The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 23, 1930, Image 1

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Try tha Homt
Print Shop Firat
"Th« People's Paper”
L I V I N K W tP A P K P
No. 41
E. Men Hear Gridders Prepare
County Chamber
of Crime For Grove Game
Dr. S. H. Jamieson Tells Broth­ Annual Struggle to be Fought
Committoa Appointed to Urge
erhood of Crime Factors;
on Cottage Grove Field on
Winter Employment and
Take New Members.
Two Hundred Visitor» Expected
Red Croat and American Legion
Friday; More Gamee Won
Will Talk at Sawmill at Noon
Speedier Conetruction
for County Association Meet­
Organizing to Aaaiet Needy!
and Rally in Eugene at Eight
"No Individual In modern clvlllsa
Both victory and defeat was lasted
To expedite the work on the Mc­
ing Here Next Week; Public (ton lives In Isolation. A crime Is as by the Springfield high achool foot­
Major Huntly to Have Charge Kenzie highway and the Willamette
o’clock; Meier Meeting To­
Invited to Large Program at natural as anything we do provided ball players here last Friday after­
of Office in Community road and also to provide employment
night; State Committeeman
the environment Is favorable to crime. noon when the second team met and
H. S. Gymnasium.
Building Soon.
Stewart Hits Independent.
this winter a committee was appoint­
Approximately 200 members of the
lu<l«pMu1enl Order of Odd Fellows are
expected to be In toprlngfleld next
Thurslay to attend the annual meet
lug of the I.ane County Odd Fallows
association arcordlns to Charles P.
Poole. Kugnoe, prealdent.
Special sessions for lodge member»
only will be held at 10:30 In the
forenoon for the Odd Pellowa. and
at 3:30 for the Rebekah»
matter« » III be discussed at both
of tbeae aeaalona which will be held
at the Community hall.
The members of the Oakridge
Rebekah lodge will have charge of
the degree work at the afternoon
Night Meeting Open
Of apeclal Interest to local people
la the large open meeting to ba held
at the high school gymnaalum on
Thursday evening at 7:46
program will be put on largely by
the Springfield people for the enter
talnment of the visitors and will also
contain a large number of atunta.
Every lodge In the county haa prom
laed to be here with a atunt and their
preaentatlon la expected to be one of
the hlgb light« of the meeting«.
The evening program follows-
Opening aong. "America."
Address of Welcome by Mayor W
P. Tyson
Response, Dr L L Raker. Eugene.
(Irand Master.
Introduction of Grand Officer« and
Past Grand Officers.
Roll call of lodges.
Numbering of visiting Rebekahs.
Numbering of Springfield Rebekah«
Solo. Ruth Pollard.
Reading. Pay Parsons.
Xylophone solo. Barbara Barnell.
Reading. Ida Adams
Solo. Mrs W. K Barnell.
Address, Henry 8 Westbrook. Port­
land. Past Grand Master. Introduc­
tion by past Grand Master W. P
Playlet. "Madam Prlncton'a Beauty
Temple. Springfield Rebekahs.
Runts, all lodges.
Rimer Bindley la vice-president of
the County association and Oswald
Olson la aerretary-treaaurer.
The general committee In charge
of the meetings are Karl Olrard. Chas.
Nolf. A. C. Peddlcord, Bertie Walker.
Wanda Barnes, and Clarence Putman.
Rimer Pyne, I>ee Putman and John
Gates have charge of the programs.
Crime Is only the natural response
to certain stimuli."
With these three short sentences,
Dr. 8. H. Jamieson, professor In the
department of applied social science
at the university, summed up his talk
before the Brotherhood of the Method­
ist church at their monthly meeting
Monday evening on "Good Cltlxensblp
and the Criminal "
It haa been frequently stated that
we are either made or broken by our
associates, stated the speaker, but. he
also stated, there Is more truth In
the statement that the actions snd
deeds of the present generation will
do more to make or break the coming
generation than any one factor.
Crim e Costs Inadequate
The coat of crime In the United
Htates as revealed by the Insurance
company statistics Is two and one
half billions of dollars each year and
760 millions of this Is used In main­
taining law and order. These figures
on the cost of crime are very in­
adequate, stated the speaker, because
the only crimes which we have record
of are those which have been com­
mitted and the offender apprehended
There Is a largt, percentage of the
crimes committed In this respect de­
clared the speaker. They seldom will
report a crime which Involves a
The scientists are coming to the
opinion more and more that criminals
are made and not born, he declared
The question Is who or what makes
the criminal?
