PAGE POUR THURSDAY. OCTOBER 2. IMO. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS . J " 1.. " " j . t '. ■ 1 DR. REBHAN ADDS NEW X-RAY TO EQUIPMENT The theory of the Soviet governm ent of Russia seem s to be that if every econom ic institution SprlugHeld. Lane County, Oregon, by A hit,* model x ray nutchliiv linn in the world can be destroyed, in som e m ysterious bsen added to (he office equipment T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS i way the "com m on people*' will be benefltted Rohhun The equip­ H. E. MAXEY. Editor thereby. It is based on the old M arxiain Socialist of Hr. W ment arrived during the week-end and idea th a t human* n a tu re is essentially honest, Entered as sesond class matter. February >4. ISOS, at the capable and industrious and th at, given a chance workmen were hnay (he first purl poatufftce, Springfield, Oregon. at his own share of th e w orld”« w ealth, every of the week aaaambllng (he machine m an would keep his hands off the other fellow's .»ml testing It. The new machine re- M A IL SU B SC R IPTIO N R A TE , I places the older model which l>r One Year In A dvan ce____ SI.75 Three Months ----- 76c share, do his own sh are of the w orld’s work, and Itelihan ha« been using tor some Unit. 81x Months ...... ...... ...... 61.90 Single Copy ............... 6c all would be happy. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at T H l’RSDAY. OCTOBER I. 1930 ROOM FOR MORE GOOD HENS Kill every hen in Oregon and th ere would be no effect on the world price of eggs. Even If poultry is a rapidly grow ing industry bringing millions intq the sta te there is no danger of it becoming overdone. T here h as never been a tim e in the last 23 years when a good hen could not pay her way. These are som e of the s ta te ­ m ents m ade by H. E. Cosby, poultry specialist from the Oregon S ta te college, before the Lane cham ber of com m erce. The poultry industry in Lane county bids to ran k am ong the first within th e next decade Capable poultrym en will m ake som e money with high quality producing flocks especially those with lots of good hens. • • • DOUGLAS SHIRKS ON ROOSEVELT ROAD T he situation in Douglas county whereby the county court has refused to allocate m oney for the Roosevelt highw ay until o th er roads have been built will be regarded with in terest th ro u g h ­ out the state. T he highw ay com m ission, unable to persuade Douglas county, have sought the G overnor’s aid and he has appealed to the county court in an open letter. By the end of this year the Roosevelt highw ay costing millions of dollars will be all com plete or under c o n tra ct with the exception of four and one half miles in Douglas county. W hether the sta te can force Douglas county to spend m oney for a sta te road is problem lcal. R ight now it seem s th a t Douglas county would ra th e r see a road up the North Umpqua to Dia­ mond Lake, even with Reedsport her second city standing to benefit greatly by th e Roosevelt highw ay com pletion. Phil M etschan. who played on W illam ette uni- versity’ s first football team and is now a tru stee of th at institution, created in terest here am ong the M ethodist college g rad u ates last Thursday. Mr. M etschan stands to m ake a good governor. His interest in education, his tra in in g for law. his service as a bank director and a com m issioner of the Port of Portland, in addition to his hotel business gives him a broad un d erstan d in g of state-w ide problem s. An air tra n sp o rt com pany o perating betw een S eattle and Los Angeles rep o rts having carried 4300 passengers already this year. This is twice the num ber carried all last year. T ruly we a re not aw are of the increased business going on over ou r heads. If science keeps on it will some day replace a m an ’s heart with an electric m otor. B reathing was restored to a paralyzed person in Chicago recently by an artificial device and it is said th a t the p atien t h as a fair chance of recovery. • The horse was once m onarch of th e highway but now he is no more safe th an th e perestrian. A bay ventured forth on the Pacific highway a few days ago, collided with an autom obile and ’vss killed. The text Mr. Meier said he discussed when he was closeted in P ortland with the power barons was “Fir Tex.” However, som e people are inclined to believe th ey talked politics. Contest will be on