THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28. 1980 THE HPRINOFIIELD NEWS 1....... " 1 1 .. i . PAGE T H R E E Q o .. to M.roMioid -M rs . Marion M O N T H L Y SOCIAL H E LD Adam* loft thia morning for Marah-' BY R E B E K A H ’S MONDAY field where ahe will upend two daya vlalttng relative«. She will return to A short meeting of the Rebekah her home here on Saturday. She took lodge waa held Monday night and a large number of deerhldea to Rose­ waa followed by the monthly social burg to be tanned and mounted at « , cb -¡ their plant there. the I. O. O. F. were Invited to at tend. Following the lodge session the SUM M O NS members enjoyed games and refresh In the Clircult Court of the S U U of ments. Mrs. O. H. Jarret. Mrs. Nellie Oregon in and for the County of Lane Jordan and Mrs. Clsrs Johns con stltuted the committee ln charge of Suit for Divorce. <1IRL WANTED. Addreaa Box 119, ROOM and board, family atyle, HU I W ANTED— Ranch on ahare beats. .I8ABEL RW F« « ^ a U ff. the social meeting Monday. route 8, Eugene. 023 per month. Elite H otel 018 | ITefer partly equipped. Beat refer- ¡O TTO REIF, Defendant. S T A T E M E N T OF O W N E R S H IP Of The Springfield News, published weekly at Springfield. Orgeon. for October I. 1939. State of Oregon, County of Lane, as. Before me, a notary public in and K J S » ^ L S « “ S wa " « K 5 : who. having been duly sworn accord- Ing to law. deposes and says that he Is the publisher, editor and owner of the Springfield News, and that the following la. to the best of hla knowl edge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, management, esc., of the afore said publication for the date shown In the above caption, required by the Act of August 24. 1912. em­ bodied In section 411, Postal L aws and Regulations. That the publisher, editor and busi­ ness manager la H. E. Maxey, Spring- field, Oregon. That the owner Is H. E. Maxey, of Springfield, Oregon. That the known bondholders, mort­ gagees. and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: None H. E. Maxey, Owner. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 26th day of Oct.. 1930. (Seal) I. M. PETERSON. My commission expires June 1, 1932. N O TIC E O F F IN A L H E A R IN G encea. See Heflin, opposite Moun- T ° OTTO K E IF Defendant, Notice Is hereby given that Jesse tain View garage, mile east of \ ° T ar® hereby required to appear Jones and Cor* B. Jones, admlnlstra .Turlnrflnld on ih . M ^ ir.n .ii. a i.a and * n»w«r the complaint filed against tors of the estate of John W Bar In the Justlee a Court, Eugene Juo- t»»*l hla tonalla removed at the office ■vpringfleld on the McKenalle high- you |n the at,OT,. ,,ntjtie«f»ult will be entered for want of for examination and allowance. All quiiwu lo appuar Uvfore lue al luy Wilson, deceased All pereona having persons Interested therein may appear phone poles. an answer and the plaintiff wllll make at uliiue tu lue Hans ui Commerce claims against said uatute are hereby said time and be heard In reference -------- --------- - ------ I •PP|lcatlon ‘ o the court for the relief txier eto. iiuiidiug, in tugeue, lune cuuuty, notified lo present the same properly GOOD STOCKER EWES to let on prayed within said complaint, to-wlt: urvgou suu suswer lue compiami lima verified to said administrator at JESSE JONES, shares For particular« write jj i That ahe have an absolute divorce »Malusi y i i m tue above eullpeu ac- United States National Bank, Eugene, CORA B. JONES, from you; and that the marriage Overton, Harrisburg, Ore. uou uu ur udore tour weeaa iiorn Oregon within ala months from the Administrators contract now existing between you q n ah Ibu S a le ut Ule tirsi pUbllcaUuu ul date of thia notice. NO TIC E TO APPEAR and the plaintiff be forever dissolved. ». D. Allen, attorney for estate. ■UU aummuiia, sud li you tali tu In the Circuit Court of the State of F N McALLISTER, 023 -30 N 6 13-20 Shops Saturday Mrs. Joe Queen of The «bove entitled court made and Oregon for the County of Lane. auswei lui waul thereol Iha plalnlltl Administrator. Marcola was a shopper In Springfield da,ed an order October 19, 1930, dl M*li lake jadguiuul agaiuai you lor Fred