À I I F ace six THIRTEEN LAWS TO BE PUT BEFORE VOTERS AT NOVEMBER ELECTION " ------i 1 - T T. '.T------ i " a ------“ ----------- of Hie American Sunday School Union BUSINESS MEN FLY WILLAMETTE GAME IS will deliver the sermon at the morn- FIRST NIGHT CONTEST OVER CITY WEDNED8AY ' Ing worship hour at the Bapllat FOR OREGON PLAYERS church Sunday. Kenneth Tobias will A Zenith biplane owned by A A. Night football will make Its Initial preside and will hare charge of Ihe lleniiiitl, formerly of the Alaskan Air bow In the upper Wlllsmelle valley opening and closing exercises. ways, spent a couple of hours at tba tomorrow evenlg at ilavward field The Sunday school will meet at local port yesterday. The plaue was In Eugene when the university team 10:00 o'clock and In the cveulpg Ihe brought here by Pilot l*almelter of meets Willamette university's players Vouug people will meet at 7:00. Thia Corvallis who waa looking over var­ In the second game of the season will bo an open meeting for Ihe en­ ious airports with a view of estab for both conteatanta. Thia contest tire congregation, and itev Ik hi Mailing a trans port bualneaa between baa already assumed some Importance Baker of Eugene will give an tllua Tacoma and Medford Several local le Northweat football eirrloa as the traled lecture on the subject, "From business m>-n took rides in Ihe ship university did not down the Pacific Ihe Cradle lo Mntrnity.” whiih can carry all passengers boys with any large score Iasi Sai urday. while on the other hand Ore gon Stale hadly ran over the WII lainette players. Willamette haa c m Blatantly defeated Pacific. The res worth of the Willamette boys will he displayed tomorrow evening when ih , We wish lo expresa our sincere thunks lo the |M>ople game Is called at 8:15. of Springfield and «'specially to the fire officiala of Eugene Several Springfield people are ex and Springfield for their work during the fire lant week pected to attend the game and boost which completely destroyed the Springfield Mill and Grain for the Willamette squad Such local coui|>any'a main plant. We wlah also to thank the volun­ citizens aa Or W H Pollard, who teer firemen and the many other», whose aaaintance both won his letter with the Willamette during the fire and afterwarda, waa greatly appreciated. team, and others who have M'endvd (5. 0 . BUSHMAN school there more recently are atmoal C. E. LYON certain to be In the grandstands JOHN BUHIIMAN Reports from cities where night ARTHUR BUHIIMAN MsM ary. rfeto. sas j football already has made Its debut m a in ar StostAstxl ovW (/■Jearstly declare (hat the game under arc new owners of the ■ lights la decidedly more spectacular EUGENE MILL AND ELEVATOR COMPANY tinued unbroken down to t t than in the afternoon. A more bill day. ! liatit atmosphere and the unusualness After three yean at Willamette otb of the placing conditions have tended vertlty, the oldaat Institution of high­ er gaming In Oregon. Phil Metschan to increase the spirit of the game. It wa t to Stanford university to stndy j la declared 1*1 | Charles McNary had preceded The University of Oregon team will hix 'to Stanford, and there the youtb- entrain Sunday afternoon for their friendshlp was renewed and ened. The two roomed to long trip to Chicago where they will meet Drake university on October 3. studied law together. Stanford, Phil Metschan re- in the first Interaecttonal game of to Salam, and later, went to the year. It will be played at night America, where he spent a P R IC E CUTTERS Charles McNary finished hie on Soltilera Field. en’ered practice, rose in entered the United COW POISONING NOT DUE STORE NO. 1 S T O R E NO . 3 125 East B roadw ay, Eugens 950 Charnslton Bt., Eugene tall Senator McNary, now a TO FARM WEED KILLER flgwe. le seeking re-election S T O R E NO. 2 S T O R E NO. 4 to the senate, and his friend and hop The four tows which are reported 88 95 W est B roadw ay, Eugene 500 M ain S treet, Springfield hood chnm, Phil Metschan. is the can­ didate of the republican party for to have died at Wendllng last week governor. Names of the two men. who after eating graas which had weed THURSDAY. FRIDAY and SATURDAY as youngsters fished together os the poison on it. did not eat the weed Willamette and aa students roomed together at Stanford, will appear on po'son which lame farmers are using to kill the obnoxious weeds wtth, the same ticket. la a l of Ms campaigns Senator stated County Agent O. ». Fletcher, Picnic size McNary baa had the enthusiastic sap- yesterday. 