Two Factors In All Crime
There Is no set formulae for the
Into this declared Dr. Jamieson, they
are the seen and unseen forces Cit­
ing as a concrete example the speaker
told of a certain young man who had
been arrested on a charge of drunk­
enness. The public sees that the
person has violated a law and has
disgraced himself. These are visible
factors, he declared, but there are a
large number of other factor« which
are not so eadlly noticeable such as
the expanding desires of the people,
the rising living standards and the
Inability of the average person to
reach this standard, the conflict be­
tween the adult and the youth, the
lark of understanding, family disor­
ganisation caused by many divorces
as a result of which the children are
frequently left to their own devices,
political rotteness resulting In the
would- be criminal coming to realise
that there Is always a «ray to escape
from the pressure of the law. and
AT HOME IN EUGENE commercialised recreation in which
the church, once the center of the
W. G Ketchum, resident of Spring community social life as well as re­
field for about 34 years, died at bis ligious life. Is now unable to compete
Eugene home on Wednesday after­ with wealthy amusement companies In
noon. He la survived by three chll drawing the young people.
No Sure Preventative Known
<*ren; Mrs Edna Sumner of Watson­
There Is not set formulae for the
ville. California; Cordy Ketchum of
Meat Springfield, and Mrs Ruby Hall prevention of crime or the treatment
of Bugene. He also left two atsters: of offenders declared the speaker,
Mrs Jennie Cannon of Salem and who went on to say that we all meet
Mrs. T. H. Murray of 'B aker; one various problems In different ways
uncle. C. P. Klntxley of Springfield and under different circumstances.
Support for the Bonus Loan con
nnd three grandchildren.
The funeral will be conducted by stltutlonal amendment was asked of
the Walker-Poole funeral home In the Brotherhood by Dr. W. H. Pol­
The detail« have not lard. W. E. Buell declared that the
been completed awaiting word from proposed cabinet form of government
bad proved successful wherever It
relatives out of the city.
had been tried and declared that he
believed It would be a benefit to this
state. He warned those present that
It was new and that, although It
One of the large slx-paasenger Zen­ would eventually show a great finan­
ith airplanes which Is to be used cial saving to the state, such saving
on the new air transportation service
could not be expected at first If the
to be Inaugurated soon landed at the law Is passed.
municipal field on Wednesday after­
O. B. Wood, principal of the Brat-
noon and was soon surrounded by tain school, urged the men to support
Interested spectators who drove out It. F. Banks for United States senator.
from town to see this large ship.
Three new members, Clayton K irk­
The plane was brought here by land, O. Brown, and L. C. Mofflt were
Pilot Palmetter of the Corvallis air­ taken Into the Brotherhood at the
port who will fly one of the ships meeting.
for Mr. A. A. Bennett, head of the
The committee seeking to have the
Bennett Flying Service, backers of advertising of cigarettes, as smoked
the air project. Mr. Palmeter met by pretty girls, kept off the bill boards
Dr. Rehhan and F. B. Flanery at the of Main street was continued.
field and expressed himself as being
well pleased when he heard the re­
ports which th local men had to offer
on the financial efforts being made
Members of the Cascade chapter of
the Order of Eastern Star decided to
their meeting here Tuesday evening
PLANS POVERTY PARTY to accept the Invitation of the chapter
Members of the Bethany 8unday at Cottage Grove to visit them on
school class of the Baptist church next Friday. Many members of the
will entertain with a poverty party local chapter are planning to attend.
at the church Friday evening. They
A family dinner was served Tues
have Invited their husbands to be day evening prior to the meeting of
their guests for the evening. Mrs. the Springfield women.
Mrs. Levi
Marvin Chase Is In charge of the Neet and Mrs. D. C. Ogllsvle were In
charge of the arrangments.
was defeated by the regulars from
the Woodrow Wilson Junior high
school of Bugene, and the first string
players defeated the St. Mary's high
school squad also from Eugene with
a large score.
