PAGE EIGHT THE SPR1NGP1EIJ) NEWS I TOW N T AND V IC IN IT Y ■ im i . ... _ ___________ Man H e r e -A im Curdy W eek-end V is ito r» akridge was a business tislto r In I Ur’> y ‘ Springfield on Monday. W C T U J T t - r •*". ° T ransacts Bueine se — Mrs. M ay I was held Tue».i»v Thomas of Lowell was a b u .in ,.» - L Wm Q »tailor In Springfield on Friday. Th 11 - from W a lte rv ill« — N. , ........ > k » V is it a t Junction C ity — M r and Mr« Bi.tchelder of WrJterviWe sms a busi­ B O. Smith and son, Kyle, spent ness visitor In Springfield Tuesday. Sunday visiting with relatives at Calls on Friend«—L. A. Buford o f p u"«*tton C ity. Fail t'reek called on his friends In Sr ring-field Monday. NEW WALKS SOUGHT FOR CHILDREN S FARM HOME V isits Monday—John Downing of W endling was a visitor in Springfield Monday morning. Smith of Roseburg was a business visitor | in Springfield on Friday. Roseburg Man H ere— G. M At Florence— Mr. and Mrs. Floyd D. Thompson spent the week-end at Florence. F Scott left Springfield Sunday for a visit with his m other at Globe. To V Ttalph & Si P R IC E 8T° R East f N,0 ' Broadw a ’ o ay, 125 s ST8^96E We°.'t23 ro .d C tT T E R S I ST 960 0R E C h NO. 3 n St.. Eugene a m .lto Eugene r «TORE NO. 4 83 96 W e rt 3ro adw ay, Eugene | 500 M ain S tr e .t, S p ringfield M other— C. Student III—Jim mie W est, student at the high school, was ill at his home the first of the week. Returns from Eastern Oregon— Paul N ice has returned from eastern Ore­ gon where he has been for several months. Bag Pheasant«— A hunting party composed of Riley Snodgrass, D. W. Roof and Mr Morgan of Eugene spent Sunday hunting pheasants near Hal sey. They had fair luck. Has Major Operation— Mrs. E. E. McKinney underwent an operation last Thursday morning at the Pacific Christian hospital for acute append Icitls. I-ores Best Q uality Shrim p, can _________ X5C 25C SC Salted P eanuts, p o u n d __ _________ < |^ Libby’s Pork and Beans, 2 cans ____________ Selox W ashing Pow der, 2 pkgs. .................................. Tnn - P M tea NO 1 can an P e in ’ Raked Beans, can . « — 1 7C ..................... « lx B orden's Malted Milk. $1.00 size, 2 J a rs Salem People V i . l t — Mr. and Mrs. < larence Guderian and fam ily of Salem spent the week-end here as guests at the home of Mr. and Mr« W. P Tyson. Mr. Guderian and Mrs Tyson are cousins. N O T IC E O F L IE N FO R E - CLOSURE SALE r e a Ot C® *" herebT e ^ s n . that under red by virtue of a lien filed with • ouhty Clerk of Lane County, ’ s h 0" ,th^ 28th '>t October " r ,° Stratt°n and E Stratton are claim ants and C. B H tk i" ls defendant, I did, on the 2Sth day of October 1930, take into • ;r>s-e«s|on two certain foxeu de < ribe.j as follows: one fem ale fox ,r I" “ States M 48 w?,h u t £ . ' " ‘’ I” right ear M T. and w it? letter, in left ear B 48 and DaiDf‘d Mt Sfet'-n ’c 25 a!,dh W 'n r1ght ear M T- and wlfh tattoo letter» in left ear d . now haTe tb<* »«®e in m> poHseesion. a -fd°Telne 7 i hre’ KDder and T,rtu« °T ?' ' tt: ' .1 h ^ eby K,ve notlve that a JI Jii the 15th day of Nov 1930 a ten o clock In the forenoon, at the ountaln States Fox A Fur Farm, on the erat side of the Pacific Highway about eight m iles north o f Eugene In l-.ine County, Oregon, offer tar sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the personal property above described JOHN L. MARSH, Constable. O30-N.6-13 C 49c ...... ......... Q« Mince Meat, 45 OB. J a r .................................. APPLE