T bald Eva'a hand longer than even do—” such a reunion justified, and he con­ "Except to «top talking like that.” , . All the faces seemed oddly fa­ tinued to hold It, drawing his chair "I'm not talking like that. I'm Just miliar at moments and then Beemeq WANTED—Ranch on share baste. E STA TE OF GEORGE H. CURRIER, Deceased. Prefer partly equipped Beat refer­ strange again. . . . So did things the close to her couch and patting her telling you bow I'm going to talk Notice la hereby given that Amelia , ences. See Heflin, opposite Moun­ men said. . . . At time she was like hand at Intervals with his disengaged some day, when I really begin . , .” It. Watts haa been by the County one. His manner was sympathetic "I think," he casually remarked the tain View garag«, mile east of one slowly coming out of ether, re­ Court of the (Mate of Oregon. In uuu and paternal, and hers held no trace next evening, 'Wednesday might be calling flrat the happenings that bad Springfield on the McKenzIle high* for Lane County, appointed adminis­ occurred before she went under; doc­ of fear of him. Very reluctantly Eric a good day for us to be married all tratrix ot the estate of George H. way. Currier, deceaaed. tors . . . a nurse , . . packing . . . left them together; and Henderson over again." All peruana having claims against FOUND— Initialed charm. Identify at flight . . . some terribile situation . . . who had been carefully coached for Her eyebrows rose. the estate ot aald deceaaed are hereby New» office. children . . . those children . . . the Interview by Carrick, made a few "How utterly absurd you can be notified to present the same, duly slated aud verified, at the realdeuce FARMERS— Have five hundred 26-foot She hail a panic oyer that and cried brief comments on the meeting and when you give your mind to It." of said admlnlatratrlx, 710 Lawrenc* tvpllt Cedar Telegraph Poles. Price out, and the man who said be was a went straight to the pu'nt of hla visit. "We might even go to the same street In Eugene, Oregon, within alx 'It may relieve your mind, my dear, uu sale *1.00 each. Make A-l tele­ doctor gave her another dose. There little parsonage and the same old min­ months from thia 8th day of Octo­ to know that I have Jilted you,” he phone pules. was more that was horrible . . . some ber, 1830. comfortably mentioned, blinking at her ister. They weren't very attractive, AMELIA R WATTS, nightmare . . . At last she slept. but there*!* a certain sentiment In OOOD STOCKER EWES to let on Administratrix of the Eatate of When she awoke things were a with his near-sighted eyes. "When a choosing the name setting—” shares. For particulars write H. George II. Currier, deceaaed. girl runs away to get out of marry­ little better. The familiar face of her A. E. Wheeler, Attorney. Overton, Harrisburg, Ore. “I wish yon wouldn’t say sucn ing me, she doesn’t have to add any 0 8 18 23-30-N6 nurse was neai her—the nurse who explanations afterward. I’ve grasped foolish things Elmira Man Visit*—Steve Bowles had attended her In Chicago—and she the Idea that she doesn’t want me. “Surely you're not going to deny NO TIC E OF SALE OF REAL PROP­ of Elmira was a business visitor In was In a quiet room bright with sun­ Bloch says I’m not subtle, and per­ our expediency ¡carriage," he sighed. ERTY BY A D M IN IS T R A T O R . shine. . . . She had liked that nurse, haps I'm not. But I can get that Of course It was only a bluff, but NOTICE IS H E R E B Y G IV E N . That Springfield on Monday. but she could not remember baring by virtue of an order of the County It's a beautiful memory and it was fine much.” brought her to New York. . . . Or Court of lame County, Oregon, duly N O TIC E OF F IN A L A C CO UNT ‘There’» no one In the world I’d practice for the next time we do IL made and entered of record on the In the County Court of the 8tate of was she still In Chicago? rather have as a friend," Eve aald. By the way, What have yon done with 1st day of October, 1830, In the matter Oregon for Lane County. "Oh. Miss Driscoll," she aald, “And aa a manager,’’ she added more the wedding-ring I gave yon?” In Probate. of th« eatate of Ardell F. Rice, de­ ceaaed, the undersigned Administrator IN RE: THE ESTATE OF HENRY brokenly, “la . . . It really . . . you?” self-consciously. "But perhaps you “Is that a new Joke?" ‘It really Is." Miss Driscoll buoy­ are through with me." of aald eatate will on and after the H. CULLEN. Deceased. Under her tone he sobered. 