The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 09, 1930, Page 5, Image 5

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BOOTH CANDIDACY URGED ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
♦ ♦ ♦
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Mr. and Mr*. Dave Weaver and eon
from Crocket, California, and Mr*
Fred Htone from Han Francisco are
vlaltlng their parent*, Mr. and Mr*
A. W. Weaver. Mr*. William Weaver
from Portland arrived Monday for a
visit also.
Mr. and Mra. Fell* Sparks from
Blue River visited at John JTtce'*
over the week-end.
Mr. and Mr*. Curtl* I’rlce and eon,
John, from Notl. apent the week-end
here. They have planned to leave
for Ogden, Utah, In a few day*.
There were 46 preaent at Bible
acbool laat Sunday. There la a very
Intereating content going on between
the lied and Blue aide*. No preaching
aervlcea have been held the paat aum
Mra. Ellen Needham and Hon, Itay
Mitchell, motored to Cottage Grove
laat Hunday to aee her nephew, Mr.
Doolittle and family whoae home waa
burned laat Thuraday and all content*
destroyed except the dining table. Mra.
Doolittle and four email children were
along at the time. She managed to
remove aeveral thing* which were
burned after ahe got them out.
Clifford Weaver and Mr*. Mary Mc­
Elroy from Salem apent laat week-end
with relative« here.
Roy and A. W Weaver motored to
Mapleton laat Saturday.
Oeorge Kramer'« houae came near
being deatroyed by fire laat Hunday
when a passerby noticed the blaxe
and gave the alarm. Help waa Boon
summoned and the blaae extinguished
with amall damage and the roof partly
burned. The Kramer family were
«pending the day elaewbere. The fire
! . „ dPntiy caught from the „„„ M
, her„ wnR n„ f1r„
th„ houRe „
, he tlme
Th« qualification* of Dr. Joel C
Booth, rapublloan candidate for th*
Joint srnaturshlp from the dlatrlct
comprising Linn and t^ane countlaa
are Included In a atatoment laaned
today by F 1» Mayer, aerrntary of
the Lina County »«publican Central
The atateinnnt follow*:
Mr. Booth baa been a life-'on* re­
publican and for many year a baa been
actively connected with the republic
an party. He haa practiced modlclne
In latbanon for the paat thirty yeara
and la conalderod one of the Wiliam
ette valley'* leading cltlcena.
though he la the president of the
Lebanon National bank. In all hl*
year* of the practice of medicine he
haa never failed to anawer a call
from the poor and deatltute. He la
hard working, honeat, and holda stead
lastly to what he bellevea to be right.
Dr. Booth aerved In the Hpanlah
American war and In the World war.
He la a member of tho Hpanlah War
Veterana and American legion and,
at preaent. la a major In the Oregon
National Guard.
Dr Booth la a graduate of the Uni­
versity of Oregon and la friendly to­
ward the University and Lane county.
I assure you that all parta of hla
district will have the name conslder-
atlon from him In all mattera upon
which be aball be called to act aa
a state aenator.
Henry Dickman, who haa lived at
the Tinker ranch the paat three year*,
narrowly e.caped death laat Sunday
when th . Ford coup, which he waa
driving went over a 200 foot embank-
ment near Hwlaahome. He waa quite
Monte Roundtree from Foaall, Ore­
aeverly cut and brulaer and had a gon. arrived Tueaady for a few day«
finger broken. He crawled out from vlalt with friend« In Thuraton.
under the demolished car and reached
the road when he waa picked up by
Ivan Hale and Edward Avery, both
of Hwlaahome He waa taken to the
Hale home for flrat aid treatment and
then taken to the Eugene hospital ' Mra. A. M. Pohl enteretalned with
Mr Dtckmann says he waa crowded 1 » delightful dinner at her home here
off the road by a large touring cor. ' 8unday In honor of her birthday. In­
The high school Hunday school class vited guest* numbered Immediate fam-
of the Pleasant Hill Christian church Ily member* and close friend*. They
entertained the members of the high were Mr. and Mr*. A. J. Schnettky,
school at a clever football party Mr*. Myrtle I^utbow, Major and Mrs.
