Try tho Humt Print Shop Firat THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-HEVHNTH YEAR. IIRE EUGENE GRAIN MILL SPRINGFIELD, I j ANE COUNTY, OREOON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1930. Want Road Work Bakery Will Move In Lane Speedier To Main Street Grid Prospects Please New Coach County Chamber Asks That Springfield Bakery to Move Into McKenzie Road Work Be Parrish Property Early Purohaaa of Eugene Mill and Faet As Poeaible. in October. Elevator From Kerr-Cifforc A request that the state speed up Fred Frees announced this week Co. Announced by Springfield construction on the McKenr'e high that be has taken a long lease on Mill Owners Saturday; Take way was made In a motion passed the building formerly bousing the Possession At Once. by the la n e County Chamber of Com Purchase of the Eugene Mill and Elevator from the Xerr-GIfford com pany of Portland waa announced by the Hprlucfleld Mill and (Iran company here Saturday aftornoon. The deal became effective Monday morning fol lowing the Inventory of the Eugene plant'a stock and the workers In the mill, which waa reatroyod by fire here last week, have all beau transferred to the Eugene plant The transaction la reported to have been a cash deal, but none of the parties were witling to make any statement aa to the amount Involved It waa atateu, however, that the alte and water rights owned by tpe Spring field concern were not Involved In the purchase. Nothing has been decided yet as to the disposition of the local property except that the warehouse which waa not damaged by fire would be kept open here, serving as an auxiliary to the mill In Eugene. Officer* Are Listed Owners of the mill here, who also became owners of the Eugene prop­ erty on Saturday, are O G. Itusbman. president; C. B Lyon, llend. vice- president; John Bushman, treasurer, and Arthur Bushman, sales manager They were till hare Saturday aa was N. J. Barbara, legal advisor for the Kerr-Gifford people who handled the transaction for hla firm. An announcement was made also at the time of the sale that the name of ths “ “ sld Mill and Orain com ^ pany a changed to Kugeoe Mill a tor company. merce which met last Thursday night In Springfield. Officers were elected for the ensuing year and an address was made by ITofessor II K. Crosby, extension poultry specialist of Oregon Htate college. Ths ec.Tetary was Instructed to write the highway cummtslslon a letter asking that the Doyle >1111 Nimrod section of the McKensle high­ way be let for re-const ruction as soon as possible. This Is tho only section not now a state road. II E. Maxey, Springfield, was elec» ed president; C. K Stewart, Cottage Orove. vice president and A. F. 8 Hteele. Eugene, secretary, ‘these of fleers took their positions at once. Home of the projects that the county chamber wllll have before it this year were outlined by the new president. They were canalisation of the Willam­ ette river from Springfield to Ore­ gon ('lly. speeding up of state rued construction. Interest In the croas Htate railroad, better marketing fa­ cilities for farm products and new industries. Representatives were present at the meeting from Eugene, Cottage Grove, Junction City, Cushman, Farmers Union, and McKensle club. The next meeting will be held October 1« with the McKensle Klver development club at Vida Clover pool room and that be will move his business Into the new Main street location about the first of the month. A desire to keep his business on Main street and the belief that such a move will greatly aid his retail sales volume waa given as reasons for the change The moving of the bakery recalls the history of this business which Is among the older enterprises still doing bualnesH here, (lid Ume rest dents recall that the bakery, the firat real bakery In Springfield was former­ ly boused In a building where the Drop housed In a building where the Drop In cafe Is now located. It waa later purchased about 14 years ago by Charles F Egglmann who operated It In connection with his candy mak­ ing and soda fountain business until 1923 when Fred Freee came from Eugene. In the rapacity of baker. He purchased the bakery business and continued to make bread In the Eggl- man location for three years, moving the bakery to Its present location In the Laxton building In 1926. “T M Peeple's Faper” A U V I NBW SPAFBR IN A L I V I T O W N No. 37 T SEEK G in PDSTS Football Game With Junction City to Opart Home Season Oct. 10; Games Slated W. F. Walker to Opposa Tyson for Mayor; Mrs. Greca May Football will make Its Initial bow and