a t i ? T H U R S D A Y , 8K P T H M B K K 11. 1930. u ro THE SPRiNOFIELD NEWS Move to Eugene— Mr. and Mrs. J, P. Porter moved their residence to Eugene last week. LOCAL V/OMEN ATTEND PRIVATE IN NATIONAL EUG l NE STAR MEETING ~ GUARD IS TRANSFERRED them were young ones and the other six matured. They were fotod In a rocky hillside. A group of local women, members Private, first class, Donald M. Pal Transacts Business at- Portland— The rattlesnake to not a frequent Jack («arson spent the first part of of the Cascade chapter of the Eastern mer, has been transferred from the visitor In this vicinity, very few hav­ the week In Portland looking after Htar, attended the meeting of the ( local unit of the national guard to ing been seen until this year when bulness affairs. Evangeline chapter at Eugene on Fri- the reserves at hla own request, ao- they have been found around Spring , . □ _ , . . . .. . . t This was the first meet- cording to Lieutenant C. A. 8 warts, field and at the top of Baldy. They m w u * Oh° ° Jer“,h * Ing of the fall season for the Evan .commander. Mr. Palmer asked to have been found In the Spencer Butte c e ope has gone to Eastern Ore ge|ine chapter and the women had be transferred aa hie duties are such region for many years. g ore she will teach »l Hor« in„ited vleltore from various charters that It to Impossible for him to attend ur ng e com ng sc oo year. in Lane county for the evening. drill periods. No successor has been Monday after having spent several PROHIBITION COSTS ARE Riddle Reeldent H ere —-U. K. Aiken named yet to fill the vacancy In days visiting with her daughter at Leaves for Canada— Dwight Kessey of Kiddle wae a vlellor lu Hprlngheid Mrs. Carrie Jackson of B aker,, HIGH IN TH IS DISTRICT Hants Clara. and his mothor, Mrs. Mary Kessey,1 worthy grand matron of the order In the unit. ou Friday. left Hprlngfleld Haturday for Calgary, Oregon, was present at the meeting, j The local unit haa had a very good The cost of federal prohibition en Returns to School—L. E. Dank« •hope Saturday Mre. W. >1. l,arl Canada, where they will visit for a summer, says Mr. Hwarts. The men forcement as made public In a sum­ took bis daughter, June to Mt. Angel The Hprlngfleld people attending have been meeting regularly all sum­ short while. mer of Fall Creek wee a abopper In mary by the prohibition bureau last Halurday afternoon. Miss Banks will were Mr. and Mrs. C. A. bwar's, Mrs. Hprlngtleld on Haturday. mer and only a few of them have Friday shows that the district Includ­ attend school there uguln during the Vlelt Here—Mr. and Mr«. Peters- W. C. Wrlgbt, worthy matron of the ! been working out of town and have ing Oregon, Wakhlngton, Idaho. Mon­ Comee from Creewell Kay Moore next year. Her school began Monday, dorf and children, Bblrley and Allen, Cascade chapter. Miss Edna Platt, and been unable to attend drill periods. tana and Alaska, has the highest per of Wendllng, were guest« over the Misses Margaret and Anne Oorrte. of Creewell transacted bualn«ea In thl« capita cost of enforcement of any of on Halurdey forenoon. Move« to Roseburg Horner Wright week-end of Mr. and Mrs. John Mc­ the twelve districts In the United RATTLERS ARE FOUND ON moved some of hla personal belong­ Kay. REBEKAH DEGREE STAFF . .Vlelt» Friend»- Mr«. J. b. bheaeley States. It to 11 cents for each Her­ FARM NEAR CRESWELL ings to Roseburg Bunday. The Wright of Lowell was a Halurday visitor at Injures Finger -Oeorge Haunders eon living In the district TO HAVE MEETING FRIDAY family will make their home there suffered a badly smashed finger Iasi the home of friends in Hprlu