THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1930 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ■5¿’ „ 1 _____ --------- GIRL SCOUT WORKERS MEET HERE TH IS WEEK 11 TOWN AND VICINITY Vielt« from J.epsr F llaurr „r I Thu .ton Man H . r . Charlo. Tay JaaiM-r wu. a business visitor In thia lor of Thuraton was a business visitor city on Monday. In Hprlngfi.-ld on Tussday moralng Cresw.ll Rasple More— Mr and Mrs. Visits from Thurston—B. W. Illch K II Naabltt of Croswoll werv visitors uidson or Thurston was a business tn Hprlngflsld on Monday morning. visitor In Hprlugflold on Tuesday. Fish Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Carl Attend St*ts Fair—Mrs. W. A. Tay­ Olson apont Bunday on a flailing and lor, Mr and Mrs. Frank Root, and bunting trip above Fall Creak. Mrs. I’. Harrington were visitors at the Btate fair on Tuesday. N .tu m from T rip - Mr. amt Mrs. David Haltauian have returned fmm Leave for School The Misses Lu­ a short visit at lioswall Hprlnga. cille Richmond and Edith Eaton left Bunday for Ashland where they will Visit at Salam—Dr. and Mrs. It. I*. again attend the tk>uthern Oregon Mortenson spent Bunday vlaltlng with Warner Baxter, star of the Fox Movla- Normal school. frlonda at Bi.lem. tone Productlon “Arlzona Kld,*’ Vlalta from Albany- Mrs. W C. at the Colonial. V isit. from Mohawk -Vic Itammltt I Hrookinun and two daughters, Ulenua of Mohawk waa a Monday morning and Bonnie, all of Albany, spent the PUBLIC EAGER FOR GREAT visitor In this city. week end visiting with Mrs. Brook OPEN SPACE THRILLER Vlaltor from Blua River— Mrs. Char man's nelce, Mrs. Robert L. Bears. lea Hadley of Blue itlver was a vial 'T h e normal human desire to see I DEER HUNTERS GET tor In Bprlngfleld on Monday. something-different will always keep Changes Raaldence— Mr. and Mrs Howard Melson have moved Into the Lyons house at the corner of Eighth and F streets. EXERCISE BUT FEW RETURN W ITH BUCKS Western pictures popular." This, at least Is Warner Baxter's Ix-llef and the man who scored such Instantaneous fame with his portray­ als In "In Old Arisons'* and "Ro­ mance of Itlo Grande" should cer­ tainly know whereof he speaks. "Western pictures, providing care Is taken to place them against the splendid scenic backgrounds through­ out the West, can always bring some thing new and different to the spec- tators—-something that will tempor­ arily carry them out of themselves, give them a new Incentive and a new outlook. Plenty of good healthy exercise Is all that must of the local deer hunter« Visits from Llnslaw—Mrs. Ellis have been able to get out of tbelr Klchardaon and aon, Milton, of Lins bunting efforts so far this season. law ware Bunday guests at the Emery Many local cltlsena marched forth on Richardson home In this city. the Bunday preceding the opening of Motor to Rossburg-- Mr. and Mrs. the season almost curtain of returning W F. Walker motored to Roseburg within a few days with one or two on Bunday. They returned the same deer. Those who went across tbe day. mountains to eastern Oregon have been fairly successful, but those who Visit st Wangling Mrs. Rosa Mont contented themselves with the game gouiery and Mr and Mrs. Herbert on this side have not fared so well. "W ith the advent of the talkies Bmeed of Eugene spent Bunday visit Another large number of hunters the Western temporarily took a back Ing relatives at Wundllng. went Into both tbe McKenxIe and seat; tbe difficulty of handling the Dismissed from Hospital—<1. A. Coast country last Bunday and most j then very temperamental and erratic Lewis Is recovering nicely from an of them returned without even seeing sound recording equipment away from operation which he underwent at the auy deer. a studio was tremendous. But the Eugene hospital last week. The weather has been too good for mggedness of the apparatus was Steadily Improved and today the engi­ Aged Woman Recovering- Mrs. W hunting, say the experts. They claim neers have perfected the durability II. (Grandma) Cooley Is convalescing that the deer are up In the high of sound mechanism Meantime, a at her home at Douglas Dardens mountain tops and are staying there flood of letters from screen fans and until storms begin sweeping them. following an operation. They ere optimistic, however, and say theatre owners descended on the pro­ Go To Wolf Creak— Mr and Mrs. that It will storm there soon and then ducers, all demanding