I. M. Paterson W ant to of the 1330 season In Springfield on Ba City Recordar; Freee, Mc- October 10, when the local high school squad meets the Junction City team Lagan and Wheaton Vie. In this city. The local boys will open the season one week earlier, however, having a game scheduled with Corvallis high In that city on Friday of next week. Other game* scheduled at the present time In­ P. Pletcher, of Pcnwsylvsma, clude* one with Cottage Orove In Hoover to head new T a r i í that city on October 24. October 17 la still an open date, although efforts by last O a p w . are being made to schedule a game tpere at that time. Schools A ll Show Attendance Gainst Seventy-two New Students Reg­ ister at Schools Since Last Week: New Record S et Prospects Favorable Football prospects tor the high school are very pleasing at the pres­ ent time to Norval May, new athletic director at the high school who coaching the team. Thirty-five men turned out tor practice the first night, and most of them are still faithful In their practice work. Four lettermen, and several others who were on the «quad last fall under Bill Baker, are turning out this fa ll Another thing which please* everyone at the high school la the fact that tnany of the larger boys In thia vicln Ity who have not been attending school have decided to complete their high school education and have en rolled for the fall term. Light practice has marked the first week’s workouts for the high school grldsters, but heavy scrimmage werk has been promised them as soon Coach May has time to watch each boy and the boys have had an oppor tunity to get acquainted with hla method of coaching. The scheduling of a game outside of thia city as an opener I* aa as­ surance that the first home game will be intereating regardless of the out­ come. The boys will have an oppor­ tu n ity to find themaelve* and the ooach will be able to correct any glaringly bad faults of any of the payers before they make their bow here the following week. The sero hour for candidates seek- lng places on the official ballot at the general election in November ar­ rived here Tuesday evening with eight local residents seeking office. There are only six offices to be filled and one man is a candidate for two of the municipal positions. He la W. F. Walker, present Justice of the peace and winner ot the nomi­ nation in the primary election. Mr. Walkre has also thrown his hat into the mayorality race with W. P. Tyson, present Incumbent. who seeks re-elec­ tion for a full term. Other candidates are W. C. Mc­ Lagan, Fred Frese and C. E. Wheaton, all of whom seek places on the city council. There are two vacancies. I. M. Peterson and Grace May both seek election as city recorder, and Wm. O. Hughes is a lone candidate for city treasurer. Short Term Vacancies All of the vacancies are for short term* excepting the two council poets, which are for four year* each. The mayorality office, about which moat of the local political interest la ex- pected to center, is to be filled for a two year term. The present holder of the office was elected to that post from the council by action of that body following the death last fall ot C. O. Wilson. State law provides for such procedure and stipulates further that the office shall be filled by aa elected resident at the next general election for the balance of the un­ expired portion of the term. Mayor .Wilson had served one year and Tyson has served one year. McKlln Net Candidate W. C. McLagan is the only candi­ date for the city council seeking re- election. He was elected two years ago for a short term and has now announced his intention of seeking one of the four year term*. Fred Freee and C. E. Wheaton are also seeking a tonr year council office. The terms of McLagan and M. J. McKlln both expire in January. Mc­ Klln. who was choeen to MU the place on the council made vacant by the elevation of Tyson when he became mayor, has said that he will not he a candidate. Those people who had visions or a declining school pouplatlon when they read the enrollment figure* of last Thursday can take heart again for the attendance the firat week of school has reached the last year mark and already has exceeded It by 46 pupils. This represents a total gain of 72 students making an enrollment The future home of the bakery, at the present time of 651 as com­ which Is owned by Charles Parrish, pared with 697 reported last week, will be completely renovated and a and 605 reported last year. new floor and front put in before The gains are evenly spread over the move Is made according to