P A G E FOUR THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS —....... — — — — THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at SprlogMeld. Lane County, Oregon, by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H. K. M A X E Y . Editor Entered a* seeond class m atter, February 14, 1903. at the posiofftce, Springfield, Oregon. M A IL SU B S C R IP TIO N RATE One Year In Advance ____ |1.75 Three Months 75c Six Months ....... .................... SI.*0 Single Copy ................5c THURSDAY S E P T E M B E R 25, 1930. THURSDAY, HRITKM RKR 26. 1930. MR. MEIER UNFAIR? Returns to Bend f E. Lyon re Julius Meier, independent candidate for gov- hom o u l Ite n d S a tu rd a y ernor, |iarattes him self as a friend of th e labor- “fh>r »pending s e v e ra l d a y * h e ro lo o k Ing m an and wom an and certain politicians are •"it » h e r bualneaa m a ile r s in cunnec attem p tin g to get him the endorsem ent of or- ••"" * 1,1 , h e b u r in in g o f th e a p rin g ganixed labor in Oregon. fleld M lll ad Orniti company proporti Yet, the last issue of the Oregon laibor P re ss hcre on Tuesday evenlng. Mr, Lyon official publication of the Oregon S ta le Feder la fln an d ally Intereated In thls or­ ation of Ijtbor, says: sa nlsatlo. "The M eier £ Frank company was placed on the unfair list of (he Central txibor council In 1932 and was officially removed from the Hat In 1924. However, the firm has N E V E R been re ­ moved from the U N F A IR list of the Retail Clerks' union." Entertain with OInner— Dr and Mrs Mortenson entertained with a past weekend are Mr. and M n R diner at th eir homo Thursday eve­ Pollock, Albany; M E llu rrlg h l, Sa ning for C. E Lyons of Bend and in n ; i..-n M e iv iiio Portland; Joe his father In law, C, A. Brady of Near Hvatoe. Chicago; and K. Donovan, por', both of whom wure In Spring- field checking over biases In the re­ l*nrlland. cent m ill fir*. Register at Elite— Among (hose r»g Is te rv d at th e E llie h o te l d u rin g th e N O TIC E TO APPEAR In the Circuit Court of the State of Visits from Marcóla Mr». A. II. Oregon for the County of Lane. W ilkin« of Marcóla wn* a visitor In Springfield on Monday. T H E S T A T E O F OREGON, Plaintiff va. < no 1924 Model lh«lge Tourlug nulo mobile, 1930 31 Oregon License num her 171 «4«. Engine Number A2436.1, W. D. Skaggs. Bill llu lley, and S NO ROOSEVELT HIGHWAY MONEY IF ,, , . „ . n n m p i t v pa h < , F u rth e r in the Oregon Labor press C. J. Hayes, What A Woman ROAD FLAN FAIDb vice president of th e Retail c.erka protectiive as- Objections to the sta te advancing county sociation, says: Furman, Defendants. cooperation money on sta te highw ays in Lane "The conditions complain«*! of by organised TO : W O. Shaggs. Bill Gulley, S county is heard from o th er counties. This labor in 1923 have not been m aterially changed. Furman, and TO W H O M IT MAY SHOULD W E IG H m oney is to be repaid at the ra te of over $100,- He has not bettered conditions, nor attempted to CONCERN: Defendants 000 a year o ut of the co u n ty 's sh are of the a u to ­ better then). He Is still paying his employee« IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E Beware of Fat O F OREG ON: mobile license fund. T he co u n ty ’s sh are is notoriously low wages while piling up millions In As women grow older they are You, and each of you. are hereby $750,000. profits. Under such conditions can Mr. Meier have ! apt Io take on weight— best to watch I out and keep from growing fat— 1 notified, and w ill take nntlee (hut the the audacity of poradlnng «round the state p»«lng following described personal properly F acts are th a t the s ta te has shown no favor­ weigh yourself today and »«- If your I |o.’w lt and proclaiming to be a friend of the wage itism to Lane county in advancing m eney. T his weight and height compare with fig' . One 1924 Model Dodge Tour­ earner 7" im provem ent will extend over four years and it ■ ure* below— If so you aro lucky— j ing automobile 1930-1 Oregon your figure la Ideally perfect and you is doubtful if the sta te will be ipore th an $200,- License Number 171 84«, Eh can feel happy. glne number A34363, 000 ahead of the county considering th e increase Ages 45 to 49 was K, t water say is th a t we cannot cooperate for the com ­ a glass water ev- forfeiture ot ° f ,h Ike ” sarn.