PAGE iMX THURSDAY. OCTOBER ». lt»80 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Airport to Offer Children’s Day OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Special Ride Rates Effective for Children and Teachers at the Municipal Field- Principal Events ot the Week Assembled for Information ol Our Readers. Saturday and Sunday of this week 'will be children's day at the Spring- field airport according to Lee Inman, manager, who is planning special events for these two days to celebrate the completion of the new modern gasoline filling station at the airport and the graveling of the runways there. A new motor rail service on the Bend branch of the O. W R. A N. has been started. Hop picking has been completed In the Sheridan vicinity, and the crop was rather disappointing, both In re­ turns per acre and price Special rate of $1.00 will be offered to all school children and teachers ter rides on these two days only. This will be the flat rate for all chil­ dren regardless of weight, he says. Austrian winter field peas, which have proved a valueable crop In weal ern Oregon during the last few years, were tried out In Malheur county this year for the first time with excellent As a spec al Inducement to motor tets to visit the Held to get acquainted with the new service station, which Is in reality a civic enterprise, th e y ! are going to sell five gallons of gaso­ line for *1.10. according to Mr. Inman. resulte When the safety cap came ont of the 4000 gallon gasoline tank en route to Boise. It burned and the trailer exploded No one was Injured. The accident occurred seven miles west of L \ ' Boardman Many things have been happening Beans, especially Lima beans of the at the mnnlcipal airport during the Baby variety, may soon become a field ¿ast few weeks, and those who have crop of consequence In Malheur conn often wondered Just what is being ly If Interest continues to Increase et done on. there with the funds voted the rate registered recently as a re for the improvement of the airport suit of field tours at the time of the school election Richard Arlen and Stanley 'Fields In a seen« from Zane Grey’s •'The A public camp ground and recrea­ last spring should drive out to the Border Legion" st the Colonial Fridsy and Saturday. tion park will be opened on Sutton field and they would be convinced lake slz miles north ot Florence when that the administration committee is LANE COUNCIL ADOPTS the highway Is completed. The actually doing things, and that they GOOD FISHERMEN FAIL Is adjacent to the highway, with the are doing them as economically as Is ! TO CATCH LIMIT ON PROGRAM OF WORK FOR lake on the other aide. «xpedienL TRIP TO HIDDEN LAKE DEMONSTRATION AGENT Construction of the distribution Some of the work Included Is the plant and system of the Natural Gaa Fishing Just isn’t what it used to "Landscaplng", D ram atics and Rec­ completion of the filling station with corporation of Oregon was started at a modern filling pit for the use of be pine Oswald Olson and George reation,” and Winter Gardens and the 1st Grande a few days ago. with 1J0 Prochnow, both of whom left this Year Hound Food Supply," are the airplanes; the graveling of two run- ways, the entrances to the service ' u,wn eBr,y morning for Hid- three new projects added to the pro men employed Plana are to have gas In. the mains by January 1. elation and the runway to the filling den Lake In the high Cascades with gram of the home demonstration Laying of malm for the Natural Gas great hopes of returning that evening agent. Gertrude L. Hkow. for the year pit. most of which is now completed; and the moving of the administration with more fish than they could carry. October. 1930 to October. 1931, as company of Oregon le being rushed building to the edge of the field ad­ They came back wtth seventeen fish adopted Monday at a meeting of tha with a crew of 2uo men employed at joining the highway. This will be of tbe •» » usually caught in this Home Economics committee of the Klamath Falls. More than Is to be spent In putting la the die Lane County Agricultural Council. pialnted next week by the oil company PopolAr lake. It wouldn’t have been so bad for The offerings during October, No- tributlog system and plant. It has been announced. An entire block of buildings, tnclud the two if they had not boasted only vember. and December are Nutrition, ing the Methodist rhurcb and ala real last week that they always canght Clothing, and Christmas gift sugges- BAPTIST CROUP SEEKS thetr limit whenever they went to lions. Nutrition Include« either of dencea. and the Masonic hail la an CLOTHING FOR INDIANS'the lake two sub-projects; namely "Food and other block, were destroyed by fire at "1 guess we went at the wrong Relation to Weight,” which re- Elgin. Preliminary estimates place Members of the Baptist Missionary season of the moon.” said Prochnow. 