Try the Home Print Shop First 1 rnIF. SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWKNTY-HKVENTII YEAR IttWLET SAYS VOTE FOR PHIL MEISCHAN The luncheon here for Mr. Hawley waa Nerved by the wives of the pre­ cinct committeemen. Mr« C. R Wh«a ton. Mra. M II Huntly, Mrs. C. R, Kenyon and Mrs. H. R Maxey. A venison feed, the meat being contrib­ ution by R. B Hamlin, was enjoyed by those present H R. Maxey, republican congres­ sional committeeman for la n e county, accompanied Mr. Hawley on hla tour of the throe cities. FURTHER STEPS TAKEN TO PREVENT FLOODS IN WEST SPRINGFIELD The clearing off of all brush and «aiding trees on a large area of the ground along the eaat aide of the Willamette river Just north of the Springfield bridge la another step which la being taken this fall by the atate highway department In an effort to relieve the flood conditions which have frequently caused a large amount of damage In thia vicinity. According to Raymond Walah, resi­ dent state highway engineer, the clearing of the tract along thia aide of the river la expected to prevent any further rising of the gravel bar now there and may possibly gradually I n < partially waahed away. It Is cer­ tain, however, that the absence of the brush will prevent any retarda­ tion of the water flow and will aid In keeping the river within Its banks when the heavy rains begin. A large drainage ditch near Thurs­ ton was recently completed from the now portion of the McKenxIe high­ way to the McKenxIe river. This ditch will stop a large amount of water which usually flows down Into Hprlngfleld from the mountains and will divert It Into the McKInxIe river nnd will not roach the Willamette until the two river meet below A LIVE NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN HPKIN GH KU), LA N E COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, O CTO BER 30, 1930 Eugene Cancels Bell Theatre To Springfield Game Open Again Soon No. 42 47 CANDIDATES AND 13 BILLS FOB VOTE BUDEETJS $92,140 Cottage Grove Gama Won by Three Mett Sign Lease on Show Locals in Rain Friday; Sec­ House Here; To Install R. ond Team Plays Today Meier not a Servant but a C. A. Sound Equipment More Teachers; New Equipment Matter If He Buys Governor­ Accounts for Increase in Kugene high school does not care The Bell theatre will be reopened ship, declares Congressman; to meet the Hprlngfleld fool ball team oom« time the first part of November Estimated School Expense; Who was Metschan’s Teacher either here or In Kugene and accord­ by three men who have signed a Receipts Larger Than Last ingly have cancelled the tentative leave on the theatre and equipment. at Willamette. Year. "Phil Metschan, the republican can­ didate la by tar the boat equipped man tor governor of thia atate," Con­ gressman Hawley told his audience In five different meeting« In le n e county Saturday Congressman Hawley epoke to the mill men at the Booth-Kelly plant at noon, had luncheon with pre­ cinct committeemen and other party workers at the Springfield chamber of commerce at I o'clock, addressed an afternoon meeting at the Cottage Orova theatre, had dinner with the republican central committee and othera at the Kugene hotel In the evening and later apoke at a repub­ lican rally at the courthouae. Mr Hawley waa greeted evarywhare he went In Iaat after a record of 24 year« *« repreaentatlve from thia congreaalunal district. He la sow chairman of the waya and mean« committee of the houae and la regarded aa among the moat Influential men In governmental affalra In thia nation Mr Metachan went to acbool to Mr. Hawley when he taught at Wiliam ctte university. They have been life-long friends The rongreeaman sketched the life of Mr. Metachan when he worked at 26 ceota a day aa a lad to hla preaent successful business operations. "He la a smart. Industrious. capable and honeat man.’* aald Mr Hawley In pralalng the republican candidate for governor. "You'll make no mlatake In voting for him and you will alao be uphold­ ing the prlnctplea of the republican party," he told hla llatenera. He deplored the action of the In­ dependent candidate to buy the gov ernomhlp of Oregon "Such a governor will not be a aervant of the people but their mnater," he declared. "The People's Paper" gume which they had scheduled with the local team for Friday, Novem­ ber 14. Thia announcement came aa a great disappointment to the high school team as well us the townspeople of Hprlngfleld Kfforts have been made to schedule a game between the two schools for the past two years and have always ended In failure. Buell Blam es Eugene The Eugene high school Is blamed for the unwillingness to meet the locals by W. B. Buell, principal of the Hprlngfleld high achool. It Is a clear case of fear of defeat at the hands of s much «mailer school thinks Buell. Announcement that the game would be cancelled was made by Harry Johnson, principal of the Kugene high school, with the statement that a game with Hprlngfleld would be a game for the Kugene second team and that they wuul probuhly become ov«r confident and weuken to the extent that It would be necessary to use some of their first string players against the locals. This would e n ­ danger these stellar athletes and i.ny Injury to them would Impair the team In a more Important game the fol­ lowing week. He also poluted out that the Hprlngfleld team would he all pepped up to take the game while hla men would be more-or-less In­ different. Regardless of causes for cancella­ tion of the game It la now certain 'hat no Inter-city gume will be played this year elthsr. This decision Is a great disappoint no-nt to Norval May, high school coach, who bos been striving all season to arrange schedules so that the two schools could meet. Win Grove Gams Friday Last Friday marked another vic­ tory for the Hprlngfleld team when they went to Cottage Grove and de­ feated the team there six to nothing. Tlie field was a »»a of mud and the greater part of the game was played In a steady drlsxle of rain. E