TinrRHDAY, o c T o n e n 2. im o . TH E BPRINQFIELP NEWS c liissi£ie d IAd S o te z J. ■— (B in TNG« s r y j N G ^ want S V G i T RESULTS) lo go tur a I W H A T HAH BE Standing on a G O N N e E w V o F r k O r,c sfreet j’ a k T X r w T r ^ dr° P “ y<»u b '® - ' " “ - e . ” Jake admitted, Two green Irishmen walking down FARM ER S— H a re fire hundred 26-foot corner, rner, a young woman suddenly dis­ dis- «1 . .... 7 I And rou haren’ spoken of R to And I I I have to pot on the same I any one else?" Eric asked covers that she does not know her the street saw some cranberries for Bpllt Cedar Telegraph Poles. Price own name nor how she got there. dancing-frock 1 wore there every the first time "I'h w at s thlm?" asked “Cert'n'y not. Nobody's business on sale *1.00 each. M ake A -l tele­ Everything In her past Is a blank. n ig h t,' she smiled, gallantly playing Pat. SUMMON« hot the lady's.” phone poles. ffn0W8 only that her name Is In the Justice’s Court, Kog.n« Joe- I "Thlm F ' said Mika. Ere. She meets a young man who up. “ because I haven't anything else.” "You're even kinder than I thought t oa District, Lana County, Oregon. 1 "But what about the dyed hair? live» ut the hotel where the Is re<- N O TIC E OK F IN A L AC CO UNT U M ) B. B L O u M E Il, C lu tu U tr ^ 1 "Yes. thlm ,” said Pat. Istered as Eve Nobody of Nowhere, Yon certainly don't have to go around you were." Eve said gratefully, and In the County Court of the State of tlh, thlm make finer applesauce VB. which she had w ritten In French. now with It looking thia way?" he to Jake’s surprise offered him her Oregon for Lone County. GEORGE H A K K u l*, Defendant. than prunes." Eric Hamilton calls In a nerve spe­ band at parting. Eric, too, gave hls In Probate. cialist, but Eve slips out of the hotel. pointed out. IN R E : T H E E S T A T E OK H E N R Y hand a firm grip. To Uuorgu Harrup, Dwleudaui: They stared at each other in con­ SUMMONS | goes to a little apartm ent house, H. C U L L E N , Deceased. IN T H U N A M E G F T H E S T A T E where she meet* a professional Hapn. "Sometime, perhaps. 111 he (.Me to sternation. In the Circuit Court of Oregon L r TO W HO M IT M AY CO NC ERN: OK OREGON: You ara hurcby ru Lana County. explain," Eve went on. “I can t -yet. • Notice Is hereby given that on Sep­ er who gets her a Job In a cabaret. A fter unch I ’ll go up to the beauty qulrvd u> appuur bufor„ to« ul uiy As a cabaret hostess gbe meets C. C. R A Y B U R N , P lain tiff va tember 29. 1930, the undersigned filed parlor," she decided, "and ask them Jake shook hls snlnlng black hear/ S ? } * *“ . lh * Ua“ k ° r Commerce his final account as adm inistrator In many curious people. Then, one night, JKNNIK RAYBURN. De'eidaat. Building. to Eugene, i^ u n Couuty a man who claims to recognize her to get rid of It for me. T hat will and smiled hls rare smile. the above entitled probate proceeding; lo th« defendant. Jennie Kay burn. Oregon and answer Hi« complaint riiod You are hereby summoned to an that on said date the court entered comes In. She Is afraid of him and give you an afternoon off duty." "No explanations ns'ssary,” ho agaluai yo.t in tiia above t-nlllled ac As the visit to Jake’s drew nearer gallantly told the utdy. “But I ’m -un- >wer the complaint filed against you an order fixing the time for the runs away, back to the hotel to Eric Hamilton, »he has her hair dyed and lion oil or bvloru lour weeks from In the ubove entitled cause and court hearing u u _______ of the said final ________ account - at ■ be dal« ot the first publication ut within four weeks from the first pub- th" hour ° * 10 ° 'c,< *k A. M. October changes her manner of dress, so that she found herself growing nervous. glad to know everything's all right "Perhaps be won’t event speak to now.” Hls black eyes were vary hu­ Ibis suniinons, and If you fall to llcallou of this summons, summons aud u„>i in i_ case . . . . . 