The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 16, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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P age TW o
Alaska was the theme of the open
meeting* of the Civic club which waa
held at the Community hall on Friday
evening and which was addresaed by
Rowland B. Zane, professor of art at
the University of Oregon.
The meeting was In the nature of
a complete Imaginary trip from
Springfield to Alaska points and re­
turn Carl Olson, local depot agent,
bpened the meeting by telling of the
available routes to Alaska, the cost
of the trip and the places which
Should be Included as stopovers on
the trip.
Mrs. J. Fulop explained to the peo­
ple the amount of clothing to take
along and the kinds used most In
the north country.
Mrs. A. B. Van Valxah told of the
trip to Alaska and of the places visit­
ed on the Journey and of some of the
purchases made there.
Professor Zane gave a very inter­
esting lecture Illustrated with lantern
ai des of picturesque things In Alaska
which be had taken while on a trip
The regular meeting of the Civic
club which was to have been held on
Tuesday evening was postponed be­
cause many members of the organ­
isation desired to attend the concert
of the Marine band in Eugene that
evening. The date for the next meet­
ing will be announced by the officers
of the club.
Dr. W. N. Dow and Mrs. M. A.
Rice furnished an umber of Alaskan
trophies and novelties which were of
much interest to the gathering.
Mrs. Jack Larson waa elected presi­
dent of the Priscilla club for the en­
suing year to take tbe place pf Mrs.
John Parker, former president, at a
meeting of the club held at the home
of Mrs. L. E. Basford on Friday. Mrs.
William Steamer was elected reporter
to succeed Mrs. Wm. Curtis. Assist­
ing Mrs. Basford with the entertaining
were Mrs. George Basford and Miss
Katherine Basford.
Members present were Mrs. John
Parker. Mrs. Jack Larson. Mrs. M
J. McKay. Mrs. Norman Howard. Mrs.
William Stearmer. and Mrs. Riley
Snodgrass. The guests were Mrs.
Wiliam Rouse, Mrs. Mina Dillard and
Mrs. Brown, mother of Mrs. Howard.
The next meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs. John Parker on
October 24.
A special health clinic will be con­
ducted by Dr. S. M. Kerron, county
health officer, and Miss Jane Gavin,
health nurse, at the Lincoln school
on Tuesday morning of next week.
Selected students will be taken from
each room and given physical examin­
ations by the health workers who will
be assisted by members of the local
branch of the county health unit.
Only twenty of »he students who
seem to be deficient in some physical
aspect will be examined that morning,
as time is not available for a complete
examination of all tbe school children
at the present time.
Carnation’s Queen To~ Compete
Verv Latest
These teals were given Io those
children of the Lincoln, Hrattaln and
GCHICK TES"r8 HERE high school who had been given the
Due hundred and seventretght pub­
lic school children of this city were
given the Hchlck lest at a clinic held
Little Jackets of the sort shown In
at the Lincoln school on Wednesday
tho sketch are always useful and
The testa were given by
becoming In baby's wardrobe but with
Dr. 8. M Kerron, Isine county health
tho present vogue for bolero effects (
officer aud Mias Jane Oavln. health
and tbe renewed endorsement «of'
They were assisted by Mrs.
boleros by the French dressmakers 1 nurse
William Kodentarugh and Mrs. Agnes
for autumn It seems to us that baby
Prochnow, members of the Springfield
I stands in special need of a little Jacket
branch of the Ian« County Health
of this sort.
If you want to make a gift to the
new baby or the baby who Is about
| to celebrate her six months' birthday
you might make a Jacket of blue or
pink French flannel, finished round
the edge with scallops worked in
the same or a contrasting color. If
In order to Introduce our
Te Attend
Katie llrumette left yesterday for
Portland to attend the funeral of her
sister In law. Mrs. Kllsabeth Morgan,
who died early Wednesday.
complete line of Coats, we
are offering 24 Coats, values to $32.60 for Saturtlny only
at $21.75. All sites. fur trimmed, sport ooats, etc.
