(uoqrt o »• w Tm TH U R S D A Y , OCTOBBR 8, 1830 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ro PAGE T H R E E Alone In New York, remembering that morning; easy to drop unseen, Adam’s shriek with a better one. nothing of her paat life, not even her In tbe back of the roadster, the care­ Emerging from behind the sand-bank SUM MONS FARMERS—Have five hundred 26 foot f ? wn “am"' “nd w,,h nothln« »bout ESTATE OF GEORGE H. her with which to Identify herself, a fully packed suitcase; easiest of all with his associates, Doctor Carrick mi ui« wueitc« » vuun, dUr CURRIER. Oacaaaed. tvpllt Cedar Telegraph I'ole». Price i young woman meets Eric Hamilton, to turn from the city’s roar, flash out grinned nervously. t«t« *'•** Nolle« la hereby «Ivan that Amelia UMll* VVUllb/f Wt*|fWfta on aule »1.00 each. Make A-l tele­ j who tries to befriend her. She runs across Long Island, .and bring up at K. Watts haa been by the County A>. UuuuAI Aia««» « Mluull, Hamilton turned to him In despera- phone polea. ' away from him, meets some curious a remote stretch of beautiful seacoast : tlon. Court of the Mate ot Oregon, In auu V«. people through whom she geta a Job ULztkUL lla»«A«Lv/A( DORJhUuÜi, for Lane County, appointed udmlnla- UrogoUi wlthln Ortgon for Lana County. him, to give him the right to protect the backs ot these ladles. She spoke and Miss Carrington herself Is cut­ , 4 ' l u t l 444144 UI4SW4.4 444« 4.U141P4U.141 4441)44 In Probate. month» from thia 9th day of Octo­ her. They had Just got back from 4*Ä*****S4 yt. 4 ,u 14444 4444,4 44, e U lilU N l 444 IN ItE; THE ESTATE OF HENRY the City Hall when Henderson finds with a great effort, keeping her eyes ting thr«Agh the water like a fish. ber, 1930. 1,044 o li o i 04,401 e lo u r w u e a a 440444 II. CULLEN, Deceuaed. What more do yon want?*’ AMELIA R WATTS, them. He Identlflei tne girl as Eve away from the water. u tu u u t e u i u tu t , l a l p u i/iio it u o u o , Administratrix of the Estate of ^O WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; "Those nurses are almost too real­ Carrington, a famous singer, who lost "I wan t thia over,’’ Hamilton ,444. kU U illioua, Uitu II y o u lu it 10 Notice la hereby given that on Sep­ her memory from a nervous shock door«,- II. Currier, deceased. groaned, tyes glued to his binoculars. -I4.W4II lo i n m t 1444,1 u u l i n e P4UIUI141. A. E. Wheeler, Attorney. tember 29. 1930, the undersigned filed Induced by unsuccessful effort to save istic," he muttered. “It won’t be October till to-mor­ «.44 lu u e j u u g i u e u i u g i u o a l / u u 104 “So do I," Carrick admitted. 09-16 23-30-N6 hi« flnul account as administrator In two children from drowning. Hender­ 4O< a u iu 01 « .a .o e , t u g u iu v r w n u ,u- the above eutltled probate proceeding; son had hoped to marry her. Eve Is row, and people bathe on this coast Eve’s mind held one idea and only l u i e a , 1144,141011 u i m e i u l | o i a la p e , that on aald date the court entered still Ignorant of her real Identity. till tbe Ice forms,’* Hamilton reminded one—the need of reaching that cap­ N O TIC E OF 8A LE OF REA L PROP­ an order fixing the time for the t e u i p e r a tm u n i 11 u tu o e l / v u i o e r x a , Hamilton ralla In Dr. Carrick, a nerve her. “There’s a bathing-club called sized boat. Sheh could see no figures E R T Y BY A D M IN IS T R A T O R . *«•*> u u n i p u lu , liu u l o r 11X 4 o s i a u u i, hearing of the aald final account at NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That the hour of lo o’clock A. M. October »peclallst, who arranged with other the Polar Bears or something of the ln the water, for the young fisherman UO4OUI.UU44 OU4 iu m ,a U l l l o ^ u n o a r s o doctors to try the effect of another l o i t u e IUI l i i v i o iu u r o i H v C oU i l by virtu« of an order of the County 31, 1930. Any one having any objec­ shock to bring her back to herself. sort.” who had been the boat’s sole occupant l l iu i t u e r .u g e iio r r u i t u r o u v r a A a- Court of lame County, Oregon, duly tions to the aald final account shall “I . . . I don’t think I want to stay was now up to his neck on the far made and entered of record on the NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY filed the same In writing on or before a o i l u l l u u p u y l u t o c o u r t lo w a v u Ihu here,” Eve faltered. slide of iL lit day of October, 1930, in the mutter the lime aet for the hearing. "Yes." a u iia t u v io iu n 01 u u v u J u d g iu v u t t u e Apparently Hamilton failed to hear The two nnrses continued to shriek. H. E. SLATTERY, a u lii o i yab.uti O e lu iig in « lu > o u w u ic li of the estate of Ardell F Rice, de- “How did you manage It?” AdminiHtrator. itua u u v u u t lu c iiv u u n u g u r u la u e e d lu caaaed, the undersigned Admlnlatratoi ______ Eve was very near the upturned "Well, I got the clothes from the the words. He stopped the roadster, of auld «stale will on and after the U M h u u d a o f a u ld E u g e n e r r u . l U io w N O TIC E OF H E A R IN G ON lal day of November, 1930 offer for East 8lde apartment. The janitor Jumped out. and offered her his hand. boat when in response to a long o r a A s s o c ia t io n . "Let's sit down a little while and whistle from shore the life-saver at F IN A L AC CO UNT let me have them—for a consldera- s v “ " “ “ NOTCE IS HEREBY GIVEN; That j t|„n.” Eric finished with a wan grin lyook at the sea,” he casually sug­ last put hts back Into his strokes and ’ , a «b #nd one-half credit, subject to the undersigned, as executrix of the i .c i gested. As she reluctantly descended reached her. Gate of firat publication, September confirmation of the Court, the real I mat Will and TesUment of Henry Now don 1 go up ,B ,he a,r’ Doc' "All a mistake, miss,” he cheer­ 26lh, 1930. property of aald eatate described In Clay Hu libel, de-eased, has filed het I tor<” be begged; "but I've simply got from the car he added, “You settle comfortably tn the sand while I park fully cried out, repeating the lines H A R o lJ t J. W ELLS, , »aid order, to-wit: account for the final aettlement ot ! to make a suggestion and you've got Justice of the Peace. ' All of Ixit Numbered Five roor.dr 7 <,|ent ’ ‘ a the C.ou',tjr i to listen to It. I want you to have the machine on the other side of that taught him by the guys on shore. Residence and Poet office address; ! <&> In Block Numbered Five Court for Imne County, State jf )re t . hank.’’ ‘There ain’t no children there. Eugeue, Oreguu. (6) lu Groaa' Addition to Bu gon. and that Saturday the 1st day i “ ‘ "««“» » ‘Ion before you go ahead He was not sure of his voice, for There’s only a man, and he’s all gene, lame County, Oregon. S.26 0.3-9 16-23. of November, 1930, at the Court Room i * ,,h this experiment. I want you to Huld »ale will take place ul the law of said Court In the County Court Admlnlatrator of the «Míate of Ar and place for bearing objections there- fa|th In—and see what they think of body as she now turned and stood only a picture, why had he been told tratrlx of the estate of David McBee, | <,B,I F. Rice, deceased, to, and for the settlement therect. your experiment. I'll leave the selec staring at the ocean. There was a to learn and speak these words? deceased, sod any and all persons hsv ‘ 02 9-16-23 30 Executrix o f’Vb’l ^ l ^ ’w iT M n d J*0” ° f ,hem “D,lrely ln yoUr han11 of the grass and other debris you, the said defendants, nor any of Immediately and fully Into your con­ assortment of Turkish towels, hut a Phene 43 Springfield, Oregon Office: RODENBOTTGH GARAGE cot, an alcohol stove with a kettle of which has accumulated ln the drain­ you, have any right, title, estate, Hen fidence.” Corner Fifth and A Streets Olllce hours, 9 A M. to 6 P M or Interest In or to said premises, "Yes," Hamilton regretfully ad hot water on It, a thermos bottle full age ditches of the city during the or any part thereof, and that decree Evenings by