THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 26. 1930. PAGE THREE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Classified Ads (BUYING OR SELLING J L l. !L 2 J J T3T GfT RESULTS j rout y etrrÁatrw "No,” she steadily agreed. "But If demanded "if a black curtain sud­ WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE Standing on a New York street "If they're real clues you can trust denly fell between you and all that? corner, a young woman suddenly dis­ ub to tell you. In the meantime, these If yon bad absolutely no knowledge FOR SALE—Will take carpenter work cover* that she doe* not know her | FARMERS llava five hundred I6-foot SUM M ON* of yourself as you were before you In Eugene aa down payment on own name nor bow she got there., names are In yon mind and they may » jilt Cedar Telegraph Poles. Prfca In the Circuit Court of Oregon for came here?" start some subconscious work. Will j Everything In her past Is a blank. five room bouse In Springfield. Fine on sal« *100 each. Make A-l tele- Lsne County, She knows only that her name la "I'd teel just the way you feel.” he C. C. RAYBl'H.N?, Plaintiff, vs. phon« pots*. lot. Pavement and sidewalk paid. “Eve.” She meet* a young man who you be patient and leave all the rest to us, and promise not to ask any admitted; “only I couldn’t take the JENNIE RAYBURN. De’endaaL Balance of 3000 payable tike rent. lives at the hotel where she la reg­ experlecne to plnekiiy. Yon've been Oat Bueli- -Dan Crites and C. Mesch To the defendant, Jennie Rayburn. istered as Eve Nobody of Nowhere, more questions?" Phone 1190-W. You are hereby summoned to an­ "Yes.” She sat up and resolutely an tMptratkm, as Carrick says.” which she had written In French. em returned from the How River swer the complaint riled against you Eric Hamilton call* In a nerve spe­ smiled at him. "I'm ashamed of my­ “It waa disgusting of me to bring country Haturday with a 160 pound In the above entitled cause and court NOTICE TO C REDITO R * cialist, but Eve slips out of the hotel, up the subject.” she broke ont. "That within four weeks from the first pub­ buck. NOTICE IS HEREBY OLVEN that goes to a little apartment house, self for breaking down." lication of thia summons, and In case the undersigned has been appointed where she meets a professional danc­ "You needn't be. You're going wasn't plucky—to spoil even a minute you fall so to answer, for want there­ Executrix of the estate of JAMES S. er who gets her a job In a cabaret. through this wonderfully; and you're of our beautiful day.” NOTICK TO CRKDITOR* of. plaintiff will apply to the court for MAHON, doceased, by the County A* a cabaret hostess ghe meets coming ont of It wonderfully, too. The last words would have made Notice Is hereby given that the un­ the relief asked In the complaint, vis., Court of Lane County, Oregon. All many people. Then, one night, Do you think you will sleep tonlghtT’i up for anything. They restored Ham­ dersigned by order of the County that the contract and relation of mar persons having claims against said a man curious who claim* to recognise her Court of the State of Oregon for rlage existing between plaintiff and ■ state are rcqpliod to present them comes In. ilton to a mental state in which the "I hope so.” is afraid of him and I .ano e dissolved and cancelled, with the proper vouchers to the un­ runs away, She universe belonged to h‘m and his com­ "You ought to, for I think you're back to the hotel to Eric executors of the last will and testa­ and that plaintiff have the car« and dersigned at the law offices of E. O. Hamilton, »be ha* her hair dyed and ment and -estate of Perry A. Woolley, custody of Floyd Rayburn and Ardls Potter, 631 Miner Building, Eugene, 1 changes her manner of dress, so that on the road home. Good night, Miss panion; and this condition of beati­ tude lasted th ough a rather silent deceased and all person* having lluyburn, children of plaintiff and Lane County, Oregon, within six the stranger out of her ola life will Carrington.” claims against said estate are hereby