I HHH Try the Hom« Print Shop Ftrat TW KNTY-KKVBNTH YEAR. THF SPRINGFIELD NEWS COMPLETE BALLOT IE | •* I, A. Keception State Will Build ; pe(t^rai Bonk H"d | [Football Team To fs F°r Tonight Bridge Sidewalk Meet Corvallis Hi Many Musfetsqja to Appaar; All Highway Commission Agrees to Teachers and Parents Urged Put In Walk from Bridge to Lana County Clark Makes Up I to attand Catharing. Present City Walks. November Ballot as It Will . Appaar Before Voter.; Many b y ^ X i ^ S , , ^ The state highway commission will "Tbe Feepte's Paper" I L I V I N EW SPA PER IN A L I V I TO W N UR TRANSPORT MAI FLY fflO N C in PORT ¡Coach May Names Members o’' First Squad and Substitutes to Play in Opener. Municipal Field is Considered as Terminal for Bennett Airways Resplendent In new bright red Jer seys. twenty-two members of the foot . with Lines from Medford to ball aggregation at the Springfield Seattle, Marshfield and Boise; high school will Invade the Corvallis Chamber Meeting. build a cement sidewalk from tbe Springfield for the annual reception east approach of tbe new Springfield which they will give to the teachers bridge to the city sidewalk now end­ / of the local schools this evening In ing in front of tbe Parker garage, / One of (be longeat ballots the Lent the Community ball. high school territory tomorrow after­ It was announced yesterday by W. County electorate ha« been called to noon for tbe opening game of the The program Is achwiuled to start Walker, at whose suggestion request Air lines running out of Springfield pa»» upon will be before the voter« season for both squads. Coach May In four different directions may be at 8:00 o’clock and will consist of for tbe sidewalk was started by mem November 4. In Hprlngfleld 47 can and several members of the faculty started here as a result of the In­ the following numbers: bora of tbe Lions club. Tbe sidewalk didst«« will appear on tbe ballot along will accompany the team as will spection of the municipal airport thia III be built along the south side «»lections .........H. 8 Sextet with 13 tneaaurea. large delegation of the student body week by A. A. Bennett of tile Bennett of the road only. Xylophone solo Barbara Barnell Ballot Given Members of the first squad and Transportation company of Tacoma, Highway engineers went over the Following la tbe ballot a« It will Hass solo ......................... pB0| p r e ,, the probable positions which they will Washington. He was accompanied Eugene Meyer of Boston who has Reading Faye l*arsons ground yesterday, surveying t h e be voted on In Hprlngfleld play were announced this morning here by two seven-passenger Zenith b»-«-n selected by President Hoover to Mixed Quartet ......... Mr. and ground and staking out the course United Statee Governor of the Federal Reserve by the coach. They are Edward Tom airplanes which will be used on the of the sidewalk. They have promised be Mrs. I). H Murphy, Mr. and For United Mtatea Benator In Con- Board. seth, Hersey Tomseth, Alonso Man- run when regular service is started. to construct the walk very soon. Mrs. Roland Moshler, greea- Llewellyn A. Hank«, Independ waring. and Lloyd Frese, backfield; Mr. Bennett plans to fly a local Vernlce Hawke The building of this walk will be <-nt; Cha« L. McNary, republican; II. M U B solo John Lynch, center; Harold Geiger, service from Medford to Seattle and CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO Mrs. W. K. Barnell great aid to pedestrians from West H. Mtallard, Independent; O. I). Teel, Vocal solo left guard; Dean Anderson, left for­ from Marshfield to Boise, Idaho. Ships HAVE HOMECOMING Springfield who come across the Independent; Elton Watkins, demo­ Committee Given ward; Dalton Thursman, left end; for both routes would remain In SERVICES ON SUNDAY bridge dally to make purchases In cratic. Refreshments will be served under Bert Tomseth, right end; Verrol Mc­ Springfield overnight and there would For Itoprosentatlve In Congre»i the direction of Mrs. Rachel Thatcher. this city. Special plans are being made for Farland, right tackle; and either Carl be eight landings a day If his schedule Question os to who should build William A Delsell, democratic; W. C. Mrs. Walter Laxton. president of the a large homecoming service to be Wagner or Dorman Chase at right Is carried out local P.