The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 09, 1930, Image 1

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    o«*»n o >•
m ' i
Try tho H om i
Print Shop F in ì
Heavier Corvallie Squad Defeats School Board Acte on Varied
Locale Laat Week With
Subjects at Meeting Held
Plan to Make Springfield Air*
8core of 37 to 0.
Monday Night
port Terminal for Four*Way
______ _ ___
Outweighed 20 pounds to the man | Permission was granted the Parent-
and _____
Build . Hanger«
The fire department Is now located
In the new location between Sixth
and Seventh on F street and the fire
telephone Is 8, the same as It always
has been.
Another telephone with
the number 80, has been Installed In
the same bullutng and any calls of
any nature other than firs alarms
must be made over the 60 telephone
according to Hugh Jollff. He says
that he will refuse to tala to anyone
who calls on 6 for other than alarm
H a ra
la S .m n n r tL o
I tba l,,b ta r »Prlngfleld team bowed In Teacher association to take the annual
8 U p p 0 r U d ’ C o n tr a C t| lefral to the heavier C orv.llU squad school census (h l. year Instead ot
1» Signed.
An a ir
te r m in a l a t
| In the opening game for both schools hiring designated Indlvlduala to do
a n r t .e ff .m
i wbkh waa p,aX*d al Corvallis Iasi the work as has been done during
which p la o aX heVaa
S I Fr,,tay a fl' rooou
Tb" ,lM l « » « ’ “ »• vast X«ars by the school board
A a ,
Z ‘
87 to 0. The Contains team was at their meeting held Monday eve-
o«. .
r’ r
Transportation com- tt„ BbU ,o register one p„,nl ln thalr nlng In Dr. Pollar’d s office. Funds
h ’f / “ T * * ' * “ andora* , by
attempts to kick goal, being blocked usually expended for this work will
.n’ J in “ " « "
eOm“ arc* a‘ * called Lsch , , me by
Hpr1ngfl.ld players be turned Into the P.-T A. treasury
The signal system between the
n irh i
“*■* A ‘a r«" percentage of the high school The census must be «completed the power house and the fire station has
airport commllts. w u Instructed to
agent laxly made the trip to the last week In October
not been moved from the city hail
Any fire
J ,h i MF B* ,, n ,U , n br‘®flng Benton county school for the game
Permission was granted
th e Is tn e and will not be.
about ths planned service here.
h M t w„„i,
wlth „
granted the Lane worthy of sounding the alarm can
Two b seven
wUh I County
e ^ . d passenger
oui“ S t Zenith
S ’ L r nlanes
t fe d , k a 7 .
Z ‘ 7 ' U” pI 'r
b® of the
«®d Red
be seen from Main street and the
night watchman can give the alarm
from the city hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jollff have
moved Into their new residence quar­
ters above the station.
Hprtngfleld airport.
game of th . season proven to be an
*Ch° ° l‘ ware aUowed
While tha company Is already fl- , ddw| handicap to the Springfield
"U,n. '
” purcha’ ,n«
nanced and own their airplanes Mr I
w h lch Is composed mostly of
Additional sum.
Bennet s plans call for local coopera green material. They showed a lot Wer’ <ranl'‘<’ U” ’ <rade "'h 00'“ for
(Ion through the purchase of some of fight I . tbs game, and their coach, P "
purcb“ '“ < »«••*“ ' "upp«‘®a
slock In his company.. He asks for Naval May, Is well pi*nsrd with the
Naw •"•»ranee Needed Soon
Si local people to Invest 3136 each result
A lar6e «mount of the Insurance
» In the enterprise In order to Insure
on the schools lapses soon according
conUnued support of ths community
J u n c tio n City Hers Friday
to Dr. Pollard, chairman of the board
Tacoma, Olympia, CbehaMs, lx>ng I AI1 ,ayaa ar® turn*d toward« June- and the matter of renewing It was
view, Corvallis, Portland, Medford. L *011 C,ty ,hto w" * k T h ** aennd their discussed but no action was taken
Marshfield and Bend have already taa,n ,o ,bla cUy ,or lb® ,lrat bon>® This will be discussed further at
pledged their support under similar <aD1* h* r" 00 Friday. Both of theae another meeting of the board
arrangements. A contract has been P * * “ ’ ar* ’ uM* ®’ ®nly ",a,cbod and
The board also granted the use ot
signed by Mr. Bennstt and the air “ ton
" ®aP*ct* d-
the , chool buildings for election pur­
port committee whereby the Spring
Junction City, like Springfield high poses and for the Lane County 1. O.
field airport will
be used aa a tar school, has been using part time O. r. which meets here October 30.
mlnal If the local
support to secured coaching staffs for several years, but I A large number of bills for new
Member, of th . airport committee are the ruling passed last year whereby equipment, especially the furnishings
now interviewing
local people In an the athletic coach must be a full-time for the two new rooms fitted up this
effort to pledge the required It.
member of the staff stopped thia pro- fall, were presented and ordered paid
I ceedure. In Springfield the coach has j by the members.
been a University senior who devoted
Measles Cause Discussion
I half days to the work here, in June-
What threatened to be a measles
IUKA CIRCLE IN CITY 'volunUry ¿ ¡ L . * ' M w d T ’ ealley I X e d ' u ‘i ”
M° Dd,y
... - -.
