponsored by the local group at Thurston on Sat­ urday. November 1. according to Jack l-arson. who with Major Huntly has charge for the legion. The in am hers of Ernest McKinney's clvls class at the Springfield high school attended the trial of Vaude Sutherland In the circuit court rooms In Eugene on Monday. They are studying thq count ayatem of our county first hand. -------------------------- WANTED Your old discarded Tricycles and Bicycles. Eugene 120 W. 8th Sensational V A LU ES/ FRIDAY and SATURDAY $5.00 Men’s Wool Pants ............. ...........- ............... $2.98 $1.50 Heavy Balbrlggan Union» .................................. 98 C 25c Fast Color Prints ..................... lie 25c Outing Flannels .......................... ..... 15c $1.00 Pure Silk Ilose .................................. - ................ 49 c $5 to $7.50 Ladles Sample Shoes (3*^ to 4% sizes) ............................ ............. - ................... $2.48 9 / 4 Bleached Pequot Sheeting, yd. 49C Bargains In All Department Fulop’s Department Store "We give S. & H. Trading Stamps” 334 Main Street NO TIC K OF ROAD D IS T R IC T M K E T IN O thanks to Adlerlka, I eat anything Notice la hereby given that the un­ | and enjoy life.— Mrs. M. Gunn. dersigned baa filed with the State Just ONE spoonful Adlerlka re Banking Board of Oregon application lleves all GAS so you can eat and for llcenae to engage In the buslneaa sleep better Acts on BOTH upper of making loans of money or of per­ and lower bowel removing poisons I sonal credit, or In the pawnbrokerage you never knew were there, and business, under the provisions of Sec­ which coused your stomach trouble tions 9303-21, Inclusive. Oregon Laws. No matter what you have tried for Cascade Finance Company, 310 W il­ stomach and bowels. Adlerlka will j lamette St., Eugene, Ore. Date of surprise you!— Flanery’s Drug Store. first publication October 23, 1930. 0.23 30-N6. Sunday for Dr. and Mrs R p Mor­ tensen. Joel and Louisa Cowden. Mr. and Mrs Max Pohl and Maxwell and Virginia Lee Pohl. N O TIC E OF ROAD D IS T R IC T M E E T IN G TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice Is hereby given that a meet­ ing of the legal voters being resident taxpayers and owner of real property In Road District No. 5. In Lane County. Oregon, will be held at the hour of 2:00 P. M on the 16th day of November, A. D , 1930. at the Lower Camp Creek School House In said Road District, to determine whether said road district shall levy a special tax of $1108.66 upon all taxable property in said district for the purpose of providing funds for resurfacing of road on Upper Camp Creek starting at forks of road by Lower Camp Creek School House. C. P. BARNARD. County Judge. C LINTO N HURD, County Commissioner. O. E. CROWE. County Commissioner. O.30-N.6-13 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT Notice Is hereby given that a meet­ A D M IN IS T R A T O R ’» NO TIC E MEETING ing of the legal voters being resident taxpayers and owner of real property TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: tn the County Court of the State of In Road District No. 2, In I^ane Notice Is hereby given that a meet­ Oregon, for the County of Lane. County, Oregon, will be held at the ing of the legal voters being resident In Probate. hour of 1:00 P. M on the 15th day taxpayers and owner of real property IN RE: T H E M A TTER AF T H E of November, A. D.. 1030, at the Me- In Road District No. 12, In Lane ESTATE OF JOHN W. CUBIT, Kenxle Bridge School House In said County. Oregon, will be held at the Deceased. Road District, to determine whether hour of 2:00 P.M. on the 15tb day Notice Is hereby given that I, the said road district shall levy a special of November, A. D., 1930, at the Zion undersigned, have been duly appoint­ lag ‘it 11,127 20 upon all the taxable School House In said Rood District, ed by the above entitled Court to property In said district for the pur­ to determine whether said road dis­ act as the administrator of the above pose of providing funds for main­ trict shall levy a special tax of estate, and anyone owing anything tenance and construction of county 12270.11 upon all taxable property In to the said estate shall pay the same roads In District aald district for the purpose of pro­ to me, and anyone having any claims C. P. BARNARD, viding funds for maintenance of roads, against the sold estate shall present County Judge to be decided at meeting some to me with vouchers attached CLINTO