-T, A. chapter last year, wiU j sidewalk was discussed locally and Hawley, republican. held at the Christian church next guard. Mr. Bennett expressed himself as head the reception committee. Mrs. It was decided .hat the property had Sunday. Three factors will contribute State Substitute players named by the For Governor— Edward F. Halley, K Wheaton. Mrs. D. O. Fisher and been deeded to the state, therefore, to make this a real homecoming for coach include Bill Bird, tackle; Bruce much pleased with the Springfield air­ democratic; Jullua I, Meier, Independ Mrs. George Procbnow have charge the city could not le ^ lly assess con­ the members of that church. Their Squires and Jack Hulett, gnarda; port. If his schedule goes Into effect •n t; Phil Metschan. republican; Albert of the decorations. Mrs. D. C. Ogilvie struction costs against the owner of pastor. Veltle Pruitt, will deliver his Jimmie West, back; George Thatcher, for a stop In Springfield he will erect his own iiangars and Install tern.tv.si abutting property. After the Lions Htrelff, Independent. Is general chairman of the affair, second sermon after a six weeks Ill­ Bob Stark and Paul Robley, linesmen All teachers end parents are urged club request the city referred the ness, the members have been more- For Justice of the Supreme Court. Three more games have been added equipment. Coeltlon No. 1— Percy R. Kelly, re­ to attend the reception which serves matter to the state highway depart­ or-less scattered and will assemble for to tbe local grldaters schedule during Practically all the larger towns of as a means of getting better ac­ ment. publican, democratic. tbe beginning of fall activities, and the past few weeks. Harrisburg will Oregon and Washington along the For Justice of the Supreme Court. quainted. the main auditorium, which has been be played there on October It and route to be flown have signed up Position No. 6—James U. Campbell, Standing committee chairmen were I CHAMBER COMMITTEES completely worked over, will be used a return game with Junction City has with Mr. Bennett for his service and republican; Oliver P. Coshow, demo announced at the meeting of the P.-T. been listed for November I I . The actual operations Is expected to start for the services ARE APPOINTED AT cratlc. The Bible school will begin at »:45 I Thanksgiving date has been filled with soon. A. held at the high school on Friday MEETINO ON FRIDAY and the morning worship at 11:00. 18 For Justice of the Supreme Court, afternoon of last week. They are: against the University high Chamber to Meet on Project. Position No. g— Harry H. Belt, repub­ Mrs. W. C. Rebhan, hospitality; Mias team. This will be one of the moat A special meeting of the Springfield musical program consisting of the Members of the Springfield chamber lican. democratic; J. K Hosmer, In Dorothy Girard. publicity; Mrs. L. K. Interesting games of the season for Chamber of Commerce has been called of commerce voted at the'.r meting last following numbers will be given at the two reasons. First, the boys across dependent. Page, service and Mrs. Ernest Me for Monday evening by President W. close of the Bible school hour and I rlday to offer the old arch at the For Superintendent of Public In ­ Kinney, membership. the river usually have a good team, Taylor. At this meeting Mr. Ben­ at the 11:00 o’clock service. approach to the old Springfield bridge struction—C. A. Howard, republican, and second, this Is the school which nett’s plans will be explained. Local Bowing Address P.-T. A. Solo, "Walking and Talking with to W. J. Seaver, owner of the Seaver democratic. Professor Nelson Bossing of the Jesus." Miss Uldlne Garten; “The May coached last year and many of support for the line Is necessary to For Commissioner of tbe Bureau of school of education at the University Auto camp to be used as an orna­ Stranger of Galilee” by quartet by the boys there at that time are still its success and all towns that will I-abor—James M Alley, Independent ; was the principal speaker at the meet­ mental approach to his campgrounds. Mr. and Mrs D B. Murphy and Mr. playing football. not back the enterprise with their The letters of the name of this city, C. H. Gram, republican, democratic. Local people will be given their I support will be flown over, according ing He stressed the Importance of and Mrs. Roland Moshler; vocal duet, For Senator. Third Senatorial Dis Iproper relationship between the home which formerly were on the arch and ’Come Unto Him,’’ Miss Pauline Btlv- first opportunity to see the local team to Mr. Bennett which were Illuminated, have been trlct. laine county— H. C. Wheeler, re Jnnd the community. era and Miss DeLillian Olson; violin j ln actlon “ext R W afternoon