TIIURHDAY. OCTOBHK 30, 1930 TH E HPRINOKIELD NEWS PAGE THREE ORDER TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: In ths County Court of th * Stat* of N otice Is hereby given that I will Orogon f«r tha County of Lane. FOR SALE— Potatoes at my ranch, 3Î4 miler west of Redmond on the not be responsible for any bills here­ McKenzie Highway Also De Laval In the Matter of .,« Adoption of after contracted by Eugene Walker. Separator, price »25. Chas. M. Signed, HILDA ALEXANDRA TURNET and Kuhn. Redmond. Ore. W. W. WALKER. OLOA R o s e TURNER, minors. TO T U MR k S e R4 ^ MK8 A petition for the adoption of the above named minors, together w it h 1 ItooM I’ " ' and board, family style, Ho E llie Hotel. N M in o iilli N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F 'S SALE „ 9ARMERH Have five hundred 26 foot Wpllt Cedar Telegraph Poles Price on sale »1.00 each Make A -l tele phone polos. NO TIC E of S H E R IF F 'S SALE ON E X E C U T IO N IN FO RECLOSURE ______ » c h a n g e of name« from Hilda Alex- NOTICE Is hereby given that by andra Turner u> Enid Alexandra Good virtue of an execution and order of £ 2 .u frz°?’ ° Ibb T uiue El1“ •» ’* l«»ued out of the Circuit Court - ' . . ° Oood h#vln< been fll'-d ot the State of Oregon for Ijine Cpun -----serein , you may appear et the County I ty October 22nd, 1930. upon and pur O(X,D STOCKER EWES to let on 'u " urt K,'om In the Lane County Court suant w to a decree duly given and --------- - ■ < z.aa a "J U U J / R S V I'II shares. For particulars write H " Eu* e,‘e - *-*«»• County, Ore- made by said Court October 21st, .............. . ______ 030 D ,, emberür,» 3 0 .ü.rte x f o ’Ä T M.J which '“r h i Ä T Ä g i ' T L j n NO TIC B O F F IN A L ACCO UNT In th« County Court of th« Stat« of Oregon In and for th« County of Lan«. In Probata. i I HE ESTATE OF JERRY LANGAN, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un­ dersigned, as the administrator of the above entitled estate duly filed In the said estate proceeding, his final ac­ count on October 11, 1930; that the said court fixed the time for the f a r i n g of the said final account at 10 ®"c,°ck A- M. Novem­ ber 14. 1930; that all persons having any objections thereto shall file the sam e In writing In said proceeding on or before the said date ROY LANGAN, „ _ Administrator. H E Slattery, Attorney for Admin­ istrator. NO TIC E OF F IN A L H E A R IN G I J?“? , the5e ‘° "how « • « * . » any 1 Association, a W ashington corporation In the Circuit Court of tha State of Notice Is hereby given that Jesse I? (► i aald P®1*“ 0“ should was plaintiff and Ruth M. Cooper, also NO TIC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T , _ , _ . - - ------ -------- Oregon for the County of Lane. known as Ruth Cooper, Dorothy E Jones and Cora B. Jones, admlnlstra- not be granted. Dated at Eugene, Oregon, this 23rd Cooper, Charlotte C. Cooper and Harry “ ’i ’i t r i ? ; “ AV,NGH * '-‘M N AH8.I-, . . „ Is .......... , .................. N otlce hereby given Hint ............ Harold j lori* ,,f **” ' ,,Mta''' of John W Bar­ day of October, 1930. CIA I ION, a corporation, Plalntlrf, J- W ells, Administrator of the Estute ringer, D ecease, have ____ _ W. N eet, as Administrator of the filed In _ the C. P. BARNARD, E state of W. B Cooper, deceased, I "I Davison, deceased, has filed his “ Hico of the Clerk of the County County Judge were defendants, which execution and U CLARK AYDELOTT and MRS. L. 1 Final Account and Report as such ami t:<>urt of Ijine county, their final a<> ( LARK AYDEIXJTT, his wife, De Hie Court bus set Saturday, Novern count us such adm inistrators, and that order of sale was to me directed and fondants. | her 16. I#30, at 10:00 A. M at the ‘he court haw fixed 10:00 A. M ot N O TIC E OF S H E R IF F ’S 8A LE ON commanded me to sell the real prop­ My virtue of un execution, judgment "«unty Court Room In the Court November 21. 