Westerns. Wilbur Lloyd left Baturday for Wolf the deer will have to come down to Mona Maris, the Argentine beauty Creek where Mr. Lloyd will spend a lower pastures where they can be who scored so heavily with Baxter tew days hunting. In "Romance of Rio Grande,” again found by hunters. has the leading feminine role in " The Visits Daughter— Mrs. Katie Uriuu Arlxona Kid,” which comes to the elte left Bprlngfleld Baturday for TALK CHICKEN PROBLEMS Colonial theatre Friday and Saturday. Triangle l^tk« where she will spend AT COUNTY MEETINGS Mrs. Jlmlnex. Theodor Von Eltz, Ar­ several days visiting with hor daugh thur Stone, Hank Mann and other Chicken flock management anu tor. celebrities are In the cast of this problems have been the center of Attends Fair— Mrs. Jack l-ar.on and discussion st a series of meetings of first all outdoor talkie. two sons. John Richard, and Robert luine county poultrymen which have Frank, left Bunday for Balem where eben lobl at various grange halls MRS. MORTENSON NAMED they spent seyeral days visiting the Bnd mher p|ace. |„ the county TO COUNTY P.T.A. OFFICE state fair. They were guests of Mr this week by H. E. Cosby, extension and Mrs. Trubert Henderson while poultry specialist from Oregon State Mrs. It p. Mortenson was named In Balem. college and O. 8. Fletcher, latne chairman of the entertainment com­ mittee of the Lane County Council county agricultural agent. Portlanders Here— Mrs. I’aul Smith Meetings were held Wednesday of Parent-Teacher associations at a of Portland Is spending a few days mornlng at the I. O. O. F. hall at meeting of County executives which here visiting friends end her brother, Waltervllle at 9:30 and again at the was held at the Eugene hotel on Dr. Herold Poery, of Eugene. Her Splcsr hall at Marcóla at 2:00 In the Saturday afternoon of last week. daughter, Joan Cox, started attending Mra. C. E. Hunt of Eugene will afternoon. the University on Monday. Local farmers will have an oppor have charge of publicity. Mrs. A. M. tunlty to hear these men discuss such Matlock of Veneta will be member­ Spends Sunday at Cottage Grovt Mrs. Riley Snodgrass and daughter. problems as flock feeding and pullet ship chairman, and Mrs Victor Bailey Maxine, spent Bunday at Cottage I management tonight when they will of Santa Clara will head the associa­ Grove as guests of Mr. end Mrs. Earl hold another meeting at the Eugene tion s Four-11 club work. The next meeting of the County Chamber of Commerce. HIU. group will be held at Elmira on Oc­ Hunt Sunday—Riley Snodgrass, Dr. tober 25. at which time It Is expected W. N. Dow. and D. W. Roof spent LOCAL GIRL WILL PLAY to have a prominent officer of the Sunday hunting on the South Fork FOR RADIO CONTESTANTS association present as speaker. of the Wlllsmetts river. Mr. Snod­ Miss Winifred Tyson, daughter of grass has a hunting cabin on the THREE SHEEP CLAIMS Mayor and Mrs. W. P. Tyson, has South Fork. ALLOWED FLOCK OWNERS been chosen to play the piano nc Returns to Albany Wayne Hawke j companlment for two of the young ( lnlms for 10 sheep alleged to have I has returned to Albank after spend people who will sing over radio next Ing two weeks here at the Mountain Saturday night In the annual Atwater been killed by dog attacks were pre­ States Power company office during Kent contest at Portland. Miss Tyson sented to the county dog control the absence of Miss Lulu McPherson will be heard at 9:30 over radio sta­ board on Monday by three claimants 1 who was on a vacation. tion KQW and will accompany Miss and were approved. New dog licenses Agnes Petxold, contralto, and Ralph for 1931 have already arrived and Spend Sunday st Roseburg—Mr. methods of distribution of these are and Mrs. Marlon Adams and son Coue, tenor. All three of the must being considered by the board. clans are pupils or the school of spent Sunday at Roseburg where they are Interested In a taxidermy plant. music of the University of Oregon. Movea to Corvallis Several hunters have brought in deer Mrs. C liff Abrams has moved to I 8U M M O N 8 heads to be mounted says Mr. Adams. Corvallis where he son, Donald will In tha Justlos’s Court, Eugen« Jus­ Injures Back—Joe Queen, employee of the Fisher Lumber company at Marcóla strained his hack while work­ ing at the mill last week. He was In town Monday to have the Injury treated. Returns from Vacation— Miss Lulu McPherson returned to her work at the local office of the Mountain States