THURSDAY, GUTUBBK 23- IMU THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS -■"'1.- ■ artQNcrr campjq Aroung the Hoy« Hack Horn« the Id«« prevails (hat «vary yap la Naw York la a Broadway Playboy. At fall of night he la supposed to niak« a b<'«-tlna tor the Great White Way. From than until Ihn foggy boura he aklpa high, wld« and llpay through lag ahowa, night cluba. npeukoaalea A very devil of a fel­ low. , . , Result when Qua and Bteve de upon New York for a com­ bined business and plaaaure trip (you kuow the combined bualneaa and pleaaura IrlpaT), they are primed for a terrific pace. e e e Here la what happens (It happened to m« recently, aa It bad a doaeu time« before): Two skylarking frlands from the South breexe Into town, after motor Ing 100 miles In two daya, and not a whit worn by the Journey announce that they are here to "do" New York. They climb the Statute of Liberty and a«« Manhattan briefly during the afternoon When night arrives they must sea the speakeasies m « nd lhare'a a Dog and Cat beauty Parlor on 60th atreet. • • • Overheard ou the Morning Aftar (In the next apartment): Mother: "Oh, dear. I'm aorry—too late now to go to church." Haven-year old Ethel "ChurchT Ha! Ila ! You'd look funny In church —-drunk!" e e e Newa Item: "Mix husbands were Jailed yeaterday on charge« of ualng respectively, but forcefully, a crow­ bar, a branding Iron, a raxor blade a dlnneT plate, a straight raxor, and « carving kulfe on their reapectlve wlvea over the weekend.” Ooodneaa, but your huabanda do play rough- e e e Sign on cleaning eetabllahment: "l«at Va Smarten Up Your Clothes." That'« It. What I need la a general amartenlng up. topped off by robin'« egg blue necktie. PECULIAR RAILROAD CAR TESTING RAILS OVER CASCADE LINE The queer looking coach which baa been aeen on the railroad track« the paat few daya la not a new electrtc bua to be uaed on the line aa aome have supposed, but la a rail teatlng car which la going over all of the main line of the Houthern Pacific railroad on thia part of the coaat teatlng the rails and looking for weak a pot a or flaw« which may cauae trouble. Jl ■ f PAGE SEVEN ■ ' ■>' old yet and It la underatood that the manufacturera of the ralla have put them out on a five year guarantee. Any defective onea will be replaced by the manufacturera. ANOTHER NEON SIGN PLACED ON MAIN STREET A new Neon algn with the word, radio, haa been added to the ever­ growing number In the city. The lateat addition to the group waa hung over the D. W. Roof Jewelry «hop Tueaday to advertlae the radio buai- The machine haa a large amount neaa which Wm. Rodenbough conduct« of Intricate machinery which detecta, there. by mean« of field cotla, any weak spots A chart with an Indicator la Raleaacd from Hoepltal — Dora mounted on the car and when the tilaapby of Lowell wax released from needle on thia falla to Indicate auffl- the Pacific Christian on Kunday. She clant contact then the men atop and la now at the home of friends In Investigate the cauae. Springfield where she Is oovaleactng The ralla on the Cascade line of from a major operation performed at the Southern Pacific are not five year« the Pacific Christian hospital. RALPH HUGHES NATURAL FLIER SAYS INSTRUCTOR AT EUGENE GLIDER CLUB flight efforts. The big need of the club now Is a more advanced glider Work n«« already been started on a primary Ralph Ilugea Is tha aecood natural glider which will be much lighter filer at the Eugene Ollder club ac­ and faster than the training ship now owned Tiy the club. cording to Lieutenant Robbins, flight Instructor for the club. Both Hughes and Bob Stayton of Eugene can go OVERHEATED TAR BLOWS_ Juat aa tar In aviation aa they care UP DESTROYING HOUSE to go and will be successful thinks Mr. Robbins who baa been working A can of tar left on back of a with these two boys In their glider stove became too hot and exploded flights for aome time. setting fire to and completely de Hughea, Willis Bertsch and one straying the David Converse home at other Springfield member of the club Marco la and all of Its contents on all made flights from the top of Monday afternoon. Mr. Converse had moved Into the house on Saturday. Emerald Heights on Sunday. On Monday he went down town leav­ Sixteen members of the club are ing the can on the stove. now eligible for their third class gilder pilots license and eight are ready Loss of about 1,000 was sustained. for their second class license, No Insurance was carried. A bucket A large class of University boys brigade waa formed and prevented haa started at the club and they the fire from spreading to other are making great progress with their bouses. MANY FROM HERE INVITED TO DAD’S DAY MEET AT UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu gene, Oct. IS— (Special)— With friend­ ly competition between the various living organisations growing keener every day aa to which one will have tha largest number of Oregon Dads here for the Dads' Day festivities on October 16, and acceptance from Dede pouring In from all over Ore­ e e e gon and many paints In California, I show them several, where I garni« the University of Oregon la looking a stein of beer while they tank to forward to the greatest anual day In the tonsils on gin and scotch and rye. the history of the Dads' association. After that, weakening. I propose that More than <00 are expected to at­ we go home— and to bed. tend. Hut no They have set their hearts Those from Springfield who have upon visiting the Hohohan saloons been Invited to attend Dads' Day In­ Ho we drink our wty up and down clude Paul J. Brattaln. W E Buell, the New Jeraey waterfront (I. aa la H. W Byler. John Freni, William my habit, drank nothing strooger than O. Hughes. I. D. Istrlmer. John C. raspberry soda of which I am exces­ McMurray, B. B Morrison, Dr. R P. sively fond. , . .) Mortensen, W H. Pollard. O. L. Prochnow. D. W Roof, Wilfred P. e e a At thia point my featlve friends— Tyson, C. E Willis. Frank L Withers Silver loving cups will be prevented Ignoring my sleepy protest—take It Into their heads to prowl down to a to the women's and men's living or­ steamship pier. Hera they are dla- ganisations have the most Dads here. In proportion to the alxe of the bouse ruaded, with great difficulty, from Presentation will be made a« the huge Jumping Into the harbor to swim banquet Saturday night In the men's after a departing ocean liner. lormttory for Dads and their sons and By this time your New Yorker la daughters. Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall, groggy on the ropea. He finds it In­ president of the university, Paul T. creasingly difficult to dodge tha fire Shaw. Portland, president of the Ore­ plugs. And lamp posts have a way gon Dads, and Oeorge Cherry. Enter­ of revolving . . . moat disconcertingly. prise. president of the Associated Stu Ho finally, we return to Manhattan. dents, will speak. The other merry-makers are aa fresh ' The gridiron clash between the Uni­ and dapper aa you please In the chill versity of Idaho and the University grey dawn 1 proceed to taka leave of of Oregon on Hayward field will fur- them. nlahe entertainment and excitement s e e Saturday afternoon. A special section That was Saturday morning. has been reserved for the dads, who "Well," 1 yawn, "s'glad to aeen will have their own cheering section y'boya I apoae you'll go to your and leaders. hotel now and sleep all day tomor Trains bearing the guests will be ro w r met, and the dads will be personally "Not on your life," they brightly conducted to the campus, where they reply. "We're Juat before leaving for will be officially registered. A Dads home Gotta be at work < o'clock meeting, at which officers for the Monday morning O'bye." coming year will be elected and var­ And they talk about gay New York! ious problems of students and parents • . . will be discussed, will be held on This la being written In my naw Saturday morning, followed by lunch­ pea-green apartment Into which 1 : eons at the various fraternities and moved this afternoon. You might dormltorlea blame this week's’ column on tha color scheme. Or something. . . . Wendling People Here— John Down We have one of the new pill-box' Ing of Wendling spent Monday trans­ apartments with circulating rent bills, j acting busluess In this city. disappearing maid servlca, and hot Visiters Here— M ra Jonathon Green and cold mortgagee. You can't beat and Mrs. David Zwelfel of Elgin, and that. e e a Mrs. Buelah Smith and Mrs. Winifred You ahould have aeen ma moving | Walcbon and two children all of Port­ In this afternoon. With a piano In land are visiting at the home of M r one hand and a floor lamp In the J and Mrs Hubert 8las In this city. other, rounding the corner with coat­ They were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlon tails flying. . . . A picture, really. • • • Adams. That was a dirty look I got from Notice is hereby given that the un­ the neighbors when they saw this dersigned has filed with the State typewriter coming In. Funny, how Banking Board of Oregon application thg typewriter keeps them awake, for license to engage In the business of making loans of money or of per­ but what I write puts them all to sonal credit, or In the pawnbrokerage sleep. . . . Somebody ought to Invent business, under the provisions of Sec­ tions <30841, inclusive. Oregon Laws, a talkie typewriter. blee and fruit—take on half a tea- • e e lamette St., Eugene, Ore. Date of In rase you're Juat dying to know. first publication October 33. 1*30. Save Oregon from being sold for Taxes! Vote against Power Districts Constitutional Amendment "OREGON CANNOT AFFORD A NEW CLASS OF UNCONTROLLED TAX-SPENDING POLITICAL BODIES, OPERATING TAX-EXEMPT PROPERTY IN A HAZARDOUS BUSINESS ENTERPRISE. AT THE RISK OF THE ALREADY BURDENED TAX­ PAYERS OF THE STATE.” (Statement of 191 Oregon citizens in official Voters' Pamphlet) Six JOKERS in the Amendment District can be pieced together like a crazy quilt, out of patches of “territory, contiguous or otherwise, in one or more counties.” Districts can take over and "as­ sum e” defaulted bonds of insolvent irrigation districts, and load these debts on to other property. Districts can “levy taxes upon the taxable property of such districts,” with no limit on the amount of taxes that may be levied. Districts can and must make up all losses in higher taxes, in higher water and electric rates, or both, without check or limitation. F Districts can “issue, sell and assume evidences of indebtedness," with nt limit on the amount or kind of debts to be “issued” or "assumed.” Five directors can exercise all these autocratic powers, with all bars against extravagance and oppressive burdens removed. You know how these things work Sensational VALUES' "THE PEOPLE KNOW BY BITTER EXPERIENCE THAT NO POWER TO CREATE NEW DEBT AND LEVY NEW TAXES HAS EVER BEEN LEFT UNEXERCISED. FRIDAY and SATURDAY NO OPPORTUNITY TO ENLARGE THE $5.00 Men’B Wool Pants .......— ---- -------- .............. $2.93 $1.50 Heavy Balbrlggan Unions ---- ------------------- 98c 25c Fast Color Prints ........... — ......— --------------------- 15c 26c Outing Flannels -------- ----- -------------- ------------- 15c $1.00 Pure Silk H o s e .............................. — .......... ........ 4 9 c $6 to $7.60 Ladies Sample Shoes (3>4 to sizes) ........... ......... ........................................... $2.48 GANIZATION, OR NO CHANCE TO PUBLIC PAYROLLS BY POLITICAL OR­ RAISE AND EXPEND PUBLIC MONEY, HAS EVER BEEN NEGLECTED.” This is a Constitutional Amendment No Use Crying Later . . . Protect Yourselves NOW! Bargains in All Department Fulop’s Department Store VOTE 325 X NO ’’We give S. & H. Trading Stampe” 334 Maln Street Springfield (Paid Adv.— Utility Taxpayers Committee, H. L. Walther, Manager, 206 Sixth Street, Portland)