1030, as the tim e when erty hereinafter described to satisfy E X E C U TIO N IN FORECLOSURE order, decree uud order of sale Issued House al Eugene, lutne County, (Ire ****1<1 final account will he taken up certain lien« and charges In said _________ 016-23-30 NS-11 out of the above entitled Court In «“ “ • “* the time and place to hear t(,r exam ination and allowance. All NOTICE Is h e r e h v -ziz...„ , u . . K decree specified, I will on Saturday, Ihe above entitled suit to me directed objections to the sam e. If any. anil P»r*on. Interested therein may appear virtue of an execution „7!? , J by the 22nd of November, 1930 at the NO TIC E TO APPEAR and dulial Ihe 21sl day of October, »'”■‘he final aettlem ent of said Estate, i tim e and he heard In reference sal.. Issued out of th . hour of ONE o’clock P. M. at the 1 W . upon a judgment rendered and HAROLD J W ELLS, ¡'h ereto. ! “ the Stata o? O reJ.n foe l . i southw est door of the County Court­ In the Circuit Court of the State of entered In said Court on the 21st „ , Administrator. JE SSE JONES ty October 22nd ta w ‘ i '’ ,’an e ,Coun' house In Eugene, Izane County, Ore­ J ! ’ °' 4 , “ ’,or. uf U * W’ “ "- Att<,r,” y *....................... CUKA » JHNES. suant to « ‘ d ^ r e e dufo rtren and gon, offer for sale and sell at public Oregon for the County of Lane. . . . , . i . - decree duly given and Benefit Hi.rings a Loan Association, 017 24 31-NC 13 u ,, . . . ............ Adm inistrators made by said Court October 21st auction for cash, subject to redemp­ THE STATE OF OREGON, Plaintiff, a corporation, plalullff, and ugulnst H D. Allen, attorney for estate. 1930. In a suit pending therein In tion as provided by law, all of the One certain 1927’ jiod el Ford Sedan N O TIC E TO C R ED ITO R S the defendants L. Clark Aydelott and --------------------------- 'L l 30 N 6 l,:-20. which J II. Hill and Ellen Hill are right, title and Interest of the de­ N otice Is hereby given that F. N. Mrs. L. Clark .tydelott, his wife, for • ’ niotor n"®ber 14723608, NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT {'*“*»1*11« and Ruth M Cooper, also fendants ln said suit and of all parties J 2.ree°,n Hcenxe 18 796, and the sum of »N01.26 with interest there McAllister, has been appointed by the In ths County Court of th* State of J ‘,n"wn “ Ruth Cooper, Dorothy E. claim ing by, through or under them •>n from and ufler May 23. 1930, for order of the county court of the de’fondanta"01*’ a"M Chr1’ Tono’e ' or any of them sin ce the 21st day Cooper. Charlotte C. Cooper, and the further sum of »10 00 with Interest state of Oregon for Lane County, us Oregon for Lane County. of October. 1930. ln or to the follow ing In Probate • ^ ' ■ A November. 1930, at personal property, to-wlt aWK:r,,>ed Lot Four (4j, Block T hlrty-lh.ce that on said date the court entered f n . M c A l l is t e r . O. 23-30 N.6-13-20 (33), In tiroes' Addition to Eu­ One certain 1927 Model Ford Administrator. an order fixing the tim e for the the hour of ONE o’clock P. M. at the gene, according to the duly rec­ 147d23608UtOlM > A il e z^ ’OtOr numb*r hearing of the said final account at southw est door of the County Court­ Fred E Smith orded map and plat thereof. In N O TIC E TO C R EDITO RS 18-796SM' 193M 0 r e ane County, Ore­ 446.8 Miner Bldg. Lan« County, Oregou. 31, 1930. Any one having any objec­ gon, offer for sale and sell at public Eugene. Oregon In the County Court of the State of tions to the said final account shall auction for cash, subject to redemp­ by C L' Wcrden, Federal NOW THEREFORE. Based upon Attorney for Administrator. 