PAGE SIX T —r TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS "" ' 11 . THURSDAY. HBPTBMBKR 11. 1930. . fair He exhibited one at Salem a POULTRY SPECIALIST Power OWislals Hers F I. Fits Albany and Jack Cash, aalssman fo, ROADHOUSE NIGHTS IS few years ago. he says, which weighed Patrick, assistant treasurer of the the company, were visitors hare on TO BE SPEAKER FOR COMING TO COLONIAL Mountain Stales Power company at Frida?. 57 pounds, and won first prise with It. CO. CHAMBER PROGRAM Only One Csntaloupe Variety It Is the unwritten law of talking The third specialty of Mr. Prather's Discussion at the County Chamber pictures that Uroadway'a biggest fa­ Is his cantaloupe patches. He has of Commerce meeting which is to vorites will sooner or later become Excellent Yields of Tomatoes, two or three comprising about two be held here on Thursday of next the favorites of Americas millions FRIDAY acres. 1 have been raising the »sme Watermelons, and Canta >e "for the”past "*50 W * k c*nt*r ,rwu"‘i ,he p<,ullr> everywhere. variety of cantaloupe SATURDAY loupes Without Water. #"<* H K Cro,by' The most recent example of this years, he declares, It was first known ' specialist from the Oregon State ag Is the case of Clayton. Jackson and as the Heart o' Gold, and has later B. S. ( rather, truck tanner, dvtng keen changed to Improved Heart o' rlcuitural college will be the main Durante. about two and one-halt miles east Gold. speaker. In PuraniiHuit'a alMulklug laugh-, -f Springfield on the Jasper road The meeting will be held at the riot, Roadhouse Nights,” the teum One of the intereating things la lias already harvested over 200 bush connection with this ranch is vnav wu Community hall and will begin with that Mroadwayiles have raved over els of tomatoes from a one-acre patch the crops are grown on dry land a aunper ut 6 00 which will be served gets It chance to do Its stuff for the *h:ch he is raising and he conserva without irrigation. Water la not need by the women of the Civic club. Mrs. rib-tickling benefit ot the millions lively estimates that there are still ed during the late summer periou if I. M. Peterson will have charge ot who have never hud the opportunity 400 bushels of them on the vines the ground is taken care of properly, the dining rooom and Mrs. C. E of becoming llroadwuyttea. rlteuaig each day. Clayton. Jackson and Durante are thinks Mr. Prather. He has been Wheaton will direct the preparktion combination performers and bootleg­ Truck has beeu a life work producing the same types of crops at ot the meal in the kitchen. New officers for the county organ gers' henchmen in this smash hit of with Mr. Prather. Ho is now 79 Molalla for many years before moving isatlon will also be elected at the opera bouffe vllllany In a roadhouse years and as he puts it himself. "Is to Springfield. meeting next week. reudexvoua for scrambled yeggs. as good in most ways as most men No market troubles bother this pro­ Helen Morgan and Charles Buggies much yonnger than him self. This he ducer. He had a stall at the Pro are co-feutured In the romantic leads, attributes to the fact that he is llv duced's Public Market for a while, but CIVIC CLUB PLANS TRIP ing outdoors so much of the time and he toon found out that he conld sell INTO FAR NORTH SOON Helen aa a bootlegger's sweetheart— n girl whose mun dune her wrong is engaged in an occupation which he all that he could grow by merely- enjoys. His son. Kem Prather, and inserting a small newspaper notice The sum of 935 was cleared by the and Charlie is the same type that his son-in-law, George Dollar. both stating that this or that crop Is now members of the Civic club wheh they made him famous on the talklug work with Mr. Prather on the 20- $2.98 M en’s Shoes $1.48 $4.98 Girls’ Shoes 89c $2.98 Ladies Shoes $1.98 ' $4.98 ■ "V IA BEARD’S PHONE 1996 School Days Ahead! Specially Selected Garments for College and High School Girl» If your school clothe* are from Beard’s, they're sure to be emart! And mod­ estly priced! SUNDAY SERMON TOPICS ANNOUNCED FOR WEEK j "The Rewards of Waiting" will be . the subject of the morning sermon at the Baptist church on Sunday and In the evening Rev. Mulholland will deliver a sermon on the subject, ‘ Sermon No One Could Preach.” A new innovation will be tried by the young people at their Sunday eve­ ning meeting. Instead of meeting from 6:30 to 7:30 as they have been doing they are going to try holding a shorter and better program from 7:00 to 7:30. At the Methodist church Rev. Pike will preach on the subject, "Quality or Creed” at the morning service. In the evening he will deliver another of a series of sermons on Christian Creed. 856 Willamette 150 Dresses Coats grouped for special selling— including travel prints, crepes, woolens, In big a sso rtm e n t of style«. $10.95 Dress Coats Lovely new styles, fur trim m ed $19.75 >° $69.50 Sportwear Mixtures $16.75 to 529.50 Formals A new selection of beautiful evening tracks In lovely pastel shades— and black. 519.75