THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T ry tho Homo P rin t Shop P irat TWKNTY-HKVBNTH YEAR. A L I V I N IW g P A P gR IN A L IV I TOWN SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY, OREGON, T H I’R-ShAV, OCTOBER 1*;* 1980 I COUNTY CHAMBER TO OATHHER AT VIDA FOR MONTHLY MEETING AID FLOOD PROBLEM The McKenale River Improvement rlub will entertain the members ot the Lane County Chamber of Com Large Channel Being Construct, merce at their monthly meeting to ed by Highway Department be bald on Friday evening. The date near Thurston Expected to for the meeting haa been changed Divert Water from Highway from Thursday until Friday ao as not to Interfere with the meeting of to River. the Willamette Waterwaye associa tlon which la to be held at Albany Water covered atreata which caused tonight. ao much trouble to Springfield real- Membera of the club announced at denta laat winter will not occur again the laat meeting which waa held In thia winter If work now being done by the atate highway department un Hprlngfleld that they would enter der the direction of H W. l.lbbey, tain with a venalon banquet atartlng resident atate engineer, In charge ot at 6:30 o'clock. J, W. McArthur, engineer for the conatrurtlon, accomplished what It la Kugene Water Board, will be the prln expected Io. A large drainage ditch from the clpal apeaker and will (Nacuea the bate of Cantrell hill on the new por­ work being done to Improve the lake tion of the H iK e n ile highway la now Juat above the dam. being conatructed acroaa the low land north of there and extending to the banka of the McKenale river. Thia ditch la expected to serve a three-fold purpose. It will aid In better and quicker drainage for the farmers In the vicinity of Thurston; It will pre­ vent many of the smaller culverts along the highway from being washed out by heavy reins; and It will atop the large flow of water which haa been following the eaaleat channels In the large ditches which were left on each aide of the highway when It waa graded up high a year ago. Until the laat year local residents have not had much to fear from high water coming from any direction but since the new road was graded water for miles to the east has flowed In a straight line to this city where the dltchea were unable to take care of the extra water with the reeult that It spread out over the pavements and flooded basements. " T M People's Paper" CANAL DELEGATION GOING TO ALBANY TO PLAN FURTHER WORK Another large delegation of locai businessmen Is planning to drive to Albany thia evening to attend the second meeting of the Willamette Valley Water Ways association which was formed at an Initial meeting held at the Benton hotel In Corvallis three weeks ago. This Organisation, which has Frana Jenkins of Eugene aa chairman, haa been formed for the purpose of work­ ing for the canalisation of the Wiliam ette river from Oregon City to Spring field. Senator McNary has taken an active Interest In this work and has promised to secure an appropriation If the towns along the route of the river would organise and secure all of the factual material necessary to show the other members of congress the necessity for such canalisation. Army engineers are now busy mak Ing a preliminary survey to determine the probable coat and the feasibility of the project« There la considerable support being given to a movement to have a barge canal dug from Eu gene to Harrisburg, thus avoiding a large number of rapids and ever changing river channels. This plan would also provide a more rapid drain age for the low lads In the Cheshire A large ditch at the four corners eaat of thia city was believed large enough to handle any added water which the highway ditches would bring, but It did no do so laat winter. The ditch aoon filled up and the water rushed past It washing out many of the smaller culverts. The large drainage ditch now being dug with a ditching machine la fully six feet wide at the bottom and twelve feet wide at the top.z It Is _ 3(00 feet long and passes under the high « 7 Joist "a "few 7 ^ d s ~ e J t'o f thè Id,,,rtcl Wh,ck *r* “ frw’ueBtly und*r water In the winter. Thurston store. |ANNUAL REPORTS SHOW JOHN COX WILL COMPETE BAPTIST CHURCH HAS IN RHODES SCHOLARSHIP VERY SUCCESSFUL YEAR Springfield Takes I School Board To Junction Hi Game Talk New Budget Harriaburg Cancels Game; Lo­ Citizen Members of Committee cals Have Double-Header Named by Board; insurance