THUH8ÜAY. 8KPTBMBBK 18, l»80. PAOS T H H F - 16 OR SELLING1 GiTRESULTS; W H A T HAS O O N E B E F O R E «luce she was to marry me, but 1 1 down to » patient a t the Gar- Standing on a New York street agreed to deiuy. 1 alw bys gave E v e I land." F A R M ER S Hava five hundred ah foot I FOR S A L E — Improved Bonney Beet corner, a young woman suddenly dis- Uer heud. 11MU u,, a ot Straight from the Shoulder Then the bridegroom went ap to covers that the does not know her Mplll Cedar Telegraph Poles. Price and Juno Pink Tomatoes 31 per bu.; Asked to pray for warm weather own name nor how she got there. facL" his bride’s rooms, feeling rather ex­ ou sale 11.00 each. Make A 1 tele­ Golden Bantam Sweet Corn 16c per so that her grandmother's rheumatism Everything In her past la a blank. tie stopped and looked reproach hausted. phone poles. dux W ill have ripe cantaloupes aud might pass away, a six-year-old girl She knows only that her name is fully at tbe dead cigar. " lie a n rig h t," he re p o tted in an- "Eve.” She meets a young man who water melons later. Prather"s H ar­ knelt and said. Valuable Package lives at the hotel where she Is reg­ 1 forgot to aay lost when Eve was » w t, to cue .elute utte^oaeti question den, 3 ml. east of Hprlngfleld on "Ob, Lord, please make It hot for istered as Eve Nobody of Nowhere, "Tommy, can you tell me one of a t her lowest and couldn t see any w ittt Witten eue m et m m on m e Jasper road and tfc-ml.. south east grandma." the uses of cowhideT which she had written In French. u ireahom . " in e m au says he snows Eric Hamilton calls tn a nerve spe­ one out uie nurse aud me doctors,' of M t, Vernon school. Bring boxes. " E r , yessir It keeps the cow to cialist. but Eve slips out of the hotel, he weut on as it tt bad reminded bun wuo you are , aud 1 lin n s He is gen­ NO TICK TO C R E D ITO R S «ether.”— Detroit News. SIS » .te iy U i.iig promotes U) he N O T IC E 1H H E R E B Y O L V E N lUhl goes to a little apartm ent bonse, ui something, ' we let Mrs. Heckner uine. the undersigned has been appointed where she meets a professional danc­ come In. We knew sued L ilk about oeauU luny eteat ed Up anu m e re a Dinner Uueet Sunday— M r. aud Mrs. Executrix ot the estate of JA M ES S. er who gets her a Job In a cabaret. NOTICK TO CRKDITORS uoUim g you nave to te a r. B u t » • As a cabaret hoetess ghe meets E ves saving tbe two girls, and we Notice Is hereby given that the un­ J. T . Rossman had as their dinner M AH O N , deceased, by tbe County inu siu t ta ts shout it UU I ’ve seen dersigned l»y order of the County guests on Hunday, Dr. and Mrs. N. Court of Lane County, Oregon. AU many curious people Then, one night, thought sbe might braes Eve up. But persons having claims against said a man who claims 'to recognize her Instead ot that the two women fell c a rr ie s . I w ant C a rrie s to decide Court of the B u te of Uregou for W. Emery and P. H. Emery. estate are ruqplied to preseut them comes In. She Is afraid ot him and into each other's arms and cried how snd when to te ll you Shout your- l-ane County has been appointed as with the proper vouchers to the un­ runs away, back to the hotel to Eric executors of the last v lll and testa­ seii. N o w , w ill you tru a i m e . . . SUMMONS dersigned at the law offices of E. U. Ham ilton. She has her hair dyed and themselves sick, and Eve's nurse bad ment and estate of Perry A. Woolley, snd h im In the Circuit Court of Oregon for changes her manner of dress, so that ner bauds lu ll with tbe pair of them. Patter, 631 M iner Building, Eugene. deceased and all persons having Lane County. "O l course. But . . . are you ab­ Lane County, Oregon, within six the stranger out of her old life will A lter that E ve was worse Ibau ever, claims against said estate are hereby C. C. R A YB U R N , P laintiff, vs. not recognise her Then Ham ilton months from the date of thia notice. notified to present the same properly solutely sure 1 have no reason to fear t'ue visit had stirred her alt up again J E N N IE R A YB U R N . De'endaat. Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this 4th persuades her to go through a m ar­ verified, to said executors at the* of- m at man?" To the defendant, Jennie Rayburn. riage ceremony with him. As they Just at the crisis, when she most day of itoptember, 1*30. lice of Frank A. DePue, the attorney You are hereby summoned to an­ return to the hotel the man sbe fears needed to be kept q uiet ' 1 m certain of it, dear. H e ’s realty M A R Y C. M A H O N , for the estate, at Hprlngfleld, Ore- Executor of the Estate of James 8. Is watting. Hamilton sends her up gun, on or before six months from swer the complaint filed against you a very good sort. Now, remember In the above entitled cause and court Mahon, deceased. stairs and turns to the other man. "1 suppose we blundered a good the date of this notice. now patient and stunning you've within four weeks from the first pub­ ____ ______________ who says his name Is Samuel Hender 84-11-17-25-0.2 (leal," he admitted. "W e were alt a t Dated August «3rd, 1*30. lication of this summons, and In case son. of Chicago. been so far, and sit tight Just a i.itie IDA B. W U O LL E Y , you tall so to answer, for want there­ N O TIC E O F F IN A L S K T T L E M E N 7 Henderson Identifies Eve to Ham ­ sea. To have Eve down and oat was longer." O LEN F. W O O LLB Y. of, plaintiff w ill apply to the court for such an unheard of thing. Then 1 N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N , that Executors. the relief asked In the complaint, via , N. A. Howe, adm inistrator of tbe ilton. She le Eve Carrington, a fam­ Doctor Carrick’s card was brought ' ous c<*ncert singer and Henderson suppose 1 was the next to blunder. Frank A. DePue, Attorney that the contract and relation of mar estate of E th el H. Mendenhall, de­ was not only her manager but hoped in while he and Eve were having For when 1 realised that Eve's con­ for the estate. rlage existing between plain tiff and ceased, has rendered and filed In the to marry her. Sbe had collapsed af­ their cotfee. Eric glanced at it, put A2»94-1118-36 defendant be dissolved and cancelled, County Court ot tbe State of Oregon ter trying to save four children of cert season was probably ruined for it in bis pocket, and rose. and that plain tiff have the care and tor the County of Lane his final ac­ a friend from an overturned rowboat her, t brought up the marriage ques­ NOTICK TO CRKDIJORK custody of Floyd Rayburn and Ardls count and that by order of said Court "H e has come," he explained, "and In Lake Michigan, two of them tion again. 1 urged her U> marry me NOT1CB IB H E R E B Y O 1VEN. That Rayburn, children of plain tiff and duly made and entered Saturday, the I ’ll see him first. I f you wilt go on right off, and I cold her I'd take her drowning before her eyes. She had Edwin Htevens has been appointed defendant. 30th day ot September, 1*30, a t the This summons Is served upon you hour ot ten o'clock In the forenoon of slipped away from the nurse on abroad for six months and let her up to the sitting-room, we’ll follow executor of the Last W ill r. d Tesla meat of Charles E. Htevens, deceased, by publication by virtue of an order said day at the County Court room In guard In Chicago and completely rest while I looked over the Euro­ you in ten minutes or so.” vanished. The shock of the death of by the County Court of Lane County, of C. P. Bardnard, county Judge, made the County Court bouse in the City of H e tumid ca rrie s pacing up and the two little boys coupled with her pean musical field for new artists. uregou. All persons having claims and filed September 3rd, 1*30. direct­ Eugene, Oregon, has been fixed and down the hotel halt and resolutely led ing that you be served with summons fear of Henderson bad caused her Perhaps that was another mistake. against said estate are required to by publishing the same once In each appointed as tbe day, tim e and place JoB‘ present them, with the proper vouch­ weeks for four successive weeks In "She went all over the lot," Hen­ him into the fam iliar writing-room, £ d ObU . t‘° « l t tle«’ ^ - N O W ° ° ON W ™ ™ E 8T O R Y ers, within six months from the 31st the Springfield News, and that you derson wearily admitted. “She ac­ i t waa time tor word-having and he day