Friday night, October 2. A clever j M. B. Huntly, Dr. and Mra. R. P.
game representing football with It'* ! Mortensen and Mr. and Mrs. Pohl
rumbles, penalties, touchdowns and J ,nd
routing waa played In the basement
Carrier III—John Nice, mall carrier
of the church. About 40 young folks
route 1. was III Monday. Hla route
enjoyed the party.
waa carried by l<«Roy Nice, assistant
Heveral students entered the high
achool the post week. * Among them
are Lee Delp, Roy Winters and Mar­
garet Upton.
At a meeting of the student body
nt the Pleasant HUI highs chool It
*na voted to buy a football.. Many
boys have taken a decided Interest
A famous British Physician — a
In football thia fall. The photographer Hpeclallat
In Obesity—gives these a*
was around taking pictures of the tho normal weight* for men over 60
6 Inches
149 Pounds
different classes and the honor so­
inter-claaa basketball haabegun at
Pleasant Hill high school. The fresh­
men girl* were defeated by the soph­
omore girls by a score of 28 to 3.
The Junior girls were I against the
senior* 18. The freshmen boya stood
Weight* Include ordln
I* against the Junior boya 14 and the
clothing—Get on the scales and see
senior boya defeated the sophomores If you are overweight and how much.
BO to I. Wednesday night the fresh­
The modern wav to take off fat Is
men boy* play the sophomores and known as the Kruschen Method—
the Junior* plays the sehlors. The nr.d Is well worth a four weeks trial.
Cut out pies, cakes, pastry and Ice
girls of the high school plan to give cream for 4 weeks, go light on po
the boy* a feed after the game*.
tatoes, butter, cheeae, cream and
atigar—eat moderately of lean meat,
chicken, flah. salads, green vegetables
und fruit—take one half teaspoon of
ITIvate Frank Lombard haa been Kruschen Salts in a glass of hot
water every morning before break
promoted to the post of private first fast—don't miss a morning.
class In the local unit of the national
An 86 cent bottle of Kruschen lasts
4 weeks—Get it at Ketels Drug store
or any drug store In the world.
Tells Men Over 50 What
They Should Weigh
J. C. Penney Co.
P lfiB I M I N T . I I « « I
942 Willamette St.,
K T I7 1 IZ C
Eugene, Oregon
N ew S p o rti
and U tility
$ 1 9 .7 5
Seif-trimmed tailored modal* with
Pick Huckleberries—M. A. Rice, 1 tbe past week end at Florence wlim
Stephen Rice and Harley Rice apent J they picked buckleberrlea.
Oua Hhelly of Jasper received a
badly lacerated lower lip Monday
morning when the truck which be waa
repairing fell off the Jack and dropped
striking hla face. He waa brought
to Hprlngfleld where It was found
necessary to take several stitches to
close the gaah which penetrated
through the entire Up.
Hix were baptized and aeveral were
received Into the Methodist congre­
gation here laat Hunday by Rev. C.
J. I*1ke, pastor. A large communion
service was also observed during the
morning. These events occupying the
entire forenoon period, thereby mak­
ing It Impossible to bold the usual
morning aervlcea also.
Mr*. Wal'or Gossler was elected
president of the Needlecraft club at
the first meeting of that organization
this fall when the mem tier* were
entertained last Thuraday at the home
of Mra. Floyd Weaterfleld In Eugene.
Mra. Gossler waa assistant hoateaa.
Other officer« selected are Mr. Wal­
ter Scott, vice-president, and Mrs.
ilobeit Drury, treasurer.
The next meeting will* be held on
October II, at tbe borne of Mrs. Dan
C ities In Eugene. It will be a covered
dish luncheon.
