I THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2. 1930 4 TOW N AND V IC IN IT Y To In U r School liny Hiulth loft Visitor from Jasper—M. K. Rine­ Tuomloy for Portland whera ho will hart of Jaaper waa a vlaltor In Spring- entor a trad« school. field Tueaday. Attend« Fain- Mr«. F. 11. Flanary At Salam Tuesday—Mr. and Mrs. and hor chlldrun drove to Halom Sat­ C. E. Kenyon spent Tuesday at Salem urday to attond the alata fair. looking after bualneaa affairs. At Salem- John Nice and family Hara from Shedd Mrs. A. M Snod­ «pent Haturday at tho HI ate fair at grass or Shedd waa a vlaltor In Spring Halem. field on Friday. Vielt from J««per*~Mr, and Mra. Jasper People Hare -Mr. and Mrs. Maurice llllla of Jaapur were visitor« Muurlre Hills of Jaaper were visitors In Hprlngfleld on Monday. In Springfield on Monday. * Tranacta Bualneee L. A. Cxinditt Spand Week end Hara— Mr. and Mra. or Route S. Eugene, tranaarter bu«l- L K. Poaver of Wealflr spent the uoaa In Hprlngfleld on Monday. weekend here aa guests of Mr. and Mra. Joe Trlnka. Hae Meaalea Everett ('hetwood la III at hla homo here with an attack Teacher Ñamad - Misa Ethel Mason, of the meaalea. Cnlveralty student, la taking charge of the lower grad gymnasium work Vielta Saturday Mra O. M itrlgga at the Lincoln school this year. of Cheahlre vlalted friend» In thia city on Haturday. Attends Fair—Dr. and Mra. W. C. Itebhan and Mr. and Mra. W. C. Tem­ Mere from Brownville— Mra. J. C. pleton of Brownsville attended the Cochran of Brownville waa a vlaltor »late fair at Huh-ni on Friday. In Hprlngfleld on Monday evening Visits Parangs- Ray Casteel of Port­ Vlalte from Sutherlin Mra. B, F. land waa In Springfield Sunday for Him peon of Hutherlln vlalted with a ahofl visit with hla parents. Mr. frlenda In Hprlngfleld on Monday and Mra. Virgil Casteel. Vielt« Saturday—I* <’ Holden of Under goes Operation—C. A. Ix*wts Waltervllle waa a vlaltor In Spring- of Camp Creek underwent a major field on Haturday. operation at the Eugene hospital on Donna Raaldent Here— l-ee geavey of Donna waa a bualneae vlaltor In Hprlngfleld on 'Monday morning < PAGE FIVE THE 8PRJNOK1EI.Ü NEWS HARDEN WARNER WEDDING LANE COUNTY GETS FUNDS OBSERVED ON SUNDAY FROM I UTO LICENSE FEES A very pretty wedding took place at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon Sep­ tember 26 at tbe home of Mr. and Mra. Delbert Harden when their daughter, Mary, became the bride of Doraaea Warner of Fall Creek. The house waa artistically decorated with daisies and pink dahlias .nd the cere­ mony was performed In the archway of the Harden living room. Rev W. A. Elkins of Eugene performed the ceremony. The bride, who wore a crepe-satin drees of pale peach simply made, hanging to the ankles, wore no veil. Her bridesmaid, Mlsa Helen Thomp­ son of Eugene, wore a dainty flowered voile. Harold King acted as best man. After the ceremony, which waa per­ formed In the presence of relative» and a few frlenda. light refreshments were served. The bridal couple left for a short honeymoon trip to T ri­ angle I^ake. Mias Harden, who waa raised at Pleasant Hill, la a graduate of the Pleasant H ill high school and of the music school of tbe bible University of Eugene, She Is an accredited teacher of music and has a large class of pupils In Pleasant Hill, Springfield and Eugene. Mr Warner Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Warner of Fall Creek and haa employment at the new Lowell Union high school. Mr and Mra. Warner will make their home at Lowell. Saturday. Lane county wus third again thia period In the amount of money re­ ceived from the state automobile li­ cense fund when that was distributed on Monday by the Secretary of State. Thia county received a total of >104.- 230 aa Ita share of the funds for the third quarter. Multnomah and Marion counties erceeded the Lane county re­ ceipts. Of the sum received here >101,320.94 came from the auto license fund, while the other >2,930.00 was collected from transportation lines operating In this county. The funds will be used to pay off Interest on road bonds according to the county treasurer. The county now has >1,291,100 outstanding road bonds and will have to pay >32.277.60 In­ terest on these for the second half of the year soon. The total receipts from the license fund for tbe state were >3.046.682.88. Transportation companies paid >216.