l*ower company on Monday following a two weeks vacation. Tbe latter week was spent visiting relatives in Ghehalls and Seattle. On Vacation Trip— Mr. and Mra. G. H. Turner left Sunday for another vacation trip on the coast They nxpect to be gone tor about a week. Mrs. Hattie Myers Is In charge of their mercantile business while they are away. Quetta at Kllta Hotel—W. F. Hager­ man, Corvallis; C. L. Wilcox, Corval­ lis; B. Thomas, Lebanon; H arry Rick­ ert, Corbett, Ohio, C. J. Sworden, Cor­ bett, Ohio; George Dougherty, Hood River; and C. A. Brady of Newport were all guests at the Springfield hotel daring the past week-end. tice District, Lan« County, Oregon. OEO. B. BLOOMER. Plaintiff, V«. OEOROE HARROP, Defendant. To George Harrop, Defendant: IN TH E NAME OF T H E STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ quired to appear before me at my office In the Bank of Commerce Building, tn Eugene, Lane County. Oregon and answer t’ e complaint filed against you In the above entitled ac­ tion on or before four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and If you fall to answer for wnnt thereof the plaintiff will take Judgment against you for the sum of 129.36, together with In­ terest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from September 12. 1929, until paid, and for his costs and disbursements In this action, and also for the further order of the Court that the Eugene Fruit Growers As­ sociation pay Into Court toward the saMsfActolon of such Judgment the sum of 138.5« belonging to you which has been attached and garnisheed In the hands of said Eugene Fruit Grow­ ers Association. Given under my hand this 24th day of September, 1930. HAROLD J. WELI43, Justice of the Peace. Residence and Post Office address: Eugene, Oregon. attend the Gregon State ocllege this winter. They have been making their j home at Wendllng this summer. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the I undersigned has (lied with the State I Banking Board of Oregon application for license to engage In the business | of making loans of money or of per- J Honal credit, or in the pawn broker­ age business under the provisions of sections 6308-21 Inclusive, Gregon I laws. 1 IRA. C. OATES. Miner Building, Eugene, Gregon. Date of first publication September I 26, 1930. 1 NEARLY KILLED BY GAS — DRUGGIST SAVES HER I "Gas on my atomach was so had I t ! nearly killed me. My druggist to ld 1 me about Adlerlka. The gas is gone now and I feel fine." Mrs. A. Adamek, Simple glycerin, buckthorn, saline, etc,, as mixed In Adlerlka, helps | GAS on stomach In 10 minutes! Most' remedies act on lower bowel only, I but Adlerlka acta on BOTH upper and lower bowel, removing poisonous waste you never knew was there. ’ Relieves constipation in 2 hours. It I will surprise you.— Flanery's Drug Store. 8.26-0.1-9-18-18. PACE FIVE .■ V J U . Th<- local Girl Hcout troop has been j reorganised this week and new scout i workers were announced by Mrs. W K. Hamuli, chairman of the scout commlttoe She has an her assistants Mrs. ('. O. Wilson, Mrs. E. E. May, Mrs. Wanda Barnea, and Mrs. Lee ITitman Mrs. C. E. Wheaton Is the local representative of the group on the Ijin e county council. Mrs. Agnes Larsen Baker, former nurse et the Olri Scout summer camp !s to be the captain of the troop which now haa a membershllp of 35. The mothers of the girls are making uniforms for their daughters under the direction of Mrs. Wheaton. A meeting of tbe local scout work ers was held here this week at which time Mrs. Arnold Bchrup, Lane county director, was present and discussed the work with the local women. The girls will hold their first meeting next week, according to Mrs. Barnell. Free Airplane Ride By »aving tickets given with each 50c Cash purchase by local m erchants you will be given a free ride anytime you present 60 tickets at the Lee Inman School of Flying, Springfield Airport. FOLLOWING ARE GIVING FREE AIRPLANE TICKETS: IN D EPEND ENT MEAT CO. W H ITE FRONT GROCERY FULOP'8 DEPT. 8TORE K ETEL8 DRUG STORE DIBBLEE'8 GROCERY GRAYS CA8H AND CARRY W R IG H T AND 8ON8 DR. W. C. REBHAN MOON’S DELICATE8SEN Ask for Your Ticket with Cash Purchase. No Time Limit. Lee Inman School of Flying Springfield Airport Phone 193W BRATTAIN STUDENTS SEND LETTERS TO E. J. MOORE Students In each of the rooms at the Brattaln school are writing let­ ters this week to E. J. Moore, county school superintendent, who is