The Junior high- second team game
ended < to 0 In favor of the Eugene
The Springfield first team had very
little trouble In defeating the boys
from across the river snd they showed
murh better playing cooperation than
they had shown In any previous game
The score for this game ended at
26 to «
N ext
Cottage Orove le the next team on
the Springfield high achool schedule
and Coach May la working his men
hard to win a victory Friday when
the locals travel to the southern Lane
county school for the game
The Cottage-Grove Springfield game
haa always been one of the moat In­
teresting games of the season for
both cities. A friendly aplrlt of rivalry
has developed between the two schools
and business In the city where the
game la played la usually at a stand­
I .eat year the game waa played
here and drew the largest crowd of
the seanon to Brattaln field.
8prlngf1eld team ran away with the
game at that time and Cottage Grove
haa determined to change the result
this year.
Cotttage Grove haa also secured a
new athletic director this year to
take the place of Bert Kerns who
Is on the Eugene high school faculty.
To Meet Eugene High
Ix>omlng aher.d aa tho l.irg« st a- <1
most Important game of the entire
season, and also one of the hardest
for the local squd. la the game to
be played In thia city on November
14 with the Eugene high school.
Eugene hlgb does nnf^scem to have
the team which thev had last year
and they have tasted of defeat twice
already thle season The Interesting
fact la that they were defeated In
early season games nnd that they
are now winning their struggles. They
have the advantage of a larger turn­
out and more coaching assistance than
any other school In the county. They
have two qualified coaches. I-ee
Weber and Bert Rparns. on the fac­
ulty and also have L. Manerud and
Shy Huntington who are volunteering
their services as coaches. They are
rapidly building a strong tesm and
the game here will be a very diffi­
cult one for the Springfield boy».
Thirty picked students at the Lin­
coln school were examined at the
first health clinic to be held at the
schools of this city on Tuesday morn­
ing by Dr. 9. M Kerron, Ixine county
health officer who was assisted by
Miss Jane Gavin, county health nurse.
Mrs. O. F. Thatcher, Mrs. O. F.
Prochnow and Mrs. Willis Bertsch,
members of the Springfield branch
of Lane County Health u n it This
was also the first clinic to be held
In the county thia fall.
Miss Jane Gavin completed the
reading of the Schick reaction tests
on Tuesday morning and found that
more than two-thlrds of those taking
the testa are Immune from diphtheria
A community service center will
be opened here In a few days by the
Red Cross, American legion and other
civic bodies In the Springfield cham­
ber of commerce rooms, It Is an­
nounced by Major M. B. Huntly, who
will have general charge of the work.
An olflce will be opened In the com­
munity building and a part time Red
Croat worker will be In attendance In
the afternoon.
The Red Cross work In assisting
ibe tick, the county service to the
poor, hospitalization service for the
ex service men, and securing employ­
ment for those out of work will be
emong the agencies consolidated to
avoid duplication of effort, according
to Major Huntly. Ixtcal support for
this work will also be solicited from
organizations and It Is hoped to form
a community council similar to one
which functioned here In past years.
An office and room In the front
section of the Springfield community
building will be fitted up for this
work and someone will be In attend­
ance every day The house committee
of the chamber of commerce has
granted this space In order to assist
In the work. Help Is now being ex­
tended several families In Springfield
and after the seasonal employment
Is over It Is anticipated there will
be a greater demand for assistance
by the needy.
A telephone Is being Installed and
It Is hoped that anyone having em­
ployment for men or women will list
their Jobs so that they can be filled
by those who need the work most.
Five official delegates to the Lane
County Council of the P.-T. A. were
chosen at the meeting of the local
group on Friday of last week. They
are Mr». Pratt Holverson, Mra. Paul
Brattaln, Mias Ann Gorrle, Miss Eva
Phetteplace, and Mrs. Lee Putman.
Mrs. R P. Mortensen, chairman of
the program committee for the County
Council, and Mrs. W. W. Walker, sec­
retary. will also attend the conven­
tion which Is being held at Elmira
on Saturday.
The convention program will begin
at 10:30 and a covered dlah luncheon
will be served at noon. Mrs. Inex
Miller. Instructor In the dramatic«
department atthe Monmonth normal,
and also head of the Rural Life com­
mittee of the state organisation will
be the principal speaker at the after
noon seeslon.