1st day of November, 1830 offer fur TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: antly confirmed. "But please don’t ‘I’ll never be through with you. sale and sell at private sale to the Notice Is hereby given that on Sep­ talk, Mlsu Carrington. Go right to “No, dear.( We really did go But you are free to marry any one highest bidder for cash, or one-half tember 29, 1930, the undersigned filed through a marriage ceremony, with caah and one-half credit, subject to hla final account aa administrator In sleep again." you like.” confirmation of the Court, the real the above entitled probate proceeding; The doctor who had brought her ’I don’t want to marry any one," the understanding that It was purely property of aald estate described In that on said date the court entered home came to the bedside at this, and Eve murmured. a matter of form—” ■aid order, to-wit: an order fixing the time for the *A marriage ceremony . . . a mat­ bis expression was so radiant that ‘Not to-day, perhaps, or to-mor All of Lot Numbered Five hearing of the said final account at ter o f form . . ." She gasped. "I (6) In Block Numbered Five the hour of 10 o'clock A M. October Eve was impressed by It. Miss Drte- row, but . . . ” (6) In Gross' Addition to Eu­ 31, 1930. Any une having any objac coll was radiant also, and the two Henderson now knew all about the can’t believe IL What are yon talk­ gene. Lane County, Oregon. lions to the said final account shall appeared to have some radiant under­ formal marriage, and also something ing about?" Said sale will taka place at the law "iled the same In writing un or before "You needn't believe It If you don’t standing. . . . Eve carried Into un­ about the whirlwind courtship. office of L. L. Kay In the Miner Build­ the time set tor the hearing. ‘I’m horribly sorry for thv way I've want to,” he said comfortably. "It’s consciousness the memory of this radi­ ing. Eugene, Lane County, Oregon. H. B. SLATTERY, L L. RAY, Administrator. ance . . . and Its contrast with the treated you," Eve unsteadily con­ of no Importance whatever. It was Administrator of the eatate of Ar­ tragic face of the young man who had fessed. "I can’t believe I uld such simply a precaution we had to take dell F. lllce, deceased. N O TIC E OF H E A R IN G ON been In the group . . . and the eyes things. But of course you realise that to protect you when you were so 02 8-16-23 30 F IN A L ACCO UNT of those children . . . and the even I didn't know . . . I wasn't responsible afraid of Henderson. It didn't mean NOTCH IS HEREBY GIVEN: That NO TIC E OF F IN A L AC CO UNT . . . and I waa terribly afraid of you anything hat that, and It can be an­ The uuderslgned, Administrator of the undersigned, as executrix of the more recent nightmare . . . a black when I ran away. That sounds Idiotic nulled any time. You have your mar­ the estate ot Robert P. Hartwig, de Last Will and Testament of Henry wall . . . now. but it’s the way I felt." riage certificate somewhere around— ceased, has filed his Final Account Clay Hubbel, de -eased, has filed hei 'But, my God, Doctor!" Hamilton In the matter of said estate with account for the final settlement ol exploded, late the next night, “make ’1 understand everything,” Hender­ In yonr hand-bag, I think.’ the County Clark ot Lane County, said decedent's estate In the County son again patted her hand, and Eve, He told the story simply and with Oregon, and an order has been made Court for Lane County, State of Ore­ allowance for me. Of course I’m and entered of record by the County gon. and that Saturday the 1st day happy over her recovery. Isn't It thus reminded that he still held It, sudden seriousness. Court of said County, directing this of November, 1930, at the Court Room what I've been working for all along? gently took It from him. Henderson “You were In a state of shivering notice, and appointing Saturday, the uf Bald Court In the County Ccurt But can't you see my position? She sighed. terror of Henderson,” he ended, 18th day df October. 