- 778.97. KENSINGTON CLUB MEETS AT WRIGHT HOME HERE Mrs. H. C. Wright will entertain the members of the Kensington club at their first meeting since last spring at her home here Friday aftrnoon. No special plans have been made for the flrat meeting according to Mrs. Wright. The usual luncheon will be served. ... . IJ g " 1 Fall Creak People Hare— Mra. R. W, Oakridge Man Hera— Ed Clark of Oakridge transacted business I n Calltaon and her daughter, Gwendolyn, Springfield on Tuesday. He operates of Fall Creak ware vtattora In this city on Monday morning. a service station at Oakridge. Cool Weather— Slow Motor Use General Ethyl gasoline and your car will start ag quick as with ordinary gas on a summer’s day. General Fthyl Is science’s latest contribution to the motor world and it is fast becoming the most popular gasoline. This station is always prepared to «erre you— right now. “A ” Street Service Station To Make if That Impression ” A NEW SUIT and OVERCOAT You can always tell a fellow has that ‘‘well-groomed” look. And when It comes to clothes that give that ‘‘groomed-to-the-mlnute” appearance . . . these SUITS and OVERCOATS score “aces-hlgh.” Miss Cos to Marry Has Major Operation— Mra. John Construction C rew H ere Relatives here have received word You might mistake them for higher priced garments, for they Woodard of Cottage Grove underwent The construction crew of the Moun that Mlsa Ardts Cox, daughter of Mrs are styled so smartly, and the fabrics are so good, but . . . during. Vlalted Frlenda—N. A. Batchelder a major operation at the Eugene hos­ James Cox of San Bernardo, Califor­ tain States Power company is spend­ of Walltervllle vlalted frlenda In thia pital os Monday forenoon. B R E IE R DAYS nia, has announced her engagement ing several days In Springfield re­ city on Monday Quetta at Dinner—Dr. and Mra. W. to Mr. Raymond Fletcher at a large pairing power lines and putting In Cornea to Portland - Waller Aldrich II Pollard were dinner gueata at the party held In »hat city. Miss Cox new poles. of Portland waa a vlaltor In thia city home of Mr. and Mra. V. O. McElhaney •s a niece of Mra. Frank Fisher and on Monday evening The occasion Frank and Jesse Hmltaon Her father I 2 Classes Water, Not Too laat week-end. Values to $35. — $20.00 waa Mra. Pollard'« birthday. wss In business In Springfield for Cold, Help Constipation Thuraton Realdent Hara— Mra 8. Values to $30. — $16.75 many years and Miss Cox went to $16.75 to $19.75 Assisting at Power Office— Francis W Rlchardaon of Thuraton vlalted 1 cl’ool here. Values to $25. — $13.95 U k e V ’î ï * ° f W“ter *’ DOt en°o ih — Beal Is taking the place of H. Scbaf- with frlenda In thia city on Monday b^eakft.» v e’ * h16 scholar­ $30.00 Men’s All Wool Overcoats____$17.98 $3.50 to $5.00 Ladies Kid Gloves...... .. .$1.48 ship at the Four-H Rummer school Attend »«ate Fair—Mr. and Mr«. $3.75 Men’s Heavy Work Shoes............ $2.69 $1.50 Fast color House Dresses .............. 98c I. M. Peteraon and Mr. and Mr«. C. at Corvallis by preparing a dinner 1 GROUP HATS $12.50 Men’s 16-inch high top Shoes, R. Wheaton motored to Salem Sun­ for four people with foods coating $2.50 Ladles G a lo sh e s............................ .$1.98 best m a k e s................................................$8.98 Crown Jewel Cotton B atts__________ ___ 39c leas than >1.00. day and attended the state fair. Thia la the third year la succession $6.00 Men’s Dress Shoes or Oxfords......$3.96 $4.50 to $5.00 Woolens, Serges, Coat Ma­ FUR COLLAR AND Hood Rlvar People Here— Mr. and now that Lane county Four-H club CUFF SETS $2.50 Boys Sweaters ................. $1.48 terials, flannels, at less than y2 price, «Ira. F. Clyde Slmpaon and daughters, bera have won the trip to Chicago, Trim up your old Coat 54 inches ....... $1.98 Betty and Maxine, of Hood River, Lots Bailey waa the winner laat yea* $2.50 Boys Wool or Corudroy Pants $1.98 were visitors at the D. B. Murphy with a canning demonstration. $4.00 Boys Dress or Work Shoes..........$2.98 $4.50 and $5.00 Ladies Shoes, latest RAINCOATS home du-lng the week-end. styles ....... $2.98 M en ’s S u its I M en ’s C o a ts an d T o p c o a ts national IT FULOP’S Vi Big Savings For Autumn Days! Here Are a Few Money Saving Prices! y CO ATS Hate and Dresses $14.98 $5.98 $1.98 SPRINGFIELD WOMAN IS Vlalta Mother— Miss Maurlne Lom­ ON FACULTY AT E. B. U. bard spent the week-end here visiting at the home Oi her mother, Mrs. Flora Mrs. Clara Tuttle Fenton of thia Lombard, and her brother, Frank. Miss Iximbard Is teaching high school city has started her fifth year as a teacher of piano at the Eugene Bible nt North Bend. University In Eugene. Mrs. Fenton will Move Baok—My. and Mre. Mark continue to devote Monday of each Perry have moved back Into their week to private Inatructlon at her home In this city after having «pent home at 62 E street, ahe haa an­ She recently accepted a about nine months In Portland where nounced. Mr. Perry owned a drug atore for position as pianist for the Methodist church of this city. several months. Children’s Ralnhats FREE with each Raincoat SILK HOSE SPECIAL 98c 8th Ave. Hat1 and Dress Shop Eugene, Ore.42 8th Ave. Went. We give 8. & H. Green Stamp« Boys Raincoats, fine grade...................... $1.98 Boys Overalle. bell bottom........................_...98c Boys Flannel S h ir ts ................... 69c 25c yard-wide Outing FlanneL................... 16c $1.00 Ladles Silk and Wool H ose................ 50c In every department we offer bargains by the hundreds. Let us show you mean real bargains that the people of Springfield have never seen before. FULOP’S Department Store 334 Main St. ‘THE STORE OF BARGAINS’