♦ THURSTON * lA«t Friday evening A W. Waavar and family entertained 31 for dinner. Among the guests were Mr. and Mr» Arthurs Boyers and family from Port­ land. Mr and Mrs. Rust and family •from Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Robison and family from Eugene. Mr. and Urn. D ive Weaver and son. Roy. from Crockett, California and Mrs. Fred Stone from San Francisco. M r. anil Mrs. Dove Weaver ana son Roy. and Mrs. Fred Stone left Saturday morning for their homes In California after spending ten days with their parents. Mr and Mrs A W Weaver. Mrs. Hubbard bad the misfortune to cut her fore finger off her left hand last Saturday night while split­ ting kindling A Springfield physi­ cian dressed IL George Perkins from Springfield brought Mr. Smith's place recently, Mr. and Mrs Smith and family left last Friday for California. The grade school was dismissed all day last Wednesday and high school In the afternoon In respect of Mrs. Walter Platt whose funeral was held that afternoon at Walker chapel In Springfield. . Mr and Mrs. Arthur Buyers and family drove up from Portland last Thursday and spent the remainder of the week at the Weaver home. Mr. and Mrs. Winston Cole from Portland were In Thurston last Sun­ day evening. Mr and Mrs. Curtis Price and son. John, left for Ogden. Utah, last Fri­ day where Curtis has employment by the government. They are driving through. Mrs. Frank Taylor from Portland and Mrs Joe McArthur from Eugene visited Mrs. Charles Thylor 'last Monday. t Miss Maude Edmlston returned home last Wednesday from Tile Dales where she spent the past two months. Mrs. Inus Flanigan from Eugene visited Mrs. A. W Weaver Wednes- day. • Mrs. Ralph Taylor and John Taylor from Indian Creek and Mr. and Mrs. Day Morgan and family from Eugene visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor last Sunday. Miss Midge Bamber from Klamath Falls spent the week-end at Miss Heersms. UPPER WILLAMETTE TONDELEYO ‘WHITC CARGO" WHICH STIRRED ENGLAND IS SHOWN AT COLONIAL » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * • ♦ ♦ ♦ THURSDAY. OCTOBER 10. 1930 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE EIGHT C aptain S alisbury, noted e x p lo re r who w ill a p p ear In person Sunday to W ednesday in conjunction w ith his th r illin g South Sea Island pictures ‘'T h e Lost E m p ire " and "G ow ” a t the Fox Rex. Station Master: "The pig cannot Doctor H u nts Pheasants— Dr. W . N. Dow. Riley Snodgrasa and D. W. Roof go In the carriage with you. It must apent Wednesday huutlng Chinese hare a special compartment." pheasants near Harrisburg. Rustic: 'Thank you kindly, sir, but there is no need for all that ceremony Visiting Hare— Mrs. Lavina Hayes about my old pig." of Portlad is a visitor at the home Goes to Los Angelas— A. J. Cowart of Mr. and Mrs. M B. Huntly. Mrs. left Monday for a visit at I xm Au Huntly is a niece of Mrs. Hayes. geles. The ihousnnils of while men who tell In the territory on the Wva'erti Hilo of Africa known as the Hold Coast have. In all probability, never heard oi Hurl Carrol the theatrical producer, but to him they are In di I led. nevertheless, lor the Unproved living conditions whllch have been tut: i dui id there wilhlu recent years and which have made that district a ioinpuiativle paradise I p to two years ago the rubber plaatat.e which cover the territory were worked by men who, with few exceptions, dared not tell their right uanivs In any civilised country. So unbearable were the hardships, so ter irble were the degrading lufluences of the country, that only men who sought to bury unsavory pasts would consent to take Jobs there. Of course, Famed actress of "White Cargo" there were exceptions; the plantation as she appears In picture now executive« were men of repute, but playing at Colonial. they hud comfort In the thought that they could return to their homes when their contracts on the plantations changing n->ne of the features which made the stage play an outstanding were terminated. sensation—story, dialogue, characters London Aroused II was the ploy. "White Cargo," and situations are presaa'.ed exactly produced by Karl t’arrol while as they were In the play. The cast has been selected with change conditions. When this drams was presented In London the stir especial care to bring out alt ele­ which It caused was much greater ments of realism which are neaen than the one wrtch It met In this tlal to full enjoyment of the remark country. Americans were content to able story. The part of Tondeleyo la view the production merely as grip­ played by Gypsy Rhouma. who be ping entertainment, but In Kngland came famous over night ns the result It appealed not only as a theatrical of her screen portrayal of the lm masterpiece but as an Indictment passioned child of nature. the administrations of the Hold Coast exploiters. Manager. Malting Mat Service It Is this illm version, the all talk­ ' "Why haven't you delivered that na ing picture 'Whltle Cargo," Is now ! llonal Hat of trank vice presidents to showing as a special first run attrac­ (be Bandtrap Golf Magasine?" Asalslant: "Burry, sir, but ont tion at the Colonial The producers of the picture have been wise In truck broke down!" EDIBLE MUSHROOMS CROW NEAR CITY SAYS TYSON There are a lot of mushrooms grow* Ing about tha outskirts