'Triires two full days and ond-balf the lose at well above *6«.000 society decided at their meeting Tues­ Typhoid fever hue almost reached In explaining their lack of the limit day meetings; and "The School day evening at the home of Mrs. J. catch. Lunch." which require two meetings, the epidemic stage at Elkton, Doug D. Horton to gather clothing and one with homemakers, where sand­ las county, according to a report to other useful articles for distribution It Is wich recipes will be demonstrated. the county health official«. among the Navajo Indians of Arizona MILLION IN ENDOWMENTS ___ and one with teachers to discuss hot- thought that a contaminated water this winter. It was pointed out that ASSURED WILLAMETTE U. dish recipes for cold months. Cloth­ supply Is the source of the contagion the sale of rugs by this tribe has The apple harvest began In the Hood ing will be centered around the topic. fallen off to such an extend that they The million dollar endowment "New Clothes for Old" with present River district and several thousand are now unable to support themselves, sought by Willamette University at styles analyzed and old garments re­ apple picker* are at work gathering Mrs. Frances Zachery was appointed Sa,enj waa “ 8Ured laat week wben modeled to be made useful. The agent the 2.000.000 box apple crop of the chairman of a committee to gather a KTOUp of teD men a/f,Ied lhelr is assisting with the sponsoring of a valley, the greater part of which con clothing and she asks anyone having namea to a note ° f a bank tbere- dramatics training school to help local slat* of yellow Newtowna. The can things to contribute to leave them secured the necessary funds needed people ln directing community plays. nery of the Apple Orowers aasocla at the Baptist church or bring them and a88Umed personal responsibility This school will be held in November tloa will begin soon canning opera to her home for tbe debt. Thia Action was the In Eugene. tlons which are expected to laat until ___________________ last step in the raising of a fund 'ba first of tha rear. After Christmas the emphasis will of *1.743.000 of productive endowment PAYS FINE MONDAY FOR for the school which Is 17 years older go to house furnishings and land­ SARATOGA CREW MEMBER scaping. Demonstrations and lectures LEAVING MOTOR RUNNING than the State of Oregon on living rooms and kitchens are be­ VISITING MOTHER HERE Two of the heaviest contributors In ing offered. Three meetings will be Harvey Brothers, employee of the the early part of the campaign were given to each of these subjects. One Hud Williams, resident of thia vl- Cochran Construction company, was E. S. Collins of Portland and R. A demonstration of the transplanting of cirlty before I c enlisted ln the navy, arrested here Monday morning by Booth of Eugene, both of whom con native shrubs by a trained forester, ts now spending a 30-day furlough Lnm Anderson, police chief, on a and two Illustrated talks on the use here with hi* mother. Mr Williams charge of leaving his truck motor tributed *50,000 each to the funs. The success of this endowment cam­ and selection of shrubs will be avail­ has been stationed on the aircraft running while the vehicle was parked unattended. He paid a fine of *2.00 paign brings »350,000 from the Rocke­ able for those desiring the landscaping carrier, Saratoi a. where he is a firs; (lass fireman. His enlistment period later In the day and was released. feller Foundation. This places Wil- project. Local people have complained to the Ornette in third place in the list of During late spring and summer can­ expired and he has re-enlisted. police official of the habit which denominational schools in the United ning. planning for the year-round several truck drivers have fallen into ln amount of endowment per vegetable supply, winter garden pos­ PUBLIC INVITED TO ATTEND of leaving their vehicles unattended s,u det. CIVIC MEETING FRIDAY sibilities, and storage will be stressed. with the motor running. The institution has property valued The general public Is Invited to at *2,500.000. ail of which is entirely Tells of Picture Making attend a special m eeting of the Civic free of debt. The art of taking pictures was Club at the Community hall on Fri­ demonstrated and explained to the day evening and hear' Newland H WEEK-DAY BIBLE SCHOOL student* at the Lincoln school at an Zane, professor of art, at the Univer­ CLASSES STARTED MON. assembly period on Monday by H. H. sity. give an Illustrated talk on FRIDAY and SATURDAY Hall of Eugene who