THURHDAY. OCTOBER 23- 1930 TH ESPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE TWO I LOCAL GIRL TO SPEND SIX YEARS IN MISSION WORK IN TOKIO. JAPAN FIRST FOOTBALL TEAM PORTLAND PASTOR TO BE TO BE GUESTS AT GAME BAPTIST CHURCH SPEAKER W ITH IDAHO SATURDAY ORDINATION SERVICES FOR KENNETH TOBIAS TO BE HELD TUESDAY Miss Grace Farnham of Waltervllle Ordination services for Kenneth left Monday evening (or Sau Francisco Tobias. American Sunday School on the first lap o( a trip which will 1 Vnloon worker, will be held at the Baptist church next Tuesday after­ take her to Japan (or a sis years noon and evening A meeting of the stay as a missionary in the city ot Ordination council will be called at Toklo. Miss Farnham will be met 1 2 30 for the purpose of examining ut San Francisco by two brothers who the candidate and a potluck supper will bid her farewell as she sails will be served at 6:30 in the church. (or the Orient. The ordination ceremony followed by In Japan Miss Farnham wtll be sta­ a sermon by Kev. Edgar B l.uther tioned with the W. D. Cunningham of The Dalles will be held at 7:30 mission, and Independent organisation. Rev. l.uther Is a former pastor of She its making her second trip to the church here. the Japanese islands. Her first trip Pastors invited to sit on the or­ was made in 1925 when she stayed dination council are Rev R. B Shoun. for (our ears. She has now been Roseburg: Rev. L. H. Randle, Cot­ visiting relatives in this vicinity (or C a sr il los« Evaristo Uriburu. WÍM tage Grove; Dr. Bryant Wilson. Eu­ AdoU H itler, head oí ihc O rn as« the past year while on a furlough M Argentine revoiutioaists to vie victory. «aseta movement, which won a great gene; Rev. F. B. Matthews. Corvallis; has been chosen head of the Sooth vu-tuay i i the Miss Farnham is very enthusiastic Rev. D. E. Baker. Eugene; Rev. O. American nit too. over her work among the Japanese C. Wright. Portland, and Rev Luther hlden. She specialises in klnder- of The Dalles. LARGE AUDIENCES GREET :arten work and also teaches Eng RELATIVES GATHER FOR These meetings are all open to the ish. She does not have to put up COLORED QUARTET SUN. SILVER ANNIVERSARY public and auy one interested In the with any of the Inconveniences which AT CHAS. MEYER HOME ordination or tbe examlnntion of the A new record for attendance at so many foreign missionary workers candidate Is welcome to attend ac­ have to face, she says, as everything The silver wedding anniversary of cording to Rev. Ralph K. Mulholland, the Sunday school of the Christian In the part of Tokio where sh» is Mr. and Mrs. Charles Myers was ob­ pastor of tbe local Baptist church. 1 church was set here last Sunday 1 morning when 488 were counted nt ¿located is very clean and pleasant. served here at their home on Friday, s. the opening of the program. An even October 10. Miss Doris Myers, their To Sew Girl Scout Uniforma larger crowd turned out at the eve- daughter, planned the event which ESSEY AUTOMOBILE IN A group of Springfield women will nlng services and It la estimated that was attended by thirty relatives. Mr. ACCIDENT LAST SUNDAY and Mrs. Myers were presented with meet at the home of Mrs, C. E. fully 1000 people heard the colored Wheaton this afternoon to sew on quartet sing and entertain at the two The running board, the front wheel many beautiful gifts and flowers by the new uniforms which are being rally day services. Every seat In the and the front fender of the Bulck their friends and relatives on their made for the members of the Spring church auditorium and balcony were owned by Dwight Kessey were badly anniversary. Ì field Girl Scout troop. filled for the evening program which M r Myers was taken to the Eu­ wrecked Sunday afternoon in an acci­ lasted 45 minutes. dent on the Pacific highway north gene hospital shortly after the affair Church O rch estra to M eet Of Junction City when his automobile and underwent an operation for stom­ Members of the