defendant. dinner and an evening In which she months from the dale of this notice. “Good night. Doctor." not recognise her Then Hamilton notified to present the same properly This summons Is served upon you Dated at Eugene, urojon, this 4th persuade* her to go through a mar left him at eight on the plea of being Their eyee and hands met. verified, to said executors at the of­ by publication by virtue of an order day of »eplumber, 1930. rlage ceremony with him. As they The next morning. In the light ot tired. fice of Prank A. He Cue, the attorney of C. P. Bardnard, county Judge, mode MARY C. MAHON, return to the hotel the man she fear* “Bat It has been a good day,” she for the estate, at Springfield, Ore­ and filed September 3rd. 1*30, direct­ Executor of the Estate of James S. la waiting. Hamilton sends her up a sparkling day, the problems seemed gon. on or before six months from ing that you be served with summons Mahon, deceased. told him, and added with her enchant­ _________ I stairs and _____________ turns to the other man, simpler. the date of thia notice. by publishing the same once In each 84-11-17-26-0. 2 I wbo BayB nts name Is Samuel Hender "I want you to make me a prom­ ing smile, "I have felt actually hu­ weeks for four successive week* In Dated August 23rd, 1130. son, of Chicago. man.” ise,“ Bve said to Hamileton. the Springfield News, and that you NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IDA B WOOLLEY, Henderson Identifies Eve to Ham­ He had sent off bis instructions to “Almost anything. Eve. You know Gl.KN F. WOOLLEY, answer the same within four weeks NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ilton. She Is Eve Carrington, a fam­ the Chicago agency the previous Executor*. from the first publication thereof. N. A. Rowe, administrator ot the ous c<3ncert singer and Henderson thaL" This summons Is first so published ostate of Ethel H. Mendenhall, de­ was not only her manager but hoped Prank A. DePae, Attorney Then promise me you won't let the night, before be slept, and from the for the estate. S>-pt 4. 1*30. ceased, has rendered and filed In the to marry her. She had collapsed af­ man who calls himself Henderson time he wired them he subconsciously 8 D. ALLEN, A29»4-l 1-18-26 County Court of the »late of Oregon ter trying to save four children of Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence for the County of Lane his final ac- a (fjend (roln an overturned rowboat know about my condition until I say began to watch for the report. Inci­ and P. (). Address, Eugene, Oregon dentally he dropped a note to Hender­ count and that by order of said Court them you may." NOTICK TO CRKDITORS 84-11-18 2602 duly made and entered Saturday, the ^ k e Michigan two of them son, postponing their next talk for a Eric hesitated. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN That 20th day of September. 1930, at the ! ™ ore„ n a m e on "Doctor Carrick and I agree that few days. Edwin Steven* has bo«n appointed NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon of 8 lpp*‘ . pnmo,atelv executor of the l-s»t Will r. d Testa­ It would be wise not to confide in him said day at the County Court room In 'n i f No doubt Henderson was equally The undersigned. Administrator of ment of Charles E. Stevens, deceased, the estate of Robert P. Hartwig, de­ the County Court house in the City o f , VMnlatied The shock of the death of for a time,” he told her. “Won't that busy with investigations covering by the County Court of Lane County, ceased. has filed his Final Account Eugene. Oregon, has been fixed and dor Hamilton's life and present standing. Oregou. All persona having claims In the matter of said estate with appointed as the day. time and p la ce! “ r Henderson had caused her Certainly Henderson revealed no more “No. Even if you find he's all against said estate are required 'o i the County Clerk of Lane County, for the hearing of objection! to said ° present them, with the proper vouch Oregon, and an order has been made final account and the settlement . » • “ ''¿»n £ » « f ‘he¡w hole story to right, I don't want him to know urge toward another meeting than era, within six months from the 31st and entered of record by the County thereof. AJ1 persons having objoc- J*ls friend. Dr. Carr c , nnthln„ about my amnesia, or whatever it is,” Hamilton did. day of July, 1*30, to tho said execu­ Court of said County, directing thia tlons tp »eld final account are hereby »8«ur« that there Is nothing she persisted. He had also wired to Chicago, ex­ “There's something tor at the law office of L. L. Ray In notice, and appointing Saturday, the notified that the same must be In ' " ^ r old lift, that she(need. to fear Lhe Miner Building, Eugene, Oregon, i 18th day of October. 1930, at the hour writing and filed with the Clerk ol wh,le he considers how to bring her deep down—Oh, I can”t explain IL tending his own vacation, and he Perhaps it’s Instinct. Perhaps it's killed time for Eve and himself dur­ of ten o'clock A. M for the hearing said Court on or before said day and EDWIN STEVENS, QO ON WITH THE STORY Executor of the Last Will and Tea- of objections to said account and time. memory stirring a little. Whatever ing the rest of the week by at rang­ tsmeat of Charles E Steven*, de the settlement of said estate. ing several motor Jaunts, a matinee N. A. ROWE, It is, I don’t want him to know.” Dated this 18th day of September. ceased. but 1 have a Administrator. “I will try to . or two. and some bus and steamer Eric, of* course, understood and 1930 L. L. Ray, Attorney for Estate. A21 28-83-10-17 sort of horror . . . " HERMAN P. HARTWIG, shared her feeling, but he hesitated sight-seeing expeditions. There waa J31A7-14-21 28 "I know you have. Mr. Hamilton Administrator of the Estate of no doubt that Eve played up wonder­ SUMMON* to give a blanket promise. Robert P. Hartwig, Deceased. has told me about it. But there’s fully. She asked no questions and Caee No. 20456 NOTICE OP HKARINQ ON 818-26 02-9 16. "Somutning may happen,” he point­ FINAL ACCOUNT betrayed only occasional momenta of In the Circuit Court of the State of nothing now to Justify IL Will you ed ouL "News may come— ” NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN, that believe that?” Oregon for the County of Lane. depression. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Then tell me about It before you the undesigned administratrix of the Department No. II "Yes." The third day Eve made an unex­ ■-state of John W. Beasley, deceased, Notice Is hereby given that the un­ ROSA FOFPE. Plaintiff, “Good. And you must remember give him any details. Consult me. pected suggestion. has filed her account for the final dersigned has been appointed Execu­ vs. You owe me that. Will you prom­ settlement of said estate In the County tor ot the Mutate of Emma A. My, E. 8. PLATTS, and ELIZABETH D. another thing. W’e're morally but not "Do yon think it would he all right Court for laine County, Oregon, and deceased. by the County Court of PLATTS, his wife; BENJAMIN R absolutely certain that the man who ise r if we dropped into Jake's to-night for O' course I will.” She was right that Saturday, the U th day of Octo­ Ijine County, Oregon. All persons PLATTS; OREQON AND C A U | came to.night ,B what he says he Is an hour?*’ she asked. ber. 1930, at the Court Room of said having claims against said estate are FORMA RAILROAD COMPANY, a he was sure; and he himself was “We'll do anything you like,” he Court, In l^i- County Court House, In hereby notified to present the same, corporation; SADIE GRAULICH; and that the story he tells Is true. anxious to keep the truth from Hen­ Eugene, Ion e County, Oregon at ten properly verified, to the undersigned said at once, but she saw that the ARTHUR HAYNES; THE UNION He may have stolen the proofs he o'clock In the forenoon, has been by at the office of Wells A Wells. Bank TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, offers, or be passing himself off as derson as long as he dared. More­ prospect of the expedition was In­ said Court fixed as the time and plnce of Commerce