TI 1URSDAY. QCTDDKK 23 1980 T H E SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE SIX TEACHER INSTITUTE GIVES MRS. C. F. EGGIMANN RETURNS HOME TODAY PUPILS FIRST VACATION - • Em otion and not reason will back the m ajority Mr». C F. Egglmann. »tale president DURING PRESENT TERM of voters when they go to the polls on November ot Ihe ladles uuxlllary of the Grand I it sei'in» safe to say at this time. Emotion School children of Springfield are Army of the Republic, returned to J and not reason is back of the revolution in enjoying their first two day holiday her home here today follow ing tw o the South American countries, the overthrow of today and tomorrow while the faculty weeks spent I I I Eastern Oregon where the I the governm ent in G erm any and the trouble in of the various schools a m attending she visited many of the chapters In the two-day Institute being held In that part of the stale. She was ac­ | China and elsewhere. the Woodrow W ilson Junior high companied on Ihe trip by Mrs Frieda Em otion is the strongest ally of Julius Meier Peterson of Italia«, who Is the state school. 75c in his cam paign for governor. If In* can keep A large program with addresses by ' Inspector Sc people from thinking for a n o th e r two weeks Mr prt mlnent speakers ha« been prepared Mrs Egglmann will make two more Meier has a good chance of being elected gov­ tor today and Include« addresses by inspection trips before Christmas. ern o r by a m inority of tin 1 people, a fte r perhaps (acuity representatives from both the an alm ost equal three way split. U niversity amt the Oregon S tale Col THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at Springfield. Lane County, Oregon. by THE WILLAMETTE PRES« H E MAXEY. Editor Entered a» second class m atter. February 24. 1903. at postotftce. Springfield. Oregon. MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE i ne Year In Advance ____ $176 Three Months $190 Slagle Copy Six Months THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23. 1930 VOTE NO. EDiCF.PT TWO EMOTION NOT REASON lege The first will be given by Dr D. V t’oling of Corvallis on "Grips That Hold.” W Q, B eattie of Ihe U niversity, will talk on "The Teat of Our Teaching”. Or Huffaker of the School of Education wilt speuk on the “Advancement of tdine County High School Student«”. Ml«» Ruth Kneeland will rend a paper on Ihe I "Klnaesthotlc Method ot Teaching Heading”. "The Rural Health I T o gram" will be Ihe them e of a dis­ cussion led by Miss llessle W illiams and Miss Jane Gavin, county health nurse«. Mary Aunin wilt m eet all ot the teachers gvho have any problems with children in their classes and a«sl»l them. The Friday session wilt be given over to addresses by Rev. John Knox of Eugene and Or. H. D Sheldon, dean of the School of Education at the university. Election of officers will take place Friday afternoon. Hunt Pheasants Bundsy -H lle y Bn.slgruss, I» W «<*•( ' » d Dr W . N now spent Sunday hunting pbeaa ants In the Halsey d istrict F o r Congress DB. J. C. BOOTH BUT We recom m end voting "No" on all m easures A candidate for office under Oregon Iaiw is on the ballot save two— the repeal of sta te pay­ allowed to spend 10 per cent of ids first year m ent on irrigation and drainage district Interest y ear's salary for a cam paign. The governor's salary is $7,500 and a candidate for th a t office and the bonus loan constitutional am endm ent. should not spend m ore th an $750. How does Ask any usually inform ed person to explain Mr. Meier expect to qualify under these condi­ All ex service man of two wars and all these m easures to you and It is a safe bet tions with all the paid agents running wild over a practising physician In Lebanon for 30 years Dr Joel C. Booth. *»<• he will not understand half of them . This is a the state, if he is elected. running for Joint senator ot Lane and good