for all city offices a t elec­ tion. C ontets usually m ake for responsible city .governm ent. Many the best m an win. PINKY DINKY RUSSIA IN T H E WHEAT MARKBT Vialta Brother- Il M RU-e la a guest at the home of his brother, M A. Rico, thia week. Mr, Rice operale» a summer reaort nt Dia­ mond leike and haa recently cloaed I for the avnaon. - • Haa Opacatle»» Mr» If. 8 Mar riant of Goshen admitted to a major opera Pun nt the 1'aelflr t ’hrlatlan hospital In Eugene on Thursday of last week. She la recovering nicely according Io her attending phyalclan. » N O T IC E TO APPEAR In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lane. Coming to T H E S T A T E O F OREGON, Plaintiff, vs. It ha« many new Improveenta and Oils' 1934 Model Dodge Touring auto­ The theory is as w rong-headed as its au th o r. features which the other machine, mobile, 1930-31 Oregon License num her 171 646. Engine Number A24363, Everybody who know s anything about hum an which has been »old to another doctor, W. O. Skaggs, Bill Gulley, and S n a tu re know s th at is not the way h u m a n if is i did not have, and can he used »all» Furman. constituted. Everybody who knows anything I factory for almost any photographic Defendants. about econom ics know s that the wav to b Uhl work TO W O, Skaggs. Bill Gulley. B Special Attention Furman, and T o W H O M IT MAY up prosperity is net to begin bv tearing down to the foundations of indust-v and business But Look» Attar Buslnasa Mra. Minnie CO N C ER N Defendants IN T I I E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E the little Socialist clique which lust now dom in­ Calkins of Albany was a visitor In) O F O REG ON: Internal Medicine a tes the millions of unintelligent R ussian peas­ Springfield the first of the week You, and each of you. are hereby an ts—dom inates them by force Is trying to te a r looking after business details. She notified, and w ill take notice that the following described personal property, DOES NOT OPERATE down th e world's econom ic foundation in the waa a guest at the home of her , to-wit: hope of m aking everybody who w orks so d issatis­ brother Robert t’arr. while In the One 1924 Model Dodge Tour fied th at they will all become revolutionists m d city. W ill be at Ing automobile 1930-1 Oregon com m unists. License Number 171 646, En- glue number A24363, T hat is clearly the motive behind th " Rus inn NO TIC E TO C R E D ITO R S O il governm ent's effort to depress the price of w heat N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y O LVB N that was seised by Claude Romaine, Po­ in the United States. By "sh o rt Fellin’” in the the undersigned has boen appointed lice O fficer of the City of Eugene, c l the estate of JA M ES S Oregon, on the twenty .second day of Chicago m arket, th e S ecretary of A griculture Executrix M AHON, deceased. by the Count) August, 1930, on Sixth Avenue West, states, the Soviet governm ent has “beared" the Court ol Lane County, Oregon. All In the City of Eugene, Lane county from 10 a. nt. to 4 p. m. w heat m arket to th e financial detrim ent of every* persous huvlug claim» against said Oregon, between Fillm ore and Alma w h e a t grow er. B ut we have no idea th at this eatate are rcqplicd to presout them den Streets in said city, county and O NE DAY O N LY with the proper voucher» to the uu- state; that the above described per will accom plish Its apparent purpose, t ' ... cf deraJgned at the law offices of E. O. aonal properly was on said date de­ turning Am erican farm ers into Bolshevists Potter, 531 Miner llulldtng, Eugene. livered Into the custody of H arry L, No charge For Consultation Lain County, Oregon, wtthln six Brown. Sheriff of Lone County, Ore month« from the date of thia notice. gon. Ity said Claude Romaine, and Dr. M elleathln's visits are greatly Dated at Eugene. Oroaon. thia 4th «aid personal properly has ever since Itppic.<-(l and pu lroiilaed, eape» la ll, LOOKING TEN YEARS AHEAD day of September, 1930. been and now Is In the possession by those w ik i are suffering or ailing M ARY C. M AH O N . and custody of said sheriff of said from troubles of the Internal organs. , T he C ensus of 1930 is the m ost im Executor of the Estate of Juries 8. county and state: that said Claude In the chest and abdomen; also head, num bering of the people of the United S ta te s Mahon, deceased. Romaine, aa said police officer of ear, no»« and throat The Doctor ac- 84-11-17-25-0. 