1930. at the hour House, In Eugene, Lane C unty, Oregon "Well, that's settled," he said "though you didn’t know why, and of ten o'clock A. M for the hearing at ten o'clock In the forenoon has doesn't know me from Adam. I’ve philosophically. of objections to aald account and been fixed by said Coart as the time got to win her all oyer again." Carrick and I, who didn’t know any­ and place for hearing objections there­ the settlement of said estate. At the end of a week Eve was per­ thing about him, of coarse, were "You hadn't won her very much, to, and for the settlement there« 1. Dated thia 18th day of September. mitted to have her dinner In the hotel afraid he had some hold over you. DORIS H. COLTER. so far," Carrick frankly said. 1930. Executrix ot the Last Will and We know now that It waa yonr abey- "You can see her for a few min­ dining-room with Hamilton. HERMAN F. HARTWIG, "Nothlgn there exclttng enough to mal dread of the marriage.” Administrator of the Estate of Testament of Henry Clay Hubbel, de­ utes to-morrow afternoon," he prom­ ceased. Robert P. Hartwig, Deceased. ised. "In the meantime 111 pave the hurt her.” Carrick decided, “and It She nodded. 818-26 02-9 18. L. L. RAY, Attorney fur Eatate. 02-8-16-23-30 way for you by telling her to-morrow will be a little change." "It’s like hearing abont some one But It was rather exciting, after else.” noon as mnch as she's able to hear, NO TIC E TO C R E D IT O R * SU M M O N S all. It was qnlte unusually exciting about her case and her Good Samar­ He decide that they had been seri­ Notice la hereby given that the un­ to meet Hamilton's' eyes and to follow 1 dersigned haa been appointed Bxecu ous long enough. In the Circuit Court of the State of itan. That ought to start you off with tor uf the Eatate of Emma A. S ly ., Oregon for the County of Lane. a bang, and I'll keep her convalescing the intonations of his voice when he "Keep on thinking how wonderful deceased, by the County Court of here another week or two, so you can spoke to her. The things he said I am," he invited. "And some day I-ane County, Oregon. AU persons F. H. COOK, Plaintiff, finish up the job. She’s got to be were so casual and his voice and ex­ soon n i tell you how wonderfnl you having claims against said ealate are vL pression were so eloquent. Over the hereby notified to preaent the same, JAMES 8. LYON, or hla unknown mighty quiet for a while. are. There never was a girl like yon dessert his guard dropped for a mo­ properly verified, to the undersigned "Just now the girl is having some heirs. If deceased; MARY JANET since the world began, and there’ll at the office of Wells A Well», Bank LYON; HOMER CLINTON LYON black hours—still thinking of those ment. never be another. It Isn’t my love of Commerce Bldg.. Eugene, Lane and DAVID LOGAN LYON, or drowning boys and afraid of another "Of course you know I”m mad for you that makes me think so; I'll County, Oregon, within alx months the unknown heirs ot Mary Janet about you,” he mentioned “Carrick from the dale of the first publication make tha point clear when 1 start. Lyon, Homer Clinton Lyon and lapse. But the tragedy is a month of this notice. David Ixigan Lyon, and also all behind her, and u month does a lot and your journal may have told you It’s you. I'm going to tell you all Date of first publication. Sept. 18. other persons unknown claiming for patients of her age. It’s up to me that. I have been from the flrat day about the heart of you, and the cour­ 1930. any right, title or interest in and to a«ep her mind at ease on the other I met yon. But I'm not going to say FRANK J. SLY. age of you, and the dignity of you, to the real property described In Executor.' the Complaint herein. points, and you can help when