ill at the Pacific Christian hospital. They are telling tbe superintendent that they are sorry that he is ill and express the desire ¡hat he has a rapid recovery, according to O. B. Wood, principal at the Brattaln school. Plays Xylophone Monday Miss Barbara Barnell, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. W K. Barnell, entertained with several xylophone solos at the meeting of the Spanish American W’ar veterans and the ladies auxiliary which met at the Eugene armory on Monday evening. Modern Equipment for Brake Test­ ing, Wheel and Axle Aligning TESTS FREE Minton’s Brake Service So many m eats are only good the day you cook them, but with a roast it is so different. Good cold for supper, and equally good warmed over the next day. Buying a big roast is economical, since it is good until all eaten. A phone call to 63 will bring you your choice. INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. All Work Guaranteed Phone 271 10th and Olive Roast Meat is Economical Eugene Oregon 4th and Main Sts. E. C. STUART Phone 63 PRATT HOLVERSON Harvest R ig Savings for Autumn Days! By trading at your home store you can g e t your fall and winter needs at a substantial saving. We carry only well known and best made brands of merchandise and because of our low overhead we undersell everybody— quality considered. Here Are a Few Money Saving Prices*. $5.00 Mens and Boys all wool Heavy Blazier Coats ___ _________________________$2.98 $3.00 Men's Sweater, fleece lined......._...$1.48 $5.50 Men’s all wool Union S u it ......... $3.98 $3.50 Men’s 50% wool Union Suits___ $2.48 $7.50 Men’s Raincoats, best grade ___ $3.98 $1.50 English broadcloth Dress Shirts..... 98c $1.00 Silk and Wool Hose ........................ 59c $5.00 Men’s Raintest Pants....................$3.98 $6.50 Men's Raincoats, hunter style..... $4.98 $7.50 Men’s high-top Rubber Boots, Ball ..Brand ------------------- ------ ----- ---------- $5.98 $4.50 Men's Dress Pants_______ ____...$2.98 $4.50 Men’s Corduruy Pants In all shades ......... $2.98 $2.00 Men’s Outing Nightgown............ $1.19 $1.50 Men’s heavy cotton ribbed Union Suits .................................. 9gc $7.50 Men’s Sheeplined Coats................ $4.98 $30.00 Men’s All Wool Overcoats........ $17.98 $3.75 Men’s Heavy Work Shoes...........$2-69 $12.50 Men’s 16-inch high top Shoes, best m akes ...............................................$8.98 $6.00 Men’s Dress Shoes or OxfordB......$3.98 $2.50 Boys Sw eaters ....... $1.48 $2.50 Boys Wool or Corduroy Pants. ..$1.98 $4.00 Boys Dress or Work Shoes ......... $2.96 Boys Raincoats, fine grade.......................$1.98 Boys Overalls, bell bottom ...... .................... 98c Boys Flannel Shjrts ........................ 69c $6.50 wool mixed, double Nashua Blankets ............... ....... 1.................. ........$3.98 9-4 fine grade Unbleached Sheeting........ 39c 8-4 fine grade Bleached Sheeting______ 39c $1.50 81x90 fine grade Sheets, free from s ta r c h ............. 96c Hope Muslin ................ 14c 25 and 35 Fast Color Prints........................ 19c $3.50 to 5.00 Corsets and Corselettes..... 98c Double Sheet Blankets..................... .........$1.98 One lot, $3.00 and $4.00 Felt H ats....... $1.48 $7.50 Ladies Raincoats, moleskin lined in all shades ..................... ..................... $3.98 Ladies full fashioned Silk Hose................ 98c Ladies pure Silk Thread Hose....................49c $5.00 and $6.00 Ladies silk Umbrellas .$2-98 $5.00 and $6.00 Ladies all wool S w e a te r s................. — ...... „ $2.98 to $3.98 $1.50 Ladies Fabric G lo v e s.........................49c $3.50 to $5.00 Ladies Kid Gloves...... _...$1.48 $1.50 Fast color House Dresses.................98c $2.50 Ladies Galoshes.................. $1.98 Crown Jewel Cotton B atts........................ 39c $4.50 to $5.00 Woolens, serges, Coat Ma­ terials, flannels, at less than y2 price, 54 inches ................................................. $1.98 $4.50 and $5.00 Ladies Shoes, latest styles .........................................................$2^98 25c yard-wide Outing Flannel..................16c $1.00 Ladies Silk and Wool Hose............50c In eVery department we offer bargains by the hundreds. Let us show you that we mean real bargains that the people of Sprin gfield have never seen before. FULOP’S Department Store 334 Main 8t. ‘THE STORE OF BARGAINS’ Springfield