2 Eugene, Oregon, has mude a return tep ls only those who can be treated since the first count of our in h ab itan ts was of selxure of said personal property made. Even though all of the conclusions *o tuediclually with the aid of correct to above entitled court, and that the diet and hygiene for which a nominal be draw n from k have not yet become avail­ RELIEF FROM CURSE sume haa been seised as aforesaid tor ou tbla trip. able, it has already tau g h t us m ore about o u r­ Is being proceeded against In the Women if married please brlug their OF CONSTIPATION and selves th a n we ever knew before. above entitled court »nd cause for husbands. the forfeiture of the same pursunnt A Battle Creek physlrjaa say a, “Con­ to Chapter 39. General latws of O re­ Esjieeiallv has it shown us th a t one of the W hatever your complaint may be It la responsible for more gon for 1923; and. w ill be of Interest to consult (be Doe- causes of ou r grea* national prosperity Is di ;- stipation misery than any other caase.'* YO U, and EACH O F YO U, and all toron this tris». appearing the steady increase in population at But Immediate relief haa been persons haring or claim ing to have Below are the names of a few of bis a high rate. Decline in im m igration and decline | found. A tablet called Rexall Order- any lutereat In aald automobile above satisfied patients: in the b irth ra te have com bined to reduce ou r Ilea has been discovered. Thia tublet described are hereby required to ap­ many Mrs. H a rrie t Anstadt, Astoria. attracts water from the system Into pear before the above entitled court annual ra te of population grow th to about 1 j the Alfred Clemmens, Corvallis. laxy, dry evacuating bowel called In the Court House of tainn County, percent a year. T w enty years ago we were the colon. The water loosens the dry Oregon, Cltas. Descb, Cortland. at Eugene, latne County, ( In grow ing a t the ra te of 2 percent a year; forty ! food waste and causes a gentle gon, by Ibe tenth day of O cto ber,) W G. Grubb«’. Albany. Mrs. J G llunlsucker. Toledo. ■ thorough, natural movement without 1930. said day being the answer day years ago, a t a 3 percent rate. forming a habit or ever Increasing In this cause which has heretofore I W. E Hankins, Mt. Hebron, Calif. Denver Kincaid, Ashland. This will m ake a great difference in business the dose. been duly set by Ibe above entitled Bert I aim pa, St. Helens Stop suffering from constipation court to defend against these proceed 'industries and investm ents which depend upon '■ Chew L. H M artin. Yreka, Calif. a Rexall Crderlle at night. Next and upon your failure so to do increasing population lo r their own grow th. Real ; day bright. Get 34 for 26c today at a Ings, Judgment of the forfeiture of said j E. F. Sm ith, Heppner. estate values depend upon population. T he rate i i'lanery’s Rexall Drug Store. automobile above described w ill be j Mrs. Wm Hihuenlug, Helix. Lee Oey, North Powder. of grow th in the bi*< cities is falling off m ore applied for. T L. Shown. Uoldendale. rapidly th an in country tow ns and small com ­ NO TIC E OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE ON Thia notice Is Issued and directed Bmma Turned, M ikkalo. to you. and each of you, pursuant to m unities generally. T h a t m eans th a t real e sta te E X E C U T IO N OF FORECLOSURE the order duly made and entered by 1 Henry Trowbridge, John Day N O T IC E Is hereby given by virtue in the large cities will not increase so rapidly of an execution and order of a u le the above entitled court on the elev­ J. H. Wood. Eugene. V. 1*. H arris. Athena. in value from year to year, while In the sm aller Issued out of the C ircuit Court of enth day of September. A. I).. 1930 Mrs ll Dank», Klam ath Falls. W IT N E S S my hand and the seal tow ns It will increase a t a fa ste r rate. the State of Oregon for Lane County Mra, W alter Scott, Mt. Angel. September 12th, 1930, upon and pur- | of the said court affixed nt E ugene. Henry H( hulls, Pendleton. T he redistribution of population is alw ays an auant to a decree duly given and Lane County. State of Oregon, this Mrs. G. N. K im ball, Crabtree. im portant facto r in business and industry. No­ made by said Court September 4tb. tw elfth day of September, 1930 Mrs. Frank Simpson, Hood River W B D IL L A R D . 