the anything about It Juat yet,” he hastily and the mind of you, and the mag­ added. Well» * Well», Attorney». time comes.” Defendants. netism of yo»—-" S. 18-26; O. 2-9-16 When he was leaving her at her To James S. Lyon, or his unknown "H o w r "Don't!" she begged, laughing, yet helra. If deoeased; Mary Janet Lyon, sitting-room door an hour later he "By furnishing cheerful companion­ confused. NO TIC E TO C R ED ITO R S Homer Clinton Lyon and David Logan showed a similar restraint. They had “I will,” he promised. ‘‘But not Notice la hereby given that the un­ Lyon, or the unknown heirs of Mary ship.” Carrick grinned. Hamilton presented himself at the made enormous strides In the past few yet. of course.” dersigned has been appointed Execu­ Janet Lyon, Homer Clinton Lyon and trix ot the Estate of Ounhlld M. David Logan Lyon, and also all other door of Eve's sitting-room at five the days and his spirits were effervescent. After all this restraint It was dis­ Ktrkeberg. deceased, by the County persons unknows claiming any right, next afternoon, temporarily obscured Besides. Carrick had assured him that concerting to have her make the re­ Court of Lane Couaty, Oregon. A.I title or Interest In and to the real the light vein was the right vein. persona having claims against sa.d property deecrlbed in the Camplalnt by a great armful of chrysanthemums mark she made during their honey­ “Do you see this door-mat?” Ham- estate are hereby notified to present herein.............. ...............DEFENDANTS: Miss Driscoll admitted him. with an moon a fortnight later. tllton asked, pointing down to that use­ the same, properly verified, to the IN THE NAME OF THE STATE eloquent smile. "I’ll forgive you for rushing the undersigned at the office of Wells OF OREGON, You are hereby requir­ "She's all ready for you.” she said. ful object lying In the outer hall Just wedding this week,” she said dreamily. s Wells. Bank of Commerce Bldg., ed to appear and answer the Com Eugene, Ixtne County, Oregon, within plaint filed against you In the above She, too, had listened to the account beyond Eve's threshold. "What I can't forgive Is that you "Yes.” six months from the date of the entitled Court and cause on or before of the Samaritan’s good deeds. didn't rush It last week. The first "Well, any other man as much In first publication of thia notice. four weeks from the date of the first He found Eve lying on a divan Date of flrat publication. Sept. 18, publication of this Summons, and If which had been sent to the sitting- love with you as I am would be spend­ day I was really myself again I felt that I had loved you a thousand years. 1930 you fall so to appear and answer, ing the night on It. But I'm not. LILLIAN JOHNSON, I didn't know you, but I loved you. for want thereof the plaintiff will room for use during her convales­ Executrix. apply to the Court for the relief pray­ cence. She gave him both hands, but I'm going sensibly to bed.” I was head over heels In love with He went away exultant over her Wella A Wells, Attorneys. ed for In his complaint on file herein, for a moment did not speak. you at the end of a week; and by that S. 18-26; O. 2-9 16 to-wlt: for a decree of this Court To be talking to her from that dis little langh as she closed the door. —(IT------ >W 1 —I--------------------- - -■ time I knew you. too. If you had decreeing plaintiff to be the owner "1 said I wouldn’t make love to you tried to leave me, I'd have pursued In fee simple of the premises describ­ tafice, as a man she was meeting for ed In the complaint herein, and de­ the first time, was the most racking till you were well," he remarked the you with shrieks.” scribed as follows, to-wlt: experience he had ever endured. His next afternoon, "so of course I won’t. Her arm was around his neck now Commencing at the Northwest lips stiffened as he tried to smile, but But you're almost well, so I want to and she gentiy pinched his ear. corner of the Donation land Claim call your attention to the fact that the desperate depression he had felt "Yet think of the time we’ve