THUKBPAV, BfflPTBMBKK 18. 1980. j THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TOWN AND VICINITY OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST V« from Uuafi.n— M r.. I^ m T uck­ T ransacts Buslneae E. W. Dial of er uf Uuaben wua » visitor In Hprlug Mareola was a business visitor In H«I<1 on Friday. S p rlug fl.ld ou Monday of Ibis week. Assembled for Information of Our Reader«. V l . l t . F rien d .— M r. and M r., Saudy Lea burg Resident Hare— A. W. Fra I'atarauu of Mareola .pant Saturday see of Leaburg was a v l.lto r In this v l.ltln g with frien d . In Hprlngflald. city ou Monday, At B .k .r y — M l» , lialun McKee I . aaatatlug at tba Naw llum « bakery lb I . week. 4 Visitor from Fall Craak— L. A. Hut- far of Fall Creek war a v l.lto r lu Springfield on, Hospital— Varnon Rathbun laft Springfield to antar tba veteran'» bo.pltal at Portland. E n te r» Spend Sunday at Yonoalla— Mr. and Mra. U. If. Turner motored to Yon ra lla ou Munday for a d ay', vacation 4 * Benton county prun. growers start­ ed picking the first of tbs week. Contracts for the construction of Hood River's hydro-electric municipal light and power plant have been let. . P u rc h .M . Supplle»—C. M. Swag ger of Maruola purchased supplle« while In Springfield on Saturday of last week. Jasper Menenech, Yakima Indian, lost bis Ilfs st Cslllo falls In a strug ■Is with a bugs salmon ha bad caught In a dlpnet. I A welfare service combined with a baby show will be one of the feat urea of the Linn county fair held nt Al­ bany thia week. Portland People Here— Mr. and Mrs. E. U. Fay of Portland spent the week­ end bare at the home of Mrs. Fay's mother, Mrs. C. I. Uorrle. V is it a t Junction C ity — M r. and Mrs. Marlon Adams and sou spent Sunday at Junction City visiting with Mr. Adam's mother, Mrs. Sarah Adams. Visiting Boo— Mrs. Ida Larsen Is Saturday V o r - M r s . Frank Buy- spending the week at W estfir where der of C arter Slatlou w a. a visitor sbs Is visit lug her son, Jess Larsen. In Springfield on Saturday. Mrs. Larsen's home Is In 1-os Angel»« V is it , from P o rtla n d — M l . . Uraca and she has been visiting here wltb Mala of Portland .pent tba week-end her daughter, Mrs. Furuaet. vl.ltln g at tba borne of bar parents Visits at Corvallle— Mrs. F. B. In tbla city. Flattery and children, Dorothy and To Teach School— M im Verna M an­ Richard, spent Friday and Saturday ning left Springfield Tuesday evenlug at GorvalUs visiting with relatives for Nehalem where .b e will teach In Mrs. Flattery took ber mother-in-law, Mrs. H. B. Flanery, to her home al tba public »chool. Corvallis after a short visit at the Return« from Portland--M rs. Ivau Flanery home In thia city. Male baa returned from Portland where aba spent aevaral days last weak. LOCAL DEMOCRATS ARE I ( ’ i ' I The Columbia river steamer Cow- Ills dockeo at The Dallas with a cargo of beet pulp, mill feed, paint and other oommodltles, to mark the resumption of regular river service to Tho Dalles. J. E. Hudson, printer, who Uvea on • farm near Baker, narrowly escaped death when he was attacked by an enraged bull, which knocked him to the ground and attempted to goro him. Farmers of Malheur county are di» covering that their land and climate are Ideal for the production of baby lim a beans, a big paying crop. A lew farmeiw around Vale have pioneered In the bean field. A young chicken killed by Dr. Ooo. Bean of Vale was found to have two hearts. The hearts ware of equal size, the only variation being a flabby apex In one case. Indications ware that both hearts functioned. Mr. and Mrs. John Fanner, who A new unn&njed mite which attacks have lived nt their borne near Bellevue the evergreen blackberry has been to- since 1890, celebrated their (Oth wed­ 1 rated by Horticultural Commissioner ding anniversary. | W illiam A. Alrd. A seven-acre field Plans ware announced nt Medford of berries In Marlon county has sol for construction of a atx-story office fered a >5 per cent loss. building to be erected by the Kermlte ’ The first day's enrollment In the Metals corporation. Junior high and grade schools at Med­ There is still n sbortags of compe- ' ford showed an Increase of 80 over tent labor to assist In harvesting the the tam e day last year wltb prospects fruit crop near Medford, the govern­ that the total wlU be more than doub ment employment bureau reports. lad when the fruit harvest Is over. A *2000 addition to the Baptist Bend residents who scaled Mt. Jef church at Cove Is under construction. I ferson Labor day found a record left enlarging the mala auditorium and | by a party of scientists who climbed adding two Bunday school rooms. the peak 35 years ago for the purpose Control of wild morning glories and other noxious weeds by means of chemicals applied from a power spray machine has been started In Wasco county. of arranging a plan to send R .tu r n . to Home— W . C. Campbell GET FREE FAIR TICKETS left Springfield Tuesday noon for his home at Sprokane after spending Free state fair tickets are again i three weeks here visiting with his being offered to the members of the sisters. Mrs. M. M. Male. Mrs. R. J. Four-H clubs In Lane county this Male, and Mrs. W . T . Pattison of year according to Arnold D. Collier, route 2, Eugene. club leader. Any club worker who haa completed one project w ill be eligible Returns from Portland— Mrs. Eu­ to receive one of the tickets which gene Kester returned to her home are good for admission to the fair­ here on Monday after a two weeks grounds on any day of the week. visit In Portland. Dr. Kester drove The Four-H clubs w ill send a demon­ to Portland on Thursday of last week stration team to the fa ir this month, and was accompanied home by his he also announced. T he fa ir begins wife. next Monday and w ill continue for one week. Including Sunday, Septem­ Visit from Palmer— Mr. and Mrs. ber >8. Hugo H allln and their sons and daugh­ ters, Ralph. Charles, Dorothy, and D .g re . Staff Masts Qenevelve, all of Palmer. Oregon, The degree staff of the Rebesah were Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. slmma Olson. Mr. H allln Is an lodge held th eir monthly practice and uncle of Oswald Olson. His daugh­ social meeting at the lodge rooms on ters remained In Eugene where they Friday evening. A committee com­ w ill attend school and the oldest son, posed of Mrs. Riley Bnodgraas, Miss w ill return to Eugene In two weeks Maxine Snodgrass, Mrs. Sam Rich­ to continue his studies at the uni­ mond and lira . W. F. Walker had charge. versity where he Is a junior. Wheat— Big Bend bluestem, *4 H e; ■oft white, western white, 79Hc; hard winter, northern spring, western red, 7 OC Libby’s Fruits For Salad No. 1 Tall Can n n Each .................... ZU C a No. 1 Tall Can Helmet Brand cans 25c PEARS Rose-Dale No. 1 Tall can ’ Cans ..... — 2 25c PEARS Silver-Dale a No. 21/a can cans 45c Headquarters for School Supplies Come to Headquarters for School Supplies and choose from a big stock of everything. Authorized Textbooks Pencils Note Books Erasers Tablets Rulers Loose Leaf Books Crayons Pens Fountain Pens Only the best stock is carried and at reasonable prices. Special counters for school needB and we are prepared to give you service. Flanery’» Drug Store J. c . Penney Co. ■*» D BPA BTM BM T• IT O B I 942 Willamette S t , Eugene, Oregon A Marathon Presentation fo r September