sound reason why the electorate should L' iiii counites, is widely known In btth counties. Hb 1» a graduate of vote no. Why vote for som ething you have only the University Of Oregon and played Drive your car as you would have oth ers drive a superficial knowledge of? We have a legisla­ on one of the curly football team» theirs, is a pretty good rule to follow. "Dr. Booth nai been a member e l ture th a t devotes 60 days to this sort of legisla­ Republican Nominee for R e e lw llo n . the U. 8. Pcl-slon Board for llw C oauthor of the Tariff Act of 193b tion and still th e w rong law s often get on our past thirty years. He served In lb-- which gives to agriculture In all Its s ta tu te books T hirteen m easures and about Spanish Atnerleun and World Wars branches the highest rates of protec­ and at the uresent holds a majo. t tion ever given. three tim es too m any to vote on a t one election. com m ission ami 1» on the general Lumber was on Ihe free list In B etter vote "N o” and if there is justice in this 1913 but was returned to the dutiable list In the Ilsw tey-Sm oot T ariff Act defeated legislation it will no doubt come up of 1930 and kept there by C ongress­ again until it is thoroughly understood. man llsw tey. He Introduced and had paused the Voting for the repeal of irrigatioin interest law providing $2.000.000 for our Sol lets the sta te out of som ething it should not have dlt-rs' Home A Native Son of Oregon who has assum ed in th e beginning—som ething th at was "No Interests to Serve but the Bubllr slipped over on you and me the sam e way as Interests" and who Is DULL MEN LOCAL MUSICIAN SOLOIST CHAN the present m easures hope to get by. We passed I am g etting old enough now so th at some CAPABLE FOR EUGENE PROGRAM it by ballot in 1919 not know ing th a t we were of the little acorns which 1 saw planted are be­ E X P E R IE N C E D F A IT H F U L saddling a heavy tax on ourselves— passed it be­ ginning to show up as quite sizeable oaks. Mrs. W. K. Barnoll was a soloist SUCCESSFUL cause we took people’s word for it th at did not Read his Record of Successful 8»rv For exam ple, th ere was an office boy in the for the October m eeting of the Eu­ lc>- In Ihe Voters' Pamphlet. know w hat they were talking about. L et’s get place w here 1 worked a fte r leaving college. He gene Federation ot Women's organ­ Paid udv by Ronald C Gloveri was not a bright office boy. We did not th ink ization» which was held at the Eu- rid of it by voting “yes.” th a t he would ever am ount to very m uch. He gene Chamber of Commerce on Fri­ As one who expects to benefit by the bonus did not think so himself. He had none of the day afternoon She was accompanied I k » -« loan am endm ent for ex-serviice men of the worln Vision which we read about. He ju st kept on at the piano by Mr». W. H. Small war, who were not residents of th e sta te w ben keeping on. Collects Bounty enlisting, and men who served in the Philippines, Well, the o th er day I picked up a trad e paper, Cart Humphrey of Fall Creek co l­ staff of the Oregon National Guurd we h estitiate to endorse this m easure too stro n g ­ and th ere was a big photograph of our ex-office "Or. Booth has been a resident of lected a $2.00 bounty last week at ly lest a selfish m otive be im pugned to us. This boy, and the announcem ent th a t he has just thucounty courthouse for one bobcat Linn County for the past thirty y.