1930, In a suit pending therein In w here in the world do people shift their hom es Lee Slucher, 1st Grande. County Clerk of Lane County, State which The Pacific Savings A Iatan from one place to an o th e r as they do in America. Association, c Washington corporation of Oregon, and Ex O fficio Clerk of Note above the exact date and place! Permanent addreaa: 286 So. Ju st now the Census show s a stro n g tendency waa p lain tiff and John W Crulg and said C ircuit Court. »16 26; 02 Serrano, I«os Angeles, Calif. of m an u factu rin g industries aw ay from the larger Helen Jean Craig, his wife, were de­ centers and to the sm aller tow ns. T hat will fendants, which execution and order sale waa to me directed and com­ m ean m ore building in the sm aller places in the of manded me to aell the real property next ten years, hom es, factories, stores, in stitu ­ hereinafter described to satisfy cer­ tions and public buildings. T h ere probably will tain liens and ( barges in said decree : be less building in the large cities, and th at largely specified, I w ill on Saturday the 26th day of October. 1930, at the hour of by way of replacing obsolete stru ctu res. O N E o’clock P. M. at the southwest The declining b irth ra te is su re to have a def­ door of the County Court house In inite effect on building as well as on business Eugene. Lane County, Oregon, offer It’s a fact! .Ask your doctor or any o th e r au th o rity . You for sale and sell at public auction generally. Not only will we need few er school for ought to Include candy in your diet, for quick energ y ; use cash, subject to redemption aa buildings, especially in the lower grades, but the provided by law, all of the right, It as a dessert It’s delicious, eith er Ity itself or with fruits type of hom e now in grow ing dem and is in title and Interest of the defendants and nuts. T ake a bite w henever you’re feeling tired or In said suit and of all parties claim sm aller u n its th an form erly. F ew er b.'bies are nervous- w atch how It will pick you up. Candy Is good Ing by, through or under them or born, but m ore of them grow up to go to high any for you! of them, since the 4th day of school and college. More people live to old age. September, 1930. in or to the follow Ws have the most delicious It is not hard to forecast a tim e com ing when Ing described real property, to-wit: candles you sver saw East half 1*4) of Lots four 14) and the whole problem of living will c e n te r more about (5) In Block one (1) of Wynne's the needs of the adults and th e elderly and less five Addition to Cottage Grove, I at no j about the needs of the children than ever before County. Oregon, excepting therefrom in history. the portion of said Lot five (6 ), here­ tofore sold and conveyed to J. T j "Where the Service Is Different” Allen, In Deed dated December 20, 1907 and recorded In Book 71 of ! T his is a w onderful electrical age indeed. Even the Lane County, Oregon deed records. I Dated this 23rd, day of September, ¡an electrical hen was exhibited a t th e state fair. 'N o doubt an electrical rooster will be developed 1930. H . L. BO W N, Sheriff. if Julius Meier gets to be governor and sta rts Lane County. Oregon , regulating th e electrical Industry. 8.25-0.2 9 16 23 EUGENE DR. MELLENTHIN * Osborne Hotel Saturday, Oct. 4 * Do YOU re a lize th a t candy is a sp le n d id food? E G G IM A N N ’ S By Terry Gilkison Modern Equipment for Brake Test­ ing, Wheel and Axle Aligning T E S T S FREE Minton’s Brake Service All Work Guaranteed Phone 271 10th and Olive Eugene Oregon Woman's W ork.. W om an’« w o rk in never done—certainly not I f »he lire» on ■ liirn il From early till Infe »he cooks, deans, and mends. In her ’’spare tim e” she i t expected to take care o f the ohiokena and the garden.. R arely ha» she even a few precious moments o f leisure. And i f »he »weeps and washes by main strength she is wearing herself ont fo r three cents an hoar. PINKY MMALBSz If It's a question of vision? Don't delay having an examination of your eyes. DR.^ C MEADE PRAI0 HB'U. JSâtfi O P T O a tE T R I/T 14- W f Z T 8 ™ A V t F o r that slight cost, electricity w ill ru n a vacuum cleaner, a washing machine, o r a refrigerator o r fan. For a little m ore it w ill operate electric cooking and heating devices. Save her tim e bim I strength with electric servants. Mountain States -TSUB PARTNERS Power Company *