of July, 1*30, to the said execu­ answer the same within four weeks thereof. AJ1 persons having objec­ made a brief but complete report of "She was Just about off her head tually seemed to think 1 was applying tor at the law offlco of L. L. Ray in from the first publication thereof. tions to said final account are hereby the facts ol me case, with no side the Miner Building. Eugene, Oregon. This summons la first so published notified that tbe same must be In for ten days after the accident," he pressure— trying to take advantage comments or surmises of his own. w riting and filed with tbe Clerk ol E D W IN STEVENS, of the situation. Jn fact, she accused Sept. 4. 1*30. went on, “over the two boys she He had been impressed by the story said Court on or before said day and Executor of the Last W ill and Tes­ 8. D. A L L E N . couldn't save. She had been awfully me of it and talked about being in tament of Charles B. 8leveua, de­ of the rescue, and the report Inter­ Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence time. my power because of the loan. T h a t fond of those kids, and they'd gone N. A. RO W E. ceased. and P. O. Address. Eugene, Oregon. ested bias. Adm inistrator L. L. Ray, Attorney for Estate. 84-11-18 2602 through the whole thing so well. She wasn't a bit like her, but, as I've told His was the satisfaction of ths phy­ A J I 28-83-10-17 you, she was Just about off her head J l l A7-14-21-M had expected to bring them both In sician who is shown to be correct In NOTICK OF FINAL ACCOUNT over those boys. She was hearing together; they’d been so plucky she SUMMONS NOTICK OF HKARINO ON Notice la hereby given, that the un­ that laugh of trust when she first a difficult diagnosis about which in­ Cass No. 2O4M was sure she could manage It FINAL ACCOUNT dersigned, administrator De Bonis reached them, and seeing the look In wardly he has had soma doubts. In the Circuit Court of ths State of She said she kept boating H erm an’s N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N , that Non with the W ill annexed, of the ‘ Just as 1 though," he now remind­ Oregon for the County of Lane. the undesigned adm inistratrix of the estate of H a rrie tt Sophia Sharpe, de­ good-by to her. I t was always ring­ their eyes when she swam off with Department No. II ed Hamilton. There's no further estate of John W. Beasley, deceased, ceased, has filed his final account In Mary and le ft them . . . I f she tell ing in her ears. Oh, w ell . . he re­ has filed her account for the final the County Court of the B u te of Ore­ ROSA POPPE. Plaintiff, need for secrecy, men, after we've vs. peated, and stopped for a minute asleep for a moment she was wak­ settlement of said estate In the County gon for Lane County, and that Thurs­ verified all this?" ened by hearing Herm an’s ‘good- E. S. P L A T TS , and E L IZ A B E T H D Court for iatne County, Oregon, and day, the 18th day of September, 1*80, staring before him as If following the "Why not?" P LA TTS, his wife; B E N JA M IN R by.’ . . . that Saturday, the U th day of Octo­ at the hour ot 10 o'clock A. M. of said scene he had described. P L A T T 8 ; OREGON A N D C A U "We know now who the patient Is, ber, 1*30, at the Court Room of said day. and the Court Room of said Court " I still thought sbe d come round." "W e thought she'd come around In FORN1A R A IL R O A D C O M PA N Y, a Court, In the County Court House, In has been appointed by said Court as and if Henderson is what hs claims corporation; S A D IE O R A U L IC H a few days," he resumed phllosophi he resumed w ith an unconscious Eugene, Ijin e County, Oregon at ten the time and place for hearing of ob to be—" A R T H U R H A Y N E S ; T H E U N IO N o'clock In the forenoon, ha; been by lections thereto and the settlement sigh. "So did the doctors. W e had catty. "W e called in doctors and T R U S T C O M PA N Y OF N E W YORK "But here's another point," Hamii- said Court fixed as the time and place thereof. a corporation, and also all other nurse and kept her quiet . . . but she half a doxen specialists in before we for hearing objections thereto, and ton Interrupted. "Even if he In Hen­ Dated August