The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 16, 1930, Page 7, Image 7

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    THURSDAY, OCTOBRE 16. 1930
—■ .
Principal Events of the Week
Assembled (or Information
of Our Readers.
Building pwrmlts In Klamath Falls
fur Hsptsmbsr tutalad 1188,>16. ac­
cording to I h s report of the building
Under the leadership of Batty Cos.
local violinist, a symphony orchestra
of 16 plaças has been organised at Ne­
halem and Is practicing regularly.
The Oregon Lumbar company store
at Bates «as destroyed by fire recent­
ly. The store «as beavlly stocked
and the lues «as more than 66U,OOO.
Matrimony In Ixine county la In a
slump; the number of marriage li­
censee Issued In Heptember la the low­
est for that month since 1617, only tt.
With a record crowd and a wealth
of good farm and livestock exhibits,
the annual Hermiston project fair was
held recently.
Peed— D. IL
R ay of
Reports from territory surrounding
Pendleton Indicate that wheat ranch­ Ixiwell purchased feed for bis stock
ers have had ample rain to allow for while In Springfield during the week.
seeding their ground. As there Is pros­
Here from Fall Creek— Mrs. W . N.
pect of further rain with little like
Taylor and her son of Fall Creek,
llhood that the weather will turn dry,
were visitors In this city on Saturday.
the situation Is believed to be satis­
Jasper Resident H ere— Frank Saun­
Sheriff H. L. Brown of Lane coun
ty « III Install a low-wave radio set
within a month to receive broadcasts
of crime news from the Portland
police radio station.
It coat George G Elliott Jr., whose
home la between Altoona and Pillar
Rock, Wash . 1100 and the loss of his
duck boat, gun, decoya and ducka to
poach- that to to say, to hunt with
Gordon Wiley, Deschutes county I out a license—on the Oregon side of
the Columbia on tbe opening day of
youth, won first place at the county
tbe duck season.
fair In Itedmond for sewing. He took
second place In the livestock exhibit
with his Guernsey calf.
The Harrisburg grade school dis­
trict finds Itself, at budget time, em
barraased with a surplus of money.
The new budget will be neatly a half
lower than the previous one.
The Silverton Food Products oom-
pany completed Its long run of bean
canning last week. The bean pack
was started the first of August. The
pack totaled more than 7000 cases.
About >00 feet of the railroad lead
Ing to the new lumber mill being con
etructed at Clifton, a few miles from
Astoria, was demolished by a rock
slide. The elide followed blasting up
A new automatic system for elevat­
ing sawdust from the ground up Into
the storage bins and also to the boiler
room has been Installed at the Brown
ville woolen mills and Is operating
Ashland's fire loss for the first nine
months of 1030 has been only 11170,
aooordlng to Fire Chief Baughman,
who added that Ashland’s fire loss In
1M> bad been more than >»,000, the
largest In many years.
The Northern Lake County Cham­
ber of Commerce has been organised
at Silver Lake. It w ill represent the
Interests of Chewaucan. Bummer LsUis,
Bllver Lake and Fort Rock valleys
and ounMguoua territory.
Shooting a deer from the door of
a store on a main highway Is the ea-
perience of Wes Chrisman, keeper of
the Bedrock etore os the Row river
road, oue of the most heavily traveled
roads la the Dorena eectlon.
An additional unit to the plant of
SL Helena Pulp A Paper company was
started recsnUy, and an additional
paper machine will be Installed as
soon as construction work baa prog
ressed sufficiently to permit It.
Some of the moat difficult road con-
■ traction on the Oregon Coast highway
will be encountered on the China
Creek and Berry Creek sections, tor
which contract w ill be let by the
bureau of federal roods, according to
P. M. Morse, Lane county engineer.
Vernonia and adjacent territory has
experienced one of the greateet build­
ing programs during the first nine
months of 1 » « that It has had since
18». It Is estimated that the cost of
the buildings completed thia year or
In actual construction totals >160,000.
Officials of the Columbia Gorge M in­
ing company started boring a shaft at
The Dalles Country club, where a 10
ft. vela of silver, assaying » 0 0 0 a ton,
has been discovered. I f the volume
reaches expectations, golfers will
draw royalty checks rather than pay
W heat— Big Bend bluestem, » H e ;
soft white, western white, 7>Hc; hard
winter, northern spring, western red,
Hay— Buying price, f. o. b. Portland:
Alfalfa, >11011.60; valley timothy,
>16 60;
>16.60; clover, >16; oat hay, >14; oats
and vetch, >14.