-ars during which lim e he has m easure provides th a t the sta te shall loan been elected president of a ra th e r im portant pelt. a re g u a ra n te e d been a keen student of the politics m oney on real e sta te to these service m en at com pany. of both the county and state He to do e v e ry th in g one-half per cent above w hat the sta te has to has been Identified with Ihe repub As years go on, and the business of the coun­ A s p irin can do llcan party for the pust thirty-four pay for such m oney secured through bonds. It try expands, his com pany will expand with it, That's because Puretest years. By reason of his long resi­ Aspirin Tnblets are made is likely th e sta te will m ake m oney instead of for he will be a careful ad m inistrator. And dence In this sectlun he le thorough of true Aspirin. They incur a lose from this m easure. On the record som e day his associates will give him a dinner ly familiar with the needs of the peo­ are true aspirin during the of the w orkings of th e present bonus loan law and hail him as a g reat leader, and his picture ple dur.ng ills thirty years practice m anufacturing p r o c e s s - I f n e t t i n g U o N ig h t* . B a c k a c h e as a physician gives him an Insight we feel th a t it is safe to extend the privilege. true nsptrln when you hay will be hung in the Board Room. f r e q u e n t d a y c a l l * L e g P a in s, N e r v - Into the problems of Ihe people he o u s n e s * o r B u rn in g , d u e to fu n c tlo n - them and are still true w ishes to represent, which would ‘ B la d d e r I r r ita tio n , In a c id c o n d l- P erhaps you have read Mr. W oodw ard’s bi­ aspirin when they soothe n * m a k e« y o u f e e l tired , d e p r e sse d be Impossible to obtain In uuy (he aches and pains of the other way. His long association We fail to see w here paid dem ocracy fits in ography of General G rant If so, you rem em ber W o r k s f a s t , s t a r t s c ir c u la tin g th ru ls»dy Therefore, you th a t he stood low in his classes a t W est Point, with tlie political leaders of the w ... m in u t e * P ra ised by t h e s y s te m in 15 may be sure that Puretest w ith free speech and free power in Mr. M eier's th o u s a n d s fo r ra p id a n d p o s itiv e a c - state has acquainted him not only Aspirin will relieve pain t lo n . - D on ’t g —-------- iv e u p "*-•r . T ry Cy«t C y o tex (Pro­ platform . Many of his w orkers are fired with and w as later discharged from th e arm y. W hen with the legislative needs of his n o u n ced s ia e - t e x ) to d a y , u n d er t h e promptly without any de­ • he utm ost patriotism a fte r getting a $50 a week the Civil W ar broke out he was such a failure district but also with the knowledge Ir o n -C la d G u a ra n te e, M u st q u ic k ly pression of the heart or th a t his letter offering his sendees to his country a l l a y t h e s e c o n d itio n * Im p rove t e s t - of how to obtain that legislation. check. Irritation of the stomach. f u l Sleep an d e u e r g y , o r m o n e y b a c k . was not even answ ered by the W ar D epartm ent. — Paid Adv. Lane County Republic­ O n ly 90« St Barley is a good substitute for corn says O. DRUG STORE an Central Committee. T he arm y was full of m ore brilliant men. H al­ 6th & KETEL8 Muln Springfield. Ore O. C. to the poultrym en. Ground barley m ay be lock, for instance, knew all about tactics. In any substituted for 50 per cent of the corn ration RELIEF FROM CURSE for laying hens. This is good advice because crisis he could tell just w hat Napoleon would OF CONSTIPATION have done. McClellan had a touch of genius. if th e poultry industry is to reach its m ost profit­ W hat did G rant have? able stag e in Oregon it m ust subsist principally A B attle Creek physician sa y * "Con on the products of the s ta te ’s soil. sttpatlon Is responsible for more He had a superstition. W hen he started out Tax Payers and misery than any other cause.” on anything he hated to tu rn back. It applied Homo Owners But Immediate relief has been even to small things. If when he left the house found. A tablet called ReurU Order Box of 24 LEARN THE FACTS ABOUT We are told by th e highw ay departm ent th a t in the m ornings, he found he had forgotten som e­ Ues has been discovered. This tablet THE GRANGE HYDRO attracts water from the system Into the new grade on