l*th , 1*30. got through. They said she’d be all persons or parties unknown claim was terribly strung up. Couldn't for­ for final settlement of said estate. JO H N B. B E L L . JR.. ing any right, title, estate, lien or get the accident . . . couldn't stand right. She's strong as a pony. She derson, by hts own confession he’s in K A T IE M. JA NETT1NQ , Adm inistrator De Bonis Non of the Interest In the real estate described had never been sick in her life. But love with Miss Carrington. H e also Adm inistratrix o ' the Estate of estate of H a rrie tt Sophia Sharpe, De­ music . . . couldn't see anyone . In tbe Complaint herein. John W. Beasley, deceased. instead of letting us get her back admits that she hasn't any close couldn't eat . . . couldn't sleep, ceased. Defendants. L. L. RAY, Attorney for Estate TO K. 8. P L A T TS , and E L IZ A B E T H made allowance for her. W hat I can’t into condition, she simply eluded the friends in this country. If wa confess A l l 28-94-11-18 S11-18-3S 03 » thnt her marriage to me is n lake, D. PL A T TS , his w ife; B E N JA M IN R forgive," he added hoavlly, “is her nurse one night and lit out. P L A T TS ; O REG ON A N D C A L IF O R ­ N O TIC E O F F IN A L ACCO UNT and torn her over to him, how do we "W e gave out that she had gone Estate of Waldo Harvey Farnham, Notice la hereby given, that the un­ N IA RA IR O A D CO M PA N Y, a corpora skipping out and leaving us In th* know how he'll act? How do wa Deceased. dersigned, adm inistrator De Bonis lion; S A D IE O R A U L IC H ; A R T H U R lurch. I'd have bet a million she away for a rest-cure and we canceled NOTICK TO CRKDITORS Non with the W ill annexed, of the H A Y N E S ; T H E U N IO N T R U 8 T COM would never do that." her engagements. Every one accepted know she’d want to be turned over Notice la hereby given that Clarissa estate of Lyndbrook Sharpe, also PAN Y O F N E W YO RK, a corporation the story without question, because to him? There Isn't mack question "Just how did she do it?" A. Farnham has been oy the County known as L. Sharpe, deceased, has and ALSO A L L O T H E R PERSONS thnt she ran away to gat rid of hint, Henderson peered at his compan of what she had been through. Court of the State of Oregon, In and filed his final account In the County OR U N K N O W N . P A R T IE S C L A IM for Lane County, appointed adminis­ Court of the 8tate of Oregon tor Lane IN O A N Y R IG H T . T IT L E . ESTATE. ton with a fain tly sardonic grin and “ Even tne Heckners think she's tn ia there? If she had a family or an tra trix of the estate of Waldo Harvey County, and that Thursday, the 18th I.IE N OR IN T E R E 8 T IN T H E R EA L rose, shaking his broad shoulders as some sanitarium ana that we won’t intimate circle ot friends, oar duty Farnham, deceased. day of September, 1*30, at the hour E S T A T E D E S C R IB E D IN T H E COM it to cast a weight from them. tell them where. Of course we en would ba clear. As It is, I think wa All persoos having claims against of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, and P L A IN T H E R E IN ON F IL E : IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E "H ere, hold on! You can't go yet gaged private (keteettvea aftei; the ought to do what we’re always tailing the estate of said deceased are here the Court Room ef said Court has by notified to present the same, duly been appointed by said Court as the O F OREGON, You, and each of you There's a lot I want to know,” Ham first day or so, and then I came on her to do—eit tight.” stated and verified, at the residence time and place for hearing ot objec­ are hereby required to appear and "I believe you're right," Carrick ad­ to New York, myself." tlton urged. of A. E. Wheeler at bis residence, tions thereto and the settlement answer the Complaint filed against mitted. “It looks as If his proposal "W hat made you think she was In "T h a t goes tor me, too. But it ’s you In the above entitled Court and 710 Lawrence street In Eugene, Ore­ thereof. had been the last straw. W all stall cause on or before tour weeks from simply amaxlng how little you know New York?” gon, within six months from this 11th