Bldg.. Eugene, laine a corporation, and also all other gome one ejge but there Beemg a hun over. right or wrong, the important tensely distasteful to him. She was for hearing objections thereto, and County. Oregon, within six months persons or parties unknown claim- ' 1 that h«'« nnt a thing was to have her mind as free not surpriseo. From the first he had ing any right, title, estate, lien or dred to one chance that he s not a for final settlement of said estate. from the date of the first publication " ‘ fraud. We're going to learn all about from anxiety as possible. shown an unwillingness to discuss her Interest In the real estate described of this notice. KATIE M JANETTINO, “It's too fine to stay In,” he sug­ In the Complaint herein. him as quickly as we can. but It may Date of first publication. Sept. 18, experience at Jake's or even to admit Administratrix o' the Estate of Defendants. 1930. take a few days. In the meantime gested. “Suppose I get a roadster that It had occurred. John W. Bensley, deceased. FRANK J. SLY. TO E. S. PLATTS, and ELIZABETH I'll give you a bare hint of his story and we go off for the day?" L. U RAY. Attorney for Estate. 'I'd like to go," she amplified, Executor. D. PLATTS, his wlfo; BENJAMIN R. 811-18-26 02-9 She hesitated, but the quick glance PLATTS; OREGON AND CALIFOR­ and see If It stimulates memory. How at the outer ladtauce showed him that ignoring his manner. "They were all Wells A Wells. Attorneys. 8. 18-26; O. 2-9-16 NIA RAIROAD COMPANY, a corpora­ about the name Carrington—Eve Car­ amazingly good to me; I've told you Estate of Waldo Harvey Farnham, she was tempted. tion; SADIE ORAULICH; ARTHUR rington? Does It seem famiillar?" that. And I left them under a cloud. Deceased. "It does sound nice,” she admitted. HAYNES; THE UNION TRUST COM NOTICE TO CREDITO R * “1 don't know,” she faltered. "Is it NOTICE TO C REDITOR* In fact, they say Jake never forgives PANY OF NEW YORK, a corporation, 'Then let's go. Can you be ready Notice Is hereby given that Clarissa Notice Is hereby given that the un­ and ALSO ALL OTHER PER8ON8 mine?” any one who 'quits him cold,' aa they A. Farnham has been by the County dersigned ha* been appointed Execu OR UNKNOWN. PARTIES CLAIM­ "Did it seem natural when I called in half an hour?" put It. So I really ought to show up, Court of the State of Oregon, In and trlx of the Estate of Gunhlld M ING ANY RIGHT. TITLE, ESTATE. In half a minute. I’ve got on merely as an apology.” for Lane County, appointed admlnls Klrkeberg. deceased, by the County LIEN OR INTEREST IN THE REAL you by It?” •T can't be sure, I was so excited everything 1 own. you know.” “Of course,” he restlessly agreed. tratrlx of the estate of Waldo Harvey Court of iJtne County, Oregon. A.I ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COM ' We ll split the difference. I'll try when you came in. You know what persons having claims against said PLAINT HEREIN ON FILE: Farnham, deceased. But . . . you cou.^ write, you know.” All persoo* having claims against estate are hereby notified to present IN THE NAME OF THE STATE this possibility may mean to me . . . to be at the front entrance with a car "I’ve done that.” »he gave him an the estate of said deceased are here the same, properly verified, to the OF OREGON. You. and each of you, If there's nothing to dread . . in flften minutes.” odd look. ‘You don’t want me to go by notified to present the same, duly undersigned at the office of Wells are hereby required to appear and He was exacting about the roadster “Of course 1 do. How about the stated and verified, at the residence s Wells, Bank of Commerce Bldg. answer the Complaint filed against back there, do you?" of A. E. Wheeler at hla residence. Eugene. Iuine County, Oregon, within you Ip the above entitled Court and name Henderson? Does that suggest when it was offered for his inspection "No, frankly I don't But we’ll go. at the hotel garage. He insisted on 710 laiwrence street In Eugene, Ore­ six months from the date of the cause on or before four weeks from anything?" Just the