í I PAGE SIX THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16. IMO TKK SPIUNGFIK1«D NEWS N O T IC I TO C R ED ITO R S Visiting P arsn ts— Mrs. letonurd Leaves for South Mrs Ralph Mill- Actherman mid small son arrived Sun- j holland and two children, Grace aud In the County Court of the Stato of Published Every Thursday at Over in Renton county there is a farm er nam ed day from Chehalis. Washington and I Dewey, and Mrs. Mulholland's father, Oregon for the County of Lane. Sapp who lives at Lobster. T h a t's a queer com - wpt spend some time here visitlug i M. I llolversou, left Friday for Loa 8prlngBeld. Lane County, Oregon, hy blnation. isn ’t it* Sapp living at Lobster. 1,1 ,h'* lu’u»’ “f her parents, Mr and Anaales where they w ill attend two IN T I I E M A T T E R O F T H E E S T A T E T H E W IL L A M E T T E P R E S S OF ANNA I» K IR C H N E R . Deceased. Mrs. W. W. W alker. Miss Evelyn weeks visiting her slater. H. E. M A X E Y . Editor N O T IC E la hereby given that I have _________________ ___________ But Mr. Sapp isn't a saphead. No sir. not W alker also spent the weekend with been by the Honorable County Court N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Entered as seeond class matter. February 24. 1903. at the [ th o U * h h e H ves a t Lobster. For Mr. Snpp has her parents She Is leaching school Notice Is hereby given Ihnl F N of latne County, Oregou, duly ap a fine field of latdino clover, irrigated, green ** Mln>>irM in western Lane county McAllister, has been nppolnled by the pointed adm inistratrix of the Estate postoffice. Springfield, Oregou. of Anns I» Kirchner, deceased All tile year around. of E. Davison, deceased, has filed his order of Ute county court of the persons having claims against said M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E slate of Oregon for laute County. as Final Account and Report as such and adm lulstrutor of the estate of Floyd estate will preseli! them tu me at my One Year In Advance _ $1.75 Three Months 75c add) ess. 601 Corbett llldg . Ihirllaiid. i l l this field of 1 1 ', acres. 42 cows were pus- «b,‘ Court has set Saturday. Novem Wilson, deceased All person» bavins S:x Months ................... $1.SO Slagle Copy 5c turcd 167 days in the sum m er of 1928. While l6, J*8*1 “« ’• 00 * M at the clainiN HMalimt bm Irtat*On h‘8 p r° duct to th e wortd Incidentally. Mr. Sapp is not com plaining about ag ricultural conditions. Why should he when Lum berm en a re told th a t their products can he 8UPP°rt8 42 cow s on 11 acres for 167 hot, be laid down in P ortland hy w ater for a third dry 8Ummer Albany Democrat-IIt raid, of rail cost. Econom ists declare th a t the consum er is pay­ ing sufficient for both w heat and lum ber at the present tim e yet th e producers of both a re not m aking expenses. A D V E R T IS IN G A N D A D V E R T IS IN G This Is the age of publicity and he who employe the best medium for reaching the buying public achieves I the greatest success. N O T IC E OF F IN A L SETTLEM ENT Eugene. Oregon Attorney for Administrator. ' . . . . A '* l" h,'r* by given «hat llarolo J Wells. Adm inistrator of the Estate N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T SUMMONS In the County C ourt of the State of Oregon In and fo r the County of Lane. In the C irc u it C o urt of the State of Oregon In and fo r the County of L en t. In Probate. IN RE T H E E S T A T E O F JER R Y I.A N G A N . Deceased. Notice Is hereby given (hat the un derslgne.1, as the adm inistrator of the above entitled estate duly filed In the! said estate proceeding, hls final a« ' count on October 11. 1930; that the said court fixed the time for the bp*rln g ° f the said final account at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. Novem her 14, 1930; that all persons having any objections thereto shall file the same In w riting in said proceeding on or before the said date. R D Y I.A N O A N , Adm inistrator. H. E. Slattery. Attorney for Admin­ istrator. D18 23 30 N8-13 W hat then m ust be done? T ran sp o rtatio n and distribution costs m ust be lowered and w ater- For many year» newspapers furnished the only means ways are th e surest and m ost effective m ethod I for carrying message» to the buying public Later. mag» to lower them . L’nder the circum stances we xines and other periodicals entered the field, then clr- should not hesitate to back S en ato r McNary in rulara, end finally the radio. his efforts to canalize the W illam ette river. These Volurne advertisers employ advertising experts who are sufficient if there were not m any o th er rea­ are constantly on the Job studying the subject, and well sons for having th e im provem ent made. RELIEF FROM CURSE they may for they annually spend hundreds of millions of dollars to create and stimulate buying. OF CONSTIPATION A survey of Oregon w ater power resources to see w hat we actually have sounds good. But consider the Oregon-C alifornia Pow er com panv has already spent $150.000 in surveying the K lam ath river looking tow ard developm ent If it is necessary to spend th at m uch on one river to tell its power possibilities then th ink of the stag g erin g sum it will take to actually survey all the rivers of the state. W ater pow er is a w onderful thing, so long a s th e stre a m does not dry up. but when we think of power In term s of w ater we m ust also think in term s of millions of dollars if we know a n y th in g about plants already developed. • D • • _ These experts are generally agreed that no medium of publcity approaches the newspaper which enters the home and is read by every member of the fam ily, and often by neighbors who are not subscribers. As a result of their studies circulars have been discarded as of little value. The radio as an advertising medium has seen Its peak. A recent survey showed that 80% of the radio audience turns the dial onto something else when an advertising talk Is on. You cannot turn off the home town paper. You can throw It away but you never do until you have read It throOghout. 