Dated August l»th, 1*30. the date of the first publication of about your wjiftk" Henderson mut­ day of September, 1*30. It was the obvious place she’d him off tor a tow days, anyway. this Summons, and If you fall to so JO H N B. B E L L , JR.. CLARISSA A. FARNHAM. head for, and we were afraid her next Meantime I'll do a little experlmeat- tered. Adm inistrator De Bonis Non with appear and answer said Complaint Adm inistratrix of the Estate of W e've certainly talked more about step would be to sail for Europe. W e lng; but we won’t make any explan­ Waldo Harvey Farnham, Deceased. the W ill annexed of the estate of for want thereof the p lain tiff w ill apply to the Court tor the relief the future than about the past.” A. E. Wheeler, A tt’y. Lyndbrook Sharpe, Deceased. had a ll the ships watched. W e were ations to Miss Carrington till we 811-18-36 OS * A l l «8-84-11-18 prayed for In her Complaint herein, honeycombing Chicago at the same know all about Henderson nnd the T il bet you have.” Henderson took a sucrlnt statement of which Is as Chicago end of the matter. That’s follows; A decree requiring you, and a turn around the room, plainly think time and following up alleged detect­ each one of you, to set forth the lng things o u t "W ell, I'm the past, ive clues In half a doxen other cities. the first step in any case, ot course— nature of any claims that you. or all right, and I'm the also ran, and W hen I came to New York 1 to investigate Henderson’s story." either of you, may have In and to Naturally. As I’v e said, th a n Isn’t ready to cut my throat, for we w ere­ I guess I'm the snows ot yesteryear,' the following described premises, to- much doubt of It In my mind. It has he announced returning to face his n't getting anywhere t ill we found w lt; Reg, Phone 1M Plago Moving Progressiva Piano School The Southeast Quarter ot Sec­ boat Then the faint grin left his lips you. A t first th at cheered me a lot, all the earmarks of truth, but I’m not tion >; The Northeast Quarter SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER and he added with unexpected digni­ but I was beginning to get discour­ taking any chances. Tonight l'U put CLARA TUTTLE FENTON of the Northwest Quarter of WILLIS BBRTSOH, Pro» 8tete Accredited Teacher ty: “I thought you took on this call aged again. You’ve been watched the matter up to an agency I know Section 11, all In Township 18 office: RODBNBOUOH OARAGE out there, and get a full report on South of Range 8 West of Upon to Springfield Students because you knew there was an ex­ wherever you went these last days. Corner Fifth and A Streets the W illam ette M eridian In Henderson snd a verification ot the "H ow did yon find her a t Jake’s?" 62 B St., Monday and Thursday planation coming to me. Now I ’m be- Lane County, Oregon, Long Distance Hauling g Specialty Heckner drowning. Thnt will ba “ Pure chance. I had dropped In to Bach Week beglnnlng to realise that you don't and that all adverse claims he deter­ easy, if It happened." mined by the decree of the above know a thing about Eve. I can un talk to a young fellow Jake has la They found Eve walking the floor. entitled Court, and that by said de­ derstand why she didn’t tell you his band— another genius that I sup­ cree It be determined, adjudged and "Good evening. Miss Carrington," pose w ill drive me crasy some day— Oenerxl Law Practice decreed that the p lain tiff Is the owner about the tragedy or even about her the psychiatrist said briskly as he DR. W. N. DOW and there I saw her, sitting a t n ta ­ breakdown afte r It. But why didn’t In fee simple of said premises and I. M. PETERSON D e n tis t the whole thereof, nnd thnt neither she tell you about me and about her ble with a couple of men she would­ shook hands; snd without giving her F irst National Bank Building Attorney-nt-Law you, the said defendants, nor sny of musical career 7” n’t have wiped her shoes on a year time to oomment on the name ha you, have any right, title, estate, lien Phone 48 Bprlngllkld, Oregon City Hull Building ago. I never was so upset In m y life. went on: "You're looking a good deal Sit down again and we'll try to or Interest