1 f * ¿ * tt/F* V fM I PAGE POUR O ll* I» » » T H E SPRINGFIELD NEWS « TTT- • V THURSDAY. OCTOBER 1«. 1930 LOCAL LUMBER MILLS CURTAIL PRODUCTION Needlecraft Group to Meet. Has Operation Mlsk Gwendolyn DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES Members of the Neddlecruft 'dub Calllaoa of l-'ull Creek underwent a VISIT LIONS LUNCHEON will be entertained on thia afternoon major operation at tha I’aolflc Christ­ The Springfield and Wedllng »»»- at the home of Mrs. Dan Crites of Elton Watkins, democratic candi­ ian hospital In Eugene on Saturday mill plants of the B,x>th Kelly Lumber Eugene This will be the second meet­ date for Halted States Senator from morning. company began operation* on an alter ing of the fall for this club. Oregon and Win Oelsell, .candidate natlng three-day week basis on Mon j for the lower house from the first Goss to Medford Dr. R P. Morten day. The Wendllng mill will operate NEW HOME BAKERY GETS congressional district, both attended sen made a business trip to Medford on Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday, FRESH COAT OF PAINT the Liona Club luncheon on Prlday on Monday. He returned lute that while the Springfield plant will make and made short talks. A. A. Bennett, evening. The front and the salesroom of the head of the Bennett Airways project, lumber on the last three days of the week Camp 3 at Wendllng has also New Home bakery. Including all of was also a visitor. AXE SLIPS. CUTS FINGER the display cases were given a new been closed down for a while The two democratic candidate were AMPUTATOIN NECESSARY coat of light cream paint this week. Introduced to the businessmen of this Carl McKee has returned to hi* city before leaving early In the after* Salem Visitor*—Dr. R. P. Mortensen Mrs. Roy Hubbard of Thurston had and Major M B. Huntly spent Sunday bakery business after a stay of sev­ noon to have the Index finger on her left eral months In Idaho, during which visiting at Corvallis. hand amputated at the office of a time his father-in-law, D. Moore, man­ Degree S ta ff Meets local physician on Saturday aa a re­ aged the local business. That’s Right The members of the degree team of sult of an accldeut occurlng while ahe the Juan.ta Rebekah lodge held their was splitting wood at her home. The Student—"What happen*, sir. If the Corvallis Feople Her«— Mrs. E. V. regular practice period and social heavy, dull axe which ahe was using parachute tails to open?" Lilley and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lilley gathering at the I. O. O. F. hall on slipped striking the finger and cut­ Tough Sarge— "You come back, all of Corvallis were Sunday visitors Friday evening Mrs. O. H. Jarrett, ting It so badly that It was Ira pos­ sonny, and I'll give you another at the F. B. Planer* home here. Mrs. Mrs Grace 1-andsberry and Miss Amy sible Io close the wound by stitching one." Lilley Is Mra. Flanery's mother. Ixive were hostesses. Vialta Mother I>r (’. U. Van Valaah SPRINGFIELD HAS MANY of Portland spent (he week-end here ON PRESENT GRAND JURY visiting with hl* mother, Mrs. A. It Van V aluh Springfield has a large share ol representation In the present grand Jury which convened In Eugene on Tuesday morning. Nearly all of tbs members of the group are either liv­ ing Springfield or nearby. The mem berg of the Jury are Maude T. Bryan, llert Weyer. Sam E Beil lei. Mr* Dean Beals. Grace M l-an*berry, B F Mar­ tin and Elale W illie . Mabel "When you spoke to father did you tell him you had a thousand dollar* In the bank? •Jack—"Yes " Mabel "And what did he sa y f' Jack -"Ha borrowed It.” TOOK SODA FOR STOM­ ACH FOR 20 YEARS Kensington Club to Moot For 30 years I took soda for Indi­ gestion and stomach gas. Ona bottle of Adlerlka brought ma complete ra- llef."