The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 18, 1930, Image 1

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    Try //»• H om t
Print Shop F trat
Pirn ut unknown origin completely
destroyed the main plant of the
Hprlngflrlil Mill A drain company
Tuesday night causing a loss of ap
proxlmalely 1200.000 The 260 barrel
mill, machinery, grain, flour and feed
■lured In the building were loat.
Tbe Sprlugflt-ld Mill * drain com
pany will continue buaineaa and will
be ready to serve their cuatomere
with their products by Monday ac­
cording to John Bushman, who with
hla father, d O. lluahman. and hie
brother, Arthur, were the owners of
the mill here.
Spectacular Fire Burns
Springfield Flour Mill
Main Plant of Springfield Mill
and Grain Company Con
slimed in Night Blaze With
a Lose of $200.000; Bueinets
to Continue.
"The People's
out of logs by band and the early
machinery In the plant was brought
aroud Cape Horn on a ship. The
mill has since been enlarged and
modernised, being one of the beat
flour mills In the valley at tbe time
It was destroyed.
Power for operation of the mill was
provided by a water r/heel turned
by water flowing through a race way
The race, which Is now utilised by
the Booth-Kelly company as well as
the flour mill, was built by tbe first
man to own the plant.
His name
was Briggs and hla enterprise Is
■till being utilised, the lumber com
pany having made arrangements with
tbe flour mill to use the water also
This arrangement was still effective
at the time Bushmans' took over the
mill In l»lt.
No. 36
Airport Runway s\
|Two Diagonal Runways Being
Coated This Week; Union
Old Mill built In
Oil to Build Station.
1854, by i
Briggs and own­
Graveling of two runways at the
ed by a number
municipal airport wan started this
the since,
H e H*
tbe B«’r ln < '“ >ld 8and «»»
Gravel company who Is furnishing
Wash- the matenala for this work
b u r n « and o th e r . I
* n° ‘ h e r'
_____. 17° °
• * * raTa,ed *
the e a rly h isto ry
. * rn“ wa>s
' I laid out and leveled for some time
of S p rin g field .
. .
, .
and have been awaiting the first fall
¡ l o X n ’A
| applying the rock coating.
The runways being graveled are 100
[ feet wide. They are all laid, out to
take advantage of the prevailing
winds. The 1500 foot runway to one
County Chamber \Politicai Activity
Program R ea d y
Started in C ity
Will Discuss Poultry at Meeting
Gains Show at High School and
Lincoln Building but Brawain
Shows Decrease Over Last
Year; More Pupils Expected
in Few Days.
Five hundred and seventy-nine grade
and high school student, assembled
at the rarlous school buildings this
i morning and registered for their work
for another
of 47 from last year which to ac
I counted tor at the Brattain school
| where the first day’s enrollment to
I w
f U
>02 toat year,
of the shortest planned for the field
ful that the additional enrollments
The other one being graveled now
Five Businessmen Declare In- | will eventually be a 2600 foot run­ will bring the total enrollment for
the year up to last year's figures.
tentions of Entering Fall
way. The 1700 feet brings the run-
Lincoln and High Gain
| way to the cross road on the field.
Election for City Offices.
Gains were reported at both the
Funds for this development were
The names of four local business- voted by the taxpayers of the city hlgh •ch001 and IJncoln school. Laat
men are being circulated about town i at a special city election held at year
enrollment In tbe Lincoln
this morning on petitions nominating I time of the school election.
I ,c bool was 231 on the opening day
them as candidates for city offices, j A contract for the construction of but tbla Tear 11 waa
343- The high
The first two petitions to be circulated a service station by tbe Union OH a®**00* bad 172
last year and has
were for I. M. Peterson for city rec- company on the local field has been already registered 1M at
10:00 o’-
order, and for W. P. Tyson for mayor. ! signed by the city officials and has c*ock-
An Interesting Incident In connec
of Delegates Tonight; Of-
tlon wth the fire was related yester­
ficers to Be Elected.
