9 “ --------1------- !------- TT \Alt A h t FSS» >r>«T- ’ r TOW N AND Visited Friend*—Mrs. Dan Great bouse of Crawfordville was a business visitor In Springfield on Monday. Visit fro m F a ll Creek— Mr. and Mrs. C. E Renfro of Fall Creek were v.sltors in Springfield Monday. Visit Resort—Mr and Mrs. C. E. Kenyon motored to Thompson's resort Sunday where they eujoyed dinner. N o rth Bend M an H e r*— R W . S m ith i.f North Bend was a visitor In Spring- field the first part of the week visit- lug friends here. R esort Man H e r * — Al Kuhn, one of the proprieltors of the Cascade resort. . near McKensle bridge was a visitor In Springfield on Monday. NOW Æ E S oi fi-' s. c . Visits Parents— Frank DePue visit de with his parents here Sunday. He Is attending the Portland Dental school. Bora— Mr. and Mrs. Bert Colgert are the parents of a baby daughter born to them at the Pacific Christian hospital in Eugene on Oc­ tober 3, 1930. D aughter NO GRAPES WANTED AT ROOM FOR EXPANSION THREE NEW STUDENTS SHEEP LOSSES REDUCED IN CASCADE FOREST CANNERY SAY OFFICIALS JOIN FOOTBALL SQUAD BY COUNTY DOG BOARD RECENT SURVEY SHOWS V IC IN IT Y The increased activity of the coun­ There are more than S3 million ty dog control hoard thia year hits Visit at Salem— Mr. and Mrs. J. already resulted In a great saving board feel of standing timber In the Fulop, their children. Eugene and ' of money and sheep In the first eight Cascade national forest covering an Ethel Ruth, and Chester Schlcwe, month« of thl« year as compared with area of 1,026.800 acres, according to a survey of tills forest completed drove to Salem Sunday to visit the the «ante period last year. Fulop ranch located there. The total of »«37 dog llceuset have last seek by M. L. Holst, of tin . already been sold thia year In the Cascade national fores! staff. In eon Visit at Corvallis— Mr and Mrs. county as compared with 3387 sold nection with a national federal-forest, W. F. Walker and Mr. and Mrs. F last year. The receipts from this survey which will be carried on for B. Flanery and children motored to source for the eight month period a period of ten years. Corvallis on Sunduy where they spent this year amount to $7,790 i i com T'to survey showed the following the day visiting with Mrs. Flauery’a pared with $4.909 a year ago. things: mother, E. V. Lilly. The sustained annual yield of mer­ Losses have also been greatly re- chantable limner Is 150 million feel. ' due««, due to the killing off of sheep Shopping In s tin c t Three log operations the alae of that (killing dogs. Claims to the extent of A young matron In whom the shop- $42.918.59 were paid out to sheep now being carried on by the Western ping instinct was strong, asked a owners who suffered losses In the Lumber company near Westfir can German butcher the price of haul first eight month period of 1929 as lie accommodated In the forcat. Two thirds of the forest's timber compared with $764.75 for the first burger steak. Is merchantable M d much of the rest • Twenty-five cents a pouud," he re­ perlixl this year. This does not mean that the payments for e a ch sheep of It will lie merchantable when rail­ plied. killed have been reduced, aaya R. J road and other tranaportatlon facil­ •But,” she said, "the price at the I Morris, county dog officer. Last year ities are obtained corner store 1» only twelve cents." I Practically the only timber In the when losses were great and the price 'Veil," asked Otto, "Vy you don’t of sheep was around $15 the board forest being touched now Is that bo­ puy It down there 7” lacked hinds and had to reimburse ng cut by the Western Lumber com "They haven't any," she replied. the owners at about one third value. pany, which Is about 50.000,000 feet “Ya. Ya," said the butcher, "Ven This year the value of sheep has a year The forest officials have 1 don’t have it 1 sell It for ten cents dropped to approximately $5.00 and thia company'a cutting schedule ao only." full value allowance are usually made laid out that by the time th* com­ C a tas tro p h ic ! and Mrs. Wm. Dawson and son. Billy, Your uncle seems hard of hear­ spent Sunday at Albany where they ing?" attended a family reunion at the home 'Hard of hearing Why. once he of Mr. Dawson's mother. conducted family prayers kneeling on the cat»" Gu*sta at E lite — J. H . Pederson and Spend Sunday a t A lb an y— M r. A lf Johnson, both of P o rtland, and. D. S. Brown of Junction City were 'J , 'i i headqua SEND OVE BEST ÓLE once ! £15 robbery ! THURSDAY, OCTOBER », IMP TH E 8PR1NGFIBLD NEWS PAGE TWO I' ' " to the owners. Lane county became a dog control area In 1929 Previous to that time the County Court had to act on claims for filled sheep. FRIENDS STAGE SURPRISE ON SILVER ANNIVERSARY pany has Its areas first stand com­ pletely logged off, another stand Just like It will be ready on the same area to be logged again. Two other operatlona of this slse could be carried on and yet provide a continuous supply of standing mer­ chantable timber t'analng of sijuasli aud carrots start­ ed at th* Eugene Fruit Grower* ea MH'latlou on Monday according to