- pursuant over I— “ -------- ---------------- ---------------- — ------------------1 — — -------- ‘ ~ er by a white whiskered gentleman of more than ,.ry morn,n„ („.fore breakfast— This I (5" n,'ral ’ « •» • of Ore- pletion of the Roosevelt highw ay until th e o th er thty. named George F. Baker When his name gets is the easy, safe and sensible way to ll“S () ,,r 19, , v sta te highw ays in Lane county t -e finished. eighty, _ KAt II O F Y llII, . and r all k e off fa t—an 85 cent bottle o f ' — Objections to th e plan a re not well founded Into the newspapers It Is usually because some stock 'ta Kruschen Salt» lasts 4 w e « k * -g e t ‘,T V ", *T. ”• • • in fact. in which he is known to hold a large and permanent “ 1 »ny Interest In said automobile above 45 to 49 >BRUC Interest has advanced a hundred points In a week and NO TIM E FOR FOREIGN LABOR O ur a tte n tio n has been called to th e fact th at the railroads are still em ploying m uch Mexican and o th e r foreign labor in Oregon. T here m ay have been a tim e w hen th is w as justified to get the work done but it certainly is not now. O import M exicans for railroad work with thou- sands of m en out of em ploym ent is surely bad faith on th e ra id ro a d s p art w ith th e country thew are deriving th eir revenue from . It should n ot go on in the future. e e e 1 her'!b’' r«'nu'r-d’’ Io ap’ J - r before the s ^ ’ Z . u ^ 7 o ^ added several million dollars to his fortune. lously alive— vigorous and vivacious in it ,, r n,,r> u . „• «•__ ,, A friend of mine visited the bank on business, and , In « weeks. Oregon, at Eugene. l-ane O o n n lr O ^ came back with this sentence: "The vision to see them; the courage to buy them ; the patience to hold them." ____ _____________ W hether it came from _ Mr. Baker „ or not, it Is his philosophy, and the secret of his fortune. In Boston there Is another old man, perhaps the most unselfish human being 1 have ever known. His whole gon. by the tenth day cf October. 1930, said day being the answer day In this cause which has heretofore j be« n «» «>•• »rls. * f° W ” f b'‘ ™ Ä i ; .Mrs H a rrie t Anatadt. Astoria. Alfred Clemmens, Corvallis. Chas D«s«-h. Portland. W. U. Orubbw, Albany. Mrs. J. U. llu u ts u ik e r, Toledo. W. K Hankins, M t. Hebron. Csllf. Itenver Kincaid. Ashland, tlert latmpa, St. Helena L. II. M artin, Yreka, Calif, E. F Smltb, Heppner. Mrs. Wm. Scbuenlng, Helix. Ixw Oey. North l*owder. T. L. Shown, Golileiidale Emma Turned. Mtkkalo. Henry Trowbridge, John Day. J. It. Wood, Eugene. V. P Harris, Athens. Mrs II Dunks, Klam ath Falla. Mrs W alter Scoll, Mt Angel. Henry H< hulls, Pendleton. Mrs. t). N. Kim ball, Crabtree. Mrs. Frank Stmpaon, Hood River Lee Klucher. fat Grande. Note shove the exact date and I»*“ «'«’ Permanent address: 2«8 So Serrano, I x m Angeles, Calif. ..Sweeten the Day with Candy.. quite different from the others. Yet, from their three mottoes one might evolve something In the way of a philosophy.. " If you are going to do anything you must expect criticism. But It’s’ better to be a doer than a critic The doer moves; the critic stands still, and Is passed by. “You must believe In something— In yourself, in the country, in God. You must have courage to back that belief with your money and your life, and patience to wait for fu lfillm en t.” This Is old stuff, you say. And I answer that every­ thing important is old stuff. Love is old stuff. Building a home is old stuff. Becoming a father is old stuff. But all old things become th rillin g ly new as each man diHCOVPrn Coming to CANDY will help to keep your school children healthy and happy T hey need it for quick energy! T h a t's why every school­ child has th at everlasting hankering for candy. T hey bunt up energy so fast In work (and even In stu d y !)- candy replaces tt quickly. Give them candy to go with lunch and a fte r every m eal—It’s good for them ! h lm u a lf R G G IM A N N ’ S "Whare the Service la Different" By Albert T Reid You d ie t come: v itk me.Tig«.- ín¿,doggone, tt, w h a fre you looking t U t way a t me for ? I ^uess ¡ t a i n t my f a u l t cause I g o tta, to school, js i t , ? * • you leave the strain of getting there to someone else W h e n you go to California by train, you leave the job of "get­ ting there" to someone else. By train, your vacation need not be lim ited to just one place. A Southern Pacific vacation ticket invites you to see the fu ll sweep of California's charm­ ing playgrounds. T ravel the scenic Shalla Route,through m ilesof breath­ less mountain scenery. Cour­ teous attendants smooth your way. You arrive refreshed and ready for play. Southern Pacific CARL O LS O N , A gent W hen Twilight Comes When twilight eonu s, th; ttMltds of firm homes and build­ ing* are lighted - lighted at the touch o f u button— lighted by electricity, which is denner, cheaper, safer, and infinitely more convenient than the old methods. To be certain o f the most economical and trouble-free electric service, install a complete wiring system anil MAZDA lamps in your home ami buildings. Electricity of electric old, slow, electricity is bringing new profit to farms. The application motors does swiftly and cheaply hundreds of tha anil tiring farm jobs. And in the farm home, cooks, cleans, wn«hes, irons, and refrigerates. Mountain States -TOUS FAATNERS Power Company «i — wreocaua- *