the McKenzie highw ay will th ing he never retraced his steps. Always he AMENDMENT Sold only at Rexall Drug the lazy, dry evacuating bowel called be let for surfacing th e end of this m onth. Also went forw ard. And when he cam e to com m and Stores. the colon The water looseaa the dry th at the Doyle hill-Nimrod section, or the re­ arm ies he aid the sam e thing. Doggedly, plod­ T u n e in on Station food w aste and causae a gentle dingly- b ut inexorably he pushed ahead. m ainder of the county road, will be contracted K E X , P o rtlan d , thorough, natural movement without forming a habit or ever Increasing F rid a y , O ct. 24, for grading in December. W hen this com es to DRUG STORE W hen I was in college, th e President said, 8:30-8:46 P. M. tbo dose pass we will give th ree cheers for the first com ­ “ H enry W ard Beecher, when a stu d en t in Am­ Phone ,6 Stop suffering from constipation pleted sta te highw ay in Lane county outside of h e rst Coliege, stood at, or near, the toot of his Chew a Rexall Orderlle at night. NOxt [i..l ...... Ifs'l»--. ■ j - I M o untain S tates day bright. Get 24 for 25c today at the paved Pacific. L et’s pray th a t there is no class. N early a hundred years have passed, and 9«AFVlCHi4LI V O « W 1 L ' «>'• < ’ < « •» $ I Flanery's Rexall Drug Store slip up on this schedule. B owyer C o m pany A m herst College has produced no second H enry W ard Beecher, though m any men have stood at, or near, the foot of th eir class.” A news rep o rt says th a t 132 tow ns in Iowa CANDY i t a re m a rk a b le fo o d a t w e ll as a pleasure. J u s t being dull, or standing a t th e foot of the have sold th eir m unicipal owned electric plants U n less you are a d letld on . you"Ve probably never thought of to private com panies and now have low er rate s class, is no assu ran ce of success, of course. On cundy as a food. Candy 1» so pleasant, so delicious that you naturally the o th er hand, it is n othing to be discouraged th an heretofore. Too bad, Iowa did not have a :thlnk of It as a mere treat. Julius Meier to show them how to get power ab o u t—a fact of which I see m ore evidence a l­ Yot, candy Is one of our best sources of quick energy. Most m ost every day. for nothing. M odern E q uipm ent fo r B reke Teet- of the work you do Is performed by virtue of burning sugar In some *BRUC W. C. HAWLEY 'Aspirin Tablets Backache Leg Pains NOTICE . . . 25c Flanery’s Infl, PINKY DINKY By Te«ry Gilkison W h eel and A xle A lign ing TE S TS FREE M inton’s Brake Service All Work Guaranteed Phone 271 10th and Olive Eugen« Oregsn form Ir. your Ixidy. So. candy, which contains a large proportion of sugar. In addition often to such various lngredlonts as chocolate, fruits, nuts and milk, Is a remarkable rood for supplying us with quick energy. Try thia: JuBt before one of your futlguc-portods, eat a piece or two of candy. You w ill be surprised and delighted to find you are not so tired as usual. FGGIMANN’S "W h e re ths S ervice Is D iffe re n t” ..Sw eeten ths Day w ith Candy... mb ìncf ¿pk» „ 'POHTI AND, -'.OREGON Oct.25-Nov. I S how « l a O ne —• $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 P rem iu m s 2 0 th A n n u a l E x p n aklo n com bina« P a ra -B ra d I.lvaatnclt Sh ow , P i t Stock fUtowi D a lrv , M an u facturer«' and L a n d Producta S h u ttli Poa and F u r Showt W o o f and M o h a ir Showt P o u ltry A. P r t St.H:k Show ) In d u ttr la l R ih ih M n 5 « V ’ •"<> o, r 1 S .ub 'Y o r k E x h ib it» Iru th -ln -M e a ta B ih lb lt» W ild Llfa E xhlM tsi and w o rld -ren o w n ed flo ra e S io w . 11 aerea un d er one ro o f. 20 ! ;L * * t apse«- P x»«4 road« direct to entrance. P o rtland, O raan O cto b er 2 9-N o vatn b er 1, R educed Perea ell T ra n e p o rta tlo n Linee. "J 'TWOULO MAKU YOU <3RIN AND LAU6H AWAY p u l l CARB ro « e make a t in y Mot»e A monkey OF A PCAR. anHÜ