when Mr. Bennet has spent several year» taken off. publican, democratic. The question of organising a chorus solo, Elbert DeMoss. ,he team her« ®eets Junction City. In Alaska where he operated the A committee consisting of H. E. The celling of the church auditorium Between thirty and lorty players | Alaska Airways and carried mall For Benator, Fourth Senatorial Dis­ among the grade school students was trict, l^ine and Unn counties—Joel C. I brought before the meeting by W. E. Maxey. F. B Hamlin, W. N. Long, has been kalsomined this summer, the haTe been turni“< out each night for Booth, republican; L L. Ray, demo Buell, Mrs. Barnell. and Ernest Mc­ and H. J. Cox, was appointed to make walls repapered, and the woodwork the Pract,ce Periods. This Interest I VICTIM OF ACCIDENT IS cratlc. Kinney. No decision was reached In a survey of the possible river ton­ varnished. New opera chairs have been I ^aa ^»en very gratifying to the coach nage which could be ¿»..¡¿ed here placed In the balcony to replace the I and Principal. BURIED HERE SATURDAY For Representative. Third Represen­ this at the meeting. In the event the Willamette river tative District— Earl H. HIU. republic­ Election of delegatee to the county older ones used there. Funeral services for James A. Scott, an. democratic, Emmett Howard, re­ convention to be held at Elmira was Is dredged from Oregon City to Spring- N. 0. W. DRILL TEAM HAS who met his death In an accident publican. democratic; El win A. Mc- postponed until the next meeting to field. BIRTHDAY PARTY FRIDAY | whlle working for a construction com­ Another committee consisting of AIRPORT SERVICE STATION Cornack, republican. be held October 17. pany at Potlatch. Washington last NOW OPEN FOR BUSINES I John Henderer. W. K. Barnell, and County The meeting closed with refresh­ Five members of the drill team I Thursday, were held at the James H. E Maxey was appointed to con For County Commissioner—O. E ment« served by the high school girls The service station at the municipal I of the Neighbors of Woodcraft were Pederson home ln Douglas Gardens Crowe, republican; Rosa Huston, dem under the direction of Mrs I. M elder the purchasing of more chairs flying field Is now open and ready guests of honor at a handkerchief on Saturday under the direction of for the community hall. «cratlc. Peterson. for business according to Lee Inman, I shower and birthday dinner and party the Walker-Poole funeral home. In- For County Treasurer—Orace Schls- The membership commltte was re­ manager of the field who will also Ia t the W. O. W. hall Friday evening terment was made ln the Evergreen ka. republican. vised and now consists of F B. Ham manage the station. Union oil pro- I after the regular practice session of I cemetery. SUNDAY IS RALLY DAY Un. W. K Barnell and C E Wheaton ducts are being handled exsluslvely I the drill team. Thoae honored were For Justice of Peace. Springfield— Surviving Mr. Scott la his wife, FOR BAPTIST CHURCH Wm. F Walker, republican. and either the regular gasoline or members whose birthdays came ln Au- three small children, his parents, Mr* ¡CIVIC CLUB NAMES City of Springfield the ethyl brand may be purchased. I gust or September, and Included Mias and Mrs. R. W. Scott of British Co Sunday will be Rally day at the For Mayor—W P. Tyson, W. F Workmen are busy now Installing the Ada Carr. Mrs. W alter Lipee, Mrs. lumbia and several brothers and sla­ CONVENTION DELEGATES Baptist church and efforta are being Walker. pump and equipping the service pit I Noah Hllterbrand, Mrs. Harvey Baton ters. He had made hie home here For Councilman, four year term— made to have an attendance of 100 Mrs. C. E. Wheaton. Mrs. Carl Ol­ for use In supplying airplanes. and Mrs. H. L. Burnett for some time, leaving during the present according to Rev. Ralph Mul­ Fred O. Frese. W. C. McLugan. C. E Free airplane tickets will be given The birthday dinner was served by summer to work on the project at holland. pastor. The Sunday school son and Mrs. A. B. Van Valzah will Wheaton. represent the local Civic club at the with purchases at the the station, ac-1 the following women; Mrs. Barbara Potlatch. For Recorder, two year term—Grace classes will be held between 10:00 convention of women's clubs which is cording to Mr. Inman. Adams. Mrs. Bernard Ernest, Mrs. and 10:30 at which time the Rally Kirkland May, Ira M Peterson. to be held In Eugene the latter part Grayden Lewis, Mrs. Alex Stevens, SATURDAY FINAL DAY day program will commenee In the Referred by Legislative Assembly