Frese. the three schools, although the high school has made the largest gains O rig in a te s Blow Baks Process Mr. Frese claims to be the origin­ over previous years. It has a total ELITE HOTEL CHANCES ator of the slow-bake process of mak­ registeratlon now of 215 as compared ing bread. He had a theory for many with 172 laat year and 186 last week. MANAGEMENT; CAFE IS years wk^M working for others, that The largest gain In the peat week INCLUDED IN DEAL the o n lj^ B y to make a product to waa reported by the Brattaln school where 36 new names were added to I I In c lu d e d in D e a l Bale of the equipment and lease sell to housewives was to make It This, however, was The r In Eugene, which Is of the Elite hotel and cafe was an­ as nearly like they do aa is posoible. the school roll. the c owned by the Kerr nounced here thia week by Mr. and With this In mind he determined to expected as all of the decrease in enrollment last week was noted in Glffor south of Portland, has Mrs. A. T. Brewer. The new owners try making bread by baking for an thia building alone. a 200 >ur mill. This has not hour and a quarter without losing are Mr. and Mrs. Joel Smyth of Junc­ been ton for some time, but 8tudent activities at the high school tion City, They took over the man­ any ot the original flavor. After the the n rs will begin grinding agement of the hotel and restaurant new brick oven had been Installed are getting under way thia week. The flour i>ly, they have announc­ he began a series of experiments and classes are getting ready to resume property on Tuesday morning. ed. I ntalns a complete line Players Turning Out. Mr and Mrs. Smyth have three finally succeeded in making the loaf their social work and the Girls’ of fe ling and mixing ma Players who have had some experi­ children and have been residing on which be sought. Most other bakeries League will meet today. The first chlnei now claim to be using the same meeting of the student body has been ence and who are fighting for places a farm near Junction City for many yalled for Friday morning at 10:00. u the team are Harold Geiger, let­ principle, he declared. The flake flour and feeds year*. and N ds will be made In the It Is the ability to make such a terman, Hersey Tomseth, letterman, Mr. and Mrs. Brewer have moved new li mt as they were In this loaf that has enable him to continue MANY A TTEND FIRST Dalton Thurman, letterman. Alonso to 716 F street. They are not con­ city i to Arthur Bushman, In business despite the ever growing BROTHERHOOD M EETING Manwarlng, Ed Tomseth, Bert Tom templating any new venture at this wha Ii >d all customers of the competition of larger bakeries, thinks aeth, Verrel McFarland, Elmer Ware, time, preferring to rest for a while. ON MONDAY EVENING transfer from Eugene, John Lynch, comps g effect. Mr. Frese. letterman. Lloyd Mattison, Lloyd intent Burprlsee. The wholesale business will not One hundred and ten men and Ann it of the purchase ot BAPTISTS NAME OFFICERS be discontinued as a result of the women attended the open meeting of Frese, and Carl Wagner. Others who the n irty came as a shock have not had much experience with AT CLOSING SESSIONS move states Mr. Frese. One of the most Interesting con­ the Men's Brotherhood of the Method­ a plgsklu ball, bat who are shewing to the >t this city. They had tests this fall promises to be that ist church which was held here on D. B. Baker of Eugene was chosen been i ’lly awaiting word that greater determination to gain places between 1. M. Peterson, present city FOUR-L ELECTS OFFICERS Monday evening as the opening of the n to be rebuilt and had moderator of the Umpqua Baptist as­ on the school team are W illiam Bird, recorder, and candidate for re-election, fall activities for this organisation AT M EETING ON MONDAY sociation at their closing sessions almosi bat for granted. The George Thatcher, Bob Stark, Harold and Mrs. Grace May. Mrs. May is Nearly all of the high school teachers suddei n to purchase Instead on Friday of last week. B. W. Strong Rasumussen, Panl Robley, I.yle Zach the only woman to venture out In and many of the grade school teachers J. 8. Phillips was choeen chairman ry, Glenn Bird, Gordon Wright, Jim of rel was explained by the of Roseburg was named vice-moder­ quest of a city political post and the were in attendance and heard the of the local chapter of the Loyal ator, and Rev. L H. Randle of Cot­ owner ng necessary In order West and Dorman Chase. reaction of the voters is very un­ address of the evening which was to mi heir customer*. The tage Orove waa re-elected clerk. Rev. Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen at certain and will be watched with given by Dr. George P. Wlnchell of their meeting at the W. O. W. hall Baker was also named assoclatlonal Bushn re operated the mill FORMER EUGENE MAN Interest. Wm. G. Hughes Is the only Eugene. here Monday evening. E. C. Michels here I are and regret leaving missionary, and Truman Chase was ENDS LIFE SATURDAY candidate for city treasurer. He la Mrs. C. J. Pike sang a solo and • t thli it rebuilding operations chosen to represent the association will be the new vice-chairman and the present incumbent J. P. King waa re-elected secretary Rev. Pike and C. P. Poele of Eugene would qulred several months on the state board. Sam Reynolds, aon-in-law of Mr. and treasurer for another year. George delivered short addresses; Rev. Pike October 4, is the last day on which W. C. Whitaker, missionary who and tl acturlng of their own and Mr*. Welby Stevens, committed voters can register to vote at the brandi and teed would have has recently returned from a stay In Cox will serve on the conference com­ telling of the Rally day program and suicide by taking poison in San Fran­ fall election. Those who registered been t y and unsatisfactory In Burma, India, delivered the main ad­ mittee of the mill here to represent Mr. Poole speaking of the benefits cisco last Saturday morning a few for the primary election and who the employees. of the Brotherhood. dress at the Friday afternoon sea some other plant than their own. hours before he was supposed to have not moved since that time do M. A. Neet and J. A. Towers are sion. The meeting opened with a pot­ G. G. Bushman will continue to have sailed for the Orient where he not need to re-register. Cards for Friday evening was devoted to the the new trustees sod Elvin May will luck supper which was served by the make his home In thia city a* will claimed he had been offered employ­ registering are available at the city represent the Springfield members at men of the congregation. several of the employees of the com work of the Young People. They ment with a large oil company. M r "Wfcr has not been ruled out of and Mrs. Stevens were In California pany who are now working in Eu held a banquet at the Methodist the district convention which Is to be held the latter part oi October. church and concluded their program Europe,” declared Dr. Wlnchell, who gene. Ray Daniels, field secretary for the has Just returned from a summer at the time, having gone south to TEACHER RECEPTION SET at the Baptist church. Rev. Ludvig Grain Salvaged bid their daughter, Helen, goodhy. Scores of men have been given em and Rev. Hagen, both of Portland Four-L organisation, with headquar­ abroad. "The conditions In Europe FOR THURSDAY BY P.T.A. No motive for the action Is known ployment for the past week by the had charge of the Young People's ter* at Portland attended the meeting are such today that war Is liable to other than that the man had been program. and epoke of the present laboring con­ break out at any time. The Geneva seriously injured on the head some Insurance company who Is salvaging The annual P. T. A. reception for Marshfield was chosen for the place ditions among the employees of the treaty was branded as a pact Implying much of the grain contents of the time ago and that he had acted a the school teachers In the city will lumber mills In the Pacific North­ the wishes of a tew leaders In Europe. mill. Most of the feeds were burned of the next meeting. bit qneer since that time. Surviving he held next Thursday evening, Oc­ west. or ruined by the water, and a ll ot tober 2, it was decided at an execu­ ‘There are three factors In Swltxer- Is his wife and her two children by ths flour waa lost. Tbs grain waa REBEKAH'S HEAR PLANS tive meeting of the Parent-Teacher a former marriage. land today which are doing more to REBEKAHS TO ORGANIZE sacked and piled outside where It Reynolds lived In Eugene until n group which was held at the Lincoln FOR I. O. O. F. M EETING avert war than any other movements could get better air circulation, thus PAST NOBLE GRAND CLUB In the world," declared Dr. Wlnchell. year ago and was with the Associated school Tuesday evening. The place preventing spoilage of the grain by for the annal reception has not been Plana for the meeting of the Lane The first of these, he stated was the Oil company. The family moved to heating. Many local people took ad­ County I. O. O. F. association which All past Noble Grand officers of International Young Men's’ Christian Loa Angeles where he