THUllHDAY, OCTOBER 23- 1930 OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events ot the Week Assembled for Information of Our Readers. Approximately 160 tuna of ever greeu blackberries wara hand lad by Bclu dualsrs durlug tha campaign «bleb haa Just closed. Iload cunatructlun work In tha Flor­ ence .action la progressing rapidly and all but ooa sector la almoat aura of practlral completion thia year. Apple bluaaoma In Octobar la an un usual eight at Oakridge. A Graven ataln Iran on (ba property of A. Wood baa a number ot bluaaoma on IL Tba commercial fishing season on Itogaa river, which cloned Hap tern bar 30 after a fair, run of aalmon, la aald to have bean tha beat In tha paal few yearn. Patrick Hmltb. 60, wee fatally In­ jured when rocka, looaanad by a blaat tumbled onto him aa ha aloud In the pit of the Cbudarlck rock cruahar near YamhIU. Barbara Jean, tha t-montba-old daughter of Wlnntfred Tubandt of Sa­ lem, amotharad to death «ben aba pulled a rubber garment ovar bar head while aaleep. Accidental discharge of a gun car­ ried by one of bin sons brought In slant death to Franrla L Akeley, Ha lam. aa ba «aa bunting dear In tba wooda near Yoncalla. Tha new concrete bridge over Rock creek In tba oantar ot town waa open ad to traffic at Vernonia. It la 116 feet long with a 17 foot roadway and a five foot walk on each aide. Extensive plana are being made for the 14th annual convention of tba Ore gon Woolgrowera at llurna November 14 and 16 W P. Mahoney, Heppner, woolgrower, la prealdent of the organ laatlon A number of potato buyera from dla tant aectlona of the atate have re cently been on tbe McKenile making growera In the valley offers ranging from >0 centa and *1.10 to *1 25 par hundred. Tba benefit of lime on red clover waa deinonatrated un the Anthony brothers farm In northern Kenton county, where limed fields yielded a good bay crop, while untreated plots dried ap. Members of the American I-eglon at Cottage Grove assembled at the city hall with hammer« and aawa. to aaalat Judd Doolittle construct a new home on the site of tha old home recently destroyed by fire. The Nah hatchery at Enterprise re cently turned 4,000.000 slxlnch salmon Into the Wallowa river, 600.000 yanks were sent to the lake and 160,000 east ern brook trout are ready to be placed In the mountain lakes. With a view of saving *40,000 a year to the consumers of gasoline In Tllla mook county a proposal to secure a ra duct Ion In price from manufacturers and distributors haa been taken up by tha Tillamook Klwanls club. Albany's net Indebtedness has been reduced to *1*6,141, according to the city's flnnnrtal statement completed by City Recorder Nutting. The gross debt of 2260,617.11 Ig offset by *63 870J3 In unpaid assessments. Old-time fiddle music, old-time aonge and reminiscences of other days; ad dresses by prominent speakers and nn old-time basket dinner were tea tured at the all-day pioneer meeting held In Nehalem on October 1*. A ledge 200 feel above Rogue river at the top of Hell Gate canyon crum bled beneath the feet of Lata Whls inan. high school senior, and she plunged to her death. Har body wae recovered from the river, but Sherlft l.lstar said death waa due to Injuries Inflicted as she struck rocks on the way down. THt M ARKETS Portland Wheat — Illg Bend blueatem, 86He; soft white, western white, 74%o; hard winter, northern spring, western red. 71HC. Hey—Buying price, f. o. b. Portland Alfalfa, *18018.50; valley timothy. 216.60; eastern Oregon timothy 216 60; clover, *14; oat hay. 214; oats and vetch, *14. Butterfat—l4O27c. Eggs—Ranch, 26O88c. Cuttle—Steers, good, *7.6001. Hogs—Good to choice, **.7*O10. Lambs—Good to choice, *6.6006.60 Seattle Wheat— Soft white, western white, northern aprlng, 76c; hard winter, western red, 74c; blueatem, Itc. Eggs-R ancb, 30018c. Butterfat— 19c. Cattle—Choice steers, 16.7507.1». Hogs—Good to choice, *10.26010 36. Lambs—Choice, *6.60 0 8 50. Spokane Cattle— Steers, good, *6.2608.76. Hogs—Good to choice, *».76 0 9.8*. Lambs—Medium to good, *4.2605.26 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE SEVEN lalted Stanley Baugh. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE LOCAL HEALTH UNIT Salem w h s chosen fur the'1931 meet- ) ♦ Mrs. Arch Shough and daughter, THURSTON ♦ Ing of the Oregon lltgle Federation of FOR STATE SENATE HERE TO MEET ON MONDAY Patty, attended church services In Labor at the flual siwslon held In e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Eugene last Sunday. Jerry Hanson, a graduate of Thurs­ Dr. Joel C. Booth of I>ebanon, re­ Members of the Springfield unit ot Medford recently. Mhe. Stevens and Mrs. Lindley and ton high school last year, wus a visi­ publican candidate for the Joint sena­ the Lane County Health association Mrs. Guy Stevens from (tamp Creek The Marshfield volunteer fire de tor at tbe school lost Friday after will have their first meeting of the visited at Lawrence Gossler's home tor post which comprises Linn and pertiuenl Issued a paper of eight I noon lie Is attrwullng the University Monday. l-ane counties, spent several hours In fall next Monday afternoon at the pages, setting uni tbe reasons for firs home of Mrs. C. O. Wilson on Enter of Oregon this year prevention week, aud all humus were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Green and Springfield meeting and getting ac Most of the potatoes growers In family from Coburg and Mrs. Harry qualnted with the voters of this city aid Heights. All women of Spring supplied with copies. The custom haa the neighborhood have their crops llarblt and son, Dwaln, from E u gen e on Tuesday afternoon Dr Booth has field are Invited to attend whether hewn followed fur several years. due. Most of them report not as good visited Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Goss­ as his opponent for the position of they are members of the association itugue river valley peara shipped a yield as usual but of hotter grade. senator, L. L. Ray, attorney of Eu or not. ler Sunday. from Medford this season total 2074 Miss Beth Konkel, former secretary gene, who Is a democrat. Lawrence Gossler had the misfor­ Miss Monica Ruth sang over the cars. Although the major portion of tune to get kicked on the hip by a Dr. Booth served in the same regi­ of the group, will be present and the peer shipping la completed, about horse last Saturday. He was sick radio at station KGRK, Eugene, Tues­ ment with Captain F. B Hamlin In will speak. 100 cars ot fruit atlll are leaving the front shock for a time but no bones day afternoon. the Spanish-American war. city for eaatern markets each week. , were broken. U. OF 0. STUDENT WILL ORDER N O TIC E OF D IS T R IC T ROAD Douglas county has 800 miles of ' James Kdmlston Is nursing a lame COACH H. S. DEBATE TEAM In the County Court of the State of M E E T IN G roed to maintain out of tha general leg caused by his knife slipping while Oregon for the County of Lane. fund. In addition to 1000 bridge«, rep­ trying to cut some rubber to patch Walter H. Evans, member of the TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN ,e Adoption of resenting an Investment of practically a tire. The knife struck above his In the Matter of Notice Is hereby given that a meet­ varsity debate team at the University HILDA ALEXANDRA TURNER and ing of tbe legal voters being resident of Oregon will direct the debating *1,000,000. The county court budgets knee cutting quite deep causing much OLGA RG8E TURNER, minors. taxpayers and owners of real property tbe sum of *22.600 tor bridges, but has loss of blood. In Road District No. 23, In Lane activities at the Springfield high been spending nearly *60,000 annually Frank Rennie has been quiet 111 TG MR AND MRS. ALEXANDER County, Oregon, will be held at tbe school this year according to an an­ TURNER:— hour of 2:00 P M on the 8th day nouncement made this week. Evans John Holombo, 21. loader for tbe for several days with a relapse ol A petition for the adoption of tbe of November, A. D., 1930, at the Unity Is a Junior at the university and has Bensou Timber company, was killed flu. above named minors, together with , School House In said Road District, Glen Montgomery from Yoncalla a change of names from Hilda Alex to determine whether said road shall been on the debate team there since when he stumbled and fell under tbe undra Turner to Enid Alexandra Good | levy a special tax of 21419 16 upon all he was a freshman. The first try­ wheels of a lugging locomotive near spent last Sunday In Thurston. Mr and Mrs. Warren Higgins from and from Olga Rost- Turner to Eliza the taxable property In said district outs are scheduled to be held next Clatskanie. He had thrown a switch hath Olga Good having been filed i and wae attempting to Jump on the Jasper visited at John Kdmlston last herein, you may appear pt the County for the purpose of providing funds month at the high school. for 1 mill on Win berry Road K and running board when he lost his foot- Bunday, . 