' .
r . oanc-7, i proved to be several cases of another
A movement 1. now under way In C a T k X w " Z . m X T k X t t ' ! dl” ‘ "e Wh'Ch " ° n'7 ’ U«ht,y COnta<
thia city to revive tbs organisation
for governor has been servlna
as 'OU’ Und<,r certaln clrcumsUnces, ac-
of Iuka circle number >8 of th . Ladle.
volunteer coach until this season
M to l'te n “ <£, | Pol“ r'’; h* a” * °««<*r.
of the Orand Army of tha Republic
Ml" Jan® OaT,n- county health nurse,
according to Mrs. C. F. Egglman, state
Many Coming for Gams
* “ called to visit the schools Tuee-
president of the group, who Is lead-.
Friday will start at 8:18 day ,o ex* “ lne all children suspected
Ing In the reorganisation efforts here. and w,n
Played at the Brattaln l,f baT,n* «“ X sickness She sent ten
A committee consisting of Mrs. f,a,d- A **’* • number of local bust- hom® and declared that she would
Bert Doane, Mrs Ethel Jollff. and "essmen »re expected to attend the r#tuni lat8r to mak® another examine
Mrs. Edith Laxton has been appointed ,a m ® Word ,rom Junction City 1« t,on Tb* ° “ >X ca"» of measles which
to Interview all former members and ,o tb® • Kacl that th® students at ,b ® ,ound w«s • small tfrl who had
to seek out others who are eligible ,b® ««hool will be dismissed early had th* m but wbo had returned to
to become members of the grop In and wlu com® bar* ln • bodX for "cbo°l
the event a circle Is started here ,b® tame. 8chool officials here hope
ITIncipels at the schools and the
,ba "«me situation does not prevail paarhers have all been Instructed to
The group here disbanded about ,b ,t daX •« dld • ! Corvallis where notify the health officer whenever a
three years ago when attendance be ,b® T,alt°rs outnumbered the towns- ®tud®nt ,how’ Indications of being ill,
cams very light. Meetings were held «*op>®
PoUard- a<aln ,aaued a » " n ln g
In ths afternoons and It Is now pro-
The starting lineup against Corvallis to
e parents
children who have
posed to hold them In the evenings. » « • Lynch, center; Harald Geiger,
. ^®," ,nd,,I« them tha‘ they are
thus drawing better crowds.
left guard; Carl Wagner, right guard; *ab,e t0 a f,na lf tbay do not r®P°rt
Any woman or girl who Is a direct I>ean Anderson, left tackle; Verral * UC
*° h*n# ° r th* county
line decendant of a Civil war veteran McFarland, right tackle; Dalton Thur- baa tb ofnc*r, regardless of
may belong to the group. Olrls of
left end; Bert Tomseth, right | ‘ bey_baTe a phXa‘cian In attendance
14 years are now eligible, according |®nd'• Hersey Tomseth. guard; Lloyd or not.
Frase. quarter; A lo lao ' Manwaring, I "Tbere are a®T#ral c“ ®’ of m®*«’®a
to Mrs. Eggltnann.
right half; and Ed Tomseth. fullback; ,n ,b® c,tjr- but tbey are a” <!“"•«»-
Rill Bird,
R lrd Ware
W a r « and
an d , , l n ‘‘d - ln ao f * r aa I know,” stated
Dorman Chase
Chase, Bill
«a, aa^asevaw I McPh' r* ’n al> “ » ae“°n «b® «a">® J ^e“ th °ff‘Cer Wh° ‘ la° ■a‘<1, “ther*
IN EUGENE ON MONDAY , at Corvallis as substitutes.
| • * baoIu‘ ®ly «O epidemic of the dis
Mrs. Ethel Platt passed away at the ■
Pacific Christian hospital in Eugene K E N S IN G T O N
ease and strict enforcement of the
law Is sought to prevent one
The school board will hold another
meeting next week.
Monday afternoon, October 7, 1880.