B u tU rfat—64067c.
Bggs—Ranch, 10O66c.
Cattle—Steers, good. » . » 0 8 00.
Hogs—Good to choice, >10.»O10.76.
Lambs— Good to choice, » . » 0 6 .6 0 .
•e e ttle
W heat— l o f t white, western white,
northern spring, 76c; hard winter,
western red, 76c; bluestem, 07o.
Bggs— Roach. >0O>0o.
Butte rfat— 60c.
C attle—Choice steers. >6.7607 66.
Hogs— Good to oholoe, >10.766)10.».
Lambs— Choice, > 6 .6 0 0 6 » .
Cattle— Steers, good, >6.8606.71.
Hoge—Good to choloe, >10010.81.
L am b s-M e d iu m to good, > 0 6 0 6 JO.
As a direct outgrowth of a series
At Prineville— Forrest F ritts left
of troubles bad with fraternities In
the Salem high school It Is said that Monday for Prineville where he w ill
Representative McAllister will prob­ spend moat of tbe week visiting.
ably Introduce at the coming session
Creswell Man Vlalto— Fred Klnsland
of the legislature a bill to repeal the
Creswell transacted business In
law prohibiting high school rraternl
Springfield ori Friday.
A natural gas flow was struck on
(be Cecil Riggs farm In the Home Gap
district, a few miles from Dallas, by
drillers operating for R. E. Combs of
Portland. The vein was ink a heavy
one, but pending (be arrival of Mr.
Combe tbe well was capped and drill
Ing auapended.
Douglas county has Just received a
check from the federal government for
6166,476.66, the annual payment on the
O. A C. grant lands. The govern-
roent pays tbe "land grant** counties
each year a sum equal to the taxes on
the revested lands If they bad been
left In private hands.
W ith (be roofing work on tbe new
Union Pacific depot at La Orande
nearing completion, main construc­
tion work will now turn to the In
terlor of the building, which will pro
vide spacious waiting and baggage
rooms In addition to offices for system
officials and clerical force.
Oregon still has its wild and woolly
sections where locomotives are un­
A herd of cattle recently
taken to Alturas from Spring valley
saw a huge monster thundering to­
ward them. They stampeded.
cowl were killed and seven maimed
so they had to be butchered.
The engineering crew engaged In a
survey of the W illam ette river from
Oregon City to Eugene, establishing
the channel, reefs, width of river and
distance, and mapping the curves and
contours of the country, has already
proceeded from Eugene to a point be­
yond Corvallis, surveying about five
miles each day.
According to Information received
by the public service commission re­
cently tbe Columbia Utilities company
with headquarters at Vernonia, has
acquired the plant and properties of
the Butts Falla A Eagle Point Tele­
phone oompany at Eagle Point and
the Tule Lake Telephone company In
Klamath county.
Crews at the plant of The Dalles Co-
Operative Growers started dehydrat­
ing apples which are being shipped
there from the Milton-Freewater dis
trlcL A minimum of 2600 tona of
applee will be dried, H. G. M iller, man,
ager of the co-operative, aald. A crew
of 100 women and 20 men w ill be
kept busy 10 weeks.
Doctor: Did you follow my advice
and drink hot water an h o u r' before
Patient Patient: I tried to. Doc,
honest! But after the first 10 minutes
I couldn't get any more down.
ders of Jasper was a business visitor
In Springfield on Saturday.
Visits M o th e r- Odin Olson of Bridal
Vejl spent the week-end here visiting
with his brother, Oswald, and mother,
Mrs. Emma Olson.
Has Minor Operation— Geo G riffin
of Eugene underwent a minor opera
tlon at the office of a local physician
on Saturday forenoon.
Visit from Santa Clara— Mr. and
Mrs. U. U. Kletxlng of Santa Clara
visited with friends In tbls city on
Saturday of last week.
Visits Grandparent»— Junta M ay left
Friday for Portland where »he »pent
tbe week-end visiting with her grand
From Cedar Flats—J. J. Plummer
of Cedar Flats transacted business
In Springfield on Tuesday.
Mareóla Man Here— Ray W lnlger of
A Scotchman found It necessary to
Marcóla was a business visitor In notify his wife that he might be home
Springfield on Tuesday.
late that evening, In which case he
would phone her. This to what he told
Apartment Owner (a stout gentle­ he»:
m an): “This, sir, to one of our finest
" I'll ring ye at 6 o'clock. When ye
kitchenette apartments."
hear the bell ye’ll know It ’s me.
