1 TH U R «I )AY, OCTOBER 23- 1980 THE SPRING FI ELD NEWS PAGE EIGHT I NOTED BIBLE TEACHER TO START LECTURES AT BAPTIST CHURCH SOON • UPPER WILLAMETTE CHRISTIAN CHURCH PLANS Saturday were taken lulu the back room where they were given an oppor­ • SPECIAL MUSIC SUNDAY tunity Io Inspect the machinery used Mr and Mrs A. Paulson ami four nionths-olil twtna of Chico. California, Dr B B Sutcliffe, noted Bible have moved In the Brown house west teacher from the eaat, who has been of the church upending a few months on the Pacific Twelve girls of the Pleasant lllll Coaat, will arrive In Springfield next high school gathered at the home of Wednesday to conduct a series of Miss Verna Wiley for a slumber Interdenominational lectures at the party, honoring Alene Mitchell. Veda Baptist church each evening from Daley and Iris Wallace whose birth­ Wednesday until Sunday Inclusive. He days occur in October The evening will also probably conduct a series wax »['em candy making and various of afternoon meetings at J:SO accord­ games until the wee hours when some ing to Rev R R. Mulholland, pastor of the girls Indulged in sleep. After of the Baptist church. breakfast they attended Sunday school and church In a body. Those present The subjects for the evening lec­ were Iris Wallace, Veda Daley. Arlene tures which will begin at 7:30 have Mitchell. Ida Shelley. Nina M. Peek. been listed as follows: October 29 Bonnie Jeanne Tinker, Margaret Shel "The Body of Christ”; October 30, ley, Althea Baughman. Loree latird. "The Mystery of the Agea"; October Felma Circle. Oca McPanlelds, Verna 31. "The Habitation of God ’; Novem Wiley. ber 1. The Bride of Christ"; No­ The Pleasant lllll Christian church vember 3. “The Spiritual Warrior." “ T he Lone H ld er" p laying at th e Rex T h e a tre S aturday and Sunday gave a program and social Friday Dr. Sutcliffe will also address the night of last week The program congregation of the Baptist church was furnished by students of the on Sunday morning during the usual LEGION AUXILIARY WILL FLIERS TO SHARE IN Eugene Bible University. Cake, pie. church hour on the subject. "The candy and elder were sold after the RESUME SEWING GROUP PROFITS OF AIR TOUR Sufficiency of Christ.” He will also program, the proceeds going toward Members of the American Legion SAYS MAJOR LAWSON paying for the new piano. * speak Sunday afternoon. November I. auxiliary of Springfield have decided E E Kilpatrick, principal of the to resume their sewing club and the A profit of |3,000 was realised from ALASKA RESIDENT VISITS first meeting of the club will be held the Pacific Northwest Air Tour which Pleasant Hill high alhool, attended BROTHER IN THIS CITY at the home of Mrs. Bessie Endi­ visited Springfield and 21 other cities the meeting of high school principals cott on Friday. The women will spend In three l*aclflc Northwest states dur­ held In Salem Iasi week. Mr. and Mrs Kilpatrick motored to Portland Wm Paddock of Dawson. Alaska, the afternoons sewing clothing for ing the past summer according to after the meeting Saturday afternoon arrived here last ntght to spend some children. Light refreshment will be a report issued In Portland by Hus to attend the Oregon-Washington time visiting with his brother. Charles served at the meetings and each sell Lawson, manager of the Air Tour. 1 football game. Paddock. Mr. Paddock spent the member will be assessed 10 cents to The surplus funds are to be divided winter here about three years ago. be used to purchase materials with Mrs. J A. Phelps and daughter, among the 25 pilots who stayed with He has been Interested in a nursery which to sew. Evelyn, have Isaued Invitation to the the tour long enough to visit 11 of business In the Alaskan city. members of the high school class the cities on the Itinerary This Is of Ihe Pleasant Hill Christian church the only remuneration received by Sunday school for a party to be held the pilots and the others did not Thursday evening at the Phelps home receive anything. at Pleasant Hill. About 30 young Many of the cities visited made folk are Invited. a nice profit out of the show and The Ix>well high school held Its have been enabled to Improve their first student body meeting last week flying field. and elected the following offlcerh: The Springfield visit of the tour President. Nils Hull; vice-president. proved a financial success. The local Bud Tate; secretary-treasurer. Mabel committee was able to pay all ex­ Neet. A committee was appointed to penses out of the receipts and had Saturday, October 25. 