R ebuilding Plans W ith h e ld
day by Major Huntly who said that
Plana for rebuilding tbe mill will
he saw a large number of ducks
A banquet, election of officers.
not be made until after tbe Insurance
circle around and around above the an Interesting program of music and
adjusturs have completed work, ac
fire. They seemed to be blinded.
an address by a prominent poulty
oordlng to the owners.
They are
specialist *111 all unite to make the
concerning themaelvea at present with
meeting of the I-ane county chamber
finding places to produce their pro­
or commerce here tonfght one of
ducts temporarily so they cau fill
the most successful ever held In this
many orders on band.
city In tbe opinion of W. A. Taylor, Later petitions In tbe field are asking I been forwarded to the home office I Tbe enrollment by grades to given
d. O. lluahman and bis son, Arthur,
president of the local chamber, boats the nomination of W. C. McLagan I of the oil company for their approvaL M io,,ows: in the Brattain achool
left Springfield yesterday afternoon
to the visiting delegates.
and D. B. Murphy for councllmen.
The approval of the contract to ex- tbere , r * 13 ln th* first grade
on a visit of several plants In the
Wm. O. Hughes announced his can- ! pected Immediately and work oa the tau6ht by Miss Aide Manning; 17
The banquet will begin at 0:30 and
Discusses Religion at Moot­
Willamette valley and were confident
\ in the second grade taught by Mias
will be served by the ladles of the dldacy this morning for the post of [station will probably start soon.
ing Last Night
that they would be able to begin
Eva Phetteplace; 12 la the third
Civic club under the direction of city treasurer, the office which he
manufacturing their own brands of
taught by Mrs. Baaford; 16 ln the
flour and feeds In one of the smaller
fourth grade taught by Miss Mabel
None of the petitions have been
have three fundamentals," aald Rev. Wheaton.
plants uow operating.
Olson; 2« In the fifth grade taught
Following the banquet tbe delegates n,ed ’ Hth the cltT recorder yet, and
H. Randle of Cottage Grove In
No One In M ill
by Miss Anne Gorrie; 22 la the sixth
that other names will
addressing the opening session of the will hear an address by H. E. Cosby, “
No one was In the building at the
B taught by Mary Walker; 20 la the
Umpqua association of the Baptist poultry specialist from the Oregon *** circulated about town before tbe
time of 4he fire. Workmen In the
Gorotbr O‘r-
church In this city last night. "Pres­ Slate agricultural college, who will cloain< date for the filing of petitions Flour Stolen From Springfield slxth B tan«ht by
Springfield Hand and dravel company
u r in g W Week-end;
s s k -a n d - T rw
ent day religion must be a religion talk on some problems confronting which Is Tuesday of next week. Mill
Mill D During
Try | ard: and 14 1,1 tlle alxtb A taught
noticed a puff of smoke come from
G. B. Wood, principal.
Friends of Fred Walker are consider­
of experience. It must be a manly the poultry raisers in this state.
to Enter Eagle Cafe.
the basement of the mill building
ing circulating a petition In his be- j
Lincoln Enrollment Given
religion, and It must be a spiritual
Other entertainment on the pro­
about 1:00 o'clock and In a few min­
religion," said the speaker, who used gram for the evening Includes a vocal half for the nomination of mayor.
enrollment In the Lincoln
utes the flamea mounted to the main
There will be five offices to be one
place ln 8prln<fleld
flrat I «hoot Is divided as follows: second
ns hla topic, "I Know a Man In solo by Mrs. W. K Itameli, a xylo­
floor of the mill and soon swept
filled at tbe November election.
of the week. The first one was 8Tade ta0«bt b* MJ“ Wllma S™«-
phone solo by her daughter. Barbara
tho entire plant. The local fire de­
st the Springfield M ill and 18; n r ,t * rade tan«ht b* Oh*1 Roh-
A large number of delegatea had and a violin solo by Mrs. Ernest
partment rufihei^ all of Its fire
the laat two years of the unexpired Grain
when workmen retum- erU ' 56 1 th,rd Krade tan«'ht
Mi Kinney who will be accompanied
equipment to the scene of the fire
Ight and many more were expected by Mlia Winifred Tyson.
