PAGE TWO THURSDAY. OCTOBER 23 l»SO THK 8PR1NGFTBLD NEWS ; i Attend Game Laurence Roof and William Pollard attended (be Oregon- Washington football game la Portland on Saturday. Transact* Business— Mrs. Everett W en dling Resident H ere— M rs. T. Waring of Waltervtlle was abusiness W. llobwood of Wendling was a shop­ visitor in Springfield on Saturday. per in Springfield FTIday. N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S S A L E In the C irc u it Court of the S tate of Oregon for the County of Leno. - See New Christinas Card Samples at News Office MANY SPRINGFIELD MEN ATTEND CANAL MEETING Fourteen Bpringfleld represent* tlvee attended the second meeting of the Willamette Waterways association which was held at Albany on Thurs­ day evening of last week Temporary officers, which were chosen st Cor vallls the month before, were all named permanently. The group will select a hoard of directors nt the rext session. Those who attended the meeting from Springfield w its I M Peterson, J. D. Pyle, C. E. Wheaton. 11. R. Maxey, R. B Oldham, Al. Phol, Harry M. Stewart, N A. Rowe, W A. Tay­ lor, W. K, Barnell, Clifford Wilson. G M Plummer and M J McKlln. Here from Cottage Grove— Mrs Here from Blue River—Sam Scott B EN EFIT SAVINGS Si LOAN ASSO­ Aden Miller of Cottage Grove spent of Blue River was a visitor in Spring- CIATION, a corporation. Plaintiff, Saturday with friends in Springfield field Tuesday. U CLARK AYDKLOTT and MRS U CLARK A Y D E U IT T , his wife. Do Visit* from Signal— Mrs. E. F Purchase* Feed—J. W. Plummer of tendon ts. Schmidt of Signal was a visitor in Cedar Hats came to Springfield Tues By virtue of an execution. Judgment Springtield on Saturday afternoon. day to purchase feed for hie chickens order, decree and order of sale issued out of tbe above eutltled Court In Spends M onday a t Ven eta— W K F a il C reek Man H ere— L, H. Hut the above entitled suit to nte directed Burnell spent Monday on business In ford of Fall Creek was a business and dated the 21st day of October, 1930, upon a Judgment reudered and the Veneta district. visitor in Springfield on Tuesday. entered In said Court on the 31st V is ito r from L eaburg— E lm e r Pel- day of October, 1930. in- favor of W a lte rv ille Resident Call*— Mrs. Lee Stevens of Walterville was a pott of Leaburg was a visitor in Benefit Savings A Ixian Association, ¡ a corporation, plaintiff, and against Springfield on Tuesday. visitor in this city on Saturday. the defendants L. Clark Aydelott and ( MISSION BOOK CHOSEN Mrs. L. Clark Aydelott, his wife, for ' Visiting Mother— Robert Areham- Lowell Resident Vlelta— Mrs. M J the sum of 3801.26 with Interest there BY METHODIST SOCIETY b«au of Oregon City snent the week Carter of Lowell was a visitor in on from and after May 23. 1930; for the further sum of 310 00 with Interest end here visiting bis mother. Springfield on Monday. "Trailing the Conquistadors,” a thereon from and after May 23. 1930; 1 popular mission study book. was chos Visit at Plainview—Mr. and Mrs. the further sum of 3100.00 attorney s Vis¡ts Friends— Mrs. Leonard Boggs en for use of the members of the of Marcóla spent Friday n Springfield E. C. Stuart and daughter, Nellie, fees, and the further sum of 327.42 Me'hodlst Home Mission society at costs and disbursements, and the costs visiting with her friends. spent Sundny visiting relatives at of and upon this writ, commanding their meeting held at the church last P lainview . me to make sale of the following de Thursday. Mrs, Ida Gants reviewed Visitor from Vida—Mrs. A. H. Dono­ scribed real property: the first chapter of the book for hue of Vids was a Friday visitor in Portland Teacher Here— Mlsa Grace Lot Four (4), Block the members. Mrs A. B. Van Valzah Springfield. Male, teacher In the Portland schools, (33), In Gross’ Addition to Eu­ sang. “The Lord Is My Shepherd*, was a weekend visitor at the home gene. according to the duly rec­ Drive to Salem— Dr. and Mrs. R. orded map and plat thereof, in and Mrs. C. J Pike gave a sketch, of her parents here. P. Mortensen made a trip to Salem Ijin e County, Oregon ’’Carrlbean Crtfae" Mrs, Wra O. NOW THEREFORE. Based upon on Friday evening. Visitor from Junction—Mrs. John Hughes led a discussion on Youth Strome, of Junction City, spent Sun­ said writ. Judgment order, decree and Go To Junction City— Mr. and Mrs. day In Springfield visiting with Mrs, order of sale, and In compliance there­ and Christian Cltlxenshlp with. 1 will on Saturday the 22nd 1 Mrs. Hughes Is program chairman Jack Larson and two sons spent Sun M. M. Male. day of November. 