3’ - 1930. Any one having havlnir any an» objec „hie,- (be stranger out of her old life w ill Then Ham ilton me, she told Hamilton when they man . ‘‘Gladsomeone’slookln'afterher," answer for want llicruof tbu plaintiff you fall so to answer, for want there- tlons to the said final account shall not recognize her will lake Jud a in »nt against you for of. p lain tiff will apply to the court for filed the sume In w riting on or before persuades her to go through a mar were entering the big dancing-room he brought out In a rush. "Waskinda- rlage ceremony with him. As they the sum of »29.36, together with In­ the relief asked In the complaint vis the time set for the hearing. toward midnight. worrled." return to the hotel the man she fears terest thereon at the rate of six per that the contract and relation of'm ar- H. E. S L A T T E R Y , "Oh, I guess be w ill,” Ham ilton Is waiting. Ham ilton sends her up cant per annum from September 12 rlage existing between plain tiff and Administrator. stairs and turns to the other man, It was hls exit line from their lives. spoke soothingly, but It was clear that ll»2k, until paid, and for his costs aud defendant be dissolved and cancelled __ ___ ____________ _ _ _ O . 2 9-16-23-30 who says his name Is Samuel Hender the m atter of Jake’s reception was "And yet some people think this Is disbursements in this action, aud also and that p lain tiff have the care and lor the further order ot the Court custody of Floyd Rayburn and Ardls N O T IC E OF F IN A L 8 E T T L E M E N Y son, of Chicago. not burdening his mind. Nor did the a hard world," Eve told Ham ilton as that the Eugene Krult Growers As Rayburn, children of p la in tiff and Henderson Identifies Eve to Ham- i ai.»...». ki . . N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N , that ilton. She ls Eve Carrlngton, a f a m - |P^ d„ £b h l m a » he had expected their taxicab made Its slow way N. A. Rowe, adm inistrator of the soctellon pay Into Court toward the defendant. It to. He was now In a state of well through the Tenderloin's congested suiistkcloion of such Judgment the This summons Is served upon you estate of Ethel H . Mendenhall, de­ ous rotneert singer and Henderson sum of 136.54 belonging to yog which by publication by virtue of an order ceased, has rendered and filed In the was not only her manager but hoped being nothing could ruffle. Eve loved traffic. " I’ve had nothing bat kind­ I imrilv f Court 'on .i of a w _ ic. . has been attached and garnisheed in of C. P. Hard nurd, county Judge, mails County the State of Oregon to “>gfry her. She had collapsed af­ him. Incidentally, he played the game ness. If 1 hadn't . . . I wonder what the bands of said Eugeni- F n tit Grow and filed September 3rd. 1930. direct­ ter the County of Lane hls final a c -' ,er trY|n8 to save four children of as she would wish him to play it. would have become of me if I ’d had era Association. ing that you be served with summons count aud that by order of said Court “ , r ’end from an overturned rowboat the sort ot experience one often reads Glveu under my baud thia 24lh day »’F Publishing the same once In each duly 1DMdu and entered Saturday, the In Lake Michigan, two of them Looking very handsome In hls eve­ about?” of September. 1930. , weeks for four successive weeks In 20th day of September, 1930, at t h e ! drowning before her eyes. 8he bad ning clothes, he followed the waiter It doesn’t bear thinking o t ” H A R O L D J. W ELLS, *h® Springfield News, and that you hour of ten o’clock In the forenoon of i slipped away from the nurse on to the table he had reserved, and con Justice of the Peace “ n" * « r the earn« within four weeks said day at the County Court room In i guard In Chicago and completely I 8ulted E »e * t every stage of an elab- HamlIton recaBed his thoughts on the Residence and Post Office address: i ,roB1 flr »t publication thereof the County Court bouse In the City of | vanished The shock of the death of ¡o rate supper order. night of Eve’s disappearance and Eugene, Oregon Thia summons Is first so published Eugene. Oregon, has been fixed a n d ' the two little boys coupled with her . . . . . . . added hastily: "I'm glad we went to appointed as the day, tim e and p la c e ! fear of Henderson had caused her Sb ’ howeTer’ fonnd «’ had to fix H.26-O.2 9 16-23 H,'P‘ <• 1930 that place. Seeing )L and meeting ----------------- —------------■ . 