016-23-30 N6-13 Bled the sam e In writing on or before tion as provided by law. all the right, Oregon for the County of Lane. n bfltLon ASent, on the sixth day ■aid writ, judgment order, decree and ____________ title, and Interest of th defendants the tim e set for the hearing of October, 1930 at a ay order of sale, and In com pliance there­ E S T A T E OF GEORGE H. . co i ln Hald ’iult and n? parties clairn- IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE flfty north of the Dlsston Route H. E. 9LATTERY with, I will on Saturday the 22nd C U R R IE R . Deceased. A dm inlstrator ' l 8 ,by’ throu«h or under them or any OF ANNA D KIRCHNER. Deceased. road aboutone fourth m ile East of day of November, 1930, at the hour Notice Is hereby given that Amelia NOTICE Is hereby given that I have thai ’theGr° ^ ' O 9-16 23-30 N6 , "<‘rn R,nce 'he 21aX day of October, County' Oregon ; of One o'clock P M., at the Southw est It. W atts has been by the County ’ 1930, In or to the follow ing described been by tjp- Honorable County Court o r o L i V ab° Ve lexcrlbed personal front door of the County Court House Court of the State of Oregon, In ano N O TIC E OF H E A R IN G ON real property, to-wlt; of Lane County, Oregon, duly ap­ property was on said da’e delivorazt of Lane County. Oregon, sell at public for Ia n * County, appointed adm inis­ F IN A L AC CO UNT Beginning at a point 14.81 chains pointed adm inistratrix of the Estate into the custody of H. L. BowS’ ’^ auction, subject to redemption lo the tratrix ot the estate of George H. NOTCE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That East and 11.29 chains South o f the of /n n a D Kirchner, deceased. All r C0"nty' Or* £ °n. by said C highest bidder for rash In hand, all Currier, deceased. the uuderslgned, as executrix of the N ortheast corner of the Jam es H. pers nn having claim s against said ir t v ^ h ^ 6”' a n d , M,d Personal Dropi the right, title and Internal which the All perosns having claim s against L ist Will und Testum ent o t Henry McFarland Donation Land Claim No. estate v.- 11 present them to me at my T. L. h. t er slnce h*®" aabile ib o 7 e d 7 E R T V BY A D M IN IS T R A T O R . O. 23 30 N 6-13-20 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That ceased. b e f o ^ th ? h, : rPhy rp1»"-®d court on the you are hereby cited and required (6 | In Block Numbered Five W h n e s V m v ^ 10^ - A' D - ’ «A David Logan Lyon, and also all published October 16, 1930 And. you for the sum of »909 90 together with to appeur In the County Court of the (6) In Gross' Addition to Eu­ other persons unknown claiming are h. rehy notified that If yau fall to Interest thereon at the rate of 10% CouST'd n 0Urt °" " ”ed E«F®n®e Ti,n°ef State of Oregon, for the County ot gene. latno County, Oregon. any right, title or interest ln aud appear and answ er said complaint P«r annum from June 22nd, 1930 and l.ane at the Court Room thereof at Said sale will take place at the law to the real properly described ln within said period of four weeks, your fo'- 'h e further sum of »72.04 for taxes Eugene, In the County of Lane, on office of I. I,. Ray In the Miner Rulld- the Complaint herein. default will b" entered for v-ant of Pafd. together with Interest thereon or before November 6. 1930, then and lug. Eugene, Lane County, Oregon. Defendants. an answ er and the plaintiff wilil make al Ihe rate of 10% per annum from there to show cause, la any exists, L. L RAY, To James S. Lyon, or hts unknown application to the court for the relief E®h. 4. 1929. and for the further sum Ex-Offlcta Clerk of said Circuit Court why the order of sale of the real Administrator of the esta te of Ar­ heirs, If deceased; Mary Janet Lyon, prayed within said complaint, to-wlt: j »66.00 for taxes paid, together with 0.23-30 N.