orchestra of the POSTMASTER GETS DEER was sideswiped by another machine ach trouble. He is now getting along DURING VACATION TRIP being driven by E. E. Bristow of fine and is feeling much better accord­ Christian church will meet at the Eugene. Mrs. Bristow sustained an ing to his friends who have been home of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Murphy E. B. Hamlin, Springfield pustmas at 410 E street tonight for their injured hand in the accident. Neither to see him. ter, returned to this city Monday with practice session. of the three occupants of the Kessey the hides and heads of two large deei car were Injured Mr. Kessey was STORE OW NERSHIP CHANGE which he had killed near Drew, Ore­ returning from Portland and the gon. where he had been spending the EFFECTIVE ON MONDAY Bristow family was driving north on past ten days on a vacation with his the highway. Change in the ownership of the brother, Ed. Hamlin, The postmaster A. R. Gray properties in Springfield bagged one four point buck which IAN CASHES ARM W ITH became effective on Monday morning weighed 160 pounds dressed with the Ages 45 to 49 hide on it, and another smaller three DRAG SAW ON FRIDAY The grocery business is now owned jointly by Mr. Irish, who bought out point one. Mr. Hamlin Is having a According to Leonard Williams rug made of the largest deer hide, John Irish of Marcóla received four Mr. Gray, and Dallas Murphy. The deep gashes in his arm last Friday feed business is owned Jointly by Mr. M. D., a gifted writer on Obesity—a mounting the head and horns as a man's normal weight at ages 45 to while operatink a drag saw near his Murphy and Mr. Gray. Mr. Murphy 4»— part of the rug. will continue as manager of the home. He does not know how his 5 Ft. 7 Inches 156 Pounds 5 Ft. a M 161 “ i T ransacts Business— 8 . C. F o tta ot arm became mixed with the cutting grocery store. 5 Ft. 9 167 saw blade. He was taken to the Jasper was a business visitor in 5 Ft. M 172 •fflce of a local physician who dressed HIGH SCHOOL FRESHMAN Springfield on Friday. 5 Ft. 11 M 178 M tyie injuries. No stitches were re­ 184 Comes from Veneta—Mrs. John Pet- CUTS FINGERS IN PLANER 6 Ft. 0 M 6 Ft. 1 191 quired. tlejohn of Veneta was a caller In *• 198 Donovan Montgomery, freshman at 6 Ft. 2 These weights Include ordinary in- this city last Saturday. Visits With Mother the Springfield high school, cut the door clothing. Get on the scales and Lloyd Adams, son of Mrs. Elva tips of all the fingers on his left see if you are overweight and how Adams, spent the week-end in Spring hand Friday while operating the much. The Modern way to take off fat is field, with his mother. While here Jointer in the manual training depart known as the Kruschen Method— he renewed old acquaintances. He meni. The fingers were nipped Just | and is well worth a four weeks trial. said there were many changes in the along the upper portion of the finger- j Cut out pies, cakes, pastry and Ice business district in the five years nails. He was rushed to a local cream for 4 weeks—go light on pota he has ben away. He is now living physician where he was given first toes, butter, cheese, cream and sugar moderately of lean meat, aid and the injuries dressed. He i —eat In Portland. chicken, fish, salads, green vegeta­ will not lose the tips from any of i bles and fruit—take one half a tea­ Daughter Born—Mr. and Mrs. Vic­ his fingers according to his physician. spoon of Kruschen Salts In a glass ___ of hot water every morning before tor Schmidt of Wendling are the par­ breakfast—don't miss a morning. Portlander Visits Here—Sam Ben- | An 85 cent bottle of Kruschen lasts ents of a baby daughter born to them at the Eugene hospital on Sunday, son of Portland was a week-end vis­ 4 weeks—get it at Ketels Drug Store October 19, 1930. or any drug store in the world. itor in Springfield. Dr. W. C. Driver, extension worker foi) the Western Hvmlnary of the Ha pi Is I church with headquarters lu