Dr. Luther S. Cressman. Instructor
In economics at the University of
Oregon epoke to the members of the
Springfield Parent-Teachers associa­
tion Friday at the Brattaln school on
the subject of "The Relation of the
P.-T. A between the Home and the
The group also decided to start
a drive for old magazines and named
Mrs. C. W. McLagan to take charge.
The school census, which Is being
taken this week, wes also discussed
at the meeting.
ed at the meeting of the Lane County
Chamber of Commerce at Vida Fri­
day night. Earl Hill, C. W. Allen -ad
J E. Turnbull will confer with mem­
bers of the highway department In
regard to this work.
It Is felt that tf contracts for new
sections on both the McKenzie and
Willamette were let this fall much
of the rock work could be done this
winter providing employment and per­
haps cause the contracts to be com­
pleted before heavy traffic starts next
summer. The chamber of commerce
Is on record as favoring the comple­
tion of the state roads In Lane as
fast as possible consistent with good
Eugene offers her land at the end
of the power plant dam on the Me
Kenzle for the building of fish rearing
ponds. J W. McArthur, water board
engineer, told the chamber. One pond
has been built and there Is room
for 30 or 30 others he said. Water
has been piped ready to supply snch
ponds If they were built. To tvork
out tome method to finance these fish
ponds a committee was appointed by
the chamber
Mr. Turnbull. B. F.
Goodpasture and W. C. Wright will
study this matter for further report
The chamlier was the guest of the
McKenzie River Development club at
a ven«!on *ccd. The next meeting will
be Novmber 20 In Eugene.
J. E. Turnbull, A. F. S. Steele,
Henry Kqrn. of Eugene, and C. W.
Allen of Vida, representing the Bu­
gene and county chamber of com­
Lynch In Richmond yesterday. They
urged that the state do as much main­
tenance as possible this winter on
Lane county state roads and that
additional sections of the McKenzie
and Willamette roads be contracted
this tall so that some work could
be done during «rlnter months.
Wednesday, October 29. Is the last
day on which absentee voters can
vote in the general election which
is to be held on November 4, ac­
cording to W. B. Dillard, county clerk.
The law provides that all registered
voters who are going to be absent
from their voting precincts on elec­
tion day may secure an absent voters
ballot and mark it at once or send
It so that It will be received at the
office of the county clerk six day»
before the general election.
Twelve ballots have already been
received at the office of the county
An unusually heavy poll Is expected
at the election next month. Reglster-
ation figures for the entire state are
greater than they have been for some
time and greater Interest Is being
shown in the campaign.
Carl Hoffman, radio trouble man
fcr the Mountain States Power com­
pany, will he In Springfield Monday
checking up on power lines of the
company and trying to locate other
electrical Interferences which bother
radio respectively. All persons who
are having trouble with unusual radio
disturbances are requested to register
a complaint with W. K. Barnell at
the local office and Mr. Hoffman will
Investigate the cause on Monday.
Plans for the rally of Methodist
Ladles Aids of Lane county to which
the Indies Aid of Springfield Method­
ist church will be hosts on Wednes­
day, November 6, were formulated at
the regular meeting of the local body
They decided to Invite several aids
outside of the county to be present
There will be two pianists for the
Mrs. Elton Lasselle and Mrs. Walter for the rally meeting which will begin
Ooealer entertained with a shower at 10:30. A covered dish luncheon Springfield high school orchestra this
year according to Ernest McKinney,
Friday evening at the home of Mrs. will be served at noon.
director. They are Clarice Fenton
Txiselle for Mrs. Lavrrcnce Moffitt.
and Marjorie Waddel who will alter­
Those attending were Mrs. Clayton FIVE HUNDRED GROUP
Barber, Mrs. W N. Dow, Mrs. Arthur
TO MEET ON FRIDAY nate at the poeltlon. The other mem
bers of the orchestra nre: violins,
Roberts, Mrs. Ivan Male, Mrs. W. C.
Rebhan, Mrs. Clifford Wilson. Mrs.