—Jno, B Hardy. Adlerlka relieves GAB and soar stomach In TEN minutes ! Acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, re­ moving poisons you never knew era there Don’t fool with medicine which Here from Cottage Grove- Mrs cleans only I’AIIT of the bowel*, but Thelma Tonole of Cottage Grove was let Adlerlka give stomach and bowel* a REAL cleaning and see how good a Saturday visitor In Springfield vou feel— Flanery's Drur Store. The Kensington club will meet at the home of Mra. W. N Dow tomorrow afternoon for a 1:00 o'clock luncheon Mrs Harry Whitney will assist Mr* Dow with the serving. I AGAINST Power Districts Amendment “ You Can’t Get Something for Nothing” apparent “An Impossible Promise” the evidences of waste and mis­ upward leaps and bounds of the general tax rate. “The people of Oregon have only to cast their eyes in the direction of Seattle and Tacoma to learn much on this score: they have only to cock their ears to IS program restates the promise that has been -*• made in many other campaigns and in many parts of the country. and in management, and still more palpably In the recurrent Says a leading Seattle newspaper in referring to current propaganda for so-called “public owner­ ship" and to the promise of many a candidate now seeking political office. It gives this warning to the people of Oregon: UTT both electrical He promises a vast public power development ‘without cost to the taxpayers.’ Wherever the people have been beguiled into per­ burdens upon only the and the has imposed taxpayers. fanatical few heavy It is a development schem es to be perfected upon power ’without cost The tax rate in Tacom a has gone nowadays venture to that voice experiment has been tried. “Nothing of the kind can be done without cost to the taxpayers. Bonds may be sold and debt incurred to get such a development under way, and for a time everything may seem to be moving serenely. — VOTE 325 X NO They have taken this prop­ they have Invaded numerous other counties and them selves to the freely. taxes All of this has property added remaining Im­ on That Is why the rest of this state so hlttely complains and so earnestly demands that these city utility projects be compelled to resume a share of the tax load. again must suffer, by increase in the direct tax levy, Should that be done, the city taxpayers by Increase In utility rates, or by both. "Seattle and Tacoma have gained nothing by these Tax Rates 1929 Tacoma, 81.89 mills. Seattle, 76.85 mills. Portland, 48.60 mills. ventures. stand to On the contrary they have lost much and lose still more. The people of O re g o n will be well advised to turn away frorn the foolish thought of »omething 1or nothing. On a state-wide scale, as promised in Oregon and as proposed In the so-called •district power bill’ Initiated for vote In Washington, the results would be so much the more d is a str o u s .,, But the day of reckoning comes around and the sad results are tax and the Seattle rate of 76.85 mills claim s second place. anywhere within hailing distance of a city or a sec­ tion wherein the the up to 81 mills, the highest in the whole Northwest, additional promise but the rolls. heavily stripped the limits of the counties In which they are located, measurably launched have erty not only within their own corporate limits and Seattle Tacoma Tacoma for their power projects. cities from all the rest of the State of Washington. and and rolls of millions of dollars’ worth of taxable property helped mitting the experiment it has proved a failure and a disappointment, Seattle £5tch _th e_tou ^ com p lain t_th at rises against these two to the taxpayers.’ "This is a promise that has never yet been fulfilled. "Both Whole State Suffers Tax Losses “Existing publicly owned utilities of King and Pierce counties have increased taxes In every other city and community in the 8tate of Washington.” — Tax­ payers’ Economy League of Spokane. Editorial, Seattle Sunday Times, Aug, 31, 1930. VOTE 325 X NO PEOPLE OF OREGON . . . Heed this Warning Against Confiscatory Debts and Taxes by Voting 325 X NO! Against Power Districts Constitutional Amendment Paid Advertisement — UTILITY TAXPAYERS COMMITTEE, H. L. WALTHER, Manager, 206 8ixth Street, Portland, Oregon