11 oz. Can port at P M Metschan. whe has sever The killing solution which the coun­ 2 Cans before been a candidate for any pablle Can office In this campaign, when both ty uses Is a calcuim chlorate and tea. each win have the sup this is only slightly toxic to livestock CULF-KIST and will not kill them Mr. Fletcher No. 1 Standard says that It is possible that the stock FORMER RESIDENT DIES ate some grass which had been poison­ Can AT PAISLEY ON MONDAY ed by the railroad employees. Rail­ roads have been known to use an 2 Cans Cana H. A. Brattain, for many years a arsenic preparation and post notices warning cattle owners. resident of Springfield until moving to Paisley in Eastern Oregon where he engaged In stock farming, died at SUNDAY SCHOOL HEAD his home there on Monday afternoon Something new Broken sections TO PREACH ON SUNDAY at 3:30. Funeral services were held 2 Packages Can there on Tuesday. J. J Ray, sonerai superintendent Surviving Mr. Brattain are two brothers, Paul Brattain, Sr., of Pais­ ley. and Eldon Brattain; and one slater, M tb . Maude Small. Mrs. Paul Brattain and daughter, Maude, drove to Paisley to attend the funeral. Mr. Brattain lived on a farm adja­ cent to this city for many years. He attended the schools here and grad­ uated from the University of Oregon. He spent a few days here about three weeks ago when returning from a trip around the world which he had Just completed. ............ i—— — — » Two College Chums Are Candidates On Republican Ticket Thirteen proposed law« will be tab- mltted to the votera of Oregon *1 the general election In November. Four of these measures are being submitted to the voters by means of the initiative petition, two others are being referred to the people by pet I tionera, and seven of them are being referred by the state legislature.' Elev en of the thirteen measures provide for constitutional amendments. The first measure submitted by the legislature aslts the voters to repea the article in the constitution provld ing for the issuance and sale of state bonds and payment with the money j received therefrom, of the inters! on ! bonds issued by irrigation and drain age districts, for the first five years after such bonds are issued. The second measure seeks to amend the state constitution so as to provide ■ for the abolishment of the present form of government and the adoptiou of a cabinet form in which only the governor, secretary and treasurer would be the only elective officers; WL Vi the others being appointed by the A g <1U« pfetav» «As» .Sed-Si « 4 governor. This measure seeks to W e. abolish all present offices and to Juvenile ambitions are seldom real provide nine new ones. had. boyhood dreams seldom come Another amendment sought by the true, but it la the unusual that makes leg.slature is one extending privilege interesting reading, the unexpected of state bonus loans to veterans of the that attracts attention. AU of which leads up to the story of two young Philippine insurrection. Chinese Boxer stars, who lay beneath the friendly rebellion and qualified nonresident shade of broad oak trees on the banks world war veterans after becoming of the WiUan*tte river at Salem 40 years ago and dreamed, as boys wUl residents for ten years. dream when fishing. Equitable License Fees Sought One of the two boys was Phil Met­ The fourth act seeks to amend the schan. The other was Charles L Mc­ motor vehicle license tax article of Nary. One looked forward to the day when he would be governor and alt la the constitution to provide for classi­ the executive office ef the etate Capi­ fication and sub-classification of prop­ tol. the majestic dome of which rose ___ above the roofs of the homes la the erty. including automobiles, for taxa tiou. ud consideration of use, value. .^ 5 e other fancied himself * - “ tba 8tates capitol at i.epnelation . for excise li pr vileg ington. - United - One of those dreams has come t..xes. without specific i-ssessrr-ni*. . true, and the other bids fair to come " Ills act is designed io shift the ; true when the ballots are counted In s»i n-obile tax to a valuation basis the November election. The two men. now standing for of­ rather than weight as is now in fice on the republican state ticket, effect. met for the first time as boys shortly The fifth act merely provides for i after Phil Metschan, Sr., was chosen the revision of the constitution making state treasurer in 1390. Charles Mc­ Nary was attending school In Salem the gas motor vehicle law legal. Another amendment seeks to grant and living at home with his widowed mother. The twe youths became al­ the legislature authority to pass a law most inseparable companions and determining the manner in which va­ • t ™ < * ud a friendship which has cancies in the legislature are to be filled. MANY BEAR ARE SEEN 0 Legislators' Salaries Up ON SOUTH FORK TRIP The problem of compensation for members of the legislature is back Bear