f AND OvRJf THERE i t RiTTfcBU»»H,)| t h h r HDAY, PAGE TWO ♦ MUSICAL COMEDY AT M c D onald is B roadway SUCCESS IN TALKIES CE? OUT. T ea BKFTEMHBR 1>, IMP- TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS UPPER WILLAMETTE ♦ «.-ok end In Eugen». Carry Thompson from Vida visitad in rhurslo* I»«* Sunday THURSTON * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * The grad* school started laal ^ton- Miss Margaret Kuaaoll, who la The pleaaaul Hill high school open day with Mr.. Hubert Orgy aa pr'»c'- teachlug al Cottage Grove, speut the td Mouday. Septem ber lf> with a good pal and Ml»» Dorothy Travta aaalat past w eek en d at her home. enrollment. The teachers are E K mid the high achool will start n ett All of the sparkling mirth, youth­ Kilpatrick, principal. Mrs. F. F. C o o l­ Harold Baughman, who baa apeul 1 Monday ful exuberance and m usical delight the past year In California, arrived er and Mt», Sc hulls. Mouday waa The teach er. whoae homes are in of the original musk-al co m ed y -h it home for a abort visit last Munday. registration for classes. Many grad­ Thurston and have laft *«» begin their of "Good N ew s“ has been preserved uate» were pre«ent. Among the I school are Mlaass Murjorls Grant to In the fllnr.sation of the Broadway Marriage Lleenaee itaued alum nu, present were Alvin Olson. Marshfield. Msiide Ruaeell lo Print su ccess which will open Friday at Eunice Olson. Helen Carter. Donald vtlle, Margaret ituesell Io f o lia g e During the past week marriage li­ the K\-»-14 NOTICE TO CREDITORS No4kw is hereby given that the un­ dersigned has been appointed Execn trtx of the E state of Ounhlld M Klrkeberg deceased, by the Countv Coert of t.ane County. Oregon A.I peruoas having claim , against sa.ri estate a .e hereby notified to prevent the « a n ,, properly verified, to the undersigned nt the o f fic e of W ell, s W ells. Bank of Commerce BMg Eug>-ne. Lane County, Oregon, within ,'X m o n t h , fro m th e d a te o f the first puNtcatlon of this notice Date of first publication. Sept 18. 1834 U l i J A X JOHNSON. The other a j pein im ee t at the «eme tim e waa the naming a t S. 8 George cd Eugene, past state -vmmander. to the , basrmanshlp of W ells th e $1.95 Big Assortment of Ladies' Felt Hats A E x e c u tr lt W ells. Attorney, 8 IASS. O A» 1811 NOTICE We have moved our Radio Business into the D. W. Roof Jewelry Store First National Bank Building, Springfield WE WISH TO THANK OUR OLD CUSTOMERS AND INVITE OLD AND NEW FRIENDS TO VISIT US IN OUR NEW LOCATION. All Wm Rcdenbough Garage Account* payabl* here R A D IO S A L E S a n d S E R V IC E EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR B runswick R adio Wm. Rod en bough For Radio Phone 95 P in t National Bank B id*. S * r i n f ^ e^