PAGE FOLTI T H E SPRINGFIELD NEWS THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at SrrlngRe-d, Lane County, Oregi'n, by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H. E M A X E Y , Editor THURSDAY, OCTOBER ». l»30 T he independent m ovem ent in th e political Oakridge Man Here—«d Clark <>$ N O TIC E OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE OF STREET LIGHT BROKEN REA L P R O P E R TY ON E X E C U ­ cam paign will likely result in the election of n ’'“krldge w»* • business visitor in T IO N IN FORECLO SU RE. IN ACCIDENT ON MONDAY governor by th e m inority. Popular governm ent Moll>u r a fternoon, • N O T IC E Is hereby given I hut by is alw ays defeated by such a move. No m atter The ornamental street light post at virtue oi sit execution nud order of who wins the m ajority of voters m ust be ruled . ,rom California Mra. R sale Issued oul of the Clr.-ull Court the corner of Fourth and Main streets by som eone they do not w ant. hB w r / hM h*r of lame County. Slate of Oregon on was completely broken off nl (he base I homo from ( hlco. California, whom I the 26th day of September, 1930. In at 7:30 Monday morning when Ed­ »ho ha» been vlaltlng for some while. an action whervlu The Pacific Sav 'ng« # Iatan Association, a Washing ward P. ■•verson drotse his light ton corporetloB. is the p lain tiff and Ford roadster Into (he pole while try ­ A utum n tim e and typical Oregon w e a th er Is RELIEF FROM CURSE M A IL SU B SC R IPTIO N RATE 1 D Collier «ml Bonnie Collier, his ing to pass (he truck being driven An appreciation of our good w e a th er Is ( no Year In Advance $1 75 Throe Month» 75« here. wife, and Neb-on Hush tire the deft,ml OF CONSTIPATION nnts mid where on the 23rd day of by I ’rntt Holverson. When making a topic on which we can all agree. Six Months $1.90 Single Copy 5 September, 1930, Itt said court The P h out th eir reports of the accident Mr. A Until» Creek physician says. "Con clfle Savings A Loan Association, a Holvorson admitted th at be was T H U R S D A Y . O CTOB ER 9. 1930. «tipntloii 1« responsible for mart WaHhltixtonn corimrntlnn recovered a turning Into Fourth street from Main 'tidgmant aga'nst the defendants I. 11. misery than any other cense.” tint linnx'dlnto relief ha» been Collier and Bonnie Collier, his wife, without giving any signal, and Mr. PORTLAND RATE LOWER TUAN EUGENE tounil. A tablet called RexiHI Order for the sum of $909 HO together with Severson likewise admitted that he ¡II«» h i» been >,(»covered. Thin tablet Interest thereon at the rate of 10% was attem ptln to paes the truck In T h at Portland already enjoys low er electric nttrn.-t» water from the system Into per minititt from June 22nd. I9S0. and the Intersection. The truck wsa not rate s th an o th er com m unities in Oregon and I the Inry. drv evacuating bowel called for the further sum of $72 04 for taxes the colon The water loosens the dry paid, together with Interest thereon ilatnagod. but the front of the Ford there is no real reason why som e self seeking food waste amt cituaca a gentle nl the rate of 10% per annum front was damaged. politicians in the m etropolis should m ake it an i thorough, natural movement without Eeb 4. 1929. and for the further sunt The light polos In (tils city belong form ng a habit or ever lncren»lny of $66 00 for taxee paid, together with issue in this cam paign is apparent from a report • the dose. !• terest thereon st the rale of 10% to the Mountain States Power com m ade by the Oregon public service comm ission. Stop «uffer'ng from c«n»tlpation per annum from June 26. 1930. and patty and the two men will have to , Chew a Ri-xnll Ordnrlle at night. Next for the further sum of $60 53 for city deal w ith them In replacing the brok W HERE TO START The surprising part of the investigation m ade day bright Get 24 for 25c today at assessments, together with Interest on one. by the com m ission is th a t P o rtla n d ’s ra te is thereon at the rate of 10% per an­ One m orning a very unhappy young m an w ay­ F'lanerv'» ll.-vsll Drug Store. num front Eeb 4. 1929. and for the lower th an any of the m unicipal owned electric laid me outside my front door. further sunt of $50 56 for city as­ C IT A T IO N Diamond Lake Man Han«—Harley He is tw enty-tw o years old. and an idealist. plants in Oregon, even Eugene. sessment«,- (ogether with Interest In the C ounty C o urt of the S tate of thereon at the rate of 10% per annum Klee of Diamond latke was a buslnesa T he men in th e plant when* he w orks use course Following is the figures relative to Portland language, th eir crudeness g ra te s on him. Also, Oregon fo r Lane County. front June 36. 1930, and for the further visitor In Springfield on Monday. In Probate Case No. 5086. sent «>f $10 40 for fire Insurance, and and Eugene: his job is dull. til the M atter of the Estate Wf for the further sunt of $42 00 for FRANK M VKRNVM. Deceased. having the records »earched and ab­ L IG H T IN G — 30 K W H ” 1 read biographies.’’ he said. "G rea t men stracted. and for the further sum of Portland area ... ..... $1.65 have all had an aim. 1 seem to be headed no­ To A L L IE H I'G IIK S . M ELISSA M o lt $125 00 a» a reasonable Attorney’s Eugene. inside ........ $1.75 ; ROW. GEORGE VE R N I'.M . JO HN fee. snd for the cost» and disburse­ where. I haven’t found m yself." Portland, less taxes 1.43 Eugene, outside 1.93 V ER N I'.M , AGNES V K R N V M W ELLS. ments of thia suit, which judgment L1G HTIN G - 45 K W H G— F R E E M A N HOLING a n d was entered and «locket wl In the Readers, w hat would you have said to that M ARY Portland .......... $2.48 Eugene. inside $2.20 O W E N D O I.IN EREK M AN M A M IN E , r ’ttrk’s office of said court In said No Better boy? Portland, less taxes 2.14 G R E E T IN G : Eugene. outside ..... 2.42 county on the 24tb day of September. Face Powder name of the State of Oregon. 1930, and said Execution to me di L IG H T IN G A N D R A N G E — -110 K W H I said th a t m ost of th e men whom we read ' vou In the are hereby cited and required ' reeled commanding me In the name Made than Portland ................... $5.19 Eugene, inside about in biographies did not have a n y great to app<-ur In the County Court of the >f the State of Oregon, in order to $5.60 Portland, less taxes AdS Eugene, outside purpose. A few, such as m usicians and painters, State of Oregon, for the County ot satisfy »aid Judgtiieiit. Interest, costs 6.16 had a talen t th at could not be m istaken. The lattie at the Court Room thereof at and disbursements, and accruing costa E ugene, In the C ounty of I..ini', on t<> »>-11 (he following described prop­ great m ajority, of whom Lincoln is th e classic or T hat's a rather broad before November 6. 1930. then an«l exam ple, were just as discouraged in youth as there to show cause, la any exists, erty tow lt: statement. Isn't It? Du ROADS Beginning at a point In the you think we would make my young friend. They did not know w here why the order of »ale of the real West line of U niversity Street, it If we couldn't prove The new est thing in road construction is to they were going, but did not quit. They simply •■»tale hereinafter demrlbed ahoulri form erly University Avenue, not be made by Aaher .M. Veach, a» our claim 7 The base Is ot build them of iron. T he first iron highw ay of plugged ahead and, usually to th eir ow n s u r­ the adm inistrator of the above entitled If extended South, mid 335 the purest Imported Ita l­ prise. won out. feet South of the Intersection estate as In hl» petition on file herein ian Talc, recognised by im portance is under construction in Sangam on of said West line with the nrayed for. towlt: skin experts as absolutely county, 111., n e a r Springfield. An iron trough is South line of 23rd Avenue I said, in the second place, th a t all m en arc Lot 15 In Block 12 In the Town Bee!, as »alu streets are plat­ laid on the flattened highw ay surface, the cor­ crude and all m en are wonderful. T he purest of Iaiw ell. [.ano County. Oregon, a» ted 'n Gross’s Addition to Rü­ platted nud of record in »aid County saint has secrets in his h eart th a t m ake him rugated sheets of the bottom of th e roadw ay be­ and State, and al»o gen«. and run thence West blush, th e w orst m an has m om ents of splendor. 216 feet, th en ce SoUtA 60 feet, Lota J. 4. 5. 6. "and 8 In Block 6 ing welded to the iron curbing a t eitiher side. tlienre East 215 feel anti In the Torn» of Ixrwell, Ia«ne County. Man is the noblest of all c reatu res, and the Oregon. This trough is party filled with a layer of sand thence North 60 feet to the W IT N E S S , the Honorable C. P place of beginning, all In Eu mixed with a m astic binder, to form a cushion jn o st trag ic—a little higher than th e anim als, a Bardaard, Judge of the County Court gene. Lane County, Oregon. little lower than the angels. With all hiH cru d e­ tor th e surface, *'hich m ay be concrete, brick ness, he does his work, sacrifices for his young, of the State of Oregon for the County - Now, therefore, In the ttnra« of the of l ane and the Sea) of said Court o r som e o th er paving m aterial. State of Oregon, In eompltanee with and face blind fate with courage. horeto affixed this October 2. 