'manded me to sell the real property hereinafter described to satisfy cer- : tain liens and charges In said decree ‘A legal SDasm ” Is the xpootflwi. I w ill on Raturday the 26th ® daIJE ,,fo » « “ b* ' 1M 0' at tha h weeks from the date of the first publication of (hls summons In the Springfield News, which Is first published October 18. 1930 And. you ere herehv notified that If yatt fall to appear and answer said complaint within said period of four weeks, your default w ill he entered for vant of an answer and the p la in tiff w llll make application to the court for the relief nrayed within said complaint, tiwwlt: T hat she have nn absolute divorce from you; and «hat the marriage contract now existing between you •nd the nlnlntlff be forever dissolved The above entitled court made and dated an order October 14. 1930. d! rectlng that this summons be pub llshed once each week for a period of four successive eecltit In the Nprlng- field News; and that you appear and answer said complaint within four weeks from the date of the said first publication of this summons, which Is October 18, 1930 i H E. S L A T T E R Y , Attorney for p la in tiff and my resi­ dence and post office address Is Eugcas, Oregon O 18-23 30-N.8-13 *:t a.;r..2 » ' » ' ■ > " « • " ■ « >» lx » k „ like th e Pacific c o . « football chain- pionship m ight be played on the n o rth end of N ew spaj^r advertising brings buyer and seller to- th e coast this year. W. S. C. knocking over getber at less expense and with greater effect than any the two California giants— one a fte r a n o th e r— Other medium. W hy not use It?— Congressman Harold gives the situation a different complexion. Knutson, Pioneer-Journal, Wadena. Minnesota. — N O T IC B Is hereby given that by virtue of an esecutlon nnd order of ■ale Issued util of the Circuit Court of tattle County, State of Oregou on the 26th day of Kepleiuher. 1930, In an action wherein The Pacific 8av lugs A Iatan AasorlatloB, a Washing Ion corporation. Is the p lain tiff and I D. Collier and lluuule Collier, hla wife, and Nelson Bush are the defettd ants and where on (he 23rd day of th>ptenib«r. IPX». In said court The Iht title Havings A Loan Association, a Waalilngloitu corporation recovered a Judgment against the defendants I. D. Collier and Bonnie Collier, hls wife, for the sum of $909 90 together with Interest thereon at the rate of 10»/, per annum from June 22nd. 1930. and for Ihe further sum of $72.04 for taxes paid, together with Interest thereon at the rate of 10% per annum from Feb 4. 1029, and for the further sum of $68.00 for laxea paid, together with Interest thereon at the rale of 10% l>er annum from June 36. 1030. and for the fu rth er earn of $60 63 for city assessments, together with Intereet thereon at the rate of 10% per -u- itiiin fm iti I eb C t929. and for the farth e r sum of $60.58 for city as­ sessments. together with Interest thereon at the rale of 10% per annum from June 36. 1930, and for the further sum of »10 40 for fire Insurance, and for the furftier sum of $42 00 for having the records searched and ah strarted, and for the further sum of $12600 as a reasenuble Attorney's fee, and for the costa and disburse­ ment« of ihls suit, which Judgmoat was entered and dochslotl In lh» ilu r k s office of said court In said county on the 24(b day of September, l$30, and said Kxoeulloa to ate til rected commanding me la the name of the Htule of Oregon. In order to satisfy said Judgment. Interest, costa and disbursements, and scorning costs to sell the folkiwlng described prop­ erty tow lt A Battle Croek physician says. 'T o n stlpntlon la responsible for more misery than any other caase.” But Immediate relief has been found. A tablet called Kexoil Order lies baa been discovered. This tablet attracts water from the system Into the lasy, dry evscutftlng bowel called the colon. The water looaens the dry H B SLATTERY, food waste and causes a gentle Attorney for p la in tiff and mv Real thorough, natural movement without dettee and Post o ffic e Address 1« Kti forming a habit nr ever Increasing gene. Ijin e Ponnty, Oregon (be doee. 018 23 30 Nfi 13 Stop suffering from constipation Chew a Rexall Orderlle st night. Next SUMMON8 Ask any rural mail carrier what the m ail patrons do brl r (<. frolB the sheriff Older readers will recall St. Jacob s the 8 u “ ' of Oregon «w '-« n * <’°u nty sponsible for th e Writings Of Ite ^ d ito r’T n i a l w Oil. a rem edy'that was In the" medlclne c.bine't r f ' m * ^ ‘. " t o " ' 1M #’ UP<’n iU“ 1 a decree duly given and for anything else appearing in its colum ns erery home ln America th irty years ago. It h»d been made by said Court September 4th, w hether the editor is the a u th o r or not. Plainly placed there by the excellence of the product, aided by I1»30, in » suit pending therein In radio stations should be subjected to th e s a m e a «reat and intelligent campaign of newspaper adver * b,cb The Pacific Savings S Loan laws and regulations. Free speech is a sa< i’’d ,,8lnK that ext(>"ded o w a ‘* rl,,d <* many y*ar" w - A“