1930, at the hour | for the society this year and la en­ day evening at Junction City at the of One o’clock P. M , at the Southwest j M other, Son, Go H om *— M rs. O. 0 . front door of the County Court House , deavoring to prepare very Interesting home of Mrs. Larson’s mother. Si ns late and her infant son were re­ of Lane County, Oregon, sell at public programs for each meeting. Visit* from Brownsville— Mrs. Jen­ leased from the Pacific Christian hos­ auction, subject to redemption to the nie Greathouse of Brownsville, was pital on Sunday. highest bidder for cnsh In hand, all Register at Elite Hotel—W. J. the right, title and Interest which the Thomas of Marshfield and C S Pal- » v’siror in this city on Friday after­ Thurston People Here— Mr. and within named defendants had on the erson of Redmond were both register­ noon. 13th day of November. 1926, the date Mrs. S. Richardson of Thurston were of the mortgage herein foieclosed. or ed at the Elite hotel the past week Soend* Week-end Here— Miss Grace v’eitors in Springfield on Monday since said date had In and to the Male of Portland spent the week-end afternoon. ebove described real property or any at the home of her parents. Mr. and liortkm thereof to satisfy said Judg EASY! QUICK! GLYCERIN Tonsils Removed— V. L. Tucker of ment order, decree ami execution. In­ Mrs. M M Male. MIX FOR CONSTIPATION Eugene had his tonsils removed at terest, costs and accruing costs. Simple glycerin, buckthorn berk Dated this 22nd day of October, saline, etc, ns mixed In Adlerikn. re Visits from Thurston— Mrs. Roy the office of a local physician on Hubbard of Thurston was a visitor in 'levee constipation In TWO hours' Friday. First publication October 23, 1930 Moat medicines act only on the lowei F- rngfield on Friday. She loet a Last publication November 20, 1930. bowel, but Adlcrlka acta on BOTH Attend Football Game— Mr. and finger while cutting wood last week H. L. BOWN, upper and lower bowel, removing Mrs. Harry Stewart and son, Morris, Sheriff of l-ane County, Oregon. po sons you never thought were In St»re Man III— Frank Rennie, pro were among those who attended the O. 23-30-N.6-13 20 your system. Just ONE spoonful re n-letor of the Thurston store, is ill Washington-Oregon football _game at lievee GAS. snur stomach and sick at his home with an attack of in­ Portlad on Saturday. N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S S A L E ON headache. Let Ariierlka give stomach fluenza. and bowels a REAL cleaning and E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E see how good you feel!— Flanery. Attend Banquet— Mrs. W C. Rebhan Small Child III— The small son of and Miss Clara Jones attended the NOTICE is hereby given that by Drug Store Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shields of Dexter banquet of the Lane County Nurses virtue of an execution and order of became suddenly ill Sunday while he association at the Howard dining sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lane Coun was visiting at the Barnett home near room north of Eugene on Monday ty October 22nd, 1930, upon and pur­ Your old discarded Tricycles Thurston with his parents. evening. suant to a decree duly given and and Bicycles. made by satu Court October 21st, Portlanders Here Sunday—T. C 1930. In a suit pending therein in Has Major Operation—John Cubic Gorrie and George Hayden of Port­ 120 W. 8th Eugene which The Pacific Savings & Loan land spent the week-end here at the of route 2 underwent a mjor opera­ Association, a Washington corporation tion at the Pacific Christian hospital was plaintiff and Ruth M. Cooper, also home of Mrs. C. I. Gorrie, Sr., mother in Eugene on Sunday evening He known as Ruth Cooper, Dorothy E of Mr. Gorrie. was sufferlg from an acute attack of Cooper, Charlotte C. Cooper and Harry W. Neet. as Administrator of the Guests at Springfield Hotel— Nor­ appendicitis. Estate of W. B. Cooper, deceased, man Wallace, San Francisco; F. M Released Sunday— Miss Gwendolyn were defendants, which execution and Meier, Seattle; and Jack Sautle of order of sale was to me directed and Sisters. Oregon were week-end guests Callison of Fall Creek was released commanded me to sell the real prop­ from the Pacific Christian hospital erty hereinafter described to satisfy a ’ the Springfield hotel. in Eugene on Sunday following a certain Hens and charges In said decree specified, 1 will on Saturday, Spend Sunday at Shedd— Miss Max- major operation. the 22nd of November, 1930. at the 'ne Snodgrass and her mother, Mrs hour of ONE o’clock P. M at the Riley Snodgrass, spent the week-eno* Creamery Gets New Sign southwest door of the County Court­ nt the A. M. Snodgrass home at house In Eugene, I>ane County. Ore­ A large sign with the words “Spring- gon, offer for sale and sell at public Sbedd. field Creamery" has been painted in auction for cash, subject to redemp­ Power Men Here— Sam Black and green and white letters on the south tion as provided by law, ail of the his crew of repairmen for the Moun­ w-all of the Springfield Creamery right, title and interest of the de­ fendants ane County, Oregon. Our first thought is to have you satisfied with O. 23-30 N.6-13-20 motors and makes them run like new. No gasoline WANTED i W e Stand Ready to Serve You Whatever you muy want today, tomorrow or next week, In the wuy of meats, we stand retuly to fill your order. scientific motor fuel known. It puts pttp In the oldest the meat you buy here. IN D E P E N D E N f M E A T C O . Phone 63 PRATT HOLVEKHON 4th and Main Sta. I C S I I ART SALE Dresses Coats $18.75 $21.75 $37.50 $ 9.90 $12.98 $29.75 $3.96 $5.95 up 25 at 25 at Hats Knit Suits 36 Huts $1.00 Values to $3.98 36 Hats $3.96 up while they last $5.95 to $14.96 Values to $18.76 Silk Hose, Special 96c Eighth Avenue Hat and Dress Shop We Olve 8. A H. Green fltnmp» 42 8t h Avenus W est Eugens, Oregon C onfid en ee IT HAS “IT” can deliver more miles than General Ethyl gasoline. This service station is prepared to serve you from a grease job to an engine overhaul. “A” Street Service Station 8 T O R E NO . 1 125 East Broadw ay, Eugene S T O R E NO. 8 960 C harnelton St., Eugene S T O R E NO. 2 Ö8-96 W est Broadw ay, Eugene S T O R E NO. 4 500 M ain S tre e t, S p ringfield THURSDAY and FRIDAY Hol-Ry Crisp Bread e- ZdC 1 % pound q Package .......... Selox Washing Powder 2 Packages 2 Packages and n* q Flour Sifter JO C Canvas Gloves 25c Mince Meat 45 oz. Jar Kerr’s Cake Flour 40c Extra heavy Pair ............. 35c Whole W heat Fig Bars Pound ........... 7 rade in S pringfield 10c one of man's greatest assets. It reflects a man's faith himself. Confidence comes from knowing that we can do our Job, whatever it is, well or better than the next man. N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F ’S S A L E ON E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E NOTICE la hereby given that, by virtue of an execution and order of »ale issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lane Coun ty October 22nd. 1930, upon and pur suant to a decree duly given and made by said Court October 21st, | 1930, In a suit pending therein In which J. R. H ill and Ellen H ill are plaintiffs and Ruth M Cooper, also known as Ruth Cooper, Dorothy E. | Cooper, Charlotte C. Cooper, and Harry W. Neet, Administrator of the Estate of W B Cooper, deceased, were defendants, which execution and order of sale was to me directed and commanded me to sell the real prop­ erty hereinafter described to satisfy certa'n liens and changes In said decree specified.I will on Saturday, the 22nd day of November. 1930, at the hour of ONE o’clock P. M at the southwest door of the Countv Court­ house in Eugene, Lane County, Ore­ gon, offer for sale and sell at. public auction for cash, subject to redemp­ tion as provided by law, all the right, title, and Interest of th defendants In said suit and of all parties clalm- i Ing by, through or under them or any ' of them since the 21st day of October. 1930, In or to the following described real property, to-wit; Beginning at a point 14.81 chains East and 11.29 chains South of the Northeast cornt • of the James H. McFarland Donation Land Claim No. 68 and running thence North 74 deg. 67’ East 3:00 chains, thence South 15 deg. 3’ East 3.18 chains, thence South 69 deg. 10' West 3:01 chains, thence North 15 deg. 3’ West 3.48 chains to the place of beginning, all In flection 21, Township 20 South Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, and In r