CIDER, Gallon - - 35c Visit at Mulino— Mr. and Mrs Paul Schiewe and M is. Dorotheo Frese »pent the week-end visitin g with friends at Mulino. They took advan­ tage of the school holidays la st week and left Thursday, returning Sunday evening. V at S h ed d -M a x in e Snodgrass snent the week-end at Shedd with her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Snodgrass. W hile there she attended a chivari party given for a friend of hers. CHILD INJURES HEAD |N FALL FROM PORCH decorate the room« for the w en t. «'tending were Mr. L E Bastard, Mr. William ( urtta, Mr». Jack Larson. Mr» Norman Howard, Dorothy Kegel«, tw o y ea ro ld daugh Mr« M J McKy. Mr» William Rouse, ter wf Mr #ll4| Mr, e ilv « Fegel», and Mr». Riley Hnodgraa. receive,! « deep gash in Ihe back of Mr». Eunice Bell of Eugene «»aisled her head Monday morning when she her mother as hoates». stepped off the porch at her home Member« of the P r l.d ll« club were entertained at the home of Mrs John I nrker on Friday afternoon. The iu e .t« .p en t the afternoon with came» and fancy work after which t h e y enjoyed refreshment«. Fail FORMER RESIDENTS ARE * ..... .................................. GUESTS HERE SATURDAY NINE QN HONOR LIST ------ Mr and Mrs Allen Kafoury m Salem, former resident» of Eugene ____ _____ and Springfield. and ____ Ted Barber and < ordl» Barber, brothers of Clayton F. Baber, were guests of honor at a «octal gathelng at the Burlier borne here Saturday evening Mr anil Mr» Kafoury »pent the week end here a» house guest» of Mr and Mr» Barber Th« m e evening Wa* spent w th Hal low»..» , loween game« and other forms of entertainm ent Other guests Invited for the evening were Mr and Mr» Clifford Wilson, Mr and Mr» W’alter Gossler, Mr and Mrs Lowrenc» Mof fit. Mr and Mrs Henry Fkndren and AT GLENWOOD SCHOOL Nine »indent» al Ihe UlenwotHl »< hool won place» on the honor roll for the first »lx weeqa of the present school year which ended Friday of lint w-»ek They are R obert laijole Rudolph Kink, Kenneth King, i'alm er King, Warren I'hllllp», Gladys 8hel- Marian I’owell, Lillian I'oulaon , , . - and Janie» Ward. On Account of Being Greatly Overstocked Seth Laraway, Jeweler ANNOUNCES A Phenomenal - Bonfide - Sale of Watches-Jewelry Diamonds, Silver­ ware and Novelties ...AT.. Crystal White Soap 10 bars G rape F*rult No 2 Kenneth Tobias and Bruce Cole, dressed as the Hobo Twin«. won first prise for the best costum es. Mrs. Eva Tobias, president of the class, «»slated by Mrs Cheater Chas«. Mr« William Schick and Mr» Marvin j Contributions to the C hildrens Chase had charge of the arrange | Farm Home at Corvallis, which Is meats. sponsored by the W. C. T. U. groups o f the entire state, are being sought now for the purpose of com pleting pRISCILLA CLUB MEMBERS the laying of cem ent sidew alks on ENTERTAINED FRIDAY the grounds of the institution \n v V .s ito rs from Junction City—Miss a. el ¡atterson and Robert Rasmus- Junction --- City were »Ue guests Deerhorn Resident Hers— S. J. God . sen. both of ------------------ su dard o f Deerhorn was a visitor In I Sunday Suiu,a.v at at the the home home of of Mr Mr. and and Mrs Mrs. I Jack Jjki'lf la ra jin Larson this city on Tuesday. one desiring to contribute to this cause are requested to sunt their con Mission Meet— M eet— Mrs. M rs Emma Em m a Purchases Supplies— A. A. Johnston I Attends mission o f Leaburg pureh;_sed supplica w h ile |Olson left W ednesday morning for trlbutions