1 lot Coats $18.75
Olheni from $14.98 up
rXam stlon Lavandula” B. M , 151, 7 years, of Carnation Farm Stables,
Pomona, California, owned by B. A. Stuart, Seattle, Preaidant Cmarltua
of Paelfio International.
A return entry In the Horse Show
Thirteen complete shows in all
of the Mth Annual Pacific Interna­ combine to make the 20th Annual
tional Livestock Exposition, Port­
land. Oregon, OoL 25 • Nov. 1. will
he one of the outstanding harness
horses of this country and a con­
sistent stake winner in the premier
shows each season — "Carnation
This year’s Horse Show with its
Premium List of 535.000 promises
to attract the greatest aggregation
of entries ever recorded. In the
seven evening and three afternoon
programs will be provided spectacu­
lar and sterling performances, in­
cluding the contests for Six-Horse
Teams. Hers, too, will be seen for
the first time recent importations
by tbe Aaron M. Frank 8tables.
Tbe provisions made tor amateurs
are sure to create increasing Inter­
est in this popular division of the
$ 5 .9 5 Oliti u p
10 New Dresses Sat. Special
______ $7.98
Knit Suita 1 lot. 3-pleca ..........- ---- -------
From $1.98 up
|>1tere lined
>6 96 to $9.90 Free llalnhata
Complete line of Kayaer Hose
$1-25 and $1.50
Saturday Special Silk lloae
— ——-------------- 9®'
the greatest Exposition In the his­
tory of Pacific Internal ionsl. Un­
der the 11-acre root will be found
exhibits totaling millions of dol­
lars In value—pure bred Reef and
Dairy Cattle, Heavy Draft Horses,
Sheep, Hogs. Ooats. Foxes. Mink,
Marten, Poultry and Rabbits. Pre­
miums totaling 5100.000 are offered.
Other exhibits Include a complete
Dairy Show featuring milk, cream,
icecream, butter and cheese of all
kinds: 5-acre Industrial Exposition:
Manufacturers' and Land Prod acta
Shows; Wool and Mohair Show;
Boys' and Girls' Club Work: Wild
Lite Exhibit by Oregon Fish sad
Game Commission; and Interesting
and educational "Truth-ln-Meats”
Reduced round trip fares to tbe
Exposition are announced by all
leading transportation tinea.
1 ■
.......... "l
Eighth Avenue Hat and Dress Shop
We Give 8. A It. Green Stamp«
42 8th Avenue W ee«
Trial of Vaude (Stew) Sutherland
on a bootlegging charge, has been set
on Monday. October 27. -Sutherland
was arrested on a charge of selling
liquor the night that his father shot
and killed two officers and wounded
two others. His father is still a
fugitive. The grand Jury freed the
younger Sutherland of complicity in
the murder of the two officers but
held him for trial on a liquor charge
as a fourth offender.
The prosecuting officers have Indi­
cated that they will contend that he
should be sentenced to the peniten­
tiary, while the defense has announced
that they will fight the right of the
court to sentence a man to the peni­
tentiary under the fourth offense act
when he has not actually been con­
victed on three previous charges of
sale. They contend that conviction's
on the charge of possession are not
included In the law.
« < *« •.
D B V A B T M IM T • B T O B B
942 Willamette St.. Eugene. Oregon
Twenty members of Pine Circle of
Neighbors of Woodcraft went to Co­
burg last Thursday evening to attend
tbe meeting of the group there as
special guests. They brought a large
bnsket of beautiful autumn flowers
wtth them. Following several talks
' your prefer you may turn the edge in
and a program of games, they all
a hem and featherstitch It. or you
sat down for a late supper.
Those attending the meeting were may bind It with ribbon.
Mr. and Mrs. Noah HJlterbrand, Mrs
Appropriate for Ihe very little boy
Edith I-axton, Mrs. Hasel Barnett. or tbe very Uttie girl la a light blue
Mrs. Mamie Richmond, Helene Rich­ flannel Jacket with a band em­
mond, Sam Sweeney. Mr. and Mrs. broidered scallop of light pink silk,
Elmer Findley, Mrs. Clortne Putman. ' like tbe one pictured.
Mrs. Nellie Carr, Miss Melba Williams.
Mrs. Ida Adams, Mrs. W. A. Taylor, MARINE BAND CONCERT
Mrs. C. F. Eggimann. Mrs. Osla Webb,
Mrs. Liza I-ambert, Mrs. Sadie Bald­
win. Mrs. O. F. Kiser, and Mrs. Stella
Many Springfield people attended
A similar group attended the fourth I tbe concert given in Eugene last night
birthday meeting of the circle at Cot­ by the members of the Marine band.
The high school was dismissed at
tage Grove on Wednesday.
2:45 and all of the grade school stu­
dents who had tickets or who wanted
to attend the afternoon concert were
MONDAY AT HOOD RIVER also dismissed.
Men9« W in te r
Union Suits
H eavy
H eavyw eight w eigh t
Extra Heavy
W eight
98C 9 8 c
$ 1 .4 9
•1 .9 8 *X.98 *3.98
J. A. Ebbert. brother of Mrs. John
Wlnzenreid. and well-known locally,
died at his home at Hood River on
Monday afternoon following a pro­
tracted illness. Mm. Wlnzenreid has
gone to Hood River to attend the
funeral. Another sister of Mr. Ebbert,
Mrs. Frank Powers, lives In Eugene
"And what did your poet do when
you turned him down?”
“Oh, the poor dear threw himself
Into the waste-paper basket."
"Wha’s in there?" called the owner
He: Ah. It certainjy does seem
“Be careful. Junior. See that you
at the door of his chicken house one good to be dancing,
don't hit your fingers with the ham­
dark night.
Her: Yes, I suppose there’s noth-
'Nobody but us chickens.” came Ing like the feel of a good toe under
‘I shan't, mother. Daddy's going
the response.
your foot again.
to hold the nail for me!"
We Cordially Invite Our Many Friends
and Customers to Attend
N ew s Bargain Offer
Good until October 31,1930
Again we offer a club with the state’s greatest newspaper. The Oregon­
ian. at a substantial saving on the subscription price of both newspapers.
DAILY OREGONIAN, 1 year by mail ....................
THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS. 1 year by m ail.................. 1.75
Our Grand Opening
T o ta l........................
Both for
DAILY and SUNDAY OREGONIAN, 1 year by mail
THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS, 1 year by mail
Total ..................
Saturday, October 18
Both for
at OUR N E W BAKERY at 4 2 2 Main Street
Hot coffee and our own bakery specialities will be served free to
all those who visit us and our new borne on this date.
This Is the greatest news bargain offer before you today— All the
Reliable well written news both local, state and national at a saving.
We wish also to thank all of our old customers for their patience
which they have shown during the moving and remodeling period which
we have just gone through.
Salesroom Now Open at 422 Main Street
N ew Springfield Bakery
A Springfield Institution Serving Springfield People
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frese, Proprietors
O re g o n
J . C. Penney Ce. >«•
"Could Ye Not Watch with Me One
Hour?” will be the sermon topic at
the Springfield Baptist church Sun­
day at the 11:00 o'clock service. Rev.
Mulholland will occupy the pulpit. The
Bible school will meet at 10:00. ¿The
B. P. Y. U. meets at 7:00 for a half
hour program and the evening service
begins at 7:30. The pre-sermon ques­
Is your husband's Javrsult tion is "Voting Religiously at the Com­
getting along?"
ing Election.” The sermon topic will
“He thinks he will eltiher get two be "How the First Church Held a
months in prison or two months In Revival.”
Palm Beach from it."
toxin aud toxin anti toxin last spring.
Dr. Kerron and Miss Uavln will visit
the school again on Tuesday morning
to read the teats to determine whether
all of the students taking the toxin
are immune from diphtheria.
New Subscribers sU rt at once.
Old Subscribers from date of expiration.