8. D. A L L E N , for tbe hearing of objeoliuns to said lose of memory. I her mlnd ®“ that vlt* 1 Interest. Her N O TIC E TO C R E D ITO R S Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence ih7r1Uof’ CC^ r t m ,^ o n .t^ » i ^ lle ?.e , l t ‘ H a m ll’ on ’ he whole story to eyes were bu»y' Sbe Malzle and that chap Jake, have changed my N o tic e is h e re b y g lv e u th a t th e on “" d 1 ’ ° A d d r " 88- Eugene. Oregon h“ b! t c hls frlend- Carrick, who ls able ’ he far end of the dancing feelings about IL ” — - - - baa been • apolntud Adminis ““ 84 11-13 2602 t.ons to said fm t i dorslgnod "1 thought they would.” Eve smiled. notified that the sume must be in i!“ ’ T £ u Z * ¿her° ** Both,n< r,oor> hut apparently neither saw her Ira lrlx of th« estate of David McBee, same must he In her old life that she needs to fear. Qaeenle and Ivery were not in the He glanced a t her quickly. NO TIC E OF F IN A L A C CO UNT w riting and filed with the C lerk ol deceased, and any aud all persons hav­ while he considers how to bring her I . aU The Chicago agency’s reply' to The undersigned, Adm inistrator of said Court on or before said day and memory ing claims against the said estate are back I room. However, the night was young Eric's’ telegram had promised a full hereby required to present said claims, the estate of Robert P. H artw ig, do time. on a very friendly footing, while | and they would surely appear later, duly verified as by law required, at ceased, has filed his Final Account J „ report by mall. The document Itself N. A. ROW E. waiting for Dr. C arrick’s attem pt to She stared around her. Intrigued by came on the mornln< ot the fourth la w Office of W hitten Swafford. 202 In the m atter of said estate with Adm inistrator. bring her memory back to her. j, Tiffany building, Eugene, Oregon. In the t ounty Clerk of Lane County, A21 28-83-10-17 of a stranger. T h a t’s’ the way lt .B ,th e chance to study as an observer day. It waa a „ , mp|ete report l^ n e County, Oregon, within six Oregon, and an order has been made the scene in which she had so often even included the names and addresses N O W GO ON W IT H T H E STO R Y months from the date of thia notice and entered of record by the County SUMMONS taken a professional part. In all her Of Eve s' Chicago physicians and of Dated and first published Septem­ Court of said County, directing this Case No. 20456 •.□o,h ' f C ,7 h ' t C OUrJ ” 7 ? 8 U te 01 Thpy were her aad ” - R a i T u M e X T e L n y ^ v V h e 1^ r i e H Un,e Wh° badHattPnded ber Ont notice, and appointing Saturday, the ber 26. 1930 13th day of October, 1930, at the hour Orego L U L U E. RO BERTS. egon for the County of Lane. n„ w , . . . .. I _ 7 ° '® and rea“ y Kl¥e hef of it. moreover. Henderson rose In now she ,-ose and walked to tbe win- eyes to the tableau as a wnole, and trium phant vindication Adm inistratrix of the estate of l»a of ten o'clock A M for the hearing Deparlm i nt No. II of objections to said account and ROSA HOPPE. Plaintiff, vid McBee, deceased. dow. where she stood for a moment she did It now, while Eric and the Ham ilton telephoned Carrick the W hitten Swafford. 302 Tiffany Build the settlement of said estate. with her back to him, looking out. | waiter, the latter vs. man she had not | confirmation of the manager’s’ story Dated this 18th day of September. Ing. l-kignne, Oregon. Attorney for E. 8. P L A T T S , and E :S L IZ A j B S E T H £ s n T h ? choeur,dm: n, r r r e t r , n cont,nued to — p = a 1930. Adm inistratrix. PL A T TS , hls wife H E R M A N K. H A R T W IG , A N D C A U ,h ‘ h ° Uld follow ber He ,helr th o»Khts on the supper problem. -H o w much can 1 tell her»" P L A T T S ; OREGON ____ _______ _ 82703-9 16-23 Adm inistrator of the Estate of FORN1A R A IL R O A D C O M PA N Y, a dfd 8O- and 8tood beside her as he had It wao met at last and as E t I c "Nothing," Carrick ruled. Robert P. H artw ig, Deceased. corporation; S A D IE O RAUL1CH; done their first evening together In NO TIC E OF H E A R IN G ON straightened, prepared to give his at "But— " 818-25 02 9 16. T R U S T C O M P A N Y O f T n E W YO RK ' r° OD' Thp s“ “ “ memory ro8,> F IN A L ACCO UNT tention to his companion, a fam iliar "Not one word; I ’ve felt sure the N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N , that a corporation, corporation, and and also also all all nth«*r other t®." SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER „ D e n tis t in fee simple of said premises and W IL L IS n B R TSC H Prop. First National Bank Building "And she's still afraid— panicky at the whole thereof, and that neither hold her; he wanted to kneel at her I in and ovt since you faded aw ay,” O fflcai M ODBNBOUGH GARAGE vou, the anld defendants, nor any of feet. H e took her hands and looked I Queenle went on thoughtfully starring I | times?" Phone 48 Sprtngflfcld. Oregon Corner F ifth and A Streets you, have any right, title, estate. Hen down at her. Office hours. 