and hooked two lines from the water
oilmen McLagan and McKltn both end COTered that
broken lntQ by Mis, Wilma Platt, It; fifth grade
main and two more onto tbe pump to arrive here today for the remain
The election of officers for the their tedms of office in January and lhe mUJ
at0,en Bomp
¡taught by Mrs. Glen Riddle. 26; and
truck. The Eugene department, which
next year will be a closing feature their term . o. office In January and The eIac[
of f,
j In the Junior high school there werw
The program this morning la being nf the meeting. A nominating com of four year. each. The city recorder | not
had also been called began pumping
40 in the 7B. 4< In the ÍB . and 16
dovoted to the work of the various mlttee has been appointed and will j and treasurer are elected at each
r.ver water through five boee Itnes.
record of the amount on hand was I ’n tbe
teachers here are
Water seemed useless on the fire departments of the church and the present their noicinatlons to the co:, general election
kept. Flour, found near the mill and M™' EUa Lom bari> Roy P. Qnlney.
as firemen spread sheet after sheet
presumed to have been spilled from LawTeBce Mofflt, principal. Miss Elixa-
of water on the walls of the building «n'a work.
a torn bag, evidences the fact that h*1*1
Thelma Sweeney aad
without abating the flames. The fire
One of the most Interesting see- HOWARD FUNERAL TO BE
some was taken.
Crystal Male.
noon became so hot that It was' "Iona of the gathering will be held
UNTIL . I Entry t0 the 111111
r * n ,v
a.r v -r
<a‘ned »y
R’ t t ’ tration at the high school waa
Impossible Io stand on the road In tonight when the laymen of the church
EARLY NEXT MONTH |crawIlll< under the
progressing more slowly than at the
front of the building.
gather to discuss their relationship
Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah
tearing off some of the boards which i Krade »cN»«ola. At 10:00 o’clock 41
Scores of local cltlsens rushed to to the church. Rev. Bryant Wilson, Angeling Howard, 76, who died as
The Ford agency, which It was had been naUed OTer an old w,ndow seniors had registered. 41 Juniors. >4
the scene of the fire and worked pastor of the Baptist church In Eu­
her Ijome at Jasper on Tuesday morn announced last week, would open In ln the basement The removal — •®«*<»n»orga, and 70 freshman had
all night combatting the flames, while gene will lead this discussion and
ing, will be held this afternoon at this city on Saturday of this week. a few other boards enabled the thief aUo made ont the,r reoiatration cards,
others living In the neighborhood of prominent laymen will read papers
2:00 o’clock from (he Bible Standard will not open until some time around to gain entrance to the floor on which
Cl“ * Work ®u rta
the mill were kept busy with their on various phases of the work.
Mtsslon at Lowell of which the de October 1, according to John Ander tbe feed anr flour to stored.
Students at the grade schools were
garden hose sprinkling their own roofs
Friday will be devoted to business ceased was a member. The Walker- son. who will have charge of the | Evidence of a second robbery at- dtalnlaaed immediately after being en-
and grounds to prevent the fire from of the conference and to the hearing
Poole chapel will have charge of the loeal garage
The exact date fov tempt waa discovered at the Eagle rOlled' The7 w,n m#et a«alB tomor-
destroying their property.
of all reports not read earlier In the services.
the opening has not been determined. cafe Tueaday morning when Wm r° W m ornlnl “ d wlU brln« U»«11-
Gravel Company Saved
Mrs. Howard was born ln Topeka, Lack of time was the only reason Goodman opened tne establishments WOrk ma,erlala wlth G*«». Moat of
Fire did spread to the gravel com
A large banquet at the Methodist Kansas on July 22. 1864 and moved which Mr. Anderson gave for not he discovered that someone had cat the d* 7 * 1U * * • pent getUng ««inalnt-
P*ny plant and at one time began
L Urge hole ,n the acreen and
•« " lth U»elr teachers and their work,
church will be served for all Inter­ Ur Oregon with her parents when opening o„ the earlier date.