wasted no. 81 In Section 22, Township 18 DR. W. N. DOW since the experience strengthend with you have the most adorable mouth since then!” she sighed. South Range Two W est of the in the world. There’s something Willamette Meridian, In Lane D e n tis t every r;oment. She was looking at County, Oregon; run thence South First National Bank Building THE END. him, she was Interested, but it was about It— on West line of said Claim 19.00 Phone 43 8prlnglU)l t l i e ttTATai UF uiiucuoN: tuu ar« Hereby re quiieU tu appear beture luu al luy uuMie tu tu« tiaua ul Cuatutarcu iiUnU.hg, lu Eugvue, laui« Cuuuiy, forvguu aud a lia w a r lu« uuuiplaiul limo against yi j m lb« abuvu i-utlilerl ac uuu uu ur be lure lour wouki Hour tUe Hale ot the Ural pubilcailuu ul ibl* auuiiuuiia, aud 11 you tail to answer lor waul iberuot Ibe pialulltl wul laku judgiuuul agalual you lor Ibu auut ot *28.38, lugullier wltu in­ terest thereon al lb« ralo ul all per caul pur annum troni BepieUiber IX, 182», uulil paid, nod tor but cusls aud dlaburseinuuis lu Uns acltou, aud also lor lb« lurtner order ot lb« Court ibai lb« Euguue Fruit Urowera As- sou tut luu pay lulu Court toward Ibe aaliaMuloion ol such Judgmeut the autii ul *36.66 beluugiug lu you which baa beeu altacbed and garulaUeed lu the bauda of aald Eugene Fruit Grow era Association. Ulvou uuder my baud thia 24th day of September, 1880. Dale ot Ural publication, September 26th, 1830. HAROLD J. WEISES, Justice ol the Peace. Residence and l*oal Ufflce addreaa: Eugene, Oregon. 8.26 0.2 8 14-23. N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S 4 » Notice la hereby given that the un deralgned haa been apolnted Adminis­ tratrix ol the ealale ot David McBee, dec-earned, and any and all peraona hav­ ing clalma against the aald eatate are hereby required to preaent aald clalma, duly verified aa by law required, at la w Office of Whitten Swafford. 202 Tiffany building, Eugene, Oregon. In lame County, Oregon, within six month» from the dale of thia notice. Dated and first published Septem- her 26. 1820. LULU B. ROBERTS, Admlnlatratrlx ot the ealate ot Da­ vid McBee, deceaaed. Whitten Swafford, 202 Tiffany Build Ing, Eugene. Oregon, Attorney for Admlnlatratrlx. 82702-9 18-23 CITATION In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Lana County. In Probate Case No. 6088. tit the Matter of the Estate tof FRANK M. VERNUM, Deceased. To AL1JE HUOHEH, MELISSA MOR ROW. GEORGE VERNUM. JOHN VERNl'M. AGNES VERNUM WELLS, MARY FREEMAN BOLING and OWENDGLI n FREEMAN M ALONE: O-R-E B-T-l N-O: In the name of the State b f Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County ol- Laa* at the Court Room thereof at Eugene, In the County of Lana, on or before November 6. 1830, then and there to show cause, la any exists, why the» order of axle of the real eatale hereinafter described should not be made by Asher M. Veach, as the administrator of the above entitled eatate as In his petition on file herein prayed for, to wit: Lot 16 In Block 12 In the Town of Lowell, Lane County, Oregon, aa platted and of record In said County and State, and also Ixits 3, 4, 6, 8, 7and 8 In Block 6 In the Town of Lowell, Lane County, Oregon. WITNESS, the Honorable C. P. Ilardnard, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of I-ann, and the Seal of said Court hereto affixed this October 2, 1980. Attest: W. B. DILLARD, Clerk. By Eva L. DUCKWORTH, Deputy. 0.8-18 23 80-N6 a in .as .a i ujar - r r —------- - ■ a -jr B U S IN E S S Bea. Phone 18« Plano Moving SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER WD-LIS R b r TBCH, Pro». Office! RGDBNBOUGH GARAGE Corner Fifth and A Streets I .eng Distance Hauling a Specialty General Law Practice I. M. PETERSON Attorneyat-Law City Hall Building D . W . Roof jeweler Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon NELSOrf LEGHORN FARM County's Oldaet Walker-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors Springfield, Ore. Lane D IR E C T O R Y Breeder» of 8. C. W H IT E L E G H O R N * gPRIW B FlBLO ORBOON Phono *1*P-M Building Oregon IN S T A L L M E N T