Appointment Ixing Distance Hauling a Specialty of coffee, and a suitcase containing past summer Is being cleaned ont be entered forever enjoining and re­ mltted; ‘T see that. We can't keep dry underwear, stockings, and the now by city workmen to prevent straining you. Bnd each of you, from him in the dark any longer.” asserting any claim or interest what­ Carrick made no secret of his Jubi­ gown and hat Eve had worn on the water from ' standing ln the city for soever In or to said premises, or any lation over the concurrence of his day of her memory lapse. long speels after rains. General I.aw Practice part there of adverse to the plaintiff One of the nurses was Miss Ad­ colleagues ln his plan. or her successors In Interest, and for I. M. PETER SO N Pledged to Sorority "Then we’re all set,” he declared. ams. . The other, who had arrived such other and further relief as to Attomey-at-Law U N IV E R S ITY OF OREGON, Eu­ the Court may seem equitable and “I have an answer to that telegram I from Chicago late the night before, proper. City Hall Building sent this morning to the Chicago hos­ was not so imperturbable as her pro­ gene, October 6.— Evelyn Buell, of You are further notified that this Summons la served upon you by pub­ pital. We can stage our experiment fessional sister. The shrieks she still Springfield, who has Just completed Springfield, Ore. lication thereof. In The Springfield for the day after to-morrow If this sent after the swimmer, to preserve registration at the University of Ore­ 228 Main 8t. Raaldance 126 C St. News, printed and published In Spring- fine weather holds, as I think It will. the proper atmosphere, had the ring gon, has been pledged to Theta Omega field. Lane County, Oregon, and that Ready for your part of It?” HI J of genuine excitem ent 61 M sorority. the date of the first publication there- ‘I've never been so thrilled ln my "Of course.” But Hamilton spoke of la the 11th day of September, 1930, N O T IC E and the date of the last publication from a black depression. He was life,” she confessed to Miss Adams, JEWELER Notice Is hereby given that the Full Auto Equipm ent thereof will be the 9th day of Octo­ still horridly afraid of that coming “or so nervous! You see, 1 nursed undersigned has filed with the State ber, 1930. Repairing a Specialty Lady Aaalstant experiment, and he did not care how her for ten Jays, and I got very fond Banking Board ot Oregon application This Summons Is so published and for license to en g ig e ln the business of her.’’ Springfield, Oregon served upon you pursuant to the order many doctors knew It. Miss Adams let her finish and then of making loans of money or of per­ The day set for the test was of the of the Honorable George F. Skip- worth, Judge of said Court, which warmly mellow type that sometime» sent forth another shriek. It was a sonal credit, or ln the pawn broker­ age business under the provisions of Order was made and entered of record fine, full-voiced, far carrying outcry, sections 6308-21 Inclusive, Oregon N E L 8 0 N LEG H O R N FARM FRANK A. DE PUE In this cause on the 8th day of Sep­ comes as the last gift of a dying Sep­ tember. To that degree Nature worked meant to emphasise the difference be­ laws. Lana County’a Oldaat Breedera tember, 1930 ATTORNEY AT LAW IRA. C. OATES. ROBIN D. DAY, with Carrick, as he pointed out to his tween nerves ln New York and those of Miner Building, NOTARY PUBLIC First Natlonoal Bank Bldg., nervous young assistant. B. C. WHITI LEQH0RN8 In Chicago. Notwlthstand'ng her Eugene, Oregon. Salem, Oregon, It was easy for Eric to persuade agitation, the Western nurse caught Springfield Date of first publication September SPRINGFIELD OREGON Button Attorney for Plaintiff. S26-O2-9 Phono »1-P-14 811-18 25 02-9 Eve to take an automobile apin early the Idea and promptly topped Miss 125, 1930. Oregon Building :;r:: B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y Walker-Poolfl Chapel Funeral Directors D. W . R oof