E. Smith NO TIC E TO C R ED ITO R S T H E STATE OF OREGON, PlalnUff. on Haturduy ' rect*nS that this summons be pub- lite auiu ol 939.89, togelher wiu> in- 446.6 Miner Bldg. va. ------------- ’ ___________________ _ Hsbed once each week for a period lereal Uiurvou ul thè rate ut aia per Eugene, Oregon In the County Court of ths State of One certain 1927 Model Ford Sedan NO TICE OF F IN A L AC C O U N T I m ln the prin ism per auuuui (loin September 13, -Attorney for Administrator. automobile, motor number 14723608 In t h . County Court of ths Stats of ” W and tha‘ you appear and Oregon for the County of Lane. 1939, uuld paid, and tor lila coala aim 1 016-33 30 N6-13 Oregon for Lane County 1930-1 Oregon license 18-796, and answer said complaint within four Uiabuiecun ula iu Ibis sellun, and also T H E M ATTER OF T H E ESTATE Natale Tonole, alias Chris Tonole Iu Probate I WB®k,‘ from the date of the said first ,N NOTICE^ E S T A T E OF GEORGE H. °h KIRCH,VER- Di c e a s li lor ibe iuribur order ul me Court defendants. C U R R IE R . Deceased. IN RE TH E ESTATE OF HENRY b," October \ t IMO ’ U,nmo,,a' wh,ch inai m« Eugene Trull Growers As­ NOTICE la hereby given that I have TO: NATALE TONOLE, alias Notice la hereby given that Amelia H. CULLEN, Deceased sociatimi pay Into Court toward the been by the Honorable County Court CHRIS TONOLE, and TO WHOM IT H. E SLATTERY. R. Watts haa been by the County TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN aallaiadoion ul such judgment the Attorney for plaintiff and my resi­ of Lane County. Oregon, duly ap­ MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that on Sep- o ,« dence and post office address is pointed administratrix of the Estate o i N o i ! ^ o “ ,, E o r T H E 9TATK tember 29, 1930. the undersigned filed Emr -ne Oreaon of Anna D. Kirchner, deceased. All his final account as administrator ln I B M X ' L ’ K i K P«ra<>na *>*»«0« claims against said r a O.16-23-30-N.8-13 «•tate will present them to me at my vrs Association. All peruana having claims against the above entitled probate proceeding, ! address, 601 Corbett Bldg.. Portland notice that the following described Ulveu uuder my baud thl« 24lh day , h(. #etate of aald deceased are hereby that on aald date the court entered ’ SUMMONS Oregon, within six months of the personal property, to-wlt: of Sepluinher, 1980. notified to present the same, duly an order fixing the time for the i hearing of the said final account at 1 One certain 1927 Model Ford of this Date of first publication, September stated and verified, at the residence the hour of 10 o'clock A. M October , ,n the Circuit Court of the State of notice^ , ^ “?,„automoblle' motor number 36th, 1930. of said administratrix. 710 Imwrence 81, 1930. Any one having any objec Or*9©h In and for the County of Lane. Js 7ol608' 1830-1 Oregon license IRE a VE K. T U L L I8 iiA M oL D J. WELLS. street In Eugene. Oregon, within six lion« to the said final account sh all, B. F. M U LK EY Ad“ ‘nlstratrlx. Justice ot the Peace, months from this 9th day of Octo- filed the same In writing on or before i 8ult for Divorce. ^ • h iw ‘^ b.y c U Worden. llealdence and Post Utiles address. > her, 1930 L O TTIE KELLEY. Plaintiff, the time set for the hearing 501 Corbett Bldg. FTohlbltlon Agent, on the sixth day AMELIA R WATTS. Eugene, Oregon TS. H. E. ______________ SLATTERY, t Portland, Oregon. Hr,» / ° i er' ’ i 30' at a P»’111 » * > « Administratrix of the Estate of 8 26-0 1 9 16-23 Administrator, i ^-ARL KELLEY, Defendant. fifty feet north of the Dlsston Route Attorney for the Estate. George H Currlwr. deceased O 9-16 23-30 N6. ' TO EARL K E L L E Y ....... Defendant: 016-23-30 N6-13 road aboutone fourth mile East of A. E. Wheeler, Attorney N O TIC E TO C R ED ITO R S Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon- I You are hereby required to appear 09-16-23-3O-N8 N O TIC E OF H E A R IN G ON and answer the complaint filed against N wT 5 E .0 F F,N A L s e t t l e m e n t that the above described personal Notice 1« hereby given tCat the Un F IN A L A C CO UNT Notice is hereby given that Harold Property was on said date delivered . you ,n , *le »*>°ve entitled suit within il era la u od has been »pointed Adminla NO TIC E OF SALE OF REAL PROP NOTt E IS HEREBY GIVEN: That four (4) weeks from the date of the J. Wells, Administrator of the Estate into the custody of H. L. Bown, sheriff tralrlx of the ealale of David McBte, E R T V BY A O M IN I8T R A T O R the undersigned, as executrix of the | first publication of this summons In of E. Davison, deceased, has filed his ?