Prospective Tennant: "W ell, come D'Inna answer It, and I ’U get ma nickel
oat a minute and let me Inside!"
Jasper Resident Here—J. D. Ellio tt
of Jasper visited with friends In this ¿■•a
city on Tuesday.
W altervllls Men Here— Tom Carney
and Charles Sylvester, both of W alter
vllle, were visitors In Springfield on
Drive South— Mr. and Mrs. C. L
Kenyon drove south on the Pacific
highway as far as the Coos Junction
below Roseburg on Sunday.
returned the same day.
Visitor: "W here's the other wind­
m ill gone?”
Native: "W e only had wind enough
for one, so we took the other one
AU This Week
k itty : Jack says he can read m«-
like a book.
Phyllis: You mustn't take Jack too
llte ia lly , dear. H e probably means that
you are a very plain type.
Flanery’s Drug Store
407 Main
Foolish Feat
Monroe People Hero— Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Purcell of Monroe were bust
nees visitors In Springfield during the
Outing Flannels
Returns to Home— Mrs. Anna Cos
well left Sunday for her home at
Camas, Washington, afte r having vis­
ited with her brother, Frank Gordon,
whom she had not seen for six years.
Heavy Amoekeag, yard wide outing Flanners, special yd. 15c
Taking Vacation— Frank Smltaon
began a two weeks vacation from
his duties at the Mountain States
Power company office on Wednes
Big assortm ent 25c Fast Color Prints, y d .____________ 15c
$2.50 Men’s Wool-mixed Shirts ___ _________ _______ $1.69
Men’s Heavy Fall Cotton U n ion s___ _________________98c
Ladies' Pure Silk H o s e __________________________ ___ 50c
Sunday Visitors Here— Mr. and Mrs
Hugo H allln and eons, Charles and
Oeorge, of Palmer. Oregon, were Sun
day visitors at the home of Mrs
Emma Olson. Mr. H a llln Is an uncle
of Oswald Olson.
Visit at Bend— M r. and Mra. M. M
Male and daughter, Grace, spent the
week-end at Bend where they visited
T h e ir daughter, Grace, re­
turned to Portland on Sunday eve­
Phone 15
Fulop’s Department Store
Ralph D'Agostino, Brockton, Mass,
vying to beat Shipwreck Kelly's-rec­
ord (or continuous flagpole sitting, «
in the air.
. 334 Main Street
I t ’s h ere!
Drive to Lowell and Jasper— Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Wheaton and Dr. and
Mrs. N. W. Emery drove up the W il­
lamette highway to Lowell Sunday
where they saw the new union high
anc/ what a radio! (
R eturns fro m V a c a tio n — A. L. V>ade
has returned to his position as sales­
man for the Mountain States Power
oompany after a week's vacation spent
at Toledo. Mrs. Wade accompanied
Drive to Glendale— M r. and Mrs. J.
Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. T. Berg
drove to G lendi^- Sunday and spent
three hours visiting friends there. M r.
Nelson says that the drive south on
the Pacific hjghway Is very beautiful
this tim e of the year.
A twater
K ent
Judge: "W h a t brought you here?*'
Accused: "Two policemen.”
Judge: **I don't mean that— drunk,
Accused: “Both of them."
wif/i fhe
Kent matched wal­
nut lowboy.
c o m p ie t e
Special Purchase
We made a very fortunate Coat
purchase . . . . Coats of the better
value. Sizes 14 to 60— colors, black,
blue, brown and green. All silk lined
with excellent fur sets. These are
remarkable values . . . .
rs even better than w e hoped. In perform­
ance, sharp tuning, range, freedom from
interference, and in new beauty, it is in a class
by itself
Just come and listen to that Golden Voice
— the dearest, truest, most natural
the world has ever heard.
Try the new ease and speed o f getting sta­
tions with the new Atwater Kent Quick-Vision
Dial; every station visible all the time— nuAsarf
reading, instant tuning, sharpest septuxtaon.
Only Arwater Kent has it
T ry the new perfected Tone Control foe
emphasizing low or high notes at a touch o f
yoor finger— new mastery o f radio for yew/
'■■•a exclusive A tw ater K ent ad­
vancement. A ll stations always in full
view, evenly spaced from end to end
— no crowding, no jumble— thanks
to a remarkable compensating mech­
anism developed in the Atw ater
Kent laboratory. Large, legible kilo­
cycle figures, rally illuminated, for
in f cant reading and accurate tuning.
Coll o r tolopHono» Cotiw
lent tarais. Expert