9 A. M to S P M I an oyster in its tomato bath. “But “Yes. She says he has even given or Interest In or to said premises, Long Distance Hauling a Specialty Evenings by Appointment ’Eve," he said, as steadily as she I don't worry, dearie, for he didn't get | I up the notes she made and carrleu or any part thereof, and that decree around w ith her. They ead the day he entered forever enjoining and re­ had spoken, "If I ’ve won you once, I » thing on you here." straining you, and each of you, from and— thank God I— you say I have, 11 “W e didn’t know a thing to give ] I she left Jake's.” asserting any claim or Interest what can do It again when you're well. I him .’’ Iv y tactlessly contributed. “A ll right, then. Do yon w ant her General Ijgw Practice soever In or to said premises, or anv part there of adverse to the plaintiff 1 w ill do It again! And In the mean-1 “W e wouldn't of told It If we had.” | to remain in thle stats IcJaflnitely?" I. M. PETERSON or her successors In-Interest, and for time I'll be the happiest and the most I Queenle austerely pointed out, and ! "God knows i ion L" such other and fu rth er relief as to patient lover you can Imagine.” Attorney-at-Law I with a disgusted glance at her friend | "Then prove It. Open your mind the Court may seem equitable and I and take In the fact that sterner meas- She continued to look up at him. I swallowed the oyster, City H a ll Building proper. I tires are necessary. The Important and he bent with inarticulate m ur I Jake reanp-ared nhen Eve and 1 You are further notified that this Springfield, Ore. Summons Is served upon you by pub­ mur and laid hls cheek against hers. I Hamilton were leaving and gave them I tb*n *‘ now ’ 8n ’ whBt T®“ uilnk, but lication thereof. In The Springfield For an instant they clung together another excellent im itation of hie w hat you’ve done. Have you dene 22« Main St. Rssldenee t a C H News, printed and published In Spring- w hat 1 told you to do?" <2 J field. la n e County, Oregon, and that « hlle he felt her tears on his face, great cabaret model. He also offered <2 M (C O N T IN U E D N E X T W 3 B K ) Eve a newspaper cutting and watched the date of the first publication there­ Then she spoke. Now 1 have done I t ! ” she brought I her face as she read I t I t was Hen- of Is the l l t h day of September, 1930, JRWBLER NOTICE and the date ot the last publication out w itl. a childish gulp of contrition, deyson’s advertisement. She looked Kuh Auto Equipment thereof w ill be the 9th dav of Octo­ "Now I ’ve dragged you Into the very I up, startled, and handed it to Ham- Repairing a Specialty Notice Is hereby given that the Lady Assistant ber. 1930. undersigned has filed with the State Springfield, Oregon This Summons Is so published and heart of this hideous tangle. I hate Ilton. Banking Board of Oregon application served upon you pursuant to the order m s. If for doing It— for letting you “ Has any one else seen this?" the for license to engage in the business of the Honorable George F. Skip- know I care. But oh, Eric, how could latter asked quickly. of making leans of money or at per­ worth, Judge of said Court, which I help l t l ” I “Nope. W asn”t sure the lady her- sonal credit, or in the pawn broker­ NELSON LEGHORN FARM Order was made and entered of record FRANK A. DE PUE He released her and stood back, self Been It. Though I better put age business under the provisions of Lane County's Oldest Breeders In this ca-.'se on the 8th day of Sep ATTOHNBY AT LAW sections 6308-21 Inclaelve, Oregon starry-eyad but trem bling under hls I her wise.” tember, 1930 of laws walk tonight?" Kay ’I d ld a'l kunw you had a car?" B U S IN E S S 1D I R E C T O R Y Walker-Poolg Chapel Funeral Directors D. W. Roof i