* D *n* County. Oregon, by said C. deceased, and any and all pereona hav- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. Thai 1 T ®,,Lttlnent of Henry the Springfield News, the date of the Final Account and Report aa such, and L. Worden, and said personal prop­ lug claims against tbs said estate are Clay Hubbel, de eased, has filed hei j first publication of which Is October by virtue of an order of the County the Court has set Saturday, Novem erty has ever since been and now hereby required to present said claim., duly verified as by law required, ai Court of la n e County. Oregon, duly account for the flual settlement ot 16. 1930; and, yon are hereby notified her 16, 1930. at 10:00 A. M. at the is In the possession and custody of said decedents estate ln the County that if you fall so to appear and an- made and entered of record on the County Court Room In the Court said sheriff of said county and state- la w office of Whitten Swaltonl, 202 Ck k ^ ° rden- PWerai Tiffany building, Eugene, Oregon, ln 1st duy of October, 1930. In the matter Court for I^ane County, State of Ore swer complaint your default will be House at Eugene. Lane County. Ore­ 1-ane County, Oregon, within six of the estate of Ardell F. Rice, de­ gou, and that Saturday the 1st d e y , entered for want of an answer and gon, as the time and place to hear Prohibition Agent, has made a Return of November, 1930, at tbe Court Room the plaintiff will make application to objections to the same. If any, and or Seizure of said personal property ceased. the undersigned Ailmlnlstratoi mouths Irom the date of this notice of said Court In the County Lcurt the Court for the relief prayed within for the final settlement of said Estate to the above court, and that the same Dated and (Irst published Septem­ of said estate will on and after the House, In Eugene, Lane C unty, Oregon Rald complaint which la that the plaln- 1st day of November. 1930 offer for • HAROLD J. WELLS, haa been seised as aforesaid and Is ber 26. 1930. «ah- and sell at private sale to the at ten oclock In the forenoon has tiff have an absolute divorce from „• ,, a „ Administrator. » 5 Pr<’ceeded against in the above LULU K. ROBERTS, Wells & Wells, Attorneys. highest bidder for cash, or one-half v ? Ute time , you: tha, the marrlage contract now entitled Court and cause for the for­ Administratrix of the estate of Da cash and one-half credit, subject to and place for hearing objections there exlstlng between you and the plaintiff 017-24-31-N6.-13 feiture of the same pursuant to the vUI McBee, deceased. confirmation of the Court, the real provisions of Chapter 29, General Whitten Swafford, 202 Tiffany Build- property of said estate described In N O TIC E O F S H E R IF F S BALE OF Laws of Oregon. 1923; and lag, Eugene, Oregon, Attorney for said order, to-wlt: Executrix of the ljis t W ill and , u Th® a^ ” e entitled court made. REAL P R O P E R T Y ON EXEC U ­ You and each of you, and all per­ Administratrix. Tes’.ament of Henry Clay ltubbel, de d8te^ , a" d en’ ared an order ° " Oct°- T IO N IN FO RECLOSURE. All of Ixjt Numbered Five sons having or claiming to have any ceased ber directing that this Sum- 82702-9 16-23 (5) In Block Numbered Five NOTICE Is hereby given that by interest in said automobile above de- L. L. RAY, Attorney for Estate. m°ns be published In the Springfield (6) In Orose’ Addition to Eu­ Bjrlbed. are hereby required to appear 02-9-16-23- 30 News once each week for a period virtue of an execution and order ot »«ore the above entitled Court in CITATION gene. Lane County, Oregon. of four successive weeks; and that sale Issued out of the Circuit Court Sahl sale will take place at the law In ths County Court of ths State of you appear and answer said com-