N HURD. C. P BARNARD. , at my office located at 717 Wiliam County Commissioner. County Judge. ette St., Eugene, Oregon, within six O. E CROWE. months from the date of the first CLINTON HURD, County Commissioner 1 County Commissioner. | publication of thia notice, which la N O TIC E OF D IS T R IC T ROAD oao -N .e-u ___ October 30, 1930. O. E. CROWE, M E E T IN G H. E. S L A T T E R Y , County Commissioner. NO TIC E OF ROAD D IS T R IC T Administrator. O30-N.9-13- TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: M E E T IN G Notice Is hereby given that a meet­ TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NO TIC E OF ROAD D IS T R IC T N O TIC E OF ROAD M E E T IN G ing of the legal voters being resident Notice Is hereby given that a meet­ M E E T IN G M E E T IN G taxpayers and owners of real property ing of the legal voters being resident TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: In Road District No. 23, In Lane taxpayers and owner of real property Notice Is hereby given that a meet­ Notice is hereby given that a meet­ County, Oregon, will be held at the In Road District No. 20, In Lane ing of the legal voters being resident ing of the legal voters being resident County. Oregon, will be held at the taxpayers and owner of real property taxpayers and owner of real property hour of 2:00 P. M on the 8th day hour of 2:00 P.M. on the 16th day In Road District No. 10, In Lane In Road District No. 9, In Lane of November. A. D.. 1930, at the Unity of November, A. D., 1930, at the County. Oregon, will be held at the County, Oregon, will be held at the School House In said Road District, I^tndax School House In aald Road hour of 10:00 A. M. on the 16th day hour of 2:00 P. M. on the 15th day to determine whether said road shall D litrlct, to determine whether said of November, A, D„ 1930, at the of November. A. D.» 1930, at the levy a special tax of $1419.16 upon all road dlatrlqts shall levy a special W O W. Hall In said Rood District, W. C. W. Hall at Jasper In said the taxable property tn said district tax of 13,000.00 upon all the taxable to determine whether said road dis­ Road District, to determine whether for the purpose of providing funds property In eaid district for the pur­ trict shall levy a special tax of said road district shall levy a special for 1 mill on Wlnberry Road K and pose of providing funds for graveling 11722.36 upon all the taxable property tax of $3,828.48 upon all the taxable 1 mill on Road J up Big Fall Creek and taking off points and scarify In said district for the purpose of property in said district for the pur­ from Wlnberry Bridge and 1 mill on attachment for grader and such as providing funds for work, to be deter­ pose of providing turds for repairing Road J from Wlnberry Bridge to cross roads and 1 mill on Road A up River road patrolman sees fit to use. mined at meeting. roads In District No. 9. from Lowell. C. P. BARNARD, C. P. BARNARD, C. P. BARNARD. C. P. BARNARD, County Judge. County Judge. County Judge. County Judge. C LINTO N HURD, C LINTO N HURD, CLINTON HURD, C LINTO N HURD. County Commissioner. County Commissioner. County Commissioner. County Commissioner. O. E. CROWE, O. E. CROWE, O. E. CROWE. O. E. CROW E, Cour.ty Commissioner. County Commissioner. County Commissioner. County Commissioner. O.30-N.6-13 080-N.6-1S- O30-N.6-13- LARGE CUTTHRO AT TRO UT New students from Springfield In CAUGHT IN McKENZIE elude the following graduates from Springfield high school: Kathryn E. A cutthroat trout measuring 19 Buell, an English major. Is a pledge Inches, one of the largest ever caught to Thrta Omega sorority and has In the Me Ken lie river In this vicinity already been selected a member of was taken Sunday by Clarence Gud the university orchestra. Fred 8. erlan of Salem who spent the day ^tuell, who Is studying pre-medlca, fishing with W. P. Tyson Several la also a member of the university other nice fish were caught during orchestra. the day by the two men. M'onard John Frans Is a freshman Two other men caught two redsldes In the mathematics department. Ralph near Midway both of which measured Izewtoo Hughes Is registered in the 22 Inches. Sunday. school of business administration Gerald E Morrison, a business ad ministration student. Is going out for LARGE PIECE OF GLASS freshman football. TAKEN FROM MAN'S HAND Mas Richard Prochnow Is also a 1 business administration major. Wlnl- * minor operation on the hand of frld C. Tyson, who Is registered In l>Bul PotUr