PAGE TWO T H E SPRING PI M A ) NEWS L. L. RAY ANNOUNCES » e e e e e e e ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ > and Mrs. P. N. Isilrd » UPPER W ILLAM ETTE ♦ William Laird of Reardon, Wash PLATFORM ON W HICH * * * * * * * * * ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Hngton, arrived Sunday for a visit with ♦ HE SEEKS SENATE POST THURSDAY. OCTOBER 2, 1930. year In California, left Sunday evening', proposed measure provides for «uar tcrly lax collections Instead of semi Mrs. Blanche Wise from Eugene Is i Mutually as Is now being done This Ofnc*r’ ° f ,>l* " ! Or'“ her' p N l'a,rd • *"«»“ »« ul Ji spending this week III Thurston nt would muke twice the amount of work Harry Endicott '• Is working 1 *WOr" '",O 8*” ral ,orn" r •»“’»“•««- from the for Mr Orem, who recently moved Ihe ,>>-• ....... . of John i.*t... i.',i...i.>..n I tor (he sheriff's office and they are home Kduilaton L. L. Ray, democratic candidate for the joint aenatorshlp from Linn and ofttce last Wednesday. They were as Pleasant Hill high school are going hl. mill form W altervlll. to Jasper Glen Montgomery from Portland kept busy now collecting and pre u" ?' *>«h ‘»«”r education In different Mrs. Ida tirar visited her parents, spent Sunday In Thurston paring statements. Lane count lea, annouced the platform li.n rv ’ nt Henry Olson, vice president; Iris Wal schools this ta ll Harriet Brabham Mr an.l Mrs fun,in. at Salem the on which he will geek election thia Bell ‘’'Cr Christian Endeavor held Mrs Walter Platt, who has been social change. 1 am not afraid of ' >->s egun. |ta mnual election of officers last : -crlnusly III for some time, was taken new Innovations in government to Mr. ami Mrs. t harles Kuykendall Surds The following were elected :,. Pacific Christian hospital |„ Ku meet these chauglng conditions. If VmP.’ 0*l“i«l,RiChT 4.aBnda ° r ' "r'V ’ ®'n ' ‘•»ul Br«b- **»• lost Wednesday where she uu we are to have a better social order , h” "m*‘ ° f Mr h” ", v“»-preeldent: Fnlmn Circle, a ec lorwent an operation. She is improv new legislation is continually imper­ and Mrs Jameson last Sunday Mrs. retary treasurer; Bonnie Jeanne Tin- log at latest reports ative. I, therefore, submit the fol­ -et’ u r n e d “ ’h ,,m r o n Koykan STORE NO. I Taxation: Real property bears wer,, Mr and Mrs. Andy Olson. Mi, sarei Shelley. had « a m slight 550 Charnolton St.. Eugsns 125 East Broadway, Eugene I A W Weaver who nUv u«u i|u more than its Just portion of the and Mrs Bruce Wheeler Mr anil Mr< * • r r T" - ,w “ , r ~ ' STORE NO. 2 STORE NO. 4 burden of taxation. The activities of i r „ w ì ~ ' ; ù r ; s 500 Main Stroot. Springfield 88 38 West Broadway, Eugene the state government should not be extended so as to increase taxes on Mr . . . Mr.. S .„ r " ---------------- - “ • T h ► » « » ■ •, » « •• « . THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY real property. Taxation of real prop Jacobs and Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Laird f,al1 al,d ‘ « ,'a,,*'d 1 « and made preponi erty for state purposes should be CALUMET OLYMPIC The high school class of the Pleas The ,r * Scouts The 0 Girl Scouts held held their their first first ,1'"‘ ,or ba"k e,«>all practice. gradually eliminated. ant Hill Christian church will give a I evening *v‘,nin* meeting Tuesday night a at t , | Mr- •"«« Mrs. William Ruth motored ______ _________— Cabinet Form of Government: This There were 35 110 Signal last Thursdsy to visit Mr proposed Constitutional amendment social Friday, October a, at the church ,he,r •cou« home Stutz, assistant mast •>r. | and Mr*- Stanley Gray. represents an effort to make the ad­ for -he students of the high school. 1 P****"«» Miss 8«Utx, One pound Can Pound Mr and Mrs Bert Weaver and Mr. ministration of state government more At a meeting of the board of di­ i was present. Laura Hull, “ a graduate Pieasnn ................ und MrH- ......... Smltlh .......r,,., motored u, to aaieni Salem «'■"•usis of ■>> i-ieusan efficient. If carried, the legislature rectors of the grade school of Pleas Cuaeti Concentrated should give earnest attention to such ant Hill Saturday morning September *,,RI bl*h s****o«l h is employment in and »«tended the state fair lust Tburs day- Carton, legislation as will make the amend­ 17. It was voted to have rythmic or Por,,nn‘« Six Boxe's ment effective and carry cui out us Its ¡>ur pur- chestrs this schol Mrs utitnirr Sunday. 