Portland, will deliver Hie sermon at the Baptist church on Sunday morn­ ing al II 00 o'clock. The Bible school will meet at 7:30 in the evening Mrs M S Addy, police matron In Eugene will make a abort talk to mothers and daughters at 7:30. Rev. N R Mulholland will deliver the eve­ ning sermon on the subject “The Man Who Met Himself in The Hoad ( ( ( Degree Teem M e tts F rid a y Members of the l*rogresslve 22 de gree staff of the Rebekah lodge held a short meeting on Friday evening and made plana for the meeting to be held here next Wednesday after­ noon In connection with the county meeting of the I. O. O. F. Cal Young, la m pioneer, and mem her of ihe first football team of the Hniveralty of Oregon, together with seven other fellow plays on that early team will be apeclal guests of tbe University of Oregon Saturday when the 1930 teams meets ihe Vandal learn from the University of Idaho durlug Dad’s day al the University. Prominent local men who played In Ihe first University team besides Mr. Young Include John Bdmlnston of Goshen, and O. A. Wlnisrmeter of Eugene. Other members who will atteml the game are Rev. Frank Mat thewa, pastor of tbe First Baptist church at Corvallis; CUrsoce Keene. Silverton physician; and Howard Da via of l*orOand. Dsatsr Residents M srwM r. and Here from Marcóla- Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. W W Beeson of Dextar were Charles Paris of Marcóla were vía- visitors In this city on Saturday after noon. llora In Bprlngfleld on Saturday. J . C. Penney Co In«. DBrARTMBMT. I t « » « ‘»42 Willamette St.. Eugene, Oregon W o r k S h irts A Sm ashing V a lu s ,at th is L e w P ria s What The Normal Man Should Weigh 59 Mew, If I f . owwr you want In a shirt of pleating appear s u e you'll find it bere . . . and at a tub' 'Rial saving I Extra quality, upstanding chambray only it u ted . the stitch­ ing is ii- kind that holdt. and n «very datai! the gaxtaant is •sua! to Un HOWS x- ANALYZE“The Grange Bill” BEFORE YOU VOTE 191 LEADING CITIZENS AND TAXPAYERS OF OREGON, ON PAGE 55 OF TH E VOTERS' PAMPHLET, CONCLUDE THEIR ARGUMENT AGAINST T H IS MEASURE AS FOLLOWS: N ew s Bargain Offer Good until October 31,1930 “WE RECOMMED A “NO" ON T H IS AMENDMENT “ BECAUSE this amendment would open the flood gates of public expenditures at the taxpayers expense; Again we offer a club with the state’s greatest newspaper, The Oregon­ ian, at a substantial saving on the subscription price of both newspapers. “ BECAUSE it would create a new clase of political agencies, and give the unlimited power to incur debt, levy taxes and spend public money; SUBSCRIBE NOW AND SAVE “ BECAUSE it would invite the worst kind of political gerrymandering for promotional schemes; DAILY OREGONIAN. 1 year by mail THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS. 1 year by mail $6 00 1.75 ---------- Total .............................. $7.75 Both for Save $2.25 “ BECAUSE it would discourage new industry from locating in Oregon; “ BECAUSE it would retard efforts to secure federal development of the Columbia, and $5.50 “ BECAUSE DAILY and SUNDAY OREGONIAN, 1 year by mail THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS, 1 year by mail $8.00 Total ........................ ---------- $9.75 Both for $7.30 1.75 Save $2.45 This is the greatest news bargain offer before you today— All the Reliable well written news both local, state and national at a saving. SUBSCRIBE TODAY! New Subscribers start at once. Oregon needs all of its present tax-paying to share the necessary cost of government. Industrie« Oregon cannot afford a new class of uncontrolled tax-spending political bodies, operating tax exempt property in a hazardous business enterprise, at the risk of the e already burdened taxpayers of the state.” P r o t e c t Y o u r H o m e s a n d P r o p e r ty A g a in s t M O R E B O N D S a n d M O R E T A X E S — The Mountain States Power Company. Old Subscribers from date of expiration. Vote — 325 X NO