burning the side of the bunkers and
ested visitors and local people on she was 16. She has made her home
Mr. Anderson plans to open a first ie ttin < the acreaa door open
the principals state,
the top of the power pole. No actual
Friday evening. The tickets are 50 at Jasper continuously since that time class modern Ford salesroom, parts attempted to unlock the door but
Work at the hW> 8ch001 * Ul 001
loss was sustained by the gravel com­
cents for all over twelve years and
Surviving are her four daughters, department, and garage ln the build- had not been successful In this effort. <et Under W,y *“ eara“ t uaO1 Mon-
pany. however, other than the Inabil­
d*T when each student will be sac-
may bs purchased at the Baptist Mrs. Rachael Vinceni. Walton; Mrs. ing at tbe corner of Fifth and A
ity, to operate on Wednesday as a church today* and tomorrow.
Catherine Russel, Dexter; Mrs. Minnie streets which has been used by the sail i DCAPPNS M A N n iV '
pected to bring their books and meet
result of the power and telephone
the regular class recitations according
Olaspey, Dexter; Mrs. Martha Gias Rodenbough garage. The latter moved
lines being destroyed by the fire.
pey, Dexter; two sisters, Mrs. Ethel Its equipment and tools out of the LUMBER FUTURE BRIGHTER ! to W. E. Buell, principal.
Fortunately for tbe mill owners, be provided by tbe young people. It
] Football players will meet at 1:00
Warner and Mrs. J. C. Hills, both of building last week.
the records and the office of the plant
o’clock this afternoon to get acquaint*
were saved. This will give thorn an and stunts, following which the con­
ference will adjourn to the Baptist Ollie Neet of Fall Creek; Wesley bough garage has been moved Into R°°th-Kelly lumoer mill resumed op- ed with Norval May, new coach, and
accurate method of checking on the
church agalin for the closing exer­ Neet, Dexter; and Jacob Neet of the Roof jewelry store where all sales | erationa again Monday folowtng a | to begin actual training.
contents of the building. The plant
and collection will be made
| shut-down of a week. The local mill
Halfway, Oregon.
and grain destroyed were valued In
has been running on a part time THREADS ON COUPLING
the neighborhood of 1200,000 and are
schedule in cooperation with the Pa­
a complete loss. Approximately 20,000 MRS. GORRIE ENTERTAINS
cific Coast lumber manufacturers who
bushels of wheat were In tbe plant
PATCHES CITY PAVEMENT | made such a request some time ago.
as well as all pf the mill feeds and
The large lumber surplus to gradually
Home canned fruit is now being
There Is nothing the matter with
Mrs. Elery G. Fay of Portland,
several thousand sacks of flour ready
Many of the breaks In the paved | being used and the lumber business
for use. Insurance on the plant was daughter of Mrs. C. I. Gorrie, 8r„ gathered by the members of the Home streets of the city are being repaired has a brighter outlook than It had the fire truck or those who operate
it stated Mayor W. P. Tyson, this
about 80 per cent of Its valuation. was the guest of honor at a birthday Mission society of the Methodist thia week by the street department. | several months ago.
morning In answer to many queries
This was all that the owners were dinner given at the home of her church for the Wesley hospital at The city has borrowed oiling equip­
made as to the reason for the delay
allowed to carry, according to John mother here on Sunduy. Places were Marshfield. Barrels of the fllleu fruit ment from the county and workmen | FRENCHMAN’S TROUBLES
In getting the pnmp working during
Bushman. The wheat, most of which laid for Mr. and Mrs. Fay, Mr. and Jars will be packed as they are filled are patching all the holes with an oil
TOLD BY CITY MAYOR the fire Tuesday night.
was being held for farmers, was Mrs. C. I. Gorrie, Jr. and son, Mr. and shipped to the coast Institution. and gravel mixture. The loose filling
The entire trouble was due to s
covered with #6 per c»nt Insurance.
und Mrs D. C. England and family Any person dealring to contribute to which had been placed In the holes , Sprtngf,eld peOple whc encountered
About 16,000 bushels of hard wheat of Eugene, Miss Jeannlne Withers, the ahlpment are Invited to leave will soon wash out when the fall a Frenchman yesterday who coula not mistake In filling an order for parts
on the part of the company supplying
for flour making have been purchased, Margaret and Anne Gorrie, James their fruit at the home of Mra. Sher­ rains set In unless a substance Is
understand the English language will the equipment. A new extension suc­
but had not been delivered at the Gorrie. Miss Annie Llnklater, and man Potter who llvea at the corner placed there to hold It In place.
be Interested to know what It waa tion hose has just been purchased
of C and Third streeta.
time of the fire.