1930. »aid execution and order of sale and Attest: W II D IL L A K D . Clerk "D on’t criUclze m en or judge th em ,” I said Road building in Am erica is still a new art. By Eva L. D U C K W O R T H . Deputy. In order to satisfy said Judgment. In­ harmless to the most ten­ 0.9 16 23 30-N6 terest, costs mid accruing costs, 1 will, Old m ethods useful in horse-and-w agon days are to the lad. "Like them . Sym pathize w ith them . on Saturday the 1st day of November. der skin. Sifted and re- Laugh with them . God will do th e judging.” flnenes» Delicately tinted useless for m otor roads. In tim e the ideal road N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S S A L E ON 1930. at the hour of O N E o'clock I* M of said day, at the southwest front ami perfumed You'll find Finally I said th a t, while It m ight do the E X E C U T IO N O F F O R E C L O S U R E door will be discovered and used everyw here. M ean­ of the County Court House, Eu It perfectly suited to your N O T IC E I« hereby given by virtue gone, lame County, ti.egon. offer for younger m an good to change his job. I doubted tim e, every' new idea is w orth trying out. complexion. w hether it would. He is in a fast-grow ing in­ of an execution and order of »»1« »ale, and sell for cash st public anc- Sold only at lle xa ll Drug out of the Circuit Court of "lon, subject to redemption as pro­ Stores, dustry which h as m ade fortunes and will m ake leetied Iho State of Oregon for I^»ne County vided by law. all the right, title and m any others. September 12th. 1930, upon and pur­ Interest of said defendants and of suant to a decree duly given and all persons «(aiming by. through or Phil M etschan. republican candidate for gov­ I told him about a friend of m ine who was made by said Court September 4lh. under them In and to »aid premise» ernor, has a plan to assist th e lum ber industry. 1930. in a suit pending therein In DRUG STORE Dated thl« 27th day of September. He was in W ashington, D. C., in behalf of the driving through the K entucky m ountains. W ant­ which The Pacific Saving» A lx>an 1930. ing to get to C incinnati for the n ‘ght. he asked Phons 16 lum ber tariff and is convinced the east and directions Association, a Washington corporation 11. L. B O W N, of a native. » « ;. » $ a . was p lain tiff and John W Craig and Sheriff of lame County, Oregon middle w est does not understand th e industry Ll Nto’V't’VAt L» Helen Jean Craig, his wife, were de­ O. 2 9-16 23 30 ' and its im portance to th fs country. If elected “Go down this road about ten miles, and take fendants, execution and order Mr. M etschan proposes to call on the governors your right tu rn ,” th e native began. T hen he of sale was which to me directed and com­ of all the lum ber producing sta te s to appoint stopped, and spat. “ No, I think you’d do b e tte r mando«! me to sell the real property a com m ission to wait on congress for fu rth er • to go the o th e r way and tak e your first left.” Iitre ln a fte r described to satisfy cer­ lum ber protection and also to Inform the east-1 He spat again, th o u g h t deeply, ‘and then, in a tain liens and charges in said decree I specified, I w ill on Saturday the 26th ern people as to its im portance. This would sudden b urst of confidence, exclaim ed: "Tell you day of October. 1930. at the hour of be a constructive step tow ard putting lum ber what, neighbor. If I was aim ing to go to Cin­ ¡O N E o’clock P. M at the southwest door of the County Court-house In up am ong the o th er basic products of the coun­ cinnati I w ouldn’t s ta rt from here.” so Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, offer try. and it Is only through co operat’on th a t it tor ra le and sell at public auction Most of us w ant to arrive, but w e’d like to can be accom plished. Sixty per cent of our for cash, subject to redemption as Quick energy, tlin t's w hat candy Oregon incom e is from lum ber so it is to our s ta rt from som ew here else. Maybe I’m wrong, provided by law. all of the right, W e have the but I have com e to the conclusion th a t it doesn't title and interest ot the defendants supplies to young scholars. They Interest to support a m an who recognizes his kind« th a t are in said suit and of all parties claim ­ m ake m uch difference w here one sta rts, th at need it for learning and for play! duty tow ard lumber. •s p e c ia lly good all businesses are good and all a re bad, all are ing by, through or under them or Give them candy to eat with th eir any of them since the 4!h day of for ehlldren dull and all a re thrilling. lunch. It’s g re a t stuff. September. 1930. In or to the folio „ Ing described real property, to-wit: And th a t the im portant thing ab o u t getting East half of Lots four (4) and O regon’s football team looks like a w inner this som ew here is not studying m aps or w ondering five (5) In Block one ( I ) of Wynne's ye? f' Th,P wav they sm eared D rake at Soldiers Addition to Cottage Grove, lame field would give even a Chicago gunm an a thrill about o th er roads. But startin g , right here, County. Oregon, excepting therefrom the portion of said Lot five (5 ). here­ tofore sold and conveyed to J T. 'W here the Service la Different" Allen, in Deed dated December 20. 1907 and recorded In Book 71 of ... the Lane County. Oregon deed records Dated this 23rd, day of September 1930 H. L. BOW N. Sheriff. Lane County. Oregon S.26-0.2 9 1« 23 entered .cad matter, February 44. ISOS, at the ostoffice. Springfield, Oregon. J • • • >BRUC