She became seriously 111 about one
month ago from which she never re-1 Eighteen members of the Kenslng-1 MRS. POLLARD ENTERTAINS
covered. 9he was the youngest child I ton c,uh met at the home of Mrs.
u iit u
of the late Perry Edmlston's family I B. C. Wright laat Friday for the first I
and has resided In Thurston her en-1 meeting of the fall season. They ,
tire life. She was a member of the elected Mrs. Levi Neet, president;
H - I’oll»rd entertained a
Christian church.
Mrs. J. T. Moore, vice-president; Mr«. ?T0“,P of ten
her friends at an old
Who leave, to mourn her loss her H. W. Whitney, reporter and Mrs. [aah“’n®d
>tln« P " ty at her home
husband. Walter matt; three sons, IC . B. Kenyon, secretary-treasurer.
aBt ,P'. U waa an aU-dax
Carl, Kenneth and Roy Platt; also her The next meeting of the club will
a,falr be«,nn “ g in the forenoon and
mother, Mrs. Jennie Edmlston; two he held October 18 at the home of continuing all day. A regular olff
sisters, Mrs. Flora Price and Mrs. Mrs. W. N. Dow. It will start with faahloned d,nnar » • • ««rved at noon
Those Invited for the event were
Rosa Baughman; and three brothers, a 1:00 o’clock luncheon. Mrs. Dow
Mrs. Ira Gray and Mrs. Chris Hanson
Walter. John and Roy Edmlston, be- will b8 «»slsted by Mrs. Whitney, aa-
of Thurston; Mr«. C. E. Steen. Jr.
sldee many other relatives and a host | »Istant hostess,
and Mrs. C. E. Steen, Sr. and Mrs
of friends. The funeral was held at
Carrie Boesen of Eugene; and Mrs.
Walker chapel In Springfield Wednee BIRTHDAY DINNER GIVEN
N. W. Emery,
Mrs. S. Ida
r. H arry Benton I
Olson, Mrs.
S. Ganta
Potter, Mrs
of Eugene officiated. Interment was
made In the Mount Vernon cemetery.
H. S. Team Plays P. T.A. To Take
Here Tomorrow Cent us For School
A birthday dinner honoring Earl
H ill of Cottage Grove was given here
Sunday by Mrs. Rile, S-odgrass, sis-
Mrs. A. B. Van Valsah.
ter of Mr. Hill. Those Invited for | MANY PEOPLE LAST WEEK
the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Hill,
A colored quartet from the Colored I Jud McQue®n’ Cotta«® a™ ™ : Mr. and I Nearly all of the school teachers
Mrs. A. M. Snodgrass and two sons, I ,n the city schools and a large num
Baptist church In Portland « ill come
of Shedd; Mr. and Mrs. Riley Snod- j her of parents and other Interested
to Springfield on Sunday, October 18,
cltlsena attended the annual reception
to assist in the rally day p ™ « and dau«ht®r- Maxine,
which the members of the Parent-
at the Christian church according < ® ,B . D T IO T
a rv it
Teacher association gave last Thurs­
an announcement made here today. I BAPTIST LADIES AID
day evening for the faculty members.
They are under the dllrectlon of Clar-1
RE-ELECTS ALL OFFICERS A pleasing program was presented by
ence Elvey and will bring their own
local people and refreshments were
accompanist. They will sing during I Mr«. Ada McPherson was chosen .
the Bunday school hour on that day president of the Baptist Ladles" Aid | en,oyea ar,"r ' h,, Proiram.
which begins at 8:46.
at their meeting last week. The other
Has Birthday
This Is the same group which sang officers are Mrs. Wallace Hawke, vlce-
at the Chltstlan church In Eugene sev- president; Mrs. Leona Stacey, secre-
John Richard, the four-year-old eon
eral years ago at the time that a tary; and Mrs. L. A. Tobias, treas I of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Larson, ob­
statewide Sunday school attendance | urer.
served his birthday laat week with
record was established. More detaila
AU of the officers held their re- a family dinner which was attended
of the rally day program will be an-1 spectlve officers last year and were by several of his aunts and uncles
nounced next week.
I re-elected for another year.
I and grandparents.
The change ln location was made
at the request of Mayor W. P. Tyson
who says that more room Is needed
at the city hall and a lower salary
Is paid the fire chief by providing
him with free rent and other inci­
- 1
Neal Pederson, ten-year-old student
at the Brattaln school, son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Pederson, narrowly
escaped serious Injury to his back
and poslble deoth at the Lincoln
school when he and the bicycle on
which he and his brother, John were
riding was accidently rnn over by
Miss Ooldle Smith of Eugene as she
was leaving the school grounds.