Mrs. Maude Byan will entertain for Eldred Glaspby, Maxine Swsrts. Jim­
E. E. Pyne. Mrs. M. Tracy and Mrs. the members of the 600 club at her mie West, Percy Robeson and V ir­
Larson Wright.
home here tomorrow evening. The ginia Criatle ¡xylophone, Barbara Bar­
members of the club expect to nelect nell; banjo, Irene Manley, and drums,
a regular meeting night and a name Bruce Criatle.
for the group at the gathering.
Judge Lawrence T. Harris, of Bu­
gene, former member of the State
Supreme court, will he the principal
speaker at the weekly meeting of
the Llone cub on Friday noon. He
will discuss the various measures to
be voted upon at the genet al election
In November.
The school budget will be the prin­
cipal Item of business to be discussed
at a special meeting of the school
board this evening accorlng to Dr.
W. H. Pollard, chairman of the board.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Springfield Chamber of Commerce will
be held on Friday evening according
to W. A. Taylor, preeldent of the
organization. He Is desirlous of hav­
ing a large attendance at the meeting.
Hon. W. C. Hawley, congressman
from this district, will speak In Spring-
field Saturday noon at the Booth-
Kelly mill and later loach with party
leaders in this city. Congressman
Hawley Is on a tour In behalf of
his own candidacy for re-election and
also the republican ticket In general,
and particularly Phil Metxchan, can­
didate for governor.
From Springfield Mr. Hawley will
go to Cottage Grove for an afternoon
meeting and to Eugene for a republic­
an rally In the evening. Party leaders
here are Interested In having Mr.
Hawley meet lumber workers and
learn the condition of the industry
first hand. Mr. Hawley, co-author of
the Kawley-8moot tariff bill, la largely
responsible for what tariff waa placed
on lumber at the congress and It is
In him the Industry Is looking for
raising the protective schedule when
he returns to Washington, D. C. Mr.
Hawley Is chairman of the ways and
means committee of the house of rep­
resentatives and one of the chief
advisers of President Hoover.
The campaign for all parties Is
swinging to a close with Intensive
drives for votes. Last night W. Lair
Thompson, Portland attorney, address­
ed a republican rally In Eugene. The
democrats are planning a rally for
Edward S. Bailey, their candidate for
governor. In a few days.
Rally for Malar
Julius Meier, Independent candidate,
for governor, speaks tonight at the
Eugene armory at 8 o'clock. George
Joseph. Jr. will also appear on the
same program.
Charges Bad Faith
La Sells Stewart, republican state
committeeman for Lane county, In a
letter to the press charges Meier
with bad faith In rnning as an In­
dependent. His letter follow»:
"Cottage Grove, Or».. O ct I t . — (To
the Editor)—Since Mr. Julius Maier
announced his Independent candidacy
for governor we have heard from
him and his supporters In regard to
the "Joseph platform,” but When Mr.
Meier was an active candidate for
the nomination by the republican state
committee, he was not talking the
Joseph or any other platform; he
wanted the nomination by the com­
mittee on any platform.
"Several days before the committee
met I received a letter from Mr. Meier
asking me to call on him when I came
to Portland. The day before the com­
mittee met 1 called on him at the
Meier & Frank store. He waa anxious
for my support on the committee, and
I told him I was not committed to
any candidate, and would give his
name consideration with those of the
other candidates. He then asked me
to meet him the following day at his
campaign headquarters In the Benson
"I called on him again, and at that
conference no mention was made of
the Joseph or other platform, hut Mr.
Meier volunteered the statement that
he would abide by the decision of the
committee, and that tf he waa not the
choice of the committee he would
abide by their action and would not
be an Independent candidate or lend
support to an Independent candidate.
“I have been told that he made this
same statement to other members of
the state committee. How well he has
kept that promise Is well knovm.
Republican state committeeman for
Lane county.”
A boys glee clu>> for the Spring-
field high school Is now being or­
ganized and Indications are that they
will have a good group this year. This
Is the first year that Springfield high
school has had a boys glee club for
several years. A male quartet «rill
probably be organised later In the
Rev. John Knox, prominent religious
lecturer who has been conducting
meetings In Eugene for almoet a year
will deliver an address In Springfield
at the Methodist church Monday eve­
ning at 7:30 on the suhjeit, “Cycle»
of Civilisation". The meeting to spon­
sored by the local W. C. T. U. or­
ganization and to open to the general