« esta te hereinafter described should dell F. Rice, deceased. Homer Clinton Lyon and David Logan That she have an absolute divorce i* terest thereon at the rate of 10% not be made by Asher M Vench. as 02-9 16-23-20 Lyon, or the unknown heirs o l Mary i froni you; and that the marriage tH>r annum from June 26, 1930. and S H E R IF F ’S SALE ON FORE­ the adm inistrator of the above entitled CLOSURE. Janet Lyon, Homer Clinton Lyon and contrret now existin g between you 1 the further sum of $60.63 for city estate as In his petition on file herein NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That NO TIC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T David Logan Lyon, and also all o th er. and , lle pia | ntiff forever dissolved i assessm en ts, together with interest prayed for, tow lt: the rate of 10% ^er n- by Tlrtue of an execution and order Ixit 16 In Block 12 in the Town Notice Is hereby given that Guy persons unknows claim ing any right, t The above entitled court made and th erein at Interest in and to the real dated an order October 14, 1930, dl num from Feb. 4. 19i29. and for the of th e J,8’ r Pd Ont of ,b ® Circuit court of Izowell, lain« County, Oregon, as L. Ohlhara, Administrator of the estate title or platted and of record In said County of Harry R. O ld h a m , ile c c a se d . has property described In the la m plaint recn ng tbat this summons be pub- further sum of »50.58 for city as- of the State of Oregon for the County ■-”-2, ;"Pk*E N D A N TB . n s hed once each week for a period sessm ents. together with Interest 1930 7 „ ° n ‘hp, ” rd day of October. und State, and a lso * filed his Final Account and Report ller®ln- Av k O1, .. a STA , of four su ccessive w eeks In the Spring- 'hereon at the rate of 10% per annum 1.30, upon a judgment and Decree Lots 3, 4, 6, 6, 7and 8 In Block 6 as such, and the Court has set S at­ z»J , OF OREGON, lo u are hereby requir (|e)d N ew s; and that vou appear and fr°m June 26. 1930. and for the further rendered ln said Court on the 22nd In the Town of Lowell, Lane County, urday, Novem ber 16, 1930, at 10:00 A. nF aeaJ ^Dd, an!” 7 r ohA1" answ er said complaint within four 8Um of » 0 for fire Insurance, and the ° li l2 7 Oi5e?i 193°- ,n 3 "u,t ’ b®r®in Oregon. M. at the County Court Room in the Na‘lo"al Bank of Soring W ITNESS, the Honorable C. P. Court House at Eugene, Lane County, Pla'nt filed against you In the above wpeks from thp date of the said first for the further sum of »42.00 for HeM Pn e^ k « UfrO^ h e a X « 0o f0il.^efi™t Pt»bl,«»tlon of this summons, which having: the records searched and ab- t f f ^ ^ i V 0?' « cornoratfon was Plain- Bardnard, Judge of Ihe County Court Oregon, as the tim e and place to hear four w eeks from the date of the Drat , October 16. 1930. stracted, and for the further sum of .and P * te M' Chetwood and Veda of the S tate o f Oregon for the County objections to the sam e. If uny, and publication o f th is Summons, and I t 1 *»•»». --------- as a reasonable Attorney’s r^rttW hOd' ihl’ Wlte’ w en* <,®f®’"l»nt» H. E. SLATTERY, j >125.00 of Lane, and the Seal of said Court for final settlem ent of said Estate. you fall so to appear and auswer, hereto affixed this October 2, 1930. Attorney for plaintiff and my rest- j an<^ ^or >1*® costs and dlsburse- and wherein the P laintiff recovered GUY L. OLDHAM, for want thereof the plaintiff will dence and post office address Is ments of this suit, which judgment Judgment a ja ln st said defendants for A ttest: W. M DILLARD, Clerk Administrator. apply to the Court tor the relief pray­ was entered and docketed In the the sum of »203.74 with Interest there- By Eva L. DUCKWORTH, Deputy. W ells A W ells, Attorneys. ed for ln his com plaint on file herein, Eugene, Oregon. 0.9-16 23 30 N6. 017 24 31-N6 IS. to-wlt: for a decree of this Court O.16-23-30-N 6-13 clerk's office of said court ln said i»3nfr«0»,nththe .2Rth day of s ®Pt®niber. r— — w . ■ «i i s. . 8% cent per annu« county on the 24th day of Septem ber, in ril n.M decreeing plaintiff to be the owner t930. and said Execution to me dl until paid and the sum of »60.00 as SUM M O NS in fee sim ple o t the prem ises describ­ reeled commanding me ln the name feeS t0Beth ®r with the costs ed ln the com plaint herein, and de­ of the State of Oregon, in order to « ? ? ™ r8<7 ] ent9 of ,h e »ult taxed In the Circuit Court of the State of satisfy said judgment. Interest, costs scribed as follow s, to-wlt: i h Iu