was necessary last week llie srhoul of music. Is s recent pledge end to remove a splinter of glass one and one-fourth Inches long which to Kappa Delta sororlty. Virginia Mary Frans, a graduate of had entered the fleshy part of the Cheney, Washington hlgh School, Is hand Just at the end of th thumb a freshman In the Engllsh depart and which had worked Its way aernsa niisit Lloyd Gray, alan a freshman. the palm of the hand. It was neces was graduated from Thurston high HBry ,o work with l*>e hand under school. Margaret E Morrison, a grad- ,*1® x r ,y In order to locate the glass uate of university high school tn RELIEF FROM CURSE Kugene, Is majoring In Fine Arts. After Dad’s day, which was held OF CONSTIPATION October 26th, the next big event on _____ the Fall calendar will be the annual a Rattle Creek physician says. "Cou- Homecoming, scheduled for Novem stlpatlon Is responsible for more her 7, ». and 9. when hundreds of ,‘ h“ cause." , , .. . . . . Immediate relief ha« been alumni return to the university to ,0UBd A u b ,Pt oa|led r# m U OrdM. see their team play U. C. L. A. A lies has been discovered. This tablet student committee, headed by Hal attracts water from the system lute Fraundorf. of Portland, and made up «W . svscuAtlng bowel called . . . . . .. . .. - ths colon. The water loosens the dry of students from every section of the | ,(K)d WMte and a gentle state, Is already working on plans thorough, natural movement without to make thia one of the biggest events forming a habit or aver increasing of the veor " *• do,e Stop suffering from constipation Chew a Rexall Orderlle at night. Next HIGH SCHOOL CLASS day bright. Get 24 for 26c today at »n.aaiaiai -rn ia i Planery’s Rexall Drug Store. A TTEN D S CRIMINAL TRIAL I of our dear father and brother. Signed t'ordy Ketchmen and family. Mrs. Kuby Hall. Mrs. Edna Sumners. Mrs. A. P. Cannon. Mrs. T. 11 Murray. Springfield Here’s the “Grange Bill” and three questions worth asking yourself before you vote People's Water and Pow er Utility District Constitutional cAmendment ? How much taxe« asks W. S. U’Rsn, attorney. (In Votera Pamphlet) That Article XI of the Constitution of the State of Oregon be, and the same hereby is, amended by the addi­ tion of the following Section 12: Section 12. People’s utility districts may be created of territory, contiguous or otherwise, within one or more counties, and may consist of an incorporated municipality or municipalities, with or without unincorporated terri­ tory. for the purpose of supplying water for domestic and municipal purposes; for development of water power a n d / or electric energy: and for the distribution, disposal and sale of water, water power and electric energy. Such districts shall be managed by hoards of directors, consist­ ing of five members, who shall be residents of such dis­ tricts. Such districts shall have power: .a ) To call and hold elections within their respective districts. (b) To levy taxes upon the taxable property of such districts. (c) To issue, sell and assume evidence of indebt­ edness. (d) To enter into contracts. ( e ) To exercise the power of eminent domain. ( f ) To acquire and hold real and other property nec­ essary or incident to the business of such dis­ tricts. (K ) To acquire, develop, and /-o r otherwise provide for a supply of water, water power and electric energy. Such district may sell, distribute a n d /o r otherwise dispose of water, water power and electric energy within or with­ out the territory of such districts. The legislative assembly shall and the people may provide any legislation, that may be necessary, In addition to existing laws, to carry out the provisions of this section. 324. Yea. 1 vote for the amendment 325. No. 1 vote against the amendment ? What’s to prevent districts from dragging In property from all direction« for tax­ able purposesT 191 Taxpapere (In Voter« Pamphlet) ? Bonds— bonds any limit whatever on the amount? L. B. Smith Greater Oregon Aean. STRIPPED OF POLITICAL CLAIMS AND COUNTER CLAIMS, PUT DOWN IN COLD, DEAD WORDS OF THE BILL W HICH VOTERS ARE ASKED TO W R ITE INTO OREGON'S CO NSTITU TIO N , T H IS “GRANGE BILL" SEEMS DANGEROUS TO T H E FUTURE PROGRESS OF T H IS STATE. TH E R E ARE ARGUMENTS PRO AND CON, IN YOUR VO TERS’ PAM PHLET W H IC H YOU CAN READ IF YOU W ISH. BUT DON’T FAIL TO READ T H E BILL AND ASK YOURSELF T H E QUES­ TIONS THESE PRO M INENT MEN HAVE PO INTED OUT HERE. M O UNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY.