( y i m ! ! AW 'tz. - You kids’ll grin when I tell you thut th ’ first thing I «lid nfli r bein' paid tii’ two thousand dollars for capturin' th’ two robber*, was to buy Kangy, my kan­ garoo pul, a pair of punts. Well a’r, while we were both «till admirin' those pants, who sh’d heave 'long- side o’ me hut Tops’l Bar­ ney« un old ahipmatu o' mine. We were yarnin’ away about old days when wham!, somethin’ hit Bar­ ney from behind and he went end over kilter, rootin' into th' sand with his nose. Just then my peepers landed on whnt had keeled Barney over. A big billy- goat, with a mean eye, and whiskers two feet long, ;ettin' ready to scupper me. iy this time Barnev had dug th’ sand out of his eyes and nose und was settin’ up. Barney (a pretty fat, but when his eyes lit on that goat gvttin* ready for an­ other broadside he bounced to bi* feet like a rubber ball and lit out for th’ nearest tree, with me cuttin* th’ wind right ’longside o' him. We’d no sooner got settled on our perches in th’ trees when th' real show started. Down th’ road, hoppin’ along like a big cricket, came Kangy. Soon's Whisk­ er Billie spotted my pal, up went his tail, down went his head, and he whizzed down th’ road like a greased bul- l»t. Shucks, Kangy made a monkey out of that goat. Every time old whiskers charged him, Kangy would hop up into th' air and Mr. Goat would hit only dir. A fter a little Kangy got tired of playin' tag. When Whisker Bill made for him again he jumpeil into th’ air and landed on that goat’s buck like a ton of bricks. You sh'd have seen how Kangy thrashed that goat. When he Anally let him up, Whisker Bill lit out for th jungle. ? I TV a ’ t IME Y o u t>teOf*F*E C> A V A M lL lH t - TH’ * 1 ¿1 .4 6>LO U >r if - v r a a h ’ t X f e r ; a h o vav W IT H M a t e ’ s f o o t ? ? A. t e O t e f e ’ ^ TO P5L ' L A P O K A L L 5>A1 B ' U . , K E t’ eS fe ^ A fe d n b O W H OK fe H t> ' ®F7 F VAfe o il t -• *5 -J ♦7 feLOOVttM* KAHGAkOO. fc tu u ! 5 k / Sa * ffr / iV J V K )T A < S (iO i> 5- b O i ' H , tV T H A T A \ h ' T S U t $ K '* 'O t < K ’ fete. O O b& A ST V fete. . I *W o « lo C olo « P b iw t im -I A/ to , S t . L ouis , M o / i /5 I OOT OUT OF ■B e d t o s e e •WHAT \T UUAS- /