I PA G E S IX T U L SPRINGKLCI.D NKWS JL . . . . — M IN IA T U R E GOLF PLAYED N EW M E M B E R S A DDED TO MRS. H U N T L Y E L E C T E D A T SUNDAY SCHOOL P A R TY G LID ER CLUB SU N D A Y P R E S ID E N T OF LEGION Indoor golf was the principal form of entertainment (or the young people o( the Methodiet church at their social gathering on Friday evening. The young people gathered at the home of Mrs. A. B Van Valaah and held a abort bualneaa meeting during which they elected Howard Hughe» preal- dent of toe class for the next year. Folowlng thia the group played minia­ ture golf and then returned to the Van Valaah home for refreshments. Thoee attending the gathering were '1 helma Sweeney, Margaret Oorrle. Anne Oorrle. Edna Piatt. Theo Barth­ olomew. Doris Meyers, Dorotha Bailey. Eleanor Campbell, Howard Hughes. Bernald Hoi tan, Harold Wynl, Wm. Pollard, and Mrs. Van Valaah. This was the first social gathering of the fall season tor the members of this class which is composed of those young people attending the Uni­ versity and others of the same age. D EPO T A G EN T R E T U R N S A FTER V A C A TIO N T R IP The KugeueeUltder club la contin­ uing to grow according to Chester Aldrich, secretary of the club, who announced the addition of two new members on Sunday. There are now almost 30 members 1^ the club and they are practicing every Suuday. Considerable work is being done about the hanger to make flights easier according to Aldrlcn. Robert Stayton stayed lu the air a minute and one halt the twelfth time he was ever In a gilder and took off from the top of the hill adjoining Emerald Helghta where the hanger is located. , Night classes to tench the funda­ mentals of flight will probably be started after the weather gets cooler and all vacations have ended. T W O YEAR S E N T E N C E IS G IV E N LANE B OOTLEGGER Carl Marks, the Marcóla bootlegger who was arrested near hie still In the woods above Marcóla by Deputy Sheriff John Carlile during the bunt tor Ray Sutherland, waa sentenced to two years In the state penitentiary | at Salem by Circuit Court Judge J. W. Hamilton of Roseburg, who sat I on the bench during Marks' trial. T H U R S D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 18. 1930. EA STER N STAR PLANS couut." B E N E F IT CARD PARTY C O U N C IL LA ST N IG H T The rimi of the surf will be brought“ direct to the «tara of the radio listen era when W ill, Atlantia City, com­ pletes the installation of a "mike”, susp-'iiiled over the waves, underneatu the Million Dollar Pier, Ted Weems, Guy la>mbardo, Hleepy Hall, Charlie Dornberger, Milt Shaw, and othei famous orchestras will be heard from Atlantic City a i h - o s ii piers througn WPG (which, Inrldently, alauda for World a Play Ground) and the Col unitila BroadcastIng Hyatom The members of the Eastern Slur will eutertaln with a benefit bridge party at the lodge rooms on Septem­ ber 30. It was decided at the meeting of the group held Tiles — ....... .. which ......... waa ...... ........... — **,Jr • w »lng Mrs. Clifford Wllsou la Wkiiiiirul I, event and _a general .ikkiieiunn chairman for a the Mrs. E. E. Fvaedrlck la In charge of the refreshments. Mrs. M. B lluntly was elected president of the Women's division of the Willamette Council of the Ameri­ can Legion at the meeting of the members which was held at Cottage a > . - * — _ Grove last night. Mrs. W. II. Pol lard was elected chaplain of the Council at the some meeting. The Tuesday meeting was in the — —- --------- ------------------- n“,urc "f “ Potluck supper and bust- ***’’*• meeting. Ih e next meeting will b* b* M ,h** Tuesday In ‘ >cto- b‘‘r' A large delegation of Springfield lx-gkm and Auxiliary members at tended the Cottage Grove meeting which began at 3:00 o'clock. Among those attending were Dr. and Mrs W. N. Dow. Mrs. Pollard. F. B Ham Un. Mrs Emma Clson, Mrs Van Valsab. Jack Larson. Mr. and Mrs F. B. Huntly and Mrs. 8 S George of Eugene. Kay Perkins, .the "Old Topper" of National Broadcasting Company, Is using rsllruad tricks In tbe studios. Iteceutly be gave the production man on his progrram three flags, green, ed and yellow. If the program Is ma­ iling on schedule the yellow flag la displayed; th«\green flag means "speed up" and Ihe red flag means "slow down, you’re running ahead or ached ule." Clever boy. Ray. th e IN D IA N S ON S T R E E T S IS U N U SU A L S IG H T H ER E i The sight of Indlaua walking about on the streets not u new or un­ usual incident In many of the