Mrs. Gorrie, Sr.
that he wanted and where he was and was used at the fire. Chief Hugh
Men Work All Night
going. According to W. P. Tyson, who Jollff had coupled the two hose to­
All Tuesday and Wednesday night DR. WINCHELL TO SPEAK
men were stationed about the build­
BE ON OCTOBER 28 understands French and who talked gether and apparently everything was
with the man for several minutes, his fine until It refused to work at the
ing with fire hose ready to put out
name was DuPlesals and he told of fire.
It was discovered that there
any new flames which might appear.
The ordination of Kenneth Tobias
The annual fall Sunday school pic­
Men of the Methodist church win
having come to America nine years was a leak in the coupling and aa
Nothing was being done to salvage gather at the church on Monday eve­ nic of the Methodist church was held has been set for October 28, accord­
sgo worktng first In a French -speak­ investigation made yesterday by ex­
the gain and feed, all of which was ning at 6:30 fur the first fall meeting at the Riverview park back of Skin­ ing to Rev. Ralph Mulholland, pastor
ing settlement In Wisconsin and later perts revealed that the threads on the
water-soaked, pending the arrival of of the Brotherhood and will hear Dr. ner's butte In Eugene on Tuesday of the Baptist church. It was plan­
ln Montana. He has been visiting new coupling were almost, hut not
the adjustors.
P. Wlnchell of Eugene, who has re­ afternoon.
The children left the ned to have the ordination take place relatives In Portland and was on his
quite Identical with those on the old
The fire, which was the largest cently returned from a three months church In automobiles at 3:00 o6clock during the annual gathering of the
way to Alameda, California, to visit hose.
In this part of Oregon since the tour of Europe, who will speak on and spent the afternoon playing Umpqua association which Is now In
other relatives when he stopped here.
Booth-Kelly lumber mill burned down, Impressions and observation made games and enjoying contests. A large session in this city, but a lack of
He Is a veteran of the world war,
Te Visit In Callfernla—Mrs. L. K.
was a beautiful spectacle say those there. A men's quartette will provide picnic supper was served at 6:00 time on the program has made It
having fought In the French army.
Page and her niece. Miss Eleanor
who stood on the bridge and saw special mualc.
o’clock which was attended by many necessary to postpone the event.
The man was highly Insulted to Campbell of Sacramento, California,
the flames shooting up among the
Kenneth Tobias Is now engaged as
A potluck supper will be served members of the congregation who
have people think that he waa a will leave tomorrow for Sacramento.
green trees and watched the reflec­ at 6:30 in the dining room and the went to the park after working hours. a worker for the American Sunday
German, added Mr. Tyson.
Mrs. Page expects to he gone about
tion of the flames play about on tbe program will be held In the Brother­
School Union.
weeks visiting with relatives st
water of the Willamette river ad­ hood room Immediately afterwards
Fish for Steelheads
Return from Montana— Mr. and Sacramento and San Francisco.
jacent to the mill.
Frank Bartholomew to president of
Dr. W. C. Rebhsn and J. C. Mc­
Airport— Russell
Lawson, Mre. Wm. Handcock have returned
Mill Haa History
the Brotherhood and Dr. N. W. Bmer” Murray loft Monday for the Rouge manager of the Northwest Air Tour, from Missoula, Montana where they
Taking Vacation—Mrs. Alice Lornh
Tbe burned mill was built here In has charge of the programs for tne River where they planned to spend visited the officials at the municipal
have been visiting. They win make to vacationing from her duties nt the
1864. Moat of the timber were hewn m—ting«
a week fishing for steelheads.
Hying field on Friday.
tkelr home with the Page family.
Egglmsnn Candy Kitchen thia week.
Banquet to Close
Baptist Meeting
Thieves Attem pt
Two R obberies