of this month. and Miss Melba Mellons. The party | BIBLE MISSION GROUP Repeal of State Payment of Irrlga main auditorium of the chtirch and FOR VOTERS TO REGISTER Now land B. Zane, professor of art broke up at a late hour. will extend through the morning serv­ tlon and Drainage District Interest— at the University, will give an illus­ MOVES TO NEW QUARTERS ice period. Purpose: Repeal article Xl-b, state Saturday, October 4, Is the last day In the evening the Young People trated travelogue on Alaska at the Members of the Bl,ble Mission group BRATTAIN ENROLLMENT constitution, which provldea for Is­ Ion which voters may register for the next meeting of the club here which suance of bonds and payment by the will meet at 7:00 for a hair hour Is to be held October 7. This meet moved their headquarters from the NOW REACHES 197 MARK general election to be held on No­ At 7:30 the pastor will biuldlng next to the Max stove works state of Interest on Irrigation and program. vember 4, acordlng to L M. Petereon, Ing will be In the nature of a tour speak on the pre-sermon question, Into the old library yesterday. The The enrollment at the Brattaln city recorder. Any person who has drainage district bonds. to Alaska with various members of State Cabinet Form of Government "Should We Forgive People Who Have the club heading parties to various new headuarters were renovated and I school has now Increased to 1»7, changed his place of residence since Improved by members of the congre- according to G. B. Wood, principad, the primary election or did not vote Constitutional Amendment— Purpose: Wronged Us If They Do Not Ask it, Interesting places. gation before moving their benchee This is juat five below the figure I at that time should make sure they Making the governor, sercretary and and If So, Why?" The evening ser­ and other equipment reached last year and It Is expected are registered properly. I t Is also treasurer the only elective state of­ mon topic will be "How Men are Made.” LEGION MEDAL GIVEN that more than that number will start necessary to be properly registered to fices; all others appointive by gov­ school after the measle scare passes. cast a ballot in the city election which ernor; creating nine new state depart­ — Purpose: To provide for two addi­ HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT METHODIST YOUNG FOLK This is a gain of 53 pew scholars ments; abolishing all other offices. tional judges of the circuit court of HAVE PARTY ON FRIDAY since the first day’s registration when will be held at the same time. Ruth Lee was presented with the Bonus Loan Constitutional Amend­ the state of Oregon for the fourth Approximately 75 voters had reg­ ment—-Purpose: Extending privilege judicial district, comprising Multno­ American Legion medal for having istered at the city hall this morning. Members of the Epworth League and there were only 146 registered. written the best essay on the topic other young people of the Methodist About one-half of these are registered of state Bonus loans to veterans of mah county. Philippine Insurrection, Chinese Boxer for the first time, while the others Income Tax BUI— Purpose: Levying of '‘Americanisation” at the high church enjoyed their first social meet MRS. FRED LOUK BREAKS are re registering because of changes rebellion and qualified non-residents a progressive Income tax upon net school last spring at the first assem Ing of the year at the church parlors SHOULDER ON MONDAY In residence after becoming residents for ten years Incomes of natural persona and de­ bly period of the high school on last Friday evening. Games and rtunts Motor Vehicle License Tax Const!* ducting amount received from such Friday morning. S. 8. George, com­ were enjoyed by all those present Mrs. Fred Louk sustained a broken j tutional Amendment— Purpose: To tax from the amount necessary for mander of the American Legion post Refreshments were srvd. Miss Nellie shoulder Monday evening as she fell SMALL GIRL BREAKS ARM ln Eugene, made the presentation and Wright Is th chairman of the social on the floor at the Eugene Fruit I authorise subclasstfactlon of property, state purposes. SECOND T IM E SUNDAY Including automobiles, for taxation Growers cannery while leaving the | Antl-Clgarette Constitutional Amend­ made a short address on "American committee of the league. and consideration of use, value, de ment prohibiting Importation, manu­ isation.” plant Breaking the same arm within two predation for excise or privilege facture, sale, purchase, possession, Other