cities of the Pacific Northwest, but when they walk down Ihe streets In Spring i l*»*y ar,‘ >"'t'<,eldom *«♦* them. A certain number of the ludlans I make their way here each fall for tbe bop picking season Moat of them com«- from Warm Springs serosa the pass. Now that the season Is over they sre moving back towards their homes. The Indians u sually slop at Hendricks bridge for a week or two and dry a quantity of the salmon which Is being taken from between the racks there. The offi­ cials gave (he fish to the Indians. REV. M U L H O L L A N D T O USE P R E -S E R M O N Q U E S T IO N S _____ Rev Ralph Mulholland, pastor of the Baptist church will begin the use of the pre-sermon questhma again at the evenlug services In his church beginning Sunday evening He has se­ lected two questions for the first night. They are. How May a Christ­ ian Have a Good Time? and The Womans Place In the Church? At the morning services he will preach on the subject. “If We Know— We Know", The usual Sunday school and Yeung Peoples meeting will be held. Carl Olson has assumed bis duties again as agent as the Southern Pacific depot following a two weeks vacation during which time O. F. Fredrickson of Independence acted In hla place. During his vacation Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hlgginbottom, I I , and Norris Olton and Mrs. F. W. Smith, slater of | S. Weatherley, 10. were each sen- Mra. Olson, and Mr. Smith drove over . tenced to two years In the prison the Pacific highway south to Crater I for stealing a cash register from a Lake and then over to Modoc Point store at Jasper. They were paroled where Mr. and Mra. Smith, who had to Edwin Grubbs of Elkton, and will been visiting here from Chanute, Kan­ R A T T L E S N A K E K IL L E D stand trial In Douglas county soon sas. boarded a train for Ixw Angeles. N EA R COB U R G M O NDAY for s similar offense. Mr. and Mra. Olson returning to L IT T L E DAMAGE IS DONE Springfield by way of the Upper De­ Another rattlesnake was killed In IN A U TO A C C ID E N T H ER E schutes and the McKenxie highways. T H R E E POUND R ED SID E this vicinity on Monday evening by H O O K ED BY DR. POLLARD Karen Bhrlstlanson. daughter of Mrs. Slight damage was done to two Jacobson, of the Jacobson Bulb Farm motor vehicles Friday when E. C. H E E L IN JU R ED IN FALL A salmon egg was the only bait near Coburg The rattler was killed Alford of Bend drove Into the delivery FROM PILE OF LUM BER needed by Dr. W. H. Pollard to hook near the Coburg caves by the girl truck being driven by Lester Bosser a three pound redslde while fishing Berger Erickson of Marcela, em­ In the McKenxie river Monday morn­ who had gone up there early In the man on East Main street. The agio ployee of the Fisher Lumber com ing. The fish measured 19 inches. evening to inspect a patch of corn I on the truck was twl»t«-d slightly and a fender on the automobile was bent. pany. stustained a fractured bone in Another smaller redslde. one trout and which she has planted there. his heel last Saturday when be fell IS whiteftsh attested to the ability 13 feet from s pile of lumber which of the doctor as a fisherman. Dr. he was working on. He was brought Pollard has established s reputation to the office of s Springfield physi­ of getting some largo ones whenever cian where the Injury was treated. he goes fishing lately. His latest pre­ vious catch was made on Labor day A Conscientious Jury H. E. Maxey and W. K. Barnell Judge (after charging Jury)— Is fished on the Willamette near Lowell _ - » there any question that any one would on Sunday and caught several nice like to ask before considering thè fish In a short while. J. P Morgan, greatest private banker, photographed st hs attended the commencement esercissi at Hap vsrd UnivMSits f^f^S TU D IO S TO W IT H HUBERT ZUtSMITH JKl Fred llufsnilth, NBC tenor, Is slight of build and very youthful tn appear- a n c e—embarasslngly youthful 11 aeeme. For Freddie wae with hie ac­ companist In the lobby of tbe Hotel Commodore In New York recently, waiting to sing at a fashionable after­ noon concert In Ihe grand ballroom, when an Important-looking society woman, bearing all the earmarks of a committee chalrlady. dashed up to him and aald, “Hoy. page Frederic Huf umllh (or me.” Guy Ixinihurdo. the orchestra lead­ Admitted to Hospital—C. A. Lewis er. was playing golf the other after­ was admitted to the Eugene hospital noon. when his opponent pointed to for medical care recently. one of the players behind him. “Bee that fallow,” aald Lombardo's Visits at Shedd Miss Esther Mc­ companion. "He’s worth five million Pherson spent Bunday visiting with dollars, and would you believe II, he Mr. and Mrs. Robert Halils at Shedd. can't even write hla own name." Just then the player referred to. Register at Hotel— R A. Watson -mack« d hla ball a wallop and sbouted, and James Wataou, both of Cleveland, "Fore." Ohio, were registered at the Spring "W ell.