afe pienglflu in the woods now of the Legislators' Compensation Con­ according to Clive Stanley and F. O. stitutional Amendment. The amend­ ment seeks to fix legislators’ compen­ Spencer, who spent the week-end sation at $500 for the term of two hunting on the South Fork of the years, together with travel pay for •McKenzie river. They saw several going and returning from the place bear and took a shot at two of them, of meeting. Presiding officers shall but did not succeed In killing them. receive one half of their allowance as They say that they will take a dog members as additional compensation. along next time to aid them in track ing the bear. The first measure referred by the Although the trip was made for people is the one which provides for two additional judges of the circuit the purpose of hunting deer, not one court for the fourth judicial district deer, either buck, doe or fawn was seen, they stated. which Includes Multnomah county. The seconu referred measure is an Whoopee! other Income tax law which provides for a tax on all incomes above a “The party of the first part,” dic­ contain alioted sum for each indi­ tated the lawyer, “agrees with the vidual. party of the second part.” People of Oregon will also be called "I’m gonna like this Job." said the on to vote on the cigarette question. new stenog, “it's all about parties." The anti-cigarette league is asking the voters to pass a constitutional amendment making It unlawful to Im­ port, sell, manufacture, purchase, possess or give away within the state of Oregon cigarettes, cigarette papers, or materials for the manufacture of cigarettes, of the advertisement of the same in any manner whatsoever. Another law seeks to make it un­ lawful to do commercial fishing on the Rogue River and its tributaries. It seeks to prohibit the catching of fish within a radius of three miles of Its mouth In any manner except with rod or line. The creation of the office of a lieutenant-governor for the «'ate is the objective of another amendment, and the final one listed in the pamphlet, now being mailed to each registered voter In the county, seeks to authorize the creation of water and power utility districts. Card of Thanks Succotash 7 1-2C 15c OYSTERS 121-2C Palmolive Beads 11c Tomatoes 25c Grape Fruit 15c 16c Breier Days Celebrated Throughout the West FOODS Without question a remarkable opportunity to save money on timely merchandise • • • • • Revolutionary Readjustments You have all heard something about the revolutionary readjustment» taking place in the production field, upsetting all old standards for price: Manufacturers seeking quick turns are ready to make large price sacrifices, made a big bid for this merchandise . . . we demanded the market's’ lowest got it , . . and now we are passing profits along to our customers Once again we can say to our customers . . . Brier . we Let Breier Help You Save More During Breier Days Every value offered muBt do Its part toward making Breier DayH famous through- Oljt. the Weflt. BREIER DAYS are days when we even break our own famous record for set­ ting values. . r CHIC'S FEED STORE TO HANDLE FEATHERFLAKE Plus a Loud Hootar Algernon (reading Joke)—“Fancy this, Pecy; ‘A chap here thinks that a football coach has four wheels.' ’* Percy—"Haw, Haw! And how many wheel« ba« Lie bally thing." Minnesota Peas 25c I Appetite Whetting Announcement waa made here thia morning that Alex Steveng, owner and operator of Chic’s feed store on West Main street, had taken over the Spring- field agency for Featherflake feeds and other products of the Eugene Mill and Elevator, formerly the Spring- field Mill and Orain company. Mr. Stevens has been handling the Kerr-Olfford brand of feeds, but the sale of the mill In Eugene and the discontinuation of the manufacturers of those feeds In this vicinity haa made It desirable to handle the Eu­ gene product. THURSDAY. 8 K IT E M B K R 26. 1930. T H E SPRINGFIELD NEWS T “ D O N ’T M I S S IT ! Foods that whet the appetite at the same time stimulate the digestive organs, making them better able to care for the food entrusted to their action. Tasty foods, such as you get from us, 4erve as appetite teasers and appetite satlsfiers. A Tasty food such as always are highest standard quality. W. A. TAYLOR 9-Day Thrift Event „ «« rP L J “ Br«ier Days ar« here again s t a r t i n g 1 h u r s d a y Our new low prices cheer again TRU-PAK. MONARCH and 8. & W. Phone Any time you buy at Breler's during Breier Days, merchandise Is bound to oarrv the lowest price offered anywhere. - 7 C a l o r .i □ e p t e in b e r Z b tn Phone You'll buy at them and say again Breier days are here again!" Ending Saturday October 4th NEW LOW FALL PRICES SA VE HERE! 4