of the city now which are excellent for eating According to W. P. Tyson. He says : that only a few of those which he has seen are of the poisonous variety. Ed waodered Into a tennis tourna­ ment the other day and sat down on the bench. "Whose game?" he asked. A shy young thing sitting next co him looked up hopefully. ‘ ‘I am." she said. Although a smaller number of non­ resident motor vehicles were register­ ed this year than In 1929, figures by the state motor vehicle department show nearly 82,000 automobiles hear Ing visitors and tourists to Oregon registered this year. The new electric light plant at Oak­ ridge has begun operations. Current Is being distributed over the city of Eugene from the plant operated by diesel engines and work will be start ed on the hydroelectric plant above the town in a short time. Citizens of The Dalles may except snow-free main streets this winter, fol­ lowing the action of the city coun cU in authorizing purchase of a snow blade to be erected op the front of tha city truck. The blade ban an A foot wli’.h and a 10-lnch depth. Livestock and lumber will form the predominating background for the Lane county display at the I’aelflc Intcrnaltonal liv estock show which opens In Portland next Haturday. Much of the materlnle used In the exhibit nt the elate fair will be In chided III the livestock exhibit «•. cording to Mrs Mabel Chadwick, l-ane fair necretnry, who has charge of the exhibit. OVERHEATED STOVE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FIRE Fire presumed to have been caused by nil overheated elove did about >300 damage to a residence at L and First streets at » 1 5 Saturday night The place formerly belonged to a man named Ford. He had sold It a few days earlier to a California purchaser who had Just started to move In Hal urday. The new owuer was not at the house during the fire and the fire chief has not been able to get In touch with him since. Broker: I put a friend of mine on his feet three limes In the last three years. Jones That's nothing! I put a friend of mine on hie feet I« times last night. Kind Hearted la d y : "And so you have nine brothers and slaters! My' It must take a lot of toast every murnlnt for breakfast!" Maggie "I'll say It does' It takes all we ran scrape together;" WANTED Your old discarded Tricycles ond Bicycles. 120 W. Nth COLONIAL No Hunting! TVCz y y On The Brattain Premises • The AI1 Talking Picture of the World's Moat Sensational Play Eugene Fox M c DON a LD Signed PLAYING M RS. P A U L B R A T T A IN A story of W hite .Men struggling to keep T heir Souls Clean Amidst T em ptation in the T rop­ ics. ♦ The first meeting of the Clover­ dale Community club for the winter was held Thursday afternoon. Octo­ ber 9. Those present were Mra. E. R. Anderson. Mrs. Harold Bauer, Mrs. W. R. Elliott. Mrs L. Getchell. Mrs Wm. James. Mrs. Leonard Bolin and children. Mra. E. C. KulL Mrs. D. G. Mitchell and eon. Mrs. E. F. Roberts. Mrs. L. E. Park and Mrs. G. H. Parke. The first meeting of the Pleasant Hill Ladies' club will be held at the home of Mrs. E. E. Schrenk Wednee day afternoon. October 15. The wom­ en are aaked to bring their flower seeds, bulbe. potted plants or garden reeds for the exchange. A email fee will be charged. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all, especially to the newcomers of the community. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Phelps have Intailed a Spartan radio tn thetr home at Pleasant Hill. Orchard late are beginning to har­ vest their walnuts. Friends of Mrs. Ernest Cooley, for­ merly Miss Manning, will be pleased to hear she Is showing some Improve­ ment tn health but is still in the hospital. LIVESTOCK. LUMBER TO FEATURE SHOW EXHIBIT STO R E NO. 1 125 East B roadw ay, Eugsne STORE NO. 3 S T O R E NO. 2 S3-95 W est B roadw ay, Eugene 3TORE NO. 4 M ain S tre e t, S p rin g fie ld ^ THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY CALUMET OLYMPIC Baking Powder Nut Margarine 25c One Pound Can Pound Makes a Calion Borden’s Malted Milk 16-oz., $1 size 2 Jars .... $1.01 2 49c” 15c Grape Juice 121/2 1 NOTE: T h e Colonial d eparte fro m Ito re g u la r policy to show th is a ttra c tio n only. Prices foe • th is special firs t ru n a ttra c tio n aro eat by the producer— M atin ees. 25c; N ig h ts — 5Oc. Cuasti Concentrated Matches Carton, Six Boxes ANO SATURDAY VNHTC CARGO 960 C h arnelton St., Eugene 500 FRIDAY A Saturday Specials 99c ROSE-DALE P E A C H E S No. 1 Tall Can 25 q B u c k e y e M a lt HerWe^SiiufKijlii a Vtaaauu* (fatiar FOX REX 49c STARTING FRIDAY n rg a a n B M rM Ywaataut i 25c CAKES FOX REX THEATRE I^arge Variety ........................................ SUNDAY-MONDAY— “THE LOST EMPIRE” COOKIES TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY— "COW" 10 V arieties to choose from -2 doz. CAPTAIN PIES > N O R O E X H M tH t RETURNS DOUGHNUTS Apple, .Mince, Itäisin, Pum pkin, and I lucklclx rry mmm IN PERSON D esta ........................ 1 0 c and 20c ................................ Wc c arry a complet«! Line of Bread and P astries. Special O rders given prom pt atten tio n . I New HOME BAKER Y\ 322 Main St. Thrilling true pictures of the headhunters of Ecuador—Cannibals who eat their own kin -Better than “Biinba"—bigger than "Chang". BOW Springfield, Ore. C. J. McKee, Prop.