1930 draw up a constitution consisting of a small balance which was turned Hilbert Lawson. Alpha Lafarty, Bud over to the airport Improvement fund Tate. Bob Watson and Hasel Keith. This Is the first air tour to actually The Lowell Grange met In the pay Its own way and declare a divi­ Lowell high school last Wednesday dend according to Mr. Lawson and lister to a talk by Mr, Bennett of Eugene on the Grange measure and the coming election. Mrs Dar- EDMUND LOWE THRILLS IN "SCOTLAND YARD" ence Warner played a piano aolo, and Ludle Walker and Doris Hyland, a — — piano duet, be women of the home Despite his reputation for portray­ economic division served an oyster ing the smoothest crook characterlxa-1 supper. tlon In pictures, as well as being the | We want to thank the people of Springfield and sur­ screen's best-dressed man. Edmund rounding territory for the generous reception and interest Lowe still maintains that a thrilling LOCAL LEGION POST WILL accorded us last Saturday, OUR OPENING DAY IN OUR SPONSOR BIG DANCE AT melodrama, filled with opportunities NEW LOCATION. Your visit to our bakery and your for strong characterisation, la his THURSTON SATURDAY compliments were appreciated. favorite type of film story. We also want to thank our friends for the beautiful Members of the Springfield Ameri­ To such a role, no matter what flowers. can I-eglon post will sponsor a large »♦atloo In life the character might REMEMBER. We are always anxious to be of belong. Eddie maintains he can give dance at the Thurston hall on Satur­ service to you with your own baking problems. his best. "What Price Glory" and day evening, October 25. The dance "The Cock Eyed World" established Is being put on by the local organ­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Frese, Proprietors. him as a hard-boiled sergeant. "Born ization for the purpose of raising Our Bread, Pastries and Pies are always Fresh. Reckless" permitted him to portray a funds. Jack Larson and M. B. Huntly modern gangster, as did “Good In­ are the officials In charge of the tentions." "This Thing Called Love." dance. American Legion DANCE THURSTON HALL T hank You New Springfield Bakery 422 Main Street Phone 66 “A Springfield Institution Serving Springfield People” QUALITY AND VALUE These Are Our Watchwords Tlie woman who shops here finds that she can obtain more and better food for less money, and get the best and most courteous service. Our grocery is up-to-date—we do business In the mod­ ern. efficient manner. No waiting Prompt deliveries of orders taken over the phone. We correct mistakes. Every day we have astonishing specials—real bargains for the woman who seeks to buy the best at the lowest price. I We handle no mechandiBe that has not the highest reputation for merit, purity and wholesomeness. Phone W. A. TA V LOR Phone 9-WHITE FRONT GROCER! 9 "The Smart Grocery Store” as well as many other Lowe vehicles, gave him ample opportunity for the display of Impeccable attire. Including his famous silk hats and evening clothes. Lowe's dual role in "Scotland Yard." I his lateat Fox Movietone success ' which will be shown at the Fox Mc­ Donald theatre next Friday and Bat j urday. Is a splendid example of the j kind of work he llkea to do. In this ; picture he Is seen as a master criml 1 nal. In officer's uniform, business suits ! and faultless evening dress; yet It Is the strong characterizations and tenae situations that make his acting auperb, not the clothea he wears. This i despite the fact that he has made outstanding auccesses In each of these ' modes of dress. Special uiualcal programs are being prepared for both of the services at the Springfield Christian church Sunday. At Ihe Bible school hour Miss Gladys Kllett of Eugene will give a 15 minute piano-accord Ian con cert. The pastor. Vellle Pruitt, will speak on "How God Speaks to Man" at the morning service, and will take as his evening subject, "God’s Block ade on the Road to Hell.” At the evening service several spe­ cial musical numbers will be on the program A male quartet composed of Lawrence Mofflt, Dallas Murphy. Rol and Moshler and Gerald Morrison, will slag "Heaven Is My Home.” The Murphy Moshler mixed quartet will sing "The Ixird Is My Shepherd," The choir will sing two numbers and the orchestra will make Ils first appeur ance and will play several selections In muklng bakery goods and to eujoy a cup of coffee and some freah pastries made by Mr awl Mrs Frese Many beautiful liuskels of flowers were sent Io Ihe bakery by friends of Ihe proprietors. The bakery formerly was I w aled In Ihe I.axton building on Fifth street, where II hnd been since It was moved from Ihe Egglman confectionery store several years ago. STATE T. B. WORKER TALKS TO H. S. GROUP WED. Members of the Girls lea gu e of the Springfield high school together with many of their parents heard Miss Henrietta Morris of the State Tuberculosis association of Portland In a short talk on the white plague at Ihe activity period at Ihe high school Wednesday morning Miss Morrta has KENSINGTON LUNCHEON been speaking to various groups In HELD HERE LAST WEEK this county during Ihe past week carrying messages on an educational Members of the Kensington club campaign among high school girls were entertained at a 1 0 0 o'clock and women. luncheon last Friday at the home of Mrs. W. N. Dow Mra. Harry Whit­ ney was assistant hostess The after noon was spent with needlework The Next Governor Guests of the club were Mrs Alice Barett of Eugene and Ml»» Edith will need support In the Jobe, house guest of Mrs. Charles Poole of Eugene. Senate. GLEE CLUB MEMBERS GIVEN BY DIRECTOR L.L.RAY The names of the girls participating In the Girls Glee club at the high school this year were given out today by Ernest McKinney, Instructor In music who Is directing the singers There are thirty-one names on the llat This Is ults a large number for a high school glee club, says Mr McKinney, but when the tryouts wen held It was found that all of the girls turning out were such good singers that It was almost Impossible to draw a line between them I k the only candidate for The personnel of the glee rlub now Is Marjorie Prochnow, Virginia Crletle. ngella Brattaln. Enid Travis. Marjorie Waddel, Veld a Bartholomew. D ole Daniels. Clarice Fenton. Mary Lguh. Loretta Front, Elwlna Meacham. Lil­ lian Patrick. Evelyn Harris. Eileen Baker. Dorothy Baldwin. Julia Peter­ son. Barbara Adams. Elsie Reals. Echo Tomsetb. Junta May. Ixmla Gates, Dorothy Potter. Hasel Wilson, Eva Louk. Doris Chase. Blanche Bales. Buelah Richardson. Emma Trlnka. Lela Squlrgs. Lela Maswell and Paul­ ine Meaklns. p 4 » Joint Senator pledged to nupport the Bailey Policies Paid Adv. L. L. Ray. e ^llO N À L » f t a i v f n m 9 O W W IM < (IA % 9 IM IA IM IS LAST TIMES TODAY * MANY PEOPLE ATTEND OPENING OF BAKERY Several hundred people visited the Springfield Bakery during the formal opening which was held laet Saturday. AU persons entering the bakery on ALL Also T A L K IN G PREVIEW Ton ig ht at 9 S T A R T IN G FRIDAY ». , . f . i t 9 BUCK JONES IN HAIR RAISER AT REX SHOW _ Thrills are the breath of life to Buck Jones. This ace of adventure star thinks no more of making a peri­ lous leap across a thoUBand-foot deep 'canyon on his Jumping steed. Silver, than the average man does sitting down to a game of dominoes. It’s all In a day's work to him, and when he buckles on his spurs he's ready I for anything from a revolution to a i trip down the crater of a volcano— 1 provided he can make It on a horse. However. Buck, who Is starred In “The Lone Rider.” the Columbia all , talking outdoor action-drama which comes to the Rex theatre on Satur-1 day and Sunday didn’t by any means acquire all his daredevil nonchalance In a day. He’s been courting thrills and hazards all his life. • _______ _______ I HEATER TIME! Famous MONTAG CIRCULA TORS In Two Sizes. Price $70 and $84 Trade in your old heater as part payment. Terms if desired. SPRINGFIELD MAN HAS CAR STOLEN IN EUGENE Mike Hrynchuk had his 1924 coupe stolen In Eugene last Saturday night 1 while It was parked between Olive and Willamette street on West Broad­ way. The car was stolen some time between the hours of 8:30 and 10:30 p. m. The machine has not been found yet. A Thrilling Melodrama of a dual personality with Circulators take the cold out of your home. EDMUND LOWE JOAN BENNETT Ooh Mlckeyl Yoo Hoo Mlnnlsl MICKEY MOUSE CLUB Meets Saturday at II A. M. New Serial— Prizes 4 \ ) y Kiddles 10 1