Attending tbe meeting last week
were Mr*. Crites, Mrs. Gossler, Mrs.
Hcott. Mr*. W. N. Long. Mrs. Fred
Walker, Mr«. Harry 8tewart, Mra.
Elvln May, M.a. Carl Olson. Mra. O.
H. Jarrett, Mra. W. H. Pollard, Mrs.
Robert Drury, Mr«. Weaterfleld, and
her -mother. Mrs. Myrna Rupert
Ever since the beginning man has Bought to im­
prove methods of mechanical power. Down through
the ages he has invented one machine after another
and one chemical mixture after another to help him
do his work.
General Ethyl gasoline is the latest contribution
to the power age. It is science’s latest invention to
put more power in your automobile.
“A ” Street Service Station
For your trip
N earby,
Outing Flannels
Around /¿eWorld
Consult you r a g en t
Heavy Amoskeag, yard wide outing Flannels, special yd. 15c
Big assortment 25c Fast Color Prints, yd.
$2.50 Men’s Wool-mixed Shirts
Men’s Heavy Fall Cotton Unions
Indies’ Pure Silk H o s e ............................................ .............
Yo u benefit yourself and your borne town
every tune you patroaize your local Southern
Pacific a/;ent
You cave yourself the hurry and worry of
| buying al bu.v terminals in large cities. You
’ can plan and buy leisurely. The handling of
ymu baggage is facilitated and made easier
for you. Y o ur whole trip becomes simplified.
N o matter where, by rail or steam­
ship, your local agent can sell you
your ticket, make reservations, ar­
range all other details. He can tell
you, too, of any special fares that
would save you money. Yo u can buy
Just as cheaply from your local agent
as in large cities— and your dollars
stay at home.
Fulop’s Department Store
334 Main Street
Vhone 6 5
P a c ific
W e N o w O ffe r You
an Entirely New-Type
Wringerless Washer by Thor
Balance in
Easy Monthly
a Lim ited
Time O nly
You Can Now Wash Your Clothes
and Dry Them at the Same Time
In the Same Tub
i § # •* * * '
Y o u h e w heard o f wringeriess washers, but never have
you beard o f one that operates like the new T h a r
Wringeriess Washer.
Years o f experimenting in wringeriess washers has con­
vinced T h o r o f the great need fo r a convenient way to
dry clothes automatically— w ithout lifting the heavy,
steaming dothes in and out o f various tuba.
T h e way has been discovered— and that way has been
provided in the new T h o r Wringeriess W asher— a
typical T h o r machine w ith ripple green porcelain tub
fend a trim , neat, compact design.
in the new T h o r Wringeriess machin e one batch o f
dothes can be washed w h ile the other is being dried
in th e extra c tor basket above the agitator.
The Height of Simplicity
Th or has sponsored and promoted the SPEED idea
for handling the home laundry problem for years.
This new Wringeriess Washer is the cEnrax o f their
efforts to attain «peed. Only a few years ago it was
necessary for women to spend many hours each
week in washing. T h or Speed Washers reduced
th b time by half. N o w , the new Thor Wringeriess
Washer dips off 15 to 20 minu t e s more from the
rime required to wash
A trimmer, neater, more attractive model
was never built than this new Th or W rin g ­
eriess Washer. The water extractor is a
new arrangement that extracts the water
by centrifugal force from one batch of
clothes w h ile the next batch is being
washed in the water below the extractor.
There is ample space around the extractor
to permit its easy filling.
Ask For a Demonstration
Your Opportunity is Here • . . To Own a Beautiful, Entirely New
a t O nly $ 5 D o w n . . .
in Easy M o nth ly Payments
roomy pockets, iwaggwr shoulder*
and all-around bait* . . , modal* of
•oft, m w tweed wRh dmp fu r sot-
iar. Value* you should Investigate.
mJ1 '*!
Sates wS&g Paver Company
•Z 4 .7 »