1 Court Room In the Lane Oounty Court 1 mill on Road J up Big Fall Creek Rev. Goff from Kugon« filled the House In Eugene, Lane County, Ore-1 from Wlnberry Bridge and 1 mill on MRS. CARL OLSON HOSTESS Ing. gon. on or before the 8th day of I Plans for collecting wearing apparel pulpit here last Sunday both morning December, 1*30. at 10 o’clock A. M., Road J from Wlnberry Bridge to cross FOR NEEDLECRAFT CROUP roads and 1 mill on Road A up River and evening. for tbe relief of the Navajo Indians, then and there to show cause, If any from Lowell. Mr and Mrs. Charles Taylor mo. there be, why said petition should Mrs. CarP Olson entertained tbe who are aald to bo suffering from the C. P. BARNARD, not be granted. present business depression he cause to red to Corvallis last Sunday. County Judge. members of the Needlecraft club at Dated at Eugene, Oregon, tbia 23rd Ray Isingwell from Portland was CLINTON HURD, a 1:00 o'clock luncheon at her home of the lack of sale of their rugs, were day of October, 1830. County Commissioner. here last Thurslay. She was assisted discussed at a recent meeting of the In Thurston last Friday. C. P. BARNARD, O. E. CROWE, Mr and Mrs. Ray Baugh and family Baptist missionary society of Spring- O.23 30-N6-13 County Commissioner. by Mi_. Dan Crites of Eugene. The motored to Donna last Sunday and County Judge field. O.23-30-N.6 next meeting will be held October 20. Mn O. W. Frnra now haa a winter banana apple tree on her town prop- erty In Halsey which haa both apples and blossoms on It. During the cum mer Mrs. M. C. Bond bad a pink tin nla with five distinct and perfect cen­ ters, each having plstlns and stamens In them. Loans of tbe Multnomah county vet erans for the first nine months of 1*2* totaled 2373 *00. according to figures released by Frank Moore, secretary oi the commission. During September this year, 31 loans totaling 251.700 were approved by Moore for county veterans. Ashland granite may be used for the trim un a new apartmeut houae Io Klamath Falls, tbe builder of which became Interested In the Ashland granite following publicity given the material aa a trim for the new led oral building to be constructed In Kla­ math Falls. Hood Hlver Poet, American Legion, has again decided to sponsor a big Halloween party for the kiddles of Hood River county. The previous American Orientals, Worsted Yarn Wiltons, party relieved business men of much of the work entailed In preceding Hal Axminsters and Velvets in room and scatter loween parties In the clusnlmt of store size rugs, and all grades of floor coverings re­ fronts and windows. duced to the Two hundred and ninety-eight pic­ tures of the Hebo district of the Slus law national forest have been taken from airplane to aid In tbe forest re­ source survey now under way In tbe northwest. When the survey Is com pieted In tbe area the entire forest will have been photographed. The Klamath county court has au thorlxed placing of a levy of 1.4 mills on the November ballot for the coun­ ty's proportionate share In the con atructlon ot an armory In Klamath ’ .75 Falls The city council authorised a bond Issue of *45.000 to be placed on the ballot, for the clty*a share. Contrary to general Impression, the Now is tbs thne to buy and POWER’S is the place. These re­ automobile and not the motorcycle Is ductions are the most drastic we have ever made on floor eover­ tbe most generally used by state traf­ inga. AU merchandise subject to prior tale. fic officers In petroling Oregon's high ways. At present there are 4* auto­ SPECIAL PRICES ON i mobiles and 17 motorcycles used for • • • patrol duty There usually are from two to four traffic officer« Incapaci­ tated for duty or In a hospital due to Injuries on motorcycles. Fires In Oregon during 1*2* either partially or totally destroyed 1188 home«, entailing losses aggregating 81,049,(21 lccordlng to poster* being sent bronc