directly to Mrs. Madge Portland to to attend attend a a m eeting of _ a Mears, office secretary, 501 Stock Ex in Springfield on Wednesday. I I P°rtland change building, Portland. missionary society. Many needed im provem ents have Jasper Man Here— E Bauer of Daughter Born— Mr. and Mrs John been completed at the home during Jasper was a business visitor In Putman are the parents of a baby the past summer. The largest single Springfield on Wednesday. .daughter born to them at the Pacific item Is the donation of a swim ming V .aiu r from C ob u rg-Jam es Wat- Christian hospital In Eugene on Sun p-oolo 60 feet long and 20 feet wide son of Coburg was a business visitor ¡day evening, October 26 I9to which was given to the home by n Springfield on Tuesday. Mrs. Cooley of Shilein. as a memorial Leaburg R e .id e n t H e r , - Arthur HnBbard ° ‘ for her husband. Erazee of Leaburg visited with friends k o h7 Ì e h ^ b ^ d °“ A new well has also been dug dur­ 'n this city the first of the week L one „ „ " She ing the summer to assure a more Mnier go {wo adequate supply of fresh water. Purchases Feed—John Willan of Ihat 11 w ai necessary to amputate The home is made up of a central Camp Creek purchased feed while in I ll‘ Sbe *• « B i n g along nicely. building with several sm aller cot Springfield on Tuesday. tapes The home has a capacity for Aviators Leave— Ted and Cordis 140 children, but 148 are now being Transacts Business— Ed Kester of Barber left Sunday for their home at " illakenjie transacted business in I Bond where the latter operates a cared for there. The home now has sufficient funds Springfield Tuesday. flying service. They spent the week w;:h wh'ch to lav 1000 feet of cem ent H ere from O a k r id g e - W . C. W iik in "nd » V .7 ’ Uh ,b “ ' r b ru ,b * r son o f ( .akridge w L T b u s.n e a s visitor “ n E CU> ' sidew alk between the cottages, but needs funds with which to com plete this program. in Springfield on Tuesday afternoon. Visit« Saturday— Mr«. Erank Snyder I of Carter Station was a visitor in Springfield on Saturday. PARTY HELD FRIDAY EVENING . “ * I A PADTV ( Mohawk Resident Herw— Mrs R A Retur"» Craaaent— J. R Hoi- Salem where they expected to »pend Brad burn of Mohawk was a visitor T‘‘",on an' several fn ’m ere outing they had days on » h an V is ito r B A P T IS T P O V E R T Y O A r , , a l W V fc R T V Thirty five people attended (he pov erty party which the member» of the Bethany class of the Baptist Sunday school held for I heir husbands Visit Saturday— Mr. and Mr». A. E at the 1 hutch on Friday evening All of the people came dresaed In old Grav of S *a ‘th* »topped at the home Mr». W illiam Curtis will entertain “"** ,eU •»rhward« h lliin g her b-ad -lothes and ihe evening was spent the member» of thia group at her “* ob»'r«*‘l"n «round Playing Halloween gam es and with H"” , U , ° ,0 “ Pbr»k*hW. rt for 8 „ em Saturday * L„ ho v, Mr night. Mr> Ir> refreshm ents consisting of pumpkin home on Friday. November 14 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ office where the Injury was treat ad left »pringfield Tuesday morning for pie and coffee. Mr and Mrs was a visitor in Springfield Friday • A. F. I’oley of Portland were week V isit, from Oakridge—Bd Clark of H t T w hom° * “ Ud W en d lin g Return« from California — Mrs Ralph Mulholland and two children. D ewey aud Grace, returned Tuesday from la>s A ngeles where they have been visiting relatives for three week« They were arcumpanted to Loa An