He suffered many body bruises and
a few lacerations about the back, but
no bones were broken. The boy was
rushed to a local doctor's office who
examined him and took him home
where he will have to remain ln bed
for possibly two weeks while his In­
juries are recovering.
"Ths P««pi«’a Paper**
Lincoln Students
Start Club W ork
Thrnn Boys and One Girl 4-H
Groups Organized at School
Dallas Murphy Acquiree Half
This Week.
Interest in Both Grocery and
Feed Store as Result of Sate;
Three boys and one girls Four-H
Give Up Red and White Mem­
clubs are starting tall activities at
the Lincoln school this week and have bership: Staff Unchanged.
a combined membership of 46 stu­
Mrs. O. H. Jarrett Is the leader of
the girls sewing group which will meet
tonight at her home tor their organ­
ization meeting. The members of this
group are Winifred Franz, Velma
Peddlcord, Viola Robertson, Alice
Neet. Lorna Chase, Ethel Hall, Enda
Severson, Mary Young, Ruth Pollard.
Juanita Wilson, and Margaret Jarrett
The Camp Cooking group organised
last night with Roy P. Qulney as
leader. Their officers are Dick Wright,
president; Charles Maxwell, vice-
president and Verlln Posey, secretary.
The members of the club are Hay
Wright, Carl Stevenson, Woodrow
Ware, Franklin Wardlow, Irvin Dorr,
Anton UchytiL Charles Maxwell, John
Dale Adams, Eugene MaLosh, Allen
Sneed, Dlsque Smith, Irvin House,
Dick Wright, Charles Cole, Verlln
Posey. Carter Hartman and Edwin C.
Miller, Jr.
Lawrence Mofflt, principal of the
school, leader of the rabbllt and
bachelor sewing clubs.
The members of the Bachelors sew­
ing club are Edwin Miller, Dlsque
Smith, Allen Sneed, Kenneth Walker,
Carl Stevenson, Dick Wright. Anton
Uchytil, Charles Cole and Holland
Farnsworth. They have not organ­
ized and selected officers y e t
The officers of the rabbit clnb are
Jack Pederson, president; James Gott,
vice-president; and Louis Tnhy sec­
retary. The members are Lloyd Harris,
Edwin Miller, Charles Uchytil, Ken­
neth Cox; James Gott, Jack Pederson,
and Louis Tnhy.
All of the clubs will hold meetings
weekly and will carry on work re­
quired for the completion of individ­
ual Four-H projects.
A, R. Gray of Eugene, announced
the sale yesterday of bis store ln
thia city together with his grocery
stores In Cottage Orove, Eugene and
the Producers Public market build­
ing to Merwin R. Irish of Salem,
owner of a group ot stores In 8alem,
Lebanon, Brownsville, Toledo, Dallas,
and Corvallis. The acquisition of the
stores ln the upper Willamette valley
now makes Mr. Irish the manager
of 12 stores in this state.
Coming at the uune time as the
announcement of the sale was a state­
ment that Manager Dallas B. Murphy
has purchased a half Interest In the
grocery store In this city from Mr.
Irish and that he will also have a
half Interest In the feed store here
with A. R. Gray, who retain« his feed
store and feed warehouse la Eugene.
No changes in the staffs of either
of the stores here la contemplated
as a result of the new deal, accord-
to Mr. Murphy. The «tore will be
operated In the same manner ln which
It always has with the exception that
Mr. Murphy will have a financial in­
terest in the business which he did
not have before.
All of the stores will be operated
under the name, Gray’s Cash Stores
for the present, and Mr. Irish la
reported to be considering moving
his headquarters from Salem to Eu­
The local store ceases to be a Red
and White store with the new owner­
ship. Mr. Irish has his own buying
channels which he thinks are superior
to the Red and White arrangement.
Mr. Irish waa with the Gray store
in Eugene from 1818 until 1888 in the
capacity of an employee and waa a
partner ln the business between 1823
and 1884.
{♦unday will be promotion day at
the Christlaln church and a special
A few spotted fires, mute reminders
program has been planned by the of
fleers for the event. The regular
Sunday school classes will meet at
8:46 and at 10:30 the Promotion day
exercises will be started with a song
by the primary department. Irene
Anderson will give a reading and Mur­
iel Tyson will sing a solo. "Suffer The
Little Children to Come Unto Me.
This will be followed by a demonstra­
tion of work by the graduates of the
various departments and the presenta­
tion of certificates of promotion.
There will be regular preaching
services In the morning and evening
and the choir will sing the anthem,
O. Magnify the Lord,”’ by Nolte, at
the morning hour.