In or to said premises, Office hours, • A. M. to 6 P. M. or any part thereof, nnd that decree figure It o u t But . . . did 1 under­ I thought one or the other of us was batter than when 1 saw you la st 1 Springfield, Ore. Evenings by Appointment be entered forever enjoining and re­ stand you to say that Eve had prom­ crasy, hut I was careful not to frig h t­ hear you've been doing some profes­ straining you, and each of you, from en her. However, she chased right sional dancing.” asserting any claim or Interest what ised to m arry you?” “1 had to earn money, and that was down here to you. Just the same, end Henderson drew a chair forward soever In or to said premises, or any my man spotted her . . . end the rest the only opening,” Eve said In n low part there of adverse to the plain tiff and sat down facing him. or her successors In Interest, and for voice. "But Doctor, won’t you tell JEWELER T hat gave you a Jolt, didn’t It?— was easy.” | St such other and further relief as to H e stopped. but It's true. Eve has been engaged the Court may seem equitable and Repairing a Specialty Yes,” he Interrupted. "I’m going "W ell," he said, rising heavily, “1 to me for three years. You see. I sent proper. Springfield, Oregon You are further notified that this her to Parts to study the piano when guess I ’ve found uie last page ot ths to tall you as mack as 1 can. That’s Summons la served upon you by pub­ she was seventeen. Oh, yes, I sent score, all right, but 1 can’t head It always my rule with patients, aad ev­ lication thereof, In The Springfield her,’’ he added In response to the even yet. And I must say you haven’t erything wa have heard Is encourag­ 228 Mala St. News, printed and published In Spring NELSON LEGHORN FARM field, Lane County, Oregon, and »hat listener's Involuntary movement. helped me much. S till, this seems to ing. It win ba better for you to know <1J Lane County's Old set Breeders the date of the first publication there­ I ’ve made that girl. 9he's a genius, be one of the sw ift romances we read what has been said than to Imagine uf of Is the 11th day of September, 1*30, abont, so I suppose it’s all r ig h t” I t” and the date of the last publication as I ’ve said, hut she takes things C. W H ITE LKOHORNS "Oh, I’m sure It wUH” Eric wrung his hand. H e liked the Full Auto Equipment thereof w ill be the 9th day of Octo­ hard, as geniuses do. KPRINQFIKLD OREGON "The first thing for you to take la ber. 1030. Lady Assistant W hen Eve got back, this July, I man and trusted him, but he must Phone 81-F-14 This Summons Is so published and expected her to m arry me right move warily. W hen Henderson's big Is that there’s nothing In your old served upon you pursuant to the order Ufe to dread going back to whan you of the Honorable George F. Skip- away. In fact, I had made all the ar­ figure disappeared through the ho­ recover—nothing for you to fear. Will tel’s front door he w ent to the tele­ CALL FOR WARRANTS worth. Judge of said Court, which rangements. But she begged oft for Order was made and entered of record a year— said she wanted to make her phone and culled up Doctor Carrick's you hold fast to that knowledge?" FRANK A. DE PUE Notice Is hereby given that School In this cause on the 8th day of Sep­ (CONTINUED NEXT WEEK) American start first. She had earned office. T he voice of the office nurse district No. 1», In Springfield. Lane ATTORNEY AT LAW tember, 1980 Informed him that the doctor was at County, Oregon, will pay at the office a lot of money, and she wanted to re­ ROBIN D. DAY. NOTARY PUBLIC Te Qe Hunting—Clive Stanley wlU of clerk of said district, all warrants F irs t Nattonoal Bank Bldg., pay more of the loan before she m ar­ dinner. to and Including 1188. dated Septem­ Salem, Oregon, Isava Saturday for a week-end dear lin e ,” Eric said heartily. “Tell ried. O f course I was disappointed. I Sutton ber XI. 1M0. Interest ceases after Attorney for Plaintiff. hunting trip. September I t , 1*80. 811-18-36 Ot-» didn't care anything about the loan, him to stop eating and ooms right B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y D. W. Roof Waikor-Poole Cbapil Funeral Directors a.