for Friday Here. Let at Monday* Meeting. Haying real football tor the last Members of the school board de­ four minutes of their game here Frl cided at their meeting Monday night day afternoon the membera of the to take out a blanket Insurance cover­ Hprlngfleld high school football team age on all school property and to entesad the Junction City goal line |e, the loca, bank, wrlte th„ poiicie. two times to win a game that had There waa some dlscutslon concern already been given up by a large Ing the dividing of the Insurance busl- number of fans as being lost to the nenss among local banks. visiting team. Oeorge Perkins, local contractor, Junction City Scores First was named to appraise the school A real thrilling climax was given buildings and the three principals, the game which bad dragged along together with the district clerk were with a score of 12 to nothing for re<.ommende() , 0 make appralM, Junction City In the last four minutes of everything Inside of the buildings. when the local boys seemingly found Abput (67,000 of Insurance on the themselves and marched straight schools and equipment will expire across the goal line refusing to be soon. stopped by anything. Cltlxen memoers of the school bud­ The game opened with Junction City making a touchdown In the first few get committee were named at the minutes when they recovered a fum- meetin“ by the members of the board, bled Springfield ball. Their efforts to | Th* y , r * iy m _ ° 2 ^ “<*>*■• C' E Ken‘ make the extra point was frustrated yon. and W. C. W right Another meeting of the school board In the second period they again worked the ball across the goal line will be held tonight at which time and were again frustrated In their preliminary budget matters will be discussed. Only school board mem­ attempt to make the extra point. The game dragged on until the end bers will attend this meeting, another of the half without any score and one will be called later for the pur- the entire third quarter was a score-1 P°g® of drawing up a budget to be less battle for both team. The fourth submitted to the taxpayers accord- period opened and started off like the in* 10 H. Pollard, chairman other until but four minutes remained | of lhe board. to play. Hersey Tomseth got away for the first score this season for | BONUS LOAN FAVORED the local team The locals chose to BY LEGION EX-SERVICE try for the extra point with a Ute MEN AT COUNCIL MEET plunge which was successful. Four­ teen seconds before the final whistle Approval of the bonus loan con blew Tomseth pgaln crossed the goal line and the try for extra point was 8tltul,ona* amendment, to be voted successful, making the score 12 to 14 ° n Bt tb” r,n»fl«,d Wednesday evening. Dele- called off their scheduled game with ltat” wer* p're8ent from Corvallis, Hprlngfleld which was to have been New’»ort- Cottage Grove, Monroe and Springfield. schedule other games have failed so I The delegates were Instructed to high school officials have secured a encourage Legion members to work same with the St. Mary's high school for tbe b°nus loan provisions. This of Eugene for the first string while bul> »ubmltted to the people by the the second squad will meet the team l«C>*lature, extends the privilege ot from th< Roosevelt Junior high school. * kSan not * * «»ceed »3000 to world The St. Mary's game will start at WBr T«t«rans who have been a reel- 3:00 o'clock and the second game dent ot Oregon for the last ten years will follow Immediately. The quarters and a,8° t0 ««lerans of the Spanish- wlll probably be shortened to 10 min- American war. utes Instead of the usual 15. Both Boy Scout activity, reforestation, games will bep layed on Brattatn field hospitalisation, membership and other Friday. topics were discussed at the meeting The starting lineup for the game here. The next meeting will be No- Friday was Dorman Chase, left end; | veber 1» at Corvallis. DR. CHESSMAN WILL BE P.