Members ot the Methodist mission­
ary society were entertained at a
silver tea Tuesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. A. B. Van Valsah, presi­
dent of the group. Mrs. Wm. Gants
lead the reading program which was
prepared by Mrs. Wm. Hughes, pro­
gram chairman.
of one of the worst biases to visit
this city for many years, still smoul­
der in the grain pits of the Spring-
field Mill and Grain company which
was almost completely destroyed by
fire on the night of September It .
Workmen have completed their task
of sacking and disposing of whatever
could be salvaged from the water-
soaked remains, and only one or two
men are working about the ruins now
salvaging what metal parts, such as
wheels and shafts, as can be used
Experienced firemen say that it
may be months yet before the last
smouldering sparh dies. Fire In bran
and other prepared feeds which were
in the bins la almost impossible to
extinguish until It has burned Itself
out they say.
All about the ruins one can now
see a multitude of green sprouts which
are rai’ lng their heads to say that
life Is still victorious over the ele­
Plans were discussed for a study
course to be undertaken and a com­
mittee consisting of Mrs. Hughes, Mrs.
Emma Olson and Mrs. Wm. Maybe
was appointed to Investigate courses
and report at the next meeting.
James Ward, until recently a resi­
dent of Eugene, was arrested on the
streets of Springfield Tuesday eve­
ning on a charge of drunkenness and
possession of liquor after a -«-» tv
which proved quite exciting to the by­
standers for some time. He was kept
In the city jail over night ««id was
taken to Eugene Wednesday where
he plead guilty ln the court o£ Harold
Wells, justice of the peace, who fined
him 3200 and sentenced him to 30
days ln the county jail where he la
being held.
According to officers an-estlng the
man, he was erased with drink and
insisted on going to Eugene on the
bus. He even climber on the hood of
the large vehicle and It required sev­
eral men to take him to the Jail and
lock him up tor the night.
General damages la the sum of
36,000 and special damages of 3647
are sought by Mrs. C. F. Bggimann
ln a anlt filed against Lane county
laat week as a consequence of In­
juries sustained ln an accident which
took place a t 8:30 on the afternoon
of April 34, at the Intersection of
Polk and Sixth streets ln Eugene. The
automobile which she waa driving was
struck by a truck belonging to Lane
county which was being driven by
George W. Mingus. Immel and Evans
are the attorneys for the plaintiff.
The date ot the tria l win probably
be determined this week.
A delegation from the Juanita Re­
bekah lodge of Springfield motored
to Cottage Grove Friday evening to
attend the meeting of the group there
and to tell them of the County con­
vention which Is to be held in Spring-
field on October 80. Those who at­
tended the meeting were Mr. and Mrs.
OF METHODIST SERMON C. P. Poole. Mrs. Fred Walker, Mrs
Wanda Barnes, Mrs. Clarence Put
“Shall We Discard the Old Testa man, and the Mlssee Dorothy and
ment?” will be the subject of the Doris Girard. Mr. Poole Is president
morning sermon at the Methodist of the county organisation.
church on Sunday according to Rev.
C. J. Pike, pastor. The Sunday school SPRINGFIELD GARAGE HAS
meets at 8:46 with Mrs. Ida Gants
In charge. In the evening the Ep­
worth league will meet at 6:80. The
A new front entrance to the Spring-
pastor will preach on the sublect field garage was put In last week,
The monthly district meeting of the
"Urging Christ” at the evening serv­ thereby eliminating the necessity of American Legion will be held in
ices at 7:80.
going Into the side of the building Springfield on Wednesday evenlcs.
to get Into the office of the garage. October 16, commencing at 8:06 o’­
The entrance consists of a single door clock. No program la prepared In
AN EVENT OF SUNDAY between the two large glass windows. advance of these meetings, various
business problems are usually dis­
cussed and other dlslcusslona are held.
To Address FvT. A. Group
The marriage of Rose Tuhy, daughi
Dr. Carl H. Phetteplace, former Refreshments will be served during
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tuhy of
this city, to John Uchytil, also a Springfield physician who recently the evening.
Springfield resident, was an event of
Sunday. Following the marriage cere­
mony friends of the couple held a
large dance In the empty store build­
ing at the corner of Third and B
streets South.
moved hie practice to Eugene, will
be the speaker at the meeting of
in Eugene thia afternoon at 8:00
the P.-T. A of the Condon school
o”clock. His subject will he, "Health
of the Child.”
The poets represented In this dis­
trict and which will be send delegatee
for the meeting are Eugene, Cottage
Lebanon, Monroe, Toledo,
Brownsville, Albany, Corvallis, New­
port. Junction City and Springfield.