J D. Hamlin. Growers are requested lo make their carrot and xquaah de- liveries as early as possible this year. Filbert and walnut deliveries are liicreaelng In volume this year and an oxlra fine quality of nuu la ex peeled Several ton* of kraut «re now living made at the cannery. SPRINGFIELD PEOPLE ARE No grapes will It* received at the NAMED FOR JURY DUTY cannery thia year as there la still a cunaldnrable carry over of Juice for Thirty-one prospective Jurors were 1930 Apple cunning und cider mak drawn a) the county courthouse lost lug will start about October 10. Friday Io serve during the October tersi of circuit court. The list In OIIIL WANTED, Address Box 318. dudes the names of Dan Buugh, K 02» route 3, Eugene. J. Ilertach, George Kramer, Sara J”hua, Ulen L. Robertson, Janies Tow ers, and Aller L. Thompson, all of Springfield and l*aul Hadley of Jas­ per, Your old discarded Tricycle» Three new students have enrolled at the hlgih school thia week accord­ ing to W R. Buell, principal. They ahe Letloy Holveraou, bill tkiurd and t’harleton RlAinrdson All of the three atudeuta are turning nut dally for football practice and are expected to aid In building up the weak spots .in the local team, W ANTED The October lerni of court for which three people will be eligible as Jurors will begin on October 20. und Bicycle», 120 W. 8th Breier’s Always* Has Bargains IK AT THESE M oleskin Sh irts • 1.9» value ............... $1.00 M en's A ll W ool M a c k in a w * $4.98 Bim—"Do you think It right to buy P rin ts M en ’* Corda an automobile on the installment Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whitney wer. PUBLIC IS INVITED TO week-end guests at the Elite hotel 29o values ...............................1 7 c 96.50 value . .............. plan?" pleasantly surprised last Friday eve FRESHMAN INITIATION in this city. Bam—"Sure; 16.000.000 people can't ntng on the occasion of their twenty- Lunch M en ’s Corda Visiting Daughter—Mrs. Carl Jock- be wrong." C lo th * .................................... 89c Freshman Initiation at the high fifth wedding anniversary when their $5 00 v a lu * $3.50 h ck of Elk River. Idaho, arrived here daughter. Mary Elisabeth, organiseli school will be observed with a pro­ F u ll Faahlon P u r* B ilk last week to be with her daughter. M . n ’i Corda a surprise visit and social evening gram of music and slunta In the high T h re a d Hose .................... 79c $ 2 .4 9 93.50 v a lu * .............. Mrs. J. L. Clark who has been 111 among friends of the couple. The school auditorium on Friday evening far several weeks. people met at W N. Long home and according to officers of the claae who Rayon M en ’s Par» W ool Moos ...................................... 4 9 c proceeded from there in a group to are sponsoring the event which la B lazsre ....................... Visiting Brother— F. B. Hamlin, now a traditional occurrence at the the Whitney home where a mock wed­ postmaster, left Monday for the ranch Crash ding was staged with Mrs Long as > opening of school. M en's P a rt W ool home of his brother, Ed Hamlin at D rap ory ................................. 2 3 c Unions .............. 9 6 c the bride, Paul Basford as the groom a new innovation Is being tried Drew, In Douglas county, where he and Carl Olson as the minister. John this year, say committee members. Ladles' Rayon will spend a ten day vacation. Sophomore Pants U ndies .................................... 4 9 c Ketels was the best man and Mrs All Interested parlies are Invited to •5 .0 0 v a l u e .................. $3.50 Leave for Portland— Major and Mrs. Harry Stewart was the maid of honor« attend whether they are students. Sheet and P illo w Cases M. B. Huntly and their daughter. The evening was spent with bridge parents of students or friends An M an ’s W o rk Shoes w ith colored b o rd e r* . . . $1.59 Mrs. Myrtle Leabow. left Springfield follow‘ng the mock wedding. admission charge of 10 cents will be Paruo rd soles ........... ... $1.98 Monday morning for Portland where Mr and Mrs. Whitney were pre collected from all who are not atu- P a rt L inen they will spend ten days on a com­ M an's O xfords— black and tan, Toweling .............................. 20c sented with a sliver creamer, sugar dents to help defray the cost* of G oodyear w a it. No­ bined business ad pleasure trip. bowl, casserole, and tray by their the entertainment. m a rk to la * .................. $2.98 C h ild re n ’s Coat and friends. All Freshman boys have been In Register at Springfield Hotel—C. A. S lip o v e r S w e a te r* $■) .4 9 to $2.49 Those taking pan In the surprise ’ trurled b> ,he,r »»Pert«™ to appear M en ’s* Dress Johnson. Lakeview, Frank Beebe and In knickerbockers and the girl are to Pants ............................. gathering were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred John Marieno, both of San Francisco, Nashua B lankets Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Crites, and I tome dressed In gingham aprons 66 a 80 ............ and W. M. Carlson of Tacoma, Wash $1.79 Men's Dress Mrs Lydia McOowan of Eugene; Mr. inrton were registered at the Spring- M ata $ 1 .9 8 to $4.98 and Mrs. Harry 8tewart. Mr and Mrs Glycerin Mixture Removes Ladles' S trap Pumps and Oxfords field hotel the first of the week. Cause of Stomach Gas In K id , p atent and C a lf Paul Basford, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Suede leathers ............ $2.981° $ 4 . 9 8 Jsoksts .......................... $11.50 Long, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Olson. Simple glycerin, buckthorn bark, CONPAO NA5EL SUMMONS .-aline, etc., as mixed in Adleiika, who a p p e a r* w ith L illia n Gish in "One acts on BOTH upper and lowei In the C irc u it C o urt of the State of OtPT. STORES A tten d O fficers School R o m antic N ig h t" com ing Sunday bowel, removing poisons you never Oregon fo r the County of Lane. Lieutenant Tom Swarts and Second i thought were there and which caused to th e Fox-M eDonald. F. H. COOK. Plaintiff, Lieutenant Walter Gossler attended gns and other stomach trouble. Just ONE spoonful relieves GAS, sour Vt. WANT TO TRADE property at Fall the first meeting of the National stomach, sick headache and constlpa- JAMES S. LYON, or his unknown Guard officers which was held at the City as part payment on ranch , tion. Don’t take medicine which heirs. If deceased; MARY JANET EUGENE 968 Willamette in Springfield or Eugene vicinity. Armory In Eugene on Friday eve- cleans only PART of bowels, but let LYON; HOMER CLINTON LYON and DAVID LOGAN LYON, or Write W. W. Heflin, route 2. Spring nlng. Captain McGee had charge of Adlerlka give you a REAL cleaning ard see how good you feel! It will the unknown heirs of Mary Janet field. 09 the clans. surprise you.— Flanery’a Drug Store. Lyon. Homer Clinton Lyon and David Ix>gan Lyon, and also all other persons unknown claiming any right, title or interest In and to the real property described In the Complaint herein. Defendants. To James S. Lyon, or his unknown heirs. If deceased; Mary Janet Lyon, Homer Clinton Lyon and David Logan Lyon, or the unknown heirs of Mary Janet Lyon, Homer Clinton Lyon and David Ixtgan Lyon, and also all other persons unknows claiming any right, title or Interest in and to the real property described In the Camplaint herein. ........ .............DEFENDANTS: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, Yon are hereby requir­ ed to appear and answer the Com plaint riled against yon In the above Again we offer a club with the state's greatest newspaper, The Oregon­ entitled Court and cause on or before four weeks from the date of the first ian, at a aubatantial saving on the subscription price of both newspapers. publication of this Summons, and If yeu fall so to appear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief pray­ ed for In his complaint on file herein, to-wit: for a decree of this Court decreeing plaintiff to be the owner In fee simple of the premises describ­ DAILY OREGONIAN, 1 year by mail .......... $6.00 ed in the complaint herein, and de­ THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS, 1 year by mail.............. 1.75 Save scribed as follows, to-wit; Commencing at the Northwest $2.25 corner of the Donation land Claim Total .................... $7.75 no. 81 in Section 22, Township 18 South Range Two West of the Circulators take the cold out of your home. Willamette Meridian, In Lane County, Oregon; run thence South on West line of said Claim 19 00 chains; thence East 17 9« chains DAILY and SUNDAY OREGONIAN, 1 year by mail $8.00 to East line of said Claim; thence North 12.34 chains to corner of THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS, 1 year by mail 1.75 Save said Claim; thence North 40 de­ $2.45 grees West 8.70 chains to corner Total ....................... $9.75 of said Claim and thence West 12.36 chains to the place of begin­ ning. all In Lane County, Oregon; and that the defendants have not nor have either of them any right, title, interest or claim to the same, and that the title of the plaintiff he forever quieted as to the said defendants and each of them, and all other persons or parties unknown This Is the greatent news bargain offer before you today—All the claiming any right, title or Interest therein. Reliable well written news both local, state and national at a saving. This Summons Is published once Trade in your old heater as part payment. pach week for fonr successive weeks In the Serlngfleld N pwh , a weekly Terms if desired. newspaper of general circulation, pub- llshd In Lane County. Oregon, tay order of the Honorable G. F. Skip- worth. Judge of the Circuit Court of Lane County, Oregon, which order bears date the 7th day of October. New Subscribers Etart at once. Old Subscribers from date of expiration. 1930. and the date of the first pub­ lication of this Summons Is October N ew s Bargain Offer G ood until O ctober 3 1 ,1 9 3 0 B u r HOW ABOUT MY ( ÔOYS? Bugene SUBSCRIBE NOW AND SAVE H EATER T IM E ! Famous MONTAG CIRCULA TORS In T w o Sizes. Both for $5.50 Both for $7.30 P rice $ 7 0 and $ 8 4 SUBSCRIBE TODAY! WRIGHT & SONS 9th 1930 Attorney for Plaintiff, . . o> M