1» Sunday school Mrs. John Price speni several days ------ .......mis taught scaoi 16nil. Mrs. term. ouuuaj. u I October n CM Quay 5 ttvhool Makes a Calion pose. Care, however, should be taken Mar>' Harden Warner will be the In- R«By day and It Is hoped there will In Eugene last weak. Can In making changes effecting tha high-1 strue«or and will give two lessons a ’ ’ ' Lire« attendance. Mrs. Oscar McMahon entertained ROSE-DALE way commission, the Industrial A ccl-Iweek- **rg- Warner organised t h e --------------------------- — 38 guests for Sunday dinner in honor P E A C H E S 16-oz., $1 size dent commission, and the Board of I’Tthmlc orchestra last year which FA‘JI.F CAFE GETS NEW of Mr. McMahons birthday; after a No. 1 Tall Can Higher Education. The nature of these was a decided success. . . e i n .. . delicious dinner Ice cream was served boards should not be changed In the Mrs. E. P. Williams, whose death J '-«GN LAST WEEK For ........... Herold and Howard Baughman from ystem. (occurred Friday afternoon. September | A pew Neon sign with the word - Lug,-tie visited relatives here last Sun I ----------------- -1 i - ’ - n neon sign witn tne word ' h “*’ ”*' rl’ lt,' 1. v C. . cj fck . tYeojou, Kenyon, c<4flQier cashier oi of tne the ahove-named above-named bank, do tolHUiniy solemnly ■ swear . ing its adequate shore of the that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief burden. Agriculture is not responnsl _ C. E. KENYON. Cashier. Correct—-Attest: ble for any great amount of old age W elby Stevens. Charles F. Egglmann—Directors. poverty and should not be taxed to Subscribed and sworn before me this 2nd day of October, 1930. correct a situation caused by industry. (SEAL) I. M. PETERSON, Notary Public for Oregon. Prohibition: There is no place for (My commission expires June 1, 1932.) alcohol as a beverage in a machine age. The Oregon legislature should neither vote for the repeal nor the modification of the Eighteen Amend ment without a direct mandate from the people to do so. Motor Traffic: Motor accidents are on the Increase. Additional leglsla tlon is necessary for the protection of both life and property. The is Again we offer a club with (ho Htato's greatest newspaper, The Oregon­ r.uance of a driver’s license, should no longer be a mere matter of form ian, at a substantial saving on Ihe subscription price of Isith newspapers. The use of Oregon’s beachea by both automobiles and airplanes should be regulated. Pol tlcal Promises: Any one can make political promises regardless of his ability to ful lll them I. there DAILY OREGONIAN, 1 year by mail $6.00 fore, limit my promises to one, which TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS, 1 year by mail 1.75 Save I bel’eve I wi’i be able to keep; it $2.25 Is this: if elected Senator I will, Total $7.75 during my term of office, endeavor to give expression to the desires of the people of Lane and Linn counties Model A Eight for Intelligent, constructive anti practi tubes, 4 screen- grid, s i n g l e cal legislation which will promote the station selec­ DAILY and SUNDAY OREGONIAN, 1 year by mail $8.00 growth and development of Oregon tor, push - pull TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS, 1 year by mail 1.75 Save and better the welfare and increase Amplification. $2.45 the general happiness of Its citizens. Splendid value Total at »148.50, less $9.75 Haara Bol ch tubes. Other MUST REPORT MEASLES Radio d sn »■ models up to »250.less tubes. s tratad hl «a. SAYS HEALTH OFFICER THURSTO N ♦ on his return to Hun Francisco. Baking Powder Nut Margarine 25c 10c Matches Grape Juice 10c 99C Borden’s Malted Milk 2 49c Today Said A O She— I’m i v C o m m e r c ia l S t a t e B a n k o f S p r in g fie ld 25c «1.01 2 49c Buckeye Malt J. C. Penney Co. •-* D lfA B T M I M T • I T O 1 I AM ' F1Z rNo‘ T h ros N o te w o r th y V aloos t e U n io n S o lti 9Se “ 9Se DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR TOME TORTONE Families having measles must make a report of the fact to the city health officer whether they have a physician in attendance or not, according to Hr. W H. Pollard, city health officer. Then , re several cases of measles In the city and three families are now - .ntined. Some of these cages of m, I s are believed to have been sprea i t / children attending school In fe • ' s where they should have been 1, t at home, thinks the doctor Faihiie io notify (he city health office c the family lives In town or th. county officer, If the family lives ou. de of the city, |g punishable under a state law, says Dr. PollartL N e w s Bargain Offer Good until October 31,1930 S U B S C R IB E N O W A N D S A V E BOSCH RADIO FURNITURE $5.50 Both for $7.30 This is the greatest news bargain offer before you today -All the Reliable well written news both local, state and national at a saving. SUBSCRIBE TODAY! New Subscribers start at once. WRIGHT & SON HARO WARE Both for PAINT Old Subscribers from date Of expiration.