remained with determined yet, but will probably be vantage of the opportunity to obtain Is to be held in this city the latter the Juanita Rebekah lodge are re­ held at the Community hall, accord­ association which has headquarter* In the oil company for a while before cheap chicken feed and purchased party of October were discussed at quested to meet at the I. O. O. F. ing to Mrs. D. C. Ogilvie, president. moving to San Francisco. Geneva. This organisation, he de­ several sacks of wheat from the ad­ the weekly meeting of the Rebekah lodge hall on Thursday evening at Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, their daugh­ Mr*. Marion Adams was named to clared, Is doing more to footer a justors for the Insurance company. lodge by C. P. Poole, president of 7:30 for the purpose of organising better understanding among the young ter and two children, returned to handle the program for the event the county body. He detailed the a Past Noble Grand club. Committee heads for the various men of today regardless of nation­ Springfield on Tuesday evening fol­ BARN, HAY DESTROYED There are several past Noble Granda alities than any othei* organisation. lowing the funeral which was held various local committees were dis­ work which will be expected of the cussed at the meeting, hut no ap­ BY FIRE LAST THURSDAY local Rebekah lodge at that time and In thia vicinity. They are elected It teaches men how to play and how In California on Monday. urged their fullest co-operation with every six months and all of them to play with each other with per pointment* were made. An old barn located Just north of the Odd Fellow* In making the meet­ are requested to attend the meeting feet understanding. U N IVER SITY PROFESSOR Officer* ot the Parent-Teacher as­ tonight. the Mohawk road was completely de­ ing a aucceas. sociation this year are Mrs. Ogilvie, TO BE P.T.A. SPEAKER The second Item mentioned by the The business sessions w ill be held stroyed by fire ealy last Thursday president; Lawrence Mofflt, vice- speaker waa the League of Nations evening. The local fire department during the day at the I. O. O. F. hall SUNDAY IS RALLY DAY Dr. Nelson L. Boeslng, professor at president; Mrs. Lee Putnam, secre­ which has succeeded so far In pre­ was called, but were handicapped by and at the Community hall. The eve­ AT M ETH O D IST CHURCH venting serious misunderstanding; the school of education at the Uni­ tary, and Mrs. Pratt Holverson, treas­ lack of water. Twelve tons of wild ning session, which will be open to and the third mentioned by ths versity of Oregon, wUl he the princi­ urer. hay stored In the building was also the public, will be held at the high There will be no morning sermon speaker was the International Union pal speaker at the first meeting of completely destroyed causing a loss school gymnasium. at the Methodist church on Sunday. which ta banding workmen of all the 8prlngfleld P. T. A. which is Reception Planned Friday estimated at |100. The building be­ The usual hour will be taken up by nationalities together. scheduled to he held nt the high New members of the Epworth longed to Jim Beavey. Birthdays Observed the Sunday school which will present school auditorium on Friday after­ League of the Methodist church will The birthdays of Fred Frese and the annual Rally day program. Sun­ noon nt 2:00. AU members are urged be guests of honor at a reception and Return* from Vacation— Mr. and Chester Merle Bchlewe, both ot which day school classes will meet at the Visit from Minnesota— Mr. and Mrs. to remember the time and he there social gathering to be held In the Mrs. Clayton Barber and family have fell on Monday waa the occasion for usual hour for a short period and Peter Gorrie, of Minneapolis, left promptly. church parlors Friday evening begin­ returned from a vacation which they a Joint family gathering at the Frese then will all move Into the auditorium Tuesday morning after a short visit Announcement of the heads of ths ning at 1:00 o'clock. The reception spent In Eastern Oregon. Mr. Bar­ home that evening. Mr. Frege was tor the program which Is being pre­ In this city at the home of Mr. and committees on membership, publicity, la also Intended for all high school ber killed a five point mule deer 46 and Chester waa 8 years old on pared under the direction of Mrs. Ida Mrs. E. E. Fraedrlck. Mrs. Gorrie Is program, and hospitality w ill he made students. Mias Nellie W rlg i» la chair­ while on hla vacation. that day. Gantt, superintendent a niece of Mrs. Fraedrlck. at the meeting. man of the social committee.