PAGE FOUR THE SPRINGFIELD NKWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1930 "BROKEN" Chlttenham followed slowly. were touched." He felt angry and yet at the back ¡MRS. LARSON ENTERTAINS t Simons. Mrs R E Eorucrook. Mrs (Continued from Page p "Yes. I suppose so.*' of his mind there was an unwilling BRIDGE CLUB MEMBERS William Curila and Mrs Riley Huixl CONTINUS!) NEXT WEEK admiration for this woman He oould ! grass subconsciously determined that If ever ptocos. and th e blue sky. and the well understond how completely she I he met Julie Farrow she should not Tin. nett meeting will lie held on Mrs. J M latrson wus h ostess for bluer lake and the sunshine? They had mastered Rodney, and how soon M R S B R Y A N ENTERTAINS be allowed to go unpunished. November tl. at the home of Mrs a bridge group at her home ou Thurs­ all make me feel so excited and «he had wearied of his slavish de CARD CLUB ON FRIDAY day evening of last week First prise M. Kevin lu Eugene. He knew that she was a divorced happy." Chlttenham shrugged his fia .. i Ml*11 Welby Stevens and Clifford for the evening went to Mrs George woman; he knew that there were shoulders. m *. V " *h* ,,P* Wh° w an,ed a |" 'l l s o n won th e high score prizes Carmichael Mrs It J ('„rum many unsavoury stories told of her, ------------........ — was ---- . 8on «orn Mr and Mrs. Leo Paulus "I love Swltserland." she said MO although Rodney had always been her dreamily. “I haven't seon a great boy1 to°kB***i h*a t0 hl" WlU' " ° ‘ • f ””’ tin * »econd second prize, and Mrs Mrs. ! "f Murcoln are the parents of a baby the meeting "f of ,h» the * G OO club dub at nt the (be nwarded ,h He b X V h”m’' ° r «>» * ■ < £ loyal champion. home of Mrs. Maude Rrvan on Friday S>ld,,*y l( -'Hen won the consolation ' boy born in them at the Pacific deal of the world, but every bit I w ith a ^ S J tO ,o m o r r o * ••»-"»K L«w •»'ore was held bv W —- ■ • "If you saw her you'd understand." see I love a little more than the last. with a kind of exultation; he had | »< Dnw.on who was given tb . low I prize. Christian hospital In Eugene on Erl ‘ day, October >4, I IMO Rodney wrote. "She's so wonderful 1 love everything" never crossed swords with a woman All women are not as rotten as you She laughed and shook her head. before; even with Sadie he had only think they are You've probably been "No. I'm afraid I can't say that made halfhearted protests; she had unlucky, but we don't all have the In fact I dare sav you'll be shocked not sufficiently Interested him for any­ same experience.'* when I tell you that In all my life thing deeper. Giles had certainly been unlucky, I*ve never really and truly loved any It was raining a little when they but Rodney had not known of his body.” Chlttenham could well believe started, and the morning was grey and brother's marriage at all, and neither It. chill as Chltenham waited. had anybody else In England. "A lady without a heart!” he said Julie arrived punctually. His wife was an American girl lightly. 1 did not expect to see you." was Yea. She agreed seriously. “1 her greeting named Sadie Birrow, whom he had married because she had amused him. don'; »hlnk I could have been there Chlttenham glanced casually at the car. and because she had seemed to expect when the hearts were given out.” him to marry her. "It's not yet late You never ... too ._,v. iv U urypi VP got good brakes." he '*' > uvjn- hop,, JUU you've That was a year ago, and »hey know who may turn the corner of the ““Id committally, She laughed. Before they had gone had lived mor or less of a detached street and present you with one,” Chit- very far Chlttenham discovered that life since. She did not want home- tenhsm ..Id Jokingly. To change the conversation he said; I Julle drove very well ludeed She life, she wanted to be here, there, and everywhere, and when Giles oh “May I be Inquisitive and ask who wag 0001 “nd quick and thoroughly Jected she reminded him that she was Miss Lennox Is besides being a great ““derstood the machine she was hand of yours?” vnnrs»" ; ling. financially Independent of him and friend of Julie's eyes followed the elder Hlni thinks she'll win the bet.’ meant to do as she chose. After six Julie said presently, and she laughed months' bickering. Giles gave In and woman affectionately. let her go her own way. You'd never guess!" she said at But • h‘* won't. 1 can always do a thing If I set my mind to it They met occasionally, and then al­ last, Chlttenham laughed. "Always?” ways by Sadie's own request. She should say It would not be dlffl ____ ____ sb e glanced round at him flat was In New York when the news cult. Probably she has a weird ' ° U th,nk 1 »“> conceited?" she came of Rodneys death, and Giles somewhere In Chelsea where people on cushions ciishlnna on nn the floor I- _ asked. had cabled to her that he was going sit sit on In _ prefer ............. '•■"*" »■" f •No, but as R happens to be a schedules and 'w Labor w,n a t the ntandard Ford to England Her reply had been ence to chairs, and smoke scented conceit of my own— that I can always characteristic. cigarettes, and eat strange foods. . , y may know what each Job coate before It la made. do a thing If | Mt my mind to it—It Julie chuckled. “Your funeral, not mine. Not com­ Mr. Ray Noot la in charge of „ur aervlce department. ing." “You're miles out " she said trlum Interests me to hear