I* doing demon Alaska“ Members of the club will also Committees in each of the three stration work for the Eastman Kodak take a prominent part In the program RICHARD Protestant church. Methodist, Christ­ company along educational line*. which Is to begin at 8:00 o'clock. ian and Baptist, are starting work this week to raise their annual funds zanccrcys for the support of the week-day Bible school which Is being conducted In B o r d e r the schools of this city by Miss Goldie Smith of Eugene. Miss Smith hag held classes here for several years I— -u ith . and began her work here this year JACK HOLT on Monday. Regular classes are held FAY WRAY in the grade schools and any child who cares to may enroll. The matter 8TO R E NO. 1 _ "" A n d fo r th e best 8T O R E NO. S of taking this extra work is, however, 125 East Broadway, Eugene 980 Charnalton St., Eugene ; optional with the Individual student STORE NO. 2 STO R E NO. and his parent. B8-96 Weet Broadway, Eugen« 500 Main Street, Springfield The three churches annually ap­ point committees to raise the funds THURSDAY . FRIDAY - SATURDAY needed for this work which has the CALUMET sanction and approval of C. A. How­ OLYMPIC ard, state superintendent of public In­ struction, and other high officials In educational circles. i two daughter* Hasel and Ruby and FLOYD WILSON FUNERAL by his parent*. Mr. and Mr*. C. B. HELD AT SALEM SATURDAY Wilson and three brothers, all of Arile, Oregon and three elatere The funeral of Floyd Wilson was Mr. Wilson has been In the mill held at the Itlgdun runeral home at Salem al 11 a. nt. Saturday. October hustneaa for three yeara. Ills mill recently burned down and had Just 4. Mr. Wilson, who was well known been rebuilt and had only been run- in the Upper Willamette district and ii'nv i few ect-ka when the arene;. I was Joint owner of the Antliaus Creek occurred Lumber Ci ile was Instantly kill- «.' Wednesday afternoon. October 1. when LOWELL WILL DEDICATE be was crushed beneath the broken NEW UNION HIGH SCHOOL top of a spar pole at the arene of Ills logging operations about three Dedication of the new lo w ed high miles above Dexter. school building which has Jusl been Wtlaon was operating a donkey completiNt will lake place Friday night engine hauling out logs for his trucks I October 10 Arnold Collier, assistant The top of the spar pole to which 1 county superintendent, and It It the cable Is hitched 80 feet above : Gould, city superintendent of Kugene the ground apparently gave way under ; schools, are to be among the speakers ; the strain and a 38-foot section ol : <>n the program. the pole was hurled across the top The Lowell high school district con­ of the engine crushing Wllaon'a skull sists of a ll Upper Willamette dis nnd killing Instantly The body was ; trli'ls. Fall Creek. Ixiwetl, Kula. War ' found a few minutes later by Kd llush liar. Signal and Wlneberry. The nell of Dexter, driver of the truce bulldlug which ts one of reenforced that had been hauling the logs Io concrete waa built this summer al a the mill. coat of approximately *30.000 It was Wilson’s body was removed from built by George Perkins, Springfield the wreckage hy Bushnell and Bob contrautor. Baughman of Trent. Coroner Bran- Ixiwell high school started Monday, •tetter was I oil' ed. October 8 with an enrollment of *4. Floyd Wilson was born In Iowa. Several students have enrolled sine« February 30. 1893 He la survive«! me opening day making about 5a hy his widow. Mrs ln«a Wlleon and enrolled. ette HEAJ SEN I BEáT ' once KOBE COLONIAL ÂRLEN EGION» M 25c 4 Baking Powder HAN R7 AC A ONE 25r One pound Can LANE RANKS SECOND IN NUMBER OF MEASLE CASES V tC T O R M O O t t STEWART ERWIM JAMES H A U FRANK MORGAN 7AZA/AM There were 13 cases of measles in Lane county last week according to a report Just Issued by the state de­ partment of health for Oregon This Is the largest number of cases of communicable diseases to be reported in any county in the state outside of Jefferson where there were 19 cases of the disease. Three cases of chicken pox were also reported In the county. Nut Margarine Pound Cuasti Concentrated Matches a t f X S k ............. 10c Grape Juice 2 Jar. 49c QQ Makes a Gallon Can ......................... Z/J/C Borden’s Malted Milk 16-oz., $1 size 15C $1.01 2 ROSE-DALE P E A C H E S No. 1 Tall Can Buckeye Malt 25c 49c STEAKS for a H ungry Man When we fill your order for a good ateak. we »end one that will make a hungry man tunlle with delight Thick or thin a« you prefer, but always It will be tender and Juicy. To prove It. Juat phone 63 and nee how good they really are. INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. 4th and Main Sta. E. C. STUART Phone 63 PRATT HOLVER8ON