1 PAGE T W O 8 M STATE NEWS OF GENERALINTEREST ITS TME T heres (.E T TM Tl OY. »V i t tn. s r i d i M i r i r . u i w r —TT---- BARLEY PR O VES GOOD P O U LTR Y FEED SAYS E X T E N S IO N S P E C IA L IS T THURSTON W I ' ♦ e a e e e e e e e a e e a e * at Goshen und from Pleasant lllll a nephew of Mrs. Mornlngstar Miss ♦ UPPER W IL L A M E T T E ♦ to Lowell has been coni piel ud and Dorothy Jordau. a slater of the bride, the road is In fine shape and William Warren, both of Port The wedding Ellen land, attend the wedding. Mr. and Pleasant HUI high school opened . ........ of Mias Margaret ....... Mr. and Mr«. Ralph Taylor and Mrs. Charles Taylor have returned Use of barley as a chicken feed Monday, September 16 with an enroll- Jordan Io Mr lloyd Walker took place Mrs Walker will make their home Several mere nt |{ec Is ■ better being »“ ried . . styles new and up to-the- at play. He was brought in to the minute. bar|py »!<»» » » one tbe mllla directed and com­ doctor and the safety pin was located of sale was to me directe«“and Oiling manded me to sell the real property of the daily grain feeds for a few Willamette highway by X-ray. hereinafter described to satisfy cer­ days before Including It In the scratch. Sheep growers of Morrow county tain liens and charges in said decree ------ ----------------------- have already shipped 35,000 lambs to specified, I will on Saturday the 25th [R E L IE F FROM CURSE eastern markets this year, and 15,000 day of October, 1930, at the hour of ONE o clock P. M. at the southwest more are expected to go during the door of the County Court-house in OF C O N S T IP A T IO N season. C. W. Smith, county agent, is Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, offer A Battle Creek physlcjaa says, “Con- keeping an accurate check on shrink for sale and sell at public auction | stlpatlon Is responsible for more age and costs for use at shipping time for cash, subject to redemption as misery than any ether caese." provided by law, all of the right, next year. But Immediate relief has been title and interest of the defendants B. F. Goodpasture of Vida will hai in said suit and of all parties claim found. A tablet called RexiHI Order­ lies has been discovered. This tabletj vest between three and four tons o: Ing by, through or under them or attracts water from the system Into any of them since the 4th day of filberts from his baby-filbert trees this September, 1930, In or to the follow the lazy, dry evacuating bowel called year. This is about three times tbs Ing described real property, to-wlt; the colon. The water loosens the dry East half (H ) of Lots four (4) and food waste and causes a gentle yield last year. Mr. Goodpasture has the largest filbert orchard in the np five (5) in Block one (1) of Wynne's thorough, natural movement without Addition to Cottage Grove, Lane forming a habit or ever Increasing per McKenzie, 36 acres being planted ' County, Oregon, excepting therefrom the dose. to the nuts. Stop suffering from constipation the portion of said Lot five (5), here­ Again we offer a club with the state’s greatest newspaper, The Oregon­ Two small children burned to death tofore sold and conveyed to J. T. Chew a Rexall Orderlie at night. Next ian, at a substantial saving on the subscription price of both newspapers. day bright. Get 24 for 26c today at in a fire which destroyed the farm Allen, in Deed dated December 20, Flanery’g Rexall Drug Store. 1907 and recorded in Book 71 of home of Harlan Yarington about 10 the Lane County, Oregon deed records. miles east of Elgin. The parents bail Dated this 2.3rd, day of September, Beauty 8hop Moved gone to the barn to do the milking 1930. Mrs. Dalsey Clover has moved her H. L. BOWN, Sheriff. When they discovered the fire, tlm Lane County. Oregon beauty shop to her home at 343 Fifth hers were falling in, and although sev 8.25-0.2-9-16-23. street. eral atternp* « were made to rescue the D A ILY O R EG O N IA N , 1 year by mail $6.00 children they were unable to reach T H E S P R IN G F IE L D NEW S, 1 year by mail 1.75 Save them. « Something Unusual “A” Street Service Station Fall Coats - Dresses Raincoats and Hats $5.95 $ 3 4 .9 8 >° $18.7$ 51,9& c t0 * * * 5 J . C. Penney Go. >»«• Ready • • • N ew ! allc ONI? F a ll Suits $24*75 °com there,ore to N ew s Bargain Offer Good until October 3 1 ,1 9 3 0 SUBSCRIBE NOW AND SAVE THE MARKETS Portland Ü E P U t üf “fa , A h Been Vot>&1 Wheat —Big Bend bluestem, 96*4c; soft white, western white, 79c; hard winter, northern spring, western red 76c. Hay—Buying price, f. o. b Portland Alfalfa, $18018.50; valley timothy $16.50; eastern Oregon timothy, $18.60; clover, $14; oat hay, $14; oats and vetch, new crop $14. Butterfat—37c. Eggs—Ranch, 19031c. Cattle- Steers, good. $7.60 0 8.25. Hogs—Good to choice, $10.60011,75 Lambs—Good to choice, $607. Seattle Wheat—Soft white, western white northern spring, 80c; hard winter, western red, 79c; blueetem, 96c. Eggs—Ranch, 30 0 39c. Butterfat—41c. Cattle—Choice steers, $707.76, Hogs—Prime light, $11.66 011.76. Lambs— Choice, $607. Spokane Cattle—Steers, good, $6 2506.75. Hogs Good to choice, $11.25. Iambs Medium to good, $4 26 0 $. C O L O N IA L T o t a l.............. ..... Both fo r D A ILY and SU N D A Y O R EG O N IA N , 1 year by mail T H E S P R IN G F IE L D NEW S, 1 year by mail Total Both fo r $2.26 $7.75 $5.50 $8.00 1.75 $9.75 Save $2.45 $ 7 .3 0 IbiH is the greatest news bargain offer before you today__All the T a l k i n g / Reliable well w ritten news both local, state and national at a saving. SU N D A Y and M ONDAY - -ARROLL D e v //'$ H o lid a y * ^ “Î Î e M&l PMILUM setsE» JAMES KIRKWOOO H 0 A A M T S f i t M i n n n j . t a z a i - .. . . — — Where all the biggest talkie? play a » m > * SUBSCRIBE TODAY! New Subscribers start a t once. Old Subscribers from date of expiration.