you express the Chlttenham care; as a mat- mat | Phantly. "She hardly ever lives In same _ did not v«re, k u sentiment. ------ . I wonder how we get ° on “ lf If “ It came came 1 to a battle ter of fact her refusal to accompany ( London at all—she's got a cottage In should , him was a relief. He wished to keep i ,h<* country, and she's not a bit rich— ° ww added lightly, h s marriage a secet. It was on his »he's only Just got enoughsto live on I ‘ d° ,OU Didn't Rodney tell you that I am 8UUUPQ wav across the -------- Atlantic a that a sudden comfortably, and she writes dress ar­ distaste for the reason of his Journey ticles for papers to make a Mt more a pig-headed brute?” seized upon Giles. “No. He always spoke of you as G , ULL „ r E ° F EASTERN AND WESTERN OILS, and CREASES and with that money she sends crip­ So he left the ship at Cherbourg pled children from the slums down to If you were one of the seven wonders Cilm or., S lu o-C rcn C a b ila . F,rojt((ni T|r<< wandered up to Paris and ran Into the seaside, or sometimes to her own of the world?” Chlttenham frowned. Harry Lombard whom he had not seen cottage. She loves children, and she's for five years. Vou knew my brother very w ell’ * Four N e w S p rin g fie ld F o rd D ealer got the largest heart In the world." he asked formally. Lombard bad a business In Paris, Isn't t tnat that ratner rather a pose with som, some ,n cans. I Julie hesitated. ana although he had not met Rodney women*’ Chlttenham asked unkindly I for Or some time, he apparently aDrwrpntiv know __ _ T don't think I ever quite under knew all 'Are you a cynic as well as _ the details of the tragedy and a great woman-hater?-' Julie asked curtly. stood him,” she answered at last. "He deal about Julie Farrow. "I only speak of things as I find was such a dear boy In some ways but In others he was almost . . . for- Chlttenham suggested that they go them." he answered. ford Garage Cth and A Street« 7 rive me for saying It—unbalanced " along to London together. He rather Before there was time for a reply -Phone 49 liked Lombard. Chlttenham eyes narrowed. Blm and Lombard rejoined them. You mean . . when his affections Sorry, but I'm off to Switzerland 'And what do you people say to to-morrow on business for the firm ” this wild adventure?" Chlttenham A sudden bright Idea came to him. asked presently. "You come along with me. I shall Julie laughed. only be gone a few days. There's "I haven't any people that matter no hurry to get home. Is there?” to me, or I to them.” she admitted. None. A few days one way or the 'I am a law unto myself.” other can make no difference." 'With a supreme contempt for Mrs. And that was how Fate bent Giles Grundy I suppose?” H ilfenham to her ........... will. He went off "tmi on zw piuiuuu "A profound contempt,” she agreed o Sw.tzerland w'th Lombard the same | emphatically. pan<1 “ d"V ° r ,W° Uter met They Were both gllent for » moment, ulle Farrow on the steamboat be »topped by mutua* consent at th.- ween Lausanne and Montreux. I ship’s rail their faces turned to the was Lombard who recognized mountains. “wVn - h ' T s ”er ° Ut ',Whal are rou ,h,nk,n< a b o u tr gh’ / II. what do. you think of her?” asked Impulsively. ' “Y ou'L leM i H® brought hlg e>e» *><“* from the fPnh “ h Introduce me.” Chit distant mountains and looked down at ’»■nham answered and a moment later her. »he two men were crossing the deck **I was wondering Just how far you together. would allow your contempt for Mrs. Julie Farrow smiled and held out Julie raised her head with a little her hand. Grundy to carry you?” he said calmly, Lombard presented Chlttenham defiant gesture. He glanced enquiringly at the "All the way if I wished to go all woman beside Julie, who was looking the way,” she said quickly. "We've on with calm eyes. Jull. introduced only got one life to live, and what them. does It matter what people say? I've Mr. Lombard—Mr. Chlttenham— never cared." Mias Lennox.” Chlttenham turned his back on the The two women looked at one an- mountains, leaning against the ship’s ot er and smiled. rail. "If Julie's afraid to tell you, I will ” "Very well, then convince me!" be B'm Lennox said In her calm un­ challenged her. ruffled voice. "We're out here to “Convince you? How can I?” settle a mad wager. Julie's got a car By taking me with you to-morrow ind In a moment of mental conceit through the St. Bernard Pass.” She ■sbo mnde a bet with me that she stared at him for a moment. would drive from Villeneuve right up "Are you daring me to take you?" I through the St. Bernard Pass and she asked quietly. back again " Yes." ' I’ve been through »he Pass twice,” ________ For a moment longer they held one v e r a ii? 1 ? ' d J And there ’ nothln< another’s ga’ze. ANNOUNCEMENT The New Ford Garage is ready to give you COMPLETE SERVICE in both Model A and T Cars and Ford Trucks All Models of New Ford Cars are here for Your Inspection i u b i Anderson Motors, £ t an r l i h r ^ h o u T d 1 ” " S ' Weather’R "Very W eI1' bUt 1 “ ake — lose your bet M iss L e ^ o x ” ’™ Wl‘' I dit)° n“ tb a t you do »<* ^11 e ith e r Blm Ju lie to o ? 1 ° r Mr Lombard until we return. It - :::: Of brown and golden and reaiWn of my own for wishing them shcrles Aoiaen and coppery I not to know.” , "As you please." W te M h„ L / “ J ” '? » “ ar spoke to Chlttenham. "Isn't It »ihe a perfectly glorious day?" she ask