“ said Guy. 'anyway he can field hotel last Saturday, r WRIGHT & SONS evidence? Juror— A couple of us would like Attachment Notice Filed to know if the dofendant boiled the Notice ot attachment of the stock malt one or two hours, and how of C. P. Clover pool hall was posted does he keep the yeast out?—New on the building yesterday by John Mexico Salvo. Marsh, Lane county constable. The attachment was made for a Eugene The gentleman had sent for a collection agency. plumber to fix an upstairs tap. and as he and his wife started down Coast Man Visits— Mr D. C. Cum­ stairs they met the plumber coming mings of Coqnllle was a visitor in up. The gentleman said: "Before I go downstairs f would this city this morning. SPRINGFIELD r ACME QUALITY P A I NT FT- ■ Beautify and Protect w» ese SEPT. 22-27 Q .a lliy P a ta u aad like to acquaint yon with the trou­ A lady was entertaining the small ble ” The plumber politely removed his son of a married friend. hat and murmured: “Are yon quite sure you can cut “ Pleased to meet you. ma'am." your meat, W illy *' she asked, watch­ ing him a moment “ I didn't know the new stenographer “Oh. yessum." he replied without was left-handed.“ looking up. “We often hare It as ‘ She Isn't—she's Just engaged.'* tough as this at home." "1 wish you would help me with this Teacher: "Now, Ruth, suppose sum, Dad," said a small boy strug­ your mother, and yon. and the baby gling with hfs home work. should go ont to the park some after­ "Can't, son." said Dad from behind noon. how many would that be?“ his paper; “it wouldn't be right." Ruth: “It would be two. and one “I don't suppose It would." said to carry!” the hoy, "bat yon might have tried city would like to hear y o u r voice? M odern in te r-c ity serv ice is clear and economical. O «a < (■ e p H O rytaa) w U ■ kraO . f * aetj M a . Pas S o jÿ u . l . g » p a t e ptaam FREE/ Ik e e « S ie e f e n d A F u rn itu re Decorating Set W HO K in another 55c Value 25c 1» a m «-<- , i ¡M . Ca« W«. T h is F u r n it u r e D e c o ra tin g Set is free w ith ■ purchase o f o n e-h alf pint can o r m o re o f A< me Q u a lity E n a m e l-K o te (R apid D ry in g ). T h is o ffer Is m a d e to d e m o n s tr a te th e delights o f d oin g y o u r own decorating. - 1 -FREE- V a in e This FREE stam ped steel dust p a n F ree! w ith the purchase o f a can of 1 UnfinUhad W all Rack 2 lhn-(.ul W all S l r n r i l t ACHSQUAUTY Granite Floor Enamel ( R A P ID D R Y IN G ) A big h flo w , durable M i a u l finish for all » < wm I , rompoeitioei or •ooarrrte ta le rio r or •rm Leapoaod ourfaeM. P rid a re « a hard, wblrb w ill witbataad oeaerr wear. Leeliv applied, Ik» ■«— day under r» .o r» M r J ry la g aaadltloaa. < a a ha w aited a a la Iraa» fr-.m tear f»u« la lo « ala b o o n altar » p p llr .il,>. L— Arme Qin lib him iture DecnratmgSet & A Perfect H nith For I's e A« m e Q u a lity E n a m e l- Bassassati K lls h s a i Caraem SteJroayi ttadq A a d lta rla w i Cbarvtu K o tr lla n id D ry in g ) on wood­ w ork and fu rn itu re . A vailab le In fine c o lo n . Fkkaal) S u re , U a a la a u . F ree! P a in t IBruMh During Paint Week we w ill give a regular S3.00 pur«- bristle paint brush w lili e v e ry o r d e r o f sufKcicnt paint to paint your home. T h is would eoet at leeet S l.S S I bought separately— yon get It Irr a w ith a purchase o f one q u a rt o r m o r e o f I n t e r i o r Gloss Finish. In t e r io r Gloss F in ish Is Ih e p erfe c t finish fo r kitchens a m i h a lh r o o m a . fo r Il Is easily unshed and kept rleaiis Com» « a w ide va­ riety o f liuc i A c m e Q u a lity C o lo rs A r e C o rre c t A sparkling beautiful shade with the dam p of iiitflinrlty—the color o f the venr. I lissl it uU Acme color— whether i * for inside or outside the home. I hat is w Ity Acme Qualify prod- ueta ere in demand. You w ill ¿eve. go wrong in solecting Acme oolora. T n P acific T u p b o r k A ito '* - -------------------- YOU CAN BLY ANY ONB ALL OP TH ESE B A R O A IN N D I'R IN U P A IN T W EEK è »■