employees assisted her and L years is the misfortune which befell SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS taxes, without specific assessments. she was taken to the Eugene hospital giving away, of materials or adver­ SPRINGFIELD MAN GETS ELECTS NEW OFFICERS where she will have to stay for at four-year-old Ann Winfrey, daughter Motor Vehicle License Tax Consti­ tisement thereof, and Imposing penal­ of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Winfrey of CITIZENSHIP PAPERS tutional Amendment— Purspose: To ties. Fall Creek, Sunday when she fell from Mhs. Eva Tobias was elected presi­ least two weeks. authorise classification and subclassi­ Rogue River Fishing Constitutional Josef Slmunek of this city a tree which she was playing ln and dent of the Bethany Sunday school fication of property, Including auto­ Amendment— Purpose: Constitutional granted his final cltlsenshlp papers broke her forearm. This Is the same class of the Baptist church at a meet­ LOCAL PEOPLE PLEASED mobiles, for taxation and consideration amendment closing Rogue river and I at a hearing held at the Lane county arm which she broke at the elbow ing held at the home of Mrs. Marvin W ITH METSCHAN VISIT of use value, depreciation for excise Its tributaries and water within three courthouse In Eugene last Friday. W. two years ago when she fell from a Chase on Friday evening. The other or privilege taxes, without specific miles or Its mouth to fishing other Blackman, of the Federal Immigra­ officers chosen are Mrs. Norton Pen- Phil Metschan, republican candidate ,ence on which ahe was at assessments. than by hook and line, providing tion bureau at Portland, conducted gra, • vice-president; Mrs. Wallace for governor, paid a visit to Spring- ,he tinle- Constitutional Amendment for F ill­ penalties. the hearings before Judge J. W. Ham­ Hawk, secretary, and Mrs. Chase, field last Thursday afternoon and met was brought to the office of ing Vacancies In the Legislature— Pur­ Lieutenant Governor Constitutional ilton. treasurer. A social time was enjoyed most of the people here. Mr. Metschan a local Physician Sunday afternoon pose: Constitutional amendment to Amendment— Purpose: Providing elec­ Slmunek Is a native of Austria. He following the business meeting. Is a boyhood friend of C. E. Kenyon, to haTe tbe arm aet authorise the filling of vacancies In tion of lieutenant governor to succeed was one of a class of twelve to be cashier of the Commercial State bank, [ the legislature In such manner as governor when vacancy occurs, and be granted his papers. The cases of Eckerson Visits City both having spent their early days In | MISSSION GROUP MEETS may be provided by law. president of senate. Secretary of three other applicants were continued Major and Mrs. G. H. Eckerson and the eastern part of the state. The Legislator’s Compensation Constitu­ state to succeed when both offices until the next hearing. HERE NEXT TUESDAY two sons stopped ln Springfield for local people were deeply Impressed tional Amendment— Purpose: To fix vacant. a few minutes this morning to visit upon meeting the man and indications Mrs. A. B. VanValsah will entertain legislator’s compensation at |BOO for People's W ater and Power U tility targe Apples Exhibited friends. They were on their way up are th it he will poll a strong vote the members of the Mission society two-year term and mileage as now Districts Constitutional A m endm ent- Two large green apples which would the McKenzie mountains. In this city. of the Methodist church at her home provided; presiding officers to receive Purpose: To authorise creation of more than cover saucers are being Republican precinct committeemen next Tuesday, October 7. Mrs. Van one-half compensation allowance ad­ people’s utility districts within a n d / exhibited ln the window of the Ketels On Duck Hunting Trip and several others attended the coun­ Valsah is president of the society and ditional. or without municipalities to develop, Drug store this week. They are from D. W. C. Rebhan left Tuesday eve­ ty dlnnei given for Mr. Metschan at Mrs. Wm G. Hughes has charge of „ Referendum .......... Ordered by Petition dispose of and sell water, water power the John Dlsher orchards near Wal- ning for Slltcoos where he Is spending the Osborn hotel hi Eugene at noon the program arrangements for the Two Additional ClrcuP Judges Bill | and electric energy. | terville. several days hunting dueks. the same day. meeting. Candidates and 13 Measures For People’s Daoiaion