same, if you’re really keen gon, within six months from this 11th first publication of this notice. having it cleaned and he also ordered the date of the first publication of She reflected, while both men waited for IL However. I’ll ask you to In­ Date of first publication, 8ept. 18, this Summons, and If you fall to so day of September, 1930. an overworked tire changed. But It tensely CLARISSA A. FARNHAM. dulge me In one detail. Introduce me 1930 appear and answer said Complaint was not much more than twenty min­ LILLIAN JOHN80N. Administratrix of the Estate of No,” she said at last. In a hopeless as your husband. I don’t want those for want thereof the plaintiff will i Executrix. apply to the Court for the relief j tone. T m afraid It doesn't." utes before he helped Eve into the car Waldo Harvey Farnham. Deceased people to think you’re drifting around Wells A Wells. Attorneys. A. E Wheeler. Att'y. at the Garland's entrance. Her mood prayed for In her Complaint herein, "H-m-m. Well, this man Hender­ 8 18-26; O. 2 9 16 a succlnt statement of which Is as alone.” 811-18-26 02 9 was serene but severely practical. — VI “As you like,” she agreed. "But follows: A decree requiring you. and son . . . who was here to-night and "I oughtn't to let yon spend money each one of you. to set forth the who frightened you at the cabaret. there’s no danger In the visit. The nature of any claims that you. or Mr. Hamilton tells me . . . says that on me this way,“ she murmured as man Henderson isn't likely to he there she took her place beside him. The either of yon, may have In and to you are a musician." again, and even if he were— the following described premises, to- "A musician?” She tried the word matter of money was increasingly on “There's no danger at all. That's wlt: her mind. He gave the wheel a care­ with tender lipa and a sudden smile. not what I'm thinking about” The Southeast Quarter of Sec Progressive Piano School ee. Phons 188 Plano Moving free whirl and started the roadster tlon 2; The Northeast Quarter "Are you?” He spoke so curtly that she looked iPRINQFIELD TRANSFER CLARA TUTTLE FENTON of the Northwest Quarter of "I . . . good Heavens, Doctor! 1 uptown. at him in mock alarm. WILLI» BBRTSGH, Pro*. Section 11, all in Township 18 The roadster was approaching the State Aoeredlted Teaeher don’t know!” “Do you realise,” she said teealngly, South of Range 6 West of tfloAt RODBNBOUGH OARAGE Open to 8prlngfield Studente ‘Don't get nervous. I won’t ask turn that led to White Plain.-» She that at moment* you're beginning to the Willamette Meridian In Corner Fifth and A Streets 62 E St., Monday and Thursday many questions. But what sort of a glanced down at her black pumps talk and act like a real husband? The laine County, Orogon, oag Distance Hauling a Specialty Each Week and that all adverse claims be deter­ musician do you think you are? a her face sobered. proprietary air you’re wearing this mined by the decree of the above “I had a shock this morning When 1 minute would deceive the closest ob­ entitled Court, and that by said de­ singer 7” looked at myself in the glass and got 'I . . . I don't know!” cree It be determined, adjudged and server.” the full effect of ray dyed hair In a General Law Practice decreed that the plaintiff is the owner "Do you think you can sing?" He flushed. DR. W. N. DOW bright light,” she abruptly announced. In fee simple of said premises and She shook heir head. “I beg your pardon.” I. M. PETERSON the whole thereof, and that neither D e n tis t ‘I can imagine IL I'm glad, my­ "If some one rolled a piano In here She relented. vou, the said defendants, nor any of First National Bank Building Attorney-at-Law self, when you wear your h a t Talk­ you. have any right, title, estate, lien would that Interest you? Would you “You don't need to . . . Eric!” As Phone 48 Sprlngflhld, Oregon ing of food has made me hungry,” City Hall Building or Interest In or to said premises, want to play on It?" he turned an Illumined face to her she Ofllce hours, • A. M. to 6 P. M. Hamilton added, for