-T. A. SPEAKER HERE ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON ¡ NUMEROUS TOPICS Dr. L. 8. Cressman of tbe faculty I of the University of Oregon school of education will be the speaker at the regular meeting of tbe Hprlngfleld State Highway Department De­ Parent-Teachers’ association which cide« to Build Gravel Walk will be held at tbe Brattaln school from Bridge Until Shoulder« Friday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock ac­ of Fill Settl««; Will Oil N«xt cording to Mrs. D. C, Ogilvie, presi­ Year; Thank Firemen. dent ot the association. A regular business meeting will be Members of the city council were held following the address at which time delegates to the county conven­ I told at their meeting Tuesday eve­ tion which la tc be held at Elmira ning that the state highway com­ mission would not construct a cement on October 26 will be elected. ¡sidewalk along the north side of the The Parent-Teacher association is in the midst of their annual member- n,! ,rom the Bew brld«« to the pree- sfclp drive this week. This Is being | ent c'ty sidewalk as_ has been lntlm handled by Mrs. Brreat McKinney ldated last week The highway engi­ who haa as her assistant, the three neers have gone avoir the pound school principals, W. E. Buell. Laur- car«ft,11F and «re convinced that the ence Moffitt and O. B. Wood. Men nU on the 8,da of tba *treet where are as eligible to membership In the lhe a*dewalk would have to be built group this year as women and a spe- I baa not geU'*d enough yet to prevent clal effort Is being made to have tbe w>lk fr0B1 aatuln< «idewlse If them In the association. The list of I c° n8truct«d. They have decided to members must be In Portland by Oc- build ■ four-foot gravel walk four tober 20, If the group in this city is ,Bchea th lc i wlth two tour side- to enter the competlon for a silver walls to retain the gravel. The gravel loving cup being gives tc the organ- ^or work Is now on the ground lzation showing the largest percentage | and tbe walk will be constructed soon. Walk to Be Oiled The highway officials declared that they would put an oil coating on SPRINGFIELD BAKERY the walk next summer, making It INVITES CUSTOMERS very similar to the roadways on each TO VISIT NEW PLANT | g*de of the bridge. This will adhere to the dirt fills and will not be as Formal opening plansn for the | likely to settle uneven. Springfield Bakery in its new location Many other gm>11 Uem, were at 422 Main street are being made brought before the members of the for Saturday, according to Fred Frese, I conncll for a , , , , conalder.tlon Includ- proprletor. The remodeling of the ,ng the prob,em of heating the fire Parrish property which Is the new station. It waa pointed out that some home of the bakery has been com- mean, of heating the lower part ot pleted this week and the Urge brick the building where the trucks are oven has been completely reassembled kept ahould be provided as any dlf- and tested for almost a week. The flcnlty to .tartlng the track during other equipment for the bakery to L «>14 snap such as was experienced now being moved from the Fifth here last winter may mean a serious street location and everything w ill loaa ,B caae of fire. I t Is also very be In readiness for operation to- necesary that the truck be kept warm morrow. enough so as not to freese the water The salesroom has been moved into in the radiator. The use of sntl- the new location and commencing freezing solutions tends to beat a Saturday a complete line o* bakery motor and Ore trucks usually become goods will be made fresh daily. warm too when they are The new home ot the bakery has | used. been completely remodeled and re- Fire Flgk t e i q to Oei finished for this store. The walls It cost the efty fire department have been kalsomined a light cream »161.00 for extra helpers to watch color with a stipple effect on the the fire which destroyed the Spring- walls. A three-foot wainscoting has field M ill snd Grain company. Salary been painted in brown around the claims for this amount were allowed salesroom. A ll of - the dispUy cases at the meeting. have been reflnished In a rich Ivory It was reported that the Mountain color. SUtes Power company would furnish The workroom of the shop has also light for the lower part of the new been completely reflnished and Is fire station without any additional well lighted. Mr. Frese is anxious to charges. have his customers and friends visit Members of the council passed a this room on Saturdaoy and see Just resolution of thanks to the Eugene how the products which they buy in fire department for their assistance the front room are made. i ■_ u . « u «. in handling this Ore. They ___ The front of the building has been expressed their thanks to the highway painted white and the electric sign officials for the cooperation which has been moved from the f o r m * they have shown the City ot Spring- location. A Urge single dispUy win- fSeId dnring the pn