the dyed hair or any part thereof, and that decree ”1 don't know. Oh, I don’t k ow f Springfield, Ore. added hastily, "I know Just how you Evenings by Appointment he entered forever enjoining and re­ It was clear that the strain of the was not a topic to dwell on. "How feel.” straining you. and each of yon. from about lunching very soon at some asserting any claim or Interest what­ situation was too much for her. To "You don’t know anything of the soever In or to said premises, or any Hamilton’s horror, sho collapsed ab­ picturesque place along here? You hind," he said unsteadily. “But some part there of adverse to the plaintiff ruptly In a spasm of sobbing, her face ate hardly any breakfast.” day I hope you will. or her successors In Interest, and for "I'll be ready for my lunchoon. JEWELER (CONTINUED NEXT WEEK) such other and further relief as to In her hands, her body shaking. He She was not only r_ady for it, but started toward her, the psychiatrist the Court may seem equitable and Repairing a Specialty proper. waved him back while he himself ap­ she ate It. to his Immense relief. They NOTICE TO C RK D ITO R * Springfield, Oregon You are further notified that this proached the girl and laid a quieting had a table on a hotel ei-aada com­ Notice Is hereby given that the un­ Summons Is served upon yon by pub­ manding a superb view ot river and dersigned has been apolnted Admlnls- lication thereof. In The Springfield hand on her shoulder. "You see how It is, Miss Carring­ hills and meadows, and after the meal tratrlx of the estate of David McBee, News, printed and published In Spring- 228 Main •<- Rssldsnos 12* O * L IEL8ON LEGHORN FARM field. Lane County. Oregon, and that ton,” he said, very gently "You’re they lingered to enjoy the vteta while deceased, and any and alt persons hav­ I l M <2 J ing claims against the said estate are the date of the first publication there- not quite up to these tests yet. and In Hamilton smoked a cigar. Ans County's Oldest Breeders of Is the 11th day of September, 1930. When they resumed their ride she hereby required to present said claims, of one way they may do you more harm duly verified as by law required, at and the date of the last publication 8. C. W H ITK LEGHORN* Full Auto Equipment thereof will be the 9th day of Octo­ than good. Don’t let that frighten deliberately led him, for the first time, Law Office of Whitten Swafford, 202 to talk abut himself. He was glad Tiffany building, Eugene, Orogon, la ber. 1*30. PRINGFIKLD ORKQON you. I’m certain that you’re comwg Lady Assistant Thia Summons la so published and through thia all right, and very soon to have her know something of hie Lane County, Oregon, within six Phons 81-P-14 served upon yon pursuant to the order family and traditions, of his school months from the date of this notice. of the Honorable George F. Skip- at that, in the meantime yon mustn't Dated and first published Septem­ worth, Judge of said Court, which mind It we don't talk any moro of thia and college life, his Interests and his ber 26. 1930. Appls Sauce friendships. Perhaps she had wearied Order was made and entered of record man and his story till we know what LULU B. ROBERTS. rand ma—“Oh, Jenny, darling, I FRANK A. DE PUE In this cause on the 8th day of Sep­ we're about. We can't risk getting of their marriage gam«, but this did Administratrix of the estate of Da­ surprised! Aren't you going to tember, 1980 ATTORNKY AT LAW vid McBee, deceased. you stirred up on false clues, can not hurt him. She was an Inep’ring Whitten »wafford. 202 Tiffany Bul.d- ROBIN D. DAY, i your brother psrt of /our listener. He knew he had never NOTARY PUBLIC . First Natlonoal Bank Bldg, we?” tng, Eugene. Oregon, Attorney for isr* Salem. Oregon, Admtntstratrtx. She wiped her eyes and pulled her­ talked better. >nny—“No, granny. Evo did that Attorney for Plaintiff. •utton "How would you feel,” the abruptly 811-18-26 OS-